Alzheimer’s disease can be cured! Discover a comprehensive, science-based approach to improving brain function and overall well-being involving nutrition and lifestyle interventions. Today, at The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit!
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Commentary and Thoughts:
Since this one hits home, so to speak, will more than likely have a little commentary after each speaker. As the granddaughter of two grandmothers who died from Alzheimer\'s complications, and now my own mother is suffering, I am extremely interested in anything that might help to prevent anyone else in our family from experiencing this physiological injustice.
Will be right after each speaker list. I may be slow and skip a few at first. Stay tuned... PDF transcripts are available. Keep in mind that only a few may have commentary to begin with, as I find the time to type all out, find links and other references, etc...
Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP
Body Ecology: A System of Healing for the Brain
What You'll Learn -
Donna details the “7 Universal Principles” for brain protection
Connection between the rise in autism and Alzheimer’s disease
Advice about which carbs, fats and proteins to eat (and avoid)
Transcript: Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP (PDF)
According to the intro speaker, Donna Gates is responsible for bringing Stevia to the US! Awesome! - In 1994, Donna introduced the natural sweetener stevia to the U.S., began teaching about fermented foods, and coined the phrase “inner ecosystem” to describe the network of microbes that maintains our basic physiological processes—from digestion to immunity.
Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, is the international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity.
List of Donna Gates' books on Amazon:
She advocates Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free and Dairy-Free diet.
Virgin Coconut Oil is the best and safest saturated fat. It's usually available at the local health food store. If unavailable, then it can be easily bought online. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil from GoodHealth.
When doing a detox and cleanse, do a gentle cleanse as opposed to a harsh cleanse.
Undigested proteins turn into ammonia in the body.
Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS
Dementia Solutions: Overlooked Therapies Revealed
What You'll Learn -
Learn why certain foods destroy brain function
Dr. Datis details his top tips for protecting the brain
Overlooked signs of dementia (years before diagnosis!)
Transcript: Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS (PDF)
Thomas J. Lewis, PhD
End of Alzheimer's: The Unspoken Truth
What You'll Learn -
Why conventional medicine fails to offer a cure for Alzheimer’s
How to detect Alzheimer’s years before symptoms appear
Most important nutrients needed to prevent Alzheimer’s
Transcript: Thomas J. Lewis, PhD (PDF)
Dale E. Bredesen, MD
Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease: A Comprehensive Approach
What You'll Learn -
Detailed look at the many forms of Alzheimer’s disease
New discoveries about the APOE4 gene (and solutions!)
Dr. Bredesen’s comprehensive approach to reversing Alzheimer’s
Transcript: Dale E. Bredesen, MD (PDF)