Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Truth About Cancer [TTAC]: Episode 6 - The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic

Watch Episode 6 of A Global Quest - Now Playing!

Episode 6 is live! It’s called "The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic".

Watch Episode 6 here for free >>

We bet no one’s ever mentioned the psychological effect that a cancer diagnosis has on your brain.

It’s called “Nocebo” -- sometimes referred to as “placebo's evil twin” or “the other side of placebo.”

It’s the negative effect that occurs after receiving treatment, even when the treatment is inert or inactive, or a sham. And it can destroy your belief systems about healing if you let it...


But there’s even more coming tonight:

  •     Learn the correct and proper sequence to detox your body properly
  •     Visit a Cancer Clinic in Cologne, Germany, and learn about their innovative therapies, including Dendritic Cell Vaccines
  •     Meet two ladies who were supposedly “terminal” and are healthy and thriving today due to these “healthy vaccines”
  •     Learn about the medicinal mushrooms that fight cancer and can increase your body's natural killer cell activity by up to 400%
  •     Discover how “nature’s medicine” (herbs, foods, supplements) can help people undergoing chemo and radiation by making them less toxic and more targeted

Remember, you only have 24 hours to watch before we move on to the next episode.

Watch Episode 6 NOW >>


The Truth About Cancer (TTAC) Amazing Lineup:

Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly

Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils

Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow

Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature’s Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions

Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic

Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory


The Truth About Cancer Affiliate Program... 

"Quite possibly the most important and most profitable promotion you'll do all year" - Ty Bollinger.



The Daily Messenger: Witches To Hex Kavanaugh

The Daily Messenger: Witches To Hex Kavanaugh

This is how you deal with these devils and recall Ephesians. I could give you dozens of examples of the effect of this heartfelt prayer in public, against gang stalking satanists. YOU ARE DOING THEM A FAVOR, as it isn't against the person, but the demonic presence with them. This is good and holy work.

This is for all of our Father's elect, put on the whole armor of Yahua, the Torah.
As per Matthew 24, that which I bind on Earth, will be bound in Heaven. 
Yahua bene Elohim...I ask and pray on the name and blood of Yeshua that all enemies of you, Yeshua, and ourselves, your sons of Yahua, be protected from all attacks, both human and demonic. That you send them to the dry places, cut the cords between them and the dark principalities in High places, and banish them to Sheol. Return to all those who cast spells, serve darkness, practice deception, and otherwise engage in all manner of wickedness against us here this day and all days.  return to them 100 fold and manner of making, curses, spells, and craft sent against us. I ask this on the name and blood of Yeshua, which as commanded whence so asked, will be honored. Thank you in abundance for your protection and blessings. Amen.

I ask and pray in the name of Yeshua, our King and on whose blood we are redeemed and made children of Yahuah, that all magic, making, spells, hexes, and sacrifices AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP, be turned back against all witches and covens. Assign your Holy Angels to Protect him from the satanic pedophiles and satanists in our government and across our land. Amen.

 Casting out demons
This is how you deal with these devils and recall Ephesians. I could give you dozens of examples of the effect of this heartfelt prayer in public, against gang stalking satanists. YOU ARE DOING THEM A FAVOR, as it isn't against the person, but the demonic presence with them. This is good and holy work.

This is for all of our Father's elect, put on the whole armor of Yahua, the Torah.
As per Matthew 24, that which I bind on Earth, will be bound in Heaven.
Yahua bene Elohim...I ask and pray on the name and blood of Yeshua that all enemies of you, Yeshua, and ourselves, your sons of Yahua, be protected from all attacks, both human and demonic. That you send them to the dry places, cut the cords between them and the dark principalities in High places, and banish them to Sheol. Return to all those who cast spells, serve darkness, practice deception, and otherwise engage in all manner of wickedness against us here this day and all days.  return to them 100 fold and manner of making, curses, spells, and craft sent against us. I ask this on the name and blood of Yeshua, which as commanded whence so asked, will be honored. Thank you in abundance for your protection and blessings. Amen.

I ask and pray in the name of Yeshua, our King and on whose blood we are redeemed and made children of Yahuah, that all magic, making, spells, hexes, and sacrifices AGAINST MYSELF AND FAMILY, be turned back against all witches and covens. 


The Daily Messenger: Trump and Brunson praying together in Oval Office

The Daily Messenger: Trump and Brunson praying together in Oval Office

Our Father, Who are in Heaven...

