Monday, February 3, 2020

Get Some Lysol!

Regular Lysol for them pesky false flag pandemic germs...
And the real one too, as pointed out here on the Daily Messenger.  Ahem!  Plus many more things we all need to do.


Whoopsie!  They weren't counting on this.

According to the Lysol label, it kills Corona virus...


Fatty Liver Docu-Class Starts Soon

The Fatty Liver Docu-Class starts very soon and I want you to get registered right away.

Why is this so important?

Because over 100 Million people have Fatty Liver Disease...

120 million people have Metabolic Syndrome...

30 Million have Chronic Kidney Disease...

And these numbers are going WAY UP every single year!

Check out this frightening infographic about this deadly trifecta...

Thankfully there are things you can do to sidestep some of this misery.

Find out everything you need to know to protect yourself (and those you love) in the Fatty Liver Docu-Class...

By attending this 100% free, online event you will:

Understand the health complications of a fatty liver … that will forever change the way you view your lifestyle

Get a detailed list of toxins that damage your liver … and trigger a wide variety of health problems

Learn about the best natural therapies to regenerate your liver … featuring the latest medical breakthroughs

Discover the link between liver disorders and autoimmune conditions … and how you can fix these problems naturally

Understand why "the usual" liver enzyme tests are not enough … and, what you need to know BEFORE you experience a health crisis

Learn why having 2 (or more kids) places an extra burden on the liver … what mothers everywhere need to know

Watch trailer >>

As far as I know, no one has ever put together an event like this one — which is why I agreed to be a part of it!

Be sure to catch it!

PS I bet you're wondering about the other 2 parts of the deadly trifecta — metabolic syndrome and kidney disease. On Day 8, you'll learn all about Kidney Health and Day 9 is focused on Metabolic Syndrome. Really, everyone needs to see this. So be sure to save your spot ASAP!


Our Spiritual World: Portal Guardians

Our Spiritual World: Portal Guardians: Portal Guardians Part 5 of 5, Geographic sites with demonic names by Don Bradley August 2018 Having been to most of the...


I am reposting this, because our local friends I mentioned a couple of posts back, have done this too.  And yes, I sent this post to them to read too.  :)

Blogger is Defunct.

Unable to imput labels, keywords to the right of the screen, because it freezes the whole post up. So if the keywords are missing, that is why.

Is EVERYTHING on the internet broken?

Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Targeted Individuals Part 1

To all brothers and sisters in Christ. Be aware that in these very dark times that many of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ ARE currently being targeted (TI's). AVOID at ALL costs giving your DNA to companies such as 23andMe, etc... Check out Daniel Duvall's book Advanced Prayers That Shake Heaven and Earth from Bride Ministries. - Many of the Bride of Christ are currently being targeted RIGHT NOW. & have been for many years now. We are to Love One Another and Do Good. We are to stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters who are all going thought this electronic harassment.

Regarding prayers, there are only about 6 people that I would allow and trust to lay hands on me to pray over me.  We have a local husband and wife team, whom we both trust here.  The rest of the folks are too far away.  So it's my husband and also this local husband and wife team. 

Also look up LookOutFACharlie on youtube regarding the Ringing in the ears, etc...

And Michael Chapala can eliminate those tough implants that are being used as receivers in the body.  He has a video out about helping a guy who was the worst TI he's ever seen.  It takes the Giant Coil treatment for the TI's.


An encouraging graphic that one of my sisters posted.

We Are Loved!

Thank you Dad for the heart and the rose...  Letting me know that I am loved.  Letting us both know that we are loved here.

Praise music playing...
I love Yeshua. Yeshua loves me...  We love Yeshua, and Yeshua loves us...
Praying with hubs... Oh look!  A heart in the folded cover quit on the floor bed.

And, sniff sniff, I smell cologne.  Neither of us were wearing any.  Asked hubby, did he smell it.  He said no.

So during yesterday's meeting, the hubby unit of our Holy Spirit filled friends here said The Rose of Sharon, when I mentioned it to them at yesterday's Bible study.

Okay, so the camera sucks.  Sorry.  Here is a photo effect to show the heart better in the wadded up quit.  Showed up much clearer in real life.

Love message! Showing me love in the way only I understand.
Hearts are the way to get my attention, and Dad knows it.  :)

This goes to show us all that we are all loved, even though most of the Bride of Yeshua is being stalked, harassed, etc... as of lately, I've found out.  End times battle indeed.  And ALL of us of the Bride of Christ most definitely need to stay prayed up, and lift each other up in prayer, because the enemy is out there.  Remember that we ARE loved.
