Our Spiritual World: These latter times...: For times and seasons These latter times... by Don Bradley 1 Timothy 4:1-3 1But The Spirit speaks plainly that in the last times they shall depart one by one from the faith and they shall go after deceiving spirits and after the teachings of demons,
2speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,
3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth....
Excellent! Thank you!
Was just talking about this with hubs the other day, about how back in the 80's I had tried to eat just veggies, fruit and bread and how awful I felt. I hung out with a vegetarian girl, and she thought I should try it. After a while, I thought NOPE. I LOVE my eggs and fish especially. And we love our chicken and chicken bone broth. Love our chicken livers too, but got turned off by that because the local health food store who ordered ours special the last batch had a sliver of glass in it, which thankfully, I caught as I chomped down on it, so was unharmed. Yeah, we gave them a piece of our minds, and they said bring it back for a refund. But it had totally turned me off because of that incident.
I have been guilt tripped about eating meat by various vegetarians and vegans throughout the years. The Book of Leviticus tells us what kinds of meats and fish we can have. No porks (ham or bacon, etc..), shrimps and none of that. Steak is an every now and then thing, as is an occasional bite or two of bread, since I can't handle grains that well. I like the Paleo and Keto type of diet. The Book of Leviticus is a great guideline on that too. We have a local fish market which sells freshwater fish, like rainbow trout, and freshwater salmon. Before the Fukushima incident, we were eating a lot of the Alaskan salmon. But switching to freshwater fish takes care of our Vitamin D from fish. We love that Norwegian cod liver oil too. We get the cod liver oil with lemon added and I like pouring that over the fish. Also pour a bit over the veggies we have when we're not having fish that day. Weston A. Price website talks about the cod liver oil/raw butter oil being good for the teeth, and we here need a lot of help with that.
Now we cannot eat raw meat, but love our veggies and fruits raw. At the beginning of meal preparation, any meats being prepared, both cats get a good piece of raw meat, whether it's fish, chicken or whatever meat is being prepared. They get the canned chicken or salmon. We've given them raw eggs, turkey bacon, etc... Since these two cats aren't as picky as Miracle was, they eat much better. We have long since stopped buying any dry cat food. There is some real meat cat food by Paul Newman brand at the health food store, but they get a variety. When Breezy first arrived, he seemed to have had some nerve damage to one of his legs, so he couldn't jump from the floor to the table at first, so I had to put a little file box on the floor, so he could jump up in steps. We have no idea if he was vaccine damaged by whoever owned him first, or if he was dumped out of a car causing injury. Having fended for himself for that while, he probably was used to wild hunting and catch, so it was easy to feed him a better diet. When Miracle was given to us in 2006, he was already addicted to dry cat food and hardly ate meat, but we did give him wet cat food. At the very end, he did start eating the canned chicken and salmon, because after watching the
Truth About Pet Cancer docu-series, they told how to wean picky animals off it, and it worked. Now Breezy can jump directly from the floor to the top of the cabinet in the hallway with no problem now. Our newer cat Oracle can do it too, after watching Breezy do it a few times. Breezy is sure to teach Oracle his bad habits. Hehe. When Oracle came to us on March 22nd, he seems a little picky at first with food, but he got over that quick. He wouldn't eat the raw meat at first, but ate the canned chicken and salmon. Having watched Breezy eat the raw meat, he will now eat it like nobody's business. Since he, too, was also neutered, we assumed that he was also probably vaccinated by whomever had him first. We have evil people here too, plus a huge eagle nested in a tree in front of our house, so both cats stay inside. Eagles can pick up prey as large as goats, and the evil people around here love to smash our mailbox, as posted in an earlier post years ago. And we do not trust people around here, save for what few friends we have here, which aren't many. But both these cats eat well and close to their native diet. They actually get along pretty well, being both boy cats. They love their raw meat scraps and they love to play and clean each other too.
Our food preferences are organic meats, free range, grass fed, no steroids, no antibiotics, no vaccines, etc... and fruits and veggies. No grains, but the occasional bread sticks when we do eat out. Our appetites have went way down, so we eat a good balanced meal once a day. A smoothie for a snack, and hubs likes to eat other snacks as nuts, or some organic potato chips. But I am assuming that the meats we do eat is why we still have muscle tone, as hubs is 73 now, and when he told the local chiropractor his age, our chiropractor was amazed at his muscle tone and made a nice comment about it. Most men that age are already feeble, but not him, I'm happy to say.
We have already talked about getting some fishing gear, and perhaps some bows and arrows when push comes to shove. My first and former husband loved fishing, and years ago I had gone fishing with him a few times.
He taught me how to clean and fillet fish with a sharp filet knife. A lot of women would get grossed out about it, but it never bothered me. It was messy, but I enjoyed catching and cleaning my own catch. One fishing day, I caught a shitload of crappie and bream, and a couple of bass. Smaller bass were released. He had fishing friends who would catch a huge batch of fish, and bring over a cooler or bucket full of them, I would clean them and have free good food. Back in those days, money was tighter for me, so I really appreciated it. So when push comes to shove, we can fish.
Also, we do supplements. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids (from bulk companies) and MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern), herbs and blends, and whatnot.
Regarding working out, we still have to check out the local YMCA, since it took over the local gym here. The prior gym was way too expensive. We may can get a scholarship, but in the meantime, we do minor workouts at home, like when I lift myself up after epsom salts bath soaking. I put my arms behind me a tad and lift my body weight up to the side of the tub and then stand up. When I fascia blast with the fascia blaster, my arms get a good cardio and muscle workout. Our legs and rear ends get a workout by going up and down the stairs everyday, and several times a day. I can do calf raises on the edge of the bottom steps. I can lie on my side and do arm raises for the deltoids, etc... We have a chi machine, a WBV (whole body vibration) machine, ankle weights and hand weights, the old 70's version of the Joe Weider 5 minute body shaper. The door knob deal. You can find those on
So we make do on the workout stuff, until we can get to the YMCA. Zumba is fun because it's dancing, but it's too high intensity and prolonged. I can do the minor workouts, but I'm never going to look like a Baywatch babe. But I am looking better slowly but surely. Keeping my structure stable is a priority, since it's always been an issue.
Addition: I went to Furhman's site and checked out one of his products. Yeah, want to deny us real food and sell us shit-laced products with
Hypromellose, silica,
cellulose, etc..
https://shop.drfuhrman.com/ultra-cell-biotect/ Other Ingredients Hypromellose, vegetable stearic acid, silica. |
Again, thank you Don for posting this article. Have to show this to hubs, since we had just recently talked about it.