Today at Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit, Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia can be reversed! Find out how integrative medicine and natural remedies can improve your memory and overall brain function.
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Commentary and Thoughts:
Since this one hits home, so to speak, will more than likely have a little commentary after each speaker. As the granddaughter of two grandmothers who died from Alzheimer\'s complications, and now my own mother is suffering, I am extremely interested in anything that might help to prevent anyone else in our family from experiencing this physiological injustice.
Will be right after each speaker list. Stay tuned... PDF transcripts are available
Eric Zielinski, DC, MPH(c)
Best Essential Oils for Brain Health
What You'll Learn -
Biggest health issues related to brain disorders
How essential oils help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia
Best ways to use essential oils (plus, do-it-yourself recipes!)
Transcript: Eric Zielinski, DC, MPH(c) (PDF)
Bruce Fife, CN, ND
Coconut Oil Therapy: Fueling Brain Vitality
What You'll Learn -
Relationship between Alzheimer’s and blood sugar imbalances
Causes for your brain to become insulin resistant
Why ketones are considered “superfuel” for the brain
Transcript: Bruce Fife, CN, ND (PDF)
James Maskell
Integrative Medicine: Solutions for Poor Brain Health
What You'll Learn -
How a poor diet threatens the health of your brain
Value of detoxification for brain health
Developing a healthy brain with integrative medicine
Transcript: James Maskell (PDF)
Brain fog and brain disorders happening to people in their 30s and 40s. People are really struggling these days.
And why is that? Well.... let's see.... Toxins: They kill our brain cells.
Young folks are mind controlled and get their yearly flu shots, pneumonia shot, and whatever else poison their drug pushing doc suggests to them. So yeah! VACCINES! As Russel Blaylock mentioned in one of yesterday's talks.
Chemtrails! Aluminum and other chemicals being rained down upon us, causing an accumulation of heavy metals and chemicals in the brain, which causes the brain inflammation.
Detoxification is definitely a must!
Known detoxification methods and detoxifiers are:
* Organic Sulfur Crystals, sourced from the Cellular Matrix Study
* NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) I buy from BulkSupplements
* Vitamin C - also buy in bulk from BulkSupplements
* LL's Magnetic Clay Baths (Environmental Bath Kit - Amazon, Aluminum Detox Kit & Radiation Detox Kit).
Magnetic Clay Baths - Good Health
-- Clay Detox Bath - Clear Out
-- Clay Detox Bath - Natural
-- The main website -
* Full Body Cleansing: Colon Cleansing, Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing, Kidney Cleansing, Parasite Cleansing, Candida Cleansing and NOW Nannite Cleansing! (Anti-Nano Device by HerbsPlusBeadWorks-Tony Pantalleresco and/or Michael Chapalla's methods on )
How To Make the AntiNano Device - YouTube
Wheat and other GMO'd grains: Brain fog anyone? This gluten and gliadian protein causing the glidian effects. See:
Gliadin is a class of proteins present in wheat and several other cereals within the grass genus Triticum. Gliadins, which are a component of gluten, are essential for giving bread the ability to rise properly during baking. Gliadins and glutenins are the two main components of the gluten fraction of the wheat seed.
Structural: Atlas misalignment (pressing on brain stem causing irratation and inflammation). Meningeal compression causing a cascade of effects from the misfiring of signals from the autonomic nervous system, which is stuck in Sympathetic mode (fight or flight).
and... :
Published on 30 Dec 2014
Dr. Jay Sordean explains some symptoms and conditions found associated with meningeal compression and torquing. Maybe addressed with NRCT Neurologic Relief Center Technique
Those Statin drugs and these low cholesterol diets are detrimental to our health . The brain needs cholesterol to function.
See beloe video: The Truth on Alzheimers!!! | Cholesterol | Dr. Joel Wallach | Youngevity
Dr Wallach explains the correlation between cholesterol and Alzheimers.
FYI, most vegans will more than likely hate this video. But this summit, posts, commentary, videos, etc... is no debate about whether to eat meat or be a vegan/vegetarian. ALL of these are about eliminating and reversing Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Hormones: When our hormones are deficient, out of whack and imbalanced, then we will have that low energy and fatigue. Like low thyroid, adrenal fatigue and exhaustion. We have to feed our glands good food and supplements.
Unnecessary medications: Like Ritaliin for children, Zoloft, Prozac, and other psychotropic & fluorine drugs. And the statin drugs mentioned above. Mainstream doctors are the 3rd Leading Cause of Death.
Fluoride is also a big contributor to brain disorders and for dumbing the sheeple down.
Low energy folks are especially at risk. (Fix that Atlas with AtlasProfilax or AtlasEvolution and address the meninges with meningeal releases from Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) and decompression via Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT).
Functional Medicine for preventaive measures. Like chiropractic care, diet, behaviorial change. Health coaches are little by little showing up that is helping.
Being around other people. Having friendships. See:
Stress: Contributes to inflammation. Inflammation is the common denominator to most of these diseases, also mineral deficiencies.
Community Building is very important. Give someone a sense of purpose by community projects. How about going around and providing the berry bushes, fruit yielding trees and nut trees? Providing the entire community with real food will help with stress in the long run. For instance less money spent on food to go towards something else.
Even with our affiliate programs, we build relationships with other people, provide quality products, services, etc... That way we can stay home and BE WITH our families and loved ones. Some people are better at it than others, but it's real easy.
Provide something that people need, whether it's a product from affiliate programs, or a talent that you can share with your community group. Some folks would be good at making quality clothing, knitting scarves, hats, etc... Others may have a green thumb and be real good at gardening.
My own mother was always real good at sewing, embroidering, knitting/crocheting, quilting, etc... Those were her talents. I learned to sew and made some awesome outfits, tops, halters, dresses, etc.. I also learned embroidering and I still have a button up shirt from the 70s that she had embroidered on. If only I had an old Singer sewing machine. I still remember how.
Some are artists and can provide art, music, etc... The idea is to provide something that is needed and used, as opposed to unneeded junk from CORPORATE consumerism.
Others are good at health stuff, and can be chiropractors, body-workers, massage therapists, and things like that. We all need more people versed in Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC), Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR), Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT), etc.. How about a good massage or adjustment for a week's supply of food? Or how about that hair styling for that nice scarf and hat set you made? And so forth. Imagine a community where we all had the basics of what we needed and could barter for this and that? When I was a pre-teen and teen, I used to trade clothes with my friends. It was fun swapping out dresses, jeans, etc... I did it with my siblings too, but mostly we just borrowed from one another. Things like that. We are naturally built into wanting to barter and trade. No one taught us that, we just did it naturally. Imagine a whole community doing that!
Here is an example of someone wanting to start a alt cancer center with the extra empty houses. Dr. William Mount's I Have a Dream Video.
Staff could work and/or live in them. People helped and/or cured could go on and be part of the staff, or go elsewhere to be part of a staff, whatever their talents are and wherever they can be useful and needed.
I have the same kind of visionary brain (mind) like this guy has.
Dr. William Mount has a video and some posts called The Cure For Alzheimer's
Published on 28 Mar 2015
By using certain products I have seen Alzheimers begin reversing itself in 2 days, at least enough to talk to your parents. This is the only method I know of to regrow nerves through nutrition. It is horrible to see your parent go through this. It can be reversed. GOD can do anything. Immusist: 888-702-3315, Citricare 800-622-8446
Note: I take the Dr. Joel Wallach's Vitamin and Minerals Beyond Tangy Tangerine by Youngevity.
He mentioned EDTA on other vidoes too, and it's IMPORTANT to NOTE, that to take one EDTA capsule only ONCE A WEEK.
I made a resource page of the things he mentions on many of his videos.
David Jockers, DC, MS, CSCS
Advanced Nutritional Strategies to Improve Brain Function
What You'll Learn -
Find out what a sugary diet does to the brain
Research news revealed about how diet affects the brain
Best diet to reverse neurodegenerative diseases
Transcript: David Jockers, DC, MS, CSCS (PDF)
Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD
Brain Longevity: Power of Meditation
What You'll Learn -
How meditation can help people with dementia
Closer look at how modern living threatens brain health
How “spiritual fitness” can help prevent Alzheimer’s
Transcript: Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD (PDF)