Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Mix – Club-mixes-vol-3 in 528

Hmnmmmm.... dunno though, because it gets loud right in the middle. It didn't sound that way in the mixer. Maybe I should have just exported to a wav file and let dBPower Amp convert it to the .mp3 format. But the mixing software also exports to finished file. So I'm rethinking this. It's the middle song called LOVE SO HIGH by Stompin' System.

I'll tweak with the volume some more and make a new file directly..

The mixing was fine, just the volume not even'ing out as it should.

EDIT: Here's the re-uploaded file on my site, with the volume more level sounding... Digital Angel Donna DJ - Club Mixes Vol. 3 [Right Click, Save As]

I'll replace the SoundCloud one, once I figure out how.

Here's the artwork...

In the meantime....