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Peggy Lee
September 8, 2014
My sister took this pic today....your thoughts?
Friday, April 10, 2015
Can organic sulfur help overcome brain fog and early dementia?

Brain fog is a subjective term used to describe common situations where we become very forgetful or confused or lose focus of what we are doing. Many refer to brain fog as a ‘senior moment.’ A reader asks whether organic sulfur can help overcome brain fog or signs of early dementia.
What can cause ‘brain fog’ and early dementia?
• Chronic liver disease triggered by toxins in the bloodstream and lowered energy levels (source: Liver Support Health News).
• Iodine deficiency (source: Ancient Purity).
• Hyperthyroidism caused by an excess of the thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH due to consumption of food preservatives, fast foods, MSG, diet drinks, and microwaved foods (source: Elevation Time).
• Aspartame, which destroys the brain, optic nerve, immune system, and central nervous system that can result in obesity, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, retinopathy and neuropathy, convulsions and insulin reactions, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, IQ depreciation and dozens of other afflictions (source: Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.).
• Heavy metals in vaccines (source: Patrick McGean, Cellular Matrix Study director).
Would taking organic sulfur address any of these factors?
Sulfur performs two vital functions. It transports oxygen across the cell membranes, enabling cells to regenerate and repair themselves in a healthy manner. Acting like sticky flypaper, sulfur also neutralizes toxins by enabling the body to “grab” these compounds and turn them into their sulfate form which the liver can then safely eliminate in bowel movements. The one element that sulfur cannot convert or neutralize is iodine.
Autism and Alzheimer’s have identical “parental sources” in the form of heavy metal toxins that have penetrated the blood brain barrier that manifest as health maladies on opposite ends of the age spectrum. Children and adults who have been poisoned by substances such as aspartame, aluminum, or mercury can repair the damage to their bodies if sulfur is returned to their diet. Even the formaldehyde that results from aspartame metabolism can be mitigated by taking organic sulfur. Biology trumps chemistry.
In his scientific research conducted in the 1920s and 1930s, Dr. Otto Warburg (who won two Nobel prizes during his lifetime) demonstrated that cells that are deprived of at least 35% percent of their normal oxygen content are susceptible to becoming cancerous. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment.
Along those lines, it is the oxygen in the water we drink that sulfur transports to our cells, and this fact is stressed under the organic sulfur regimen. Staying properly hydrated each day is essential for oxygenating our cells and feeling healthy and energized. In his groundbreaking book, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty,” Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj recommended that every adult should drink at least 64 ounces of water, or eight 8-ounce glasses every day.
Common Causes of Brain Fog
Nutrex Hawaii
The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health | Liver Support Health News
A combination of toxins in the bloodstream and lowered energy levels make brain fog a likely consequence of chronic liver disease. Thankfully, there is hope for those affected. For the majority of folks, strategies to stay properly hydrated, minimize toxin exposure and provide the brain with sufficient energy are crucial to having a clear head. In addition, those with liver concerns can benefit from supporting the liver’s ability to detoxify and produce energy.
Ancient Purity
An iodine deficiency may well result in poor mental function, low IQ and, in the worst cases, mental retardation and cretinism. Brain fog and fuzzy thinking, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, cancer, fatigue, ADHD and spontaneous abortion are other related disorders which come about as a result of iodine deficiency. Iodine concentrates in the area of the brain associated with Parkinson’s disease.
Elevation Time
Dorway | Get the Truth About Aspartame: The Whole Truth
Mission Possible International
Book reviews of “While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills”
Also... What people fail to realize and discuss are all these vaccine damaged children and seniors. Alzheimer's is autism, being lost in your own mind which is also vaccine damage from those damn flu shots, and other vaccines. So THAT is WHY people are suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's and autism, ADD/ADHD, etc...
Organic sulfur a crystal food has demonstrated the return of both young and old, the young need mom to add sulfur as well, but seniors just need the sulfur.
We are dealing with human biology and its ability to rid itself of the toxins of man.
Everything save for iodine sulfates harmlessly from the body human, now we have to bankrupt those who would poison us. Stay away from processed foods. If it has a label, it's processed and never guaranteed safe. Eat organic foods only. And if you really want to get rid of the problems, then supplement, get on the organic sulfur. Not only will the brain begin to function better, the moods will be better, the skin will start to show signs of health, etc...
The organic sulfur you can get here...
Cellular Matrix Study
Get your head and body into alignment with any or all of these....
Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC)
Get a bite bock such as a Starecta rectifier or one from TMJStack.com
Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) by Dr Dean Howell or the ABC EndoNasal Cranial Correction (ECC™)
Neurologic Relief Centers Technique aka Paul Whitcomb protocol
Quantum Neurology® Rehabilitation
Note: These therapies are costly, so it's understandable. I don't get to do them all as often as I would like either. Most folks do what they can considering location, cost and preferences, etc...
Detox those heavy metals and chemicals with the Magnetic Clay Baths. Your girl here and others have done it successfully.
Clean that blood, liver, colon, kidneys and do parasite and candida cleanses. The organic sulfur does help with the candida too.
The information and all these things are out there to help these folks. Others and I have blogged over and over again with the info, but it is up to the individual if they want to help themselves or not.
Patrick McGean and Dr. Richard L. Stump co-host the Sulfur Radio Hour And One heard over the American Voice Radio Network on Thursdays 6-8pm PT.
Cellular Matrix Study
Brain fog is a subjective term used to describe common situations where we become very forgetful or confused or lose focus of what we are doing. Many refer to brain fog as a ‘senior moment.’ A reader asks whether organic sulfur can help overcome brain fog or signs of early dementia.
What can cause ‘brain fog’ and early dementia?
• Chronic liver disease triggered by toxins in the bloodstream and lowered energy levels (source: Liver Support Health News).
• Iodine deficiency (source: Ancient Purity).
• Hyperthyroidism caused by an excess of the thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH due to consumption of food preservatives, fast foods, MSG, diet drinks, and microwaved foods (source: Elevation Time).
• Aspartame, which destroys the brain, optic nerve, immune system, and central nervous system that can result in obesity, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, retinopathy and neuropathy, convulsions and insulin reactions, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, IQ depreciation and dozens of other afflictions (source: Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.).
• Heavy metals in vaccines (source: Patrick McGean, Cellular Matrix Study director).
Would taking organic sulfur address any of these factors?
Sulfur performs two vital functions. It transports oxygen across the cell membranes, enabling cells to regenerate and repair themselves in a healthy manner. Acting like sticky flypaper, sulfur also neutralizes toxins by enabling the body to “grab” these compounds and turn them into their sulfate form which the liver can then safely eliminate in bowel movements. The one element that sulfur cannot convert or neutralize is iodine.
Autism and Alzheimer’s have identical “parental sources” in the form of heavy metal toxins that have penetrated the blood brain barrier that manifest as health maladies on opposite ends of the age spectrum. Children and adults who have been poisoned by substances such as aspartame, aluminum, or mercury can repair the damage to their bodies if sulfur is returned to their diet. Even the formaldehyde that results from aspartame metabolism can be mitigated by taking organic sulfur. Biology trumps chemistry.
In his scientific research conducted in the 1920s and 1930s, Dr. Otto Warburg (who won two Nobel prizes during his lifetime) demonstrated that cells that are deprived of at least 35% percent of their normal oxygen content are susceptible to becoming cancerous. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment.
Along those lines, it is the oxygen in the water we drink that sulfur transports to our cells, and this fact is stressed under the organic sulfur regimen. Staying properly hydrated each day is essential for oxygenating our cells and feeling healthy and energized. In his groundbreaking book, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty,” Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj recommended that every adult should drink at least 64 ounces of water, or eight 8-ounce glasses every day.
Common Causes of Brain Fog
Nutrex Hawaii
The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health | Liver Support Health News
A combination of toxins in the bloodstream and lowered energy levels make brain fog a likely consequence of chronic liver disease. Thankfully, there is hope for those affected. For the majority of folks, strategies to stay properly hydrated, minimize toxin exposure and provide the brain with sufficient energy are crucial to having a clear head. In addition, those with liver concerns can benefit from supporting the liver’s ability to detoxify and produce energy.
Ancient Purity
An iodine deficiency may well result in poor mental function, low IQ and, in the worst cases, mental retardation and cretinism. Brain fog and fuzzy thinking, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, cancer, fatigue, ADHD and spontaneous abortion are other related disorders which come about as a result of iodine deficiency. Iodine concentrates in the area of the brain associated with Parkinson’s disease.
Elevation Time
Dorway | Get the Truth About Aspartame: The Whole Truth
Mission Possible International
Book reviews of “While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills”
Also... What people fail to realize and discuss are all these vaccine damaged children and seniors. Alzheimer's is autism, being lost in your own mind which is also vaccine damage from those damn flu shots, and other vaccines. So THAT is WHY people are suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's and autism, ADD/ADHD, etc...
Organic sulfur a crystal food has demonstrated the return of both young and old, the young need mom to add sulfur as well, but seniors just need the sulfur.
We are dealing with human biology and its ability to rid itself of the toxins of man.
Everything save for iodine sulfates harmlessly from the body human, now we have to bankrupt those who would poison us. Stay away from processed foods. If it has a label, it's processed and never guaranteed safe. Eat organic foods only. And if you really want to get rid of the problems, then supplement, get on the organic sulfur. Not only will the brain begin to function better, the moods will be better, the skin will start to show signs of health, etc...
Cellular Matrix Study
Get your head and body into alignment with any or all of these....
Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC)
Get a bite bock such as a Starecta rectifier or one from TMJStack.com
Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) by Dr Dean Howell or the ABC EndoNasal Cranial Correction (ECC™)
Neurologic Relief Centers Technique aka Paul Whitcomb protocol
Quantum Neurology® Rehabilitation
Note: These therapies are costly, so it's understandable. I don't get to do them all as often as I would like either. Most folks do what they can considering location, cost and preferences, etc...
Detox those heavy metals and chemicals with the Magnetic Clay Baths. Your girl here and others have done it successfully.
Clean that blood, liver, colon, kidneys and do parasite and candida cleanses. The organic sulfur does help with the candida too.
The information and all these things are out there to help these folks. Others and I have blogged over and over again with the info, but it is up to the individual if they want to help themselves or not.
Patrick McGean and Dr. Richard L. Stump co-host the Sulfur Radio Hour And One heard over the American Voice Radio Network on Thursdays 6-8pm PT.
Cellular Matrix Study

Secret bunker video from CDC captures moments after MMR vaccine confession
Published on Aug 29, 2014
View this hilarious and insightful clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30q7BxVw7dw
Alternate link
View this hilarious and insightful clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30q7BxVw7dw
Alternate link
Erased by a Birth Certificate
In light of the recent events surrounding the CDC whistleblower.
Guest post by Bobby Dee
Guest post by Bobby Dee
you seen the headlines screaming about the CDC vaccine researcher
leaking documents that show the CDC knew in 2002 that the MMR vaccine
was causing autism 3.36 times more often in African American toddlers
who received it prior to the age of 3?
Yeah, me neither.
Welcome to the media black-out.
the event you need to be brought up to speed on the fraud perpetrated
by the CDC on the American people for the past decade, start
and here.
Here’s the speedy version:
Dr. Bill Thomspon co-authored the
CDC study of school children in Atlanta
that investigated whether the age at which children were vaccinated with the MMR correlated with an autism diagnosis.
The answer, for black children at least, was a resounding yes.
Thompson didn’t want to have to present that information to hostile autism parents and
asked for guidance
in what to do.
The answer– from another author on the paper–
was to make it go away.
How do you make black children in Atlanta disappear from a study?
Require their mothers to produce a Georgia birth certificate.
41% could not, were kicked out, and the impact of the MMR went right along with them.
Dr. Coleen Boyle then sang the praises of the MMR in front of a
congressional committee in April of 2002 and the Atlanta study has been
used countless times to prove that autism is not related to the MMR
Earlier in 2014 Dr. Brian Hooker analyzed the raw data obtained through a Freedom of Information request and published about the
3.36 factor of autism
(236%) increase, although the CDC has already forced the journal to take it down in the name of causing harm to the public.
Click that first link fast before PubMed takes it down too.
The CDC responded to the commotion caused
by the iReport on Monday, claiming that the Georgia birth certificate
allowed researchers to view important autism risk factors such as the
mother’ age, mother’s education level (because we all know college
educated mothers don’t have autistic children, right?), child’s
gestational age at birth (always an exact science), and weight when
Well, OK.
That’s understandable, right?
Underweight babies, premature babies, they’re more prone to become autistic.
Except, wait a minute.
The objective of the study was to compare ages of vaccination
with the MMR to autism diagnosis, not prematurity, birth weight, or
mom’s academic ambitions.
The rest of that information is not even relevant to the objective, so why were they asking for it?
Who were they going to eliminate?
The college educated mothers or the high school drop-outs?
just say for the sake of argument that knowing if mom only went to
undergrad or continued on to get a master’s degree was crucial
Therefore it was imperative that the mothers produce those birth
certificates because God forbid the researchers just asked mothers what
their education level was or how old they were when their child was
I can buy that.
So, this was all going on when?
And they were looking at children aged 3 to 5, is that fair to say?
So a birth certificate that would have been produced might have been for a child born in 1997?
Let’s a have look here at a 1997 valid Georgia birth certificate
and scan for the mother’s education level, baby’s birth weight, and
gestational age when born.
Did you find it?
Me neither.
You know why?
Birth certificates are
federally regulated
and none of that stuff is printed on them.
OK, fine!
Maybe the CDC misspoke and what they meant to say was, “We needed the
long form birth certificate application
that contains the autism risk factor information we were looking for.”
Except parents don’t get to keep those applications.
Try again?
Maybe they were saying, “We needed the birth certificates in
order to access the database where the information contained on the long
form application for a birth certificate is stored.”
Oh, I get it now.
So, not the actual birth certificate because everyone knows those
don’t contain that information, and not the birth certificate
application because those are sent directly to a state’s vital records
office, but it’s the database that we’re talking about.
I understand.
Wait, is it this database?
The National Vital Statistics System?
That’s where the critical autism factor information is that the CDC needed to access?
Because– call me crazy–
but the CDC owns that system and I’m pretty sure they don’t need no stinking birth certificate to access it.
this all boil down to the CDC deciding, after generating extremely
negative results about the MMR with regard to the African American
community, that they needed the birth certificates to positively ID the
children who were already included in their study so that they could
then access a database that they already own?
Because that just sounds crazy.
as crazy as introducing a birth certificate requirement to a study
after it’s already finished and knocking out 41% of the participants,
but not quite.
What can you do about it?
Contact your
US Representative
and Senator
and tell them you want an investigation into the CDC.
From: http://gianelloni.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/erased-by-a-birth-certificate/
The blog is marked private, so I grabbed the article and text from another archived post.
[Vaccination-Liberation] How in the F*** did you LOSE California?
Looks to me like they are still trying to win the 'choice'
argument. That strategy wasn't designed to win. It was always meant to
be the controlled opposition.
On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 9:49 AM, 'tim bolen' jurimed2@earthlink.net [Vaccination-Liberation] Vaccination-Liberation@... wrote:
Unless strategies and tactics by the No on SB277 go through an immediate change in California SB277 is going to be the law.
Frankly, I don’tthink they will change. The people in California are locked into a losing strategy. So, be prepared for the loss.
Here is what I said:
Autism Leadership Council
I’ve been in California a VERY long time. I’ve watched California politics on health care. Here, the Health Freedom Movement thrives. Every one of our practitioners is protected. The State is wide open for excellent health care.
So, tell me How in the F*** did you lose SB277 in the Senate Health committee? Do people in the autism world not know where Sacramento is? It is the State capital. It’s right there where it has always been.
There, in Sacramento, there is this thing called the State Legislature.They author and vote on bills. SB277 was, and is, a bill that the State Legislature is looking at so the people you need to talk to are going to be in Sacramento. Look it up on a map.
This isn’t rocket science. It’s politics and politics isn’t being namby-pamby nice, and smiling softly to a staffer.
The “No on SB277” strategies and tactics I’ve been watching, from the sidelines, are seventy years old, out of the Jimmy Stewart “Mr Smith goes to Washington” movie. They didn’t work in real life then, and they certainly don’t work now.
Wake the fuck up people…
Having the members of the State legislature “like you” is NOT a factor. It plays NO PART in the argument. This is politics. There are books on this process you could read.
The California strategy team (snort here) was given information on how much money was given to each member of each committee by MERCK, just recently, that will review SB277 and decided to hide it and NOT make it an issue.
I’m beginning to think the California campaign is being run by “Health Choice.” Are Ken and Barbie about to show up in the Barbie Yacht on the Sacramento River hosting a yacht party for only $5,000 per attendee? Will there be photo opportunities with the bill’s authors?
There are TWO more committees, people. Put down the lolly-pops and get out the napalm…
You need to win.
Tim Bolen
Home Schoolers will also lose the exemptions...
![]() |
http://www.sb277.org/homeschool-affects.html |
There will be no religious exemption in California and as Dr. Sears stated, medical exemptions will not be easy to obtain without an obvious previous vaccine injury that has to be signed by a licensed MD. So trying to keep your unvaccinated child free from being injured, even though the parents may have suffered vaccine injuries, predisposing their children to vaccine injury, they will not be able to find a doctor who will give them a medical exemption for their child. If this passes, there will be floods of people leaving California, no doubt. We suggest that if you live in California, you forget the right to 'choose' angle and instead focus on liability and the 3 Merck/MMR whistleblowers -- sending well written emails and letters to all the people on the Education committee. It seems like not a one of them is familiar with the 10 facts that Al put together here http://www.pamv.info/
Most folks don't understand that the public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically Our Government is a Corporation. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies. I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their corporation. [See: Our Government is a Company, the Clearfield Doctrine and The Great American Adventure - Secrets of America by Judge Dale
With this level of ignorance in the Senate and other proponents of SB 277, we need to teach more people about using a Vaccination Notice -- since it raises these issues and forces the liability issue. Scroll down to STEP 2 The Vaccination Notice.
If this does pass, there will be a mass exodus into our state...we already have too many Californians moving here... Following are the four points that I sent to someone else -- points that the Senate H&W Committee members seemed to be completely unaware of.
1) THREE Merck (MMR) whistleblowers See http://ww.vaclib.org/news/CDCwhistleblower.htm
2) The lack of credible science justifying vaccines. There is quite a debate on the 'lack of' real science behind the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' recomendations for Vaccines for Children (VFC). David L. Lewis, PhD, worked for the EPA and CDC for over 30 years and details this problem in his book, Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits.
3) the MYTH of herd immunity. See http://ww.vaclib.org/links/herdimmunity.htm, and
4) the biggest issue of all -- the fact that ALL players in the vaccine scam are released of liability for the harm the vaccines are known to cause.
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