Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Hmm

The Daily Messenger: Hmm: Government trolls are attacking the videos, etc. Saying, the leftist meme, It's just the flu bro. I see. Well. If it's just the flu, why are people welded into their apartments in China?...

1 lives, 10...not so much.
Face mask: https://amzn.to/32YS9ZI-

And what about in the summertime when all those pesky mosquitoes start biting infected people and carrying it to uninfected people?  All it takes is one to sneak into your home and that's it.

This is a HUGE mess.



The Daily Messenger: Most likely to get the plague list

The Daily Messenger: Most likely to get the plague list: Gosh, mister happy sunshine Dork Boy. This applies to US only. Hospitals Doctors offices and pharmacies coffee bars, Starbucks
bars and pizza houses
grocery stores, gas stations ...


this law was passed at midnight last night

And always in the wee hours of the night and ALWAYS behind our backs.

This whole thing, among other things happening to all of us also, seems like a total violation of our own free will.
