The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit starts today! There are 32 amazing experts teaching you how to potentially prevent, slow down and even reverse Alzheimer’s and dementia–despite what you’ve been told by conventional medicine! Learn with us today online for free… it’ll be good for all of us!
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Commentary and Thoughts:
Since this one hits home, so to speak, will more than likely have a little commentary. Will be right after each speaker list. Stay tuned... PEF transcripts are already available
Russell Blaylock, MD
Alzheimer’s Disease: Shocking Truth About Amyloid Plaque
What You'll Learn -
Find out what’s wrong with the “amyloid plaque theory”
Biggest problem behind current Alzheimer’s research
Discover the greatest threats to brain function?
Transcript: Russell Blaylock, MD (PDF)
Amyloid plaque:
Fibrous amyloid, soluable amyloid, and oligomers of the soluable form (which are toxic to the brain).
For amyloid plaque I take Serrapeptase (Arthur Andrew Medical Serretia). It's 250,000 IU and I empty out into gelatin capsules because existing caps are Cellulose veg caps.
#1 contributor is aging in general. Think of what all ages us and avoid. Preventative is best, and detoxification if exposed to various toxins, chemicals and heavy metals.
Inflammation of the brain, so must keep inflammation at bay, including systemic inflammation as well.
Serrapeptase also decreases systemic inflammation.
Discusses mercury in the mercury silver fillings...
Mercury is high on the list as a trigger for this brain inflammation. Aluminum is another.
Russel did mention it also coming from vaccines too. Well FINALLY! Someone on these summits mentions the vaccines as being a DEFINITE problem. I knew I was going to enjoy this particular talk.
The word "Microglia" mentioned again in this talk.
Other contributing factors: Mercury, Aluminum, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, even various tyeps of trauma, repetitive head trauma, stress and psychological trauma. And then infectious diseases, herpes simplex, H. pylor. He mentions that half the population is infected with H. pylori, and Chlamydia is very common.
B6 for pylori issues.
B-6 :
Bulk Supplements (Website): Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) Powder
Other Ingredients: None
Powder City:
Ingredients: Pyridoxine HCL Powder
So basically, there is a cluster-fuck of things going on which act on the brain, so thus this ongoing inflammation that continues throughout the lifetime. It ALL contributes.
![]() |
Excitotoxicity: Excitotoxicity is the pathological process by which nerve cells are damaged or killed by excessive stimulation by neurotransmitters such as glutamate and similar substances. |
Excitotoxins like MSGs are to be avoided, as well as aspartame, etc...
First thing seen is a decline in the ability of these particular cells to produce energy, mitochondrial defect.
And his suggestions to produce more energy and new mitochrondia are:
* creatine pyruvate
* niacinamide
* riboflavin 5 phosphate
* pyridoxal 5 phosphate
* thiamine
* pentamine
* Vitamin K (there are K1 and K2 of vit. K, and he never specified which one)
* R-lipoic acid
* Acetyl-L Carnitine
* And curcumin
I read many years ago about Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl-L-Carnitine as a combo will help in the production of new mitochrondia, so that one I already knew.
Where can most of these be found? BulkSupplements and then get the gelatin caps.
BulkSupplements Home
Curcumin, DHA, quercetin, baicalein reduce the microglial activation, and also has been shown to reduce the amyloid deposits.
Ornithine is the inaudible one mentioned. The PDF transcript said "inaudible", when listing some of the things the first time. Ornithine is a non proteinogenic amino acid that plays a role in the urea cycle. Ornithine is abnormally accumulated in the body in ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. The radical is ornithyl. Wikipedia Formula: C5H12N2O2
Curcumin is a good aluminum chelator. You can grow your own tumeric roots as well as ginger roots.
Avoid bad fat and bad processed sugars.
CLA-conjugated linoleic acid is the kind of good fat to reduce the brain inflammation.
Alot of vegetables in the diet contain flavonoids, which are powerful inhibitors of inflammation.
A snippet from an earlier Al Sears, MD newsletter, which also arrived today. No such as coincidences, you know...
If you want to live a longer, better, healthier life... if you want to increase your "health span" so you can live life to its fullest... you need to do two things:
1. Protect your telomeres. Telomeres guard your DNA, keeping your cells dividing properly. If you had an unlimited supply of telomeres, your cells could live forever.
2. Protect your mitochondria. Mitochondria keep your cells powered up and clean. Keep your mitochondria running efficiently and you'll have all the energy you need... for as long as you need it!
The Two Halves of Aging Revealed
You're probably already familiar with the importance of supporting your telomeres.
My patients who follow my telomere protocol have lungs that are "biologically younger" and stronger... their minds are sharp... their immune systems are strong... and they feel strong and vibrant again!
But telomere support just isn't enough. There's another "half" to the anti-aging equation, and I had to solve it if I wanted to offer my patients a complete anti-aging protocol.
You see, your telomeres aren't the only thing directly linked to the aging process.
Your body is filled with millions of tiny organelles that not only provide your body with energy, they control the health of your tissues, your muscles, your organs and your skin.
I'm talking about your mitochondria. The little cellular power plants that keep you energized while filtering the cellular "sludge" that leaves your cells bloated and ineffective.
As you get older, your mitochondria become less efficient.
And all the telomere support in the world can't help them. Because they don't have telomeres! They have their own form of DNA, which means you need a different way to protect and nourish them.
Things to help with teleomeres: (TA-65, RENEUVE™ and RENEUVE™ Phase-5 and Daily and Telezyme - empty into gelatin capsules to avoid cellulose )
Joe Fox had an Telemerase enzyme formula in yogurt, which wasn't a precursor, but the actual enzyme.
As far as I know, this was never made available to the public, because he was arrested on a supposedly unrelated charge. As if ! TPTB never wanted that formula out.
What I learned from this talk: Quite a bit actually. I knew most of it, but there are other things I still learned. And I LOVE the fact that he admits vaccines and mercury fillings being the culprit as the real underlying problem among other things. And I also LOVED that he gave actual solutions, the list of supplement compounds needed to prevent and reverse. I'm pretty sure that this talk will be my favorite.
Niki Gratrix
Dementia Warning: Uncovering the Threat of Emotional Stress
What You'll Learn -
How early life traumas negatively affect brain function
5 steps to resolve emotional trauma naturally
Powerful message for anyone concerned about dementia
Transcript: Niki Gratrix (PDF)
Mike Adams
Toxic Food: Uncovering the Suppressed Truth
What You'll Learn -
Foods that must be avoided to prevent dementia
Major alert about commonly used nutritional supplements
Best nutrients to decrease the risk of dementia
Transcript: Mike Adams (PDF)
Nadine Artemis
Protecting the Brain: Why You Should Care About Oral Health
What You'll Learn -
How poor oral health is directly linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Why you should be very concerned about “silver” fillings
3-step process to improve oral health and protect the brain
Transcript: Nadine Artemis (PDF)
PDF Transcripts are up. Enjoy.