4 hrs
My doctor refused to send my sons referral to the burn center (for third degree burns) unless I agreed to the tetanus shot that he wasn't even due for. (Was fully vaxxed before 12 months. He's 15 months old) Said she didn't mind giving it 3 months early (said he'd be due for it at 18 months) because without it his burn was prone to infection. I said no thank you. Then she got ill and insisted that he go ahead and get his 12 month immunizations today. I said he wasn't feeling well and I'd make a separate appointment for that (a lie, but still) Then she said "I can't send him to this center unless you do his 12 month immunizations today and come back Friday for his 18 month immunizations. Then I can call them and get you in." (Like I said my son is ONLY 15 months!) I said "no thank you." She told the nurse to go grab a refusal form. The nurse brings it back and asks me to sign it. Again I said, no thank you. They both look at me like I'm growing another head and stand in front of the door saying she was NOT letting us leave until I signed the form. I said I wasn't signing it and I put my diaper bag on my back and walked around them, and left. She made comments on my "poor baby's arm will get infected now" and how "suspicious" it was that he fell onto a fire pit but his hand wasn't burned, just his arm, said she was not sending the prescription over to the pharmacy nor was she sending his referral to the burn center. I told her that was perfectly fine and that I would file a complaint and get his referral from someone else. Drove 10 mins to the ER (who had seen him for his burn Saturday) and they send his referral right over without seeing him again and told me I did the right thing. Then I marched my happy butt straight to the health department and got his religious exemption. I will never let someone bully me into making a healthy decision for my son. Tomorrow my baby goes to the burn center WITHOUT his tetanus shot.
EDIT TO ADD- It's Children's Medical Center in Powdersville SC Dr. Patrica Sanders.
I think she meant to say I will never let someone bully me FOR making a healthy decision for her son.
South Carolina Exemption Forms:
South Carolina Certificate of Religious Exemption (From Immunization)
Religious Exemption form (DHEC form 1126)
[The medical exemption] form is at the bottom of the DHEC 1148
Monday, May 15, 2017
Hardening of the Body (Fibrin, Fibrosia, Mucin Deposits, AGEs, etc...)
Getting rid of that hardened fibrin, fibrosis, inflammation, scar tissue, mucin deposits, etc... It can be corrected via both a direct (defensive) and indirect (offensive) action.
And because my daughter asked me about all of this.
Direct Defensive Action:
Discover Serrapeptase’s many amazing health benefits in ‘The Miracle Enzyme is Serrapeptase‘ book by renowned health expert and nutritionalist Robert Redfern. This remarkable book also contains detailed plans for over 240 health conditions.
34-page intro The Miracle Enzyme
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/240766465/34-Page-Intro-the-Miracle-Enzyme
Edition 3.2
Full 4th Edition: http://www.miracleenzymes.info/pdf/Serrapeptase-Book_Edition-4_Web.pdf
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/367621797/Serrapeptase-Book-Edition-4-Web
Fibrosis: The Enemy of Life!
Proteolytic enzyme blends are formulated to reduce aches and pains from inflammation and recover from all types of injuries (sports, car accidents or medical operations). Restore youthful performance and ease pancreas health issues too.
Proteolytic Enzymes are catalysts that make biological reactions possible. Without proteolytic enzymes the chemical reactions that support your life would be too slow.
We prefer Serratia (Serrapeptase) by Arthur Andrew Medical and Neprinol AFD (Advanced Fibrin Defense) also by Arthur Andrew Medical.
* Note: The Arthur Andrew Medical enzymes need to be changed out into SAFER GELATIN CAPSULES, available from PureBulk.com
Serrapeptase is an enzyme involved in clearing the body of undesirable non-living tissue. It breaks down protein as associated with blood vessel plaque, cysts, blood clots, and scar tissue, and prevents fibrin build-up. It also works to rid the body of excess mucus, thereby making is useful as an anti-inflammatory and anti-edemic; as such.
Most of the 3000 enzymes involved in over 7000 enzymatic reactions in your body are derived or created from protein digesting enzymes. While digestion is important, proteolytic enzymes are also required to act as:
* Natural Anti-inflammatory, Anti-viral & Anti-bacterial
* Fibrinolytic (dissolves external and even internal scar tissues)
* Blood Cleansing (minimize the leading causes of blood clots)
* Immune System Modulating (for inflammatory diseases of joints, connective tissue, energy production)
* Efficiently effective and affordable..
Serrapeptase Article on OrgoneProducts website. Their brand contains too many "Other Ingredients" and Microcrystalline Cellulose, so naturally a cleaner product without cellulose & other excipients is best. We prefer the Arthur Andrew Medical Serratia and Neprinol AFD (Advanced Fibrin Defense). We still have to change the veggie caps to SAFER GELATIN CAPSULES though. The mix in them are clean.
However, the info on the site regarding the serrapeptase is valid.
Neprinol: http://amzn.to/2qlqS2p
Serratia: http://amzn.to/2ql1Wb9
Oor on Life Enthusist:
Serratia by Arthur Andrew Medical
Neprinol AFD (Advanced Fibrin Defense
Their enzymes/pro-biotics/pre-biotics product called Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical is also great and is what we use too. http://amzn.to/2qp8Zxq
Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical from Life Enthusiast.
*Note: We still have to re-encapsulate those into SAFER GELATIN CAPSULES due to the cellulose "veggie" capsules, but they have no excess fillers/excipients. Use BSE-Free Bovine gelatin capsules.
Indirect Offensive Action:
Fibro-Ease™ - Earth Friend Herb Co.
Article information: http://earthfriendherb.com/product/fibro-ease/
Life Enthusiast: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/earth-friend-fibro-ease/?ref=55
Herbal Relief for Chronic Pain? - Life Enthusiast - Alternative Health
Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide. Martin Pytela and Scott Paton share strategies and products to help deal with pain.
Fibro-Ease addresses the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation.
This advanced herbal combination helps restore your natural metabolism and chemistry that brings back normal, pain-free function.
Fibro-Ease provides pain relief in as little as two to four weeks as fascia and muscles begin to soften and and the hardened fibrinous material is safely and efficiently re-absorbed. The tissues of your body are returned to their natural healthy state - flexible, free-flowing and pain-free.
Fibro-Ease works specifically on the nutritional imbalance associated with the growth of fibrous tissues between and around your muscles. It does not necessarily affect other symptoms associated with auto-immune problems, such as fatigue, joint pain or backaches.
Other things need for the same metabolic waste type of tissue:
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) addresses the mucin deposits. NAC is a mucolytic that cleaves disulfide bonds of mucin fibers.
Benfotiamine (Glycation inhibitor) for AGEs. Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1, has been shown to help prevent the development and progression of many diabetic complications.
It also makes me wonder if AGEs, hardened fibrin/fibrosis, and mucin are all the same metabolic waste type of dead extraneous tissue.
I can also see that puffiness and swelling on people. Especially in their faces, but also in their body, and upper arms.
And because my daughter asked me about all of this.
Direct Defensive Action:
Discover Serrapeptase’s many amazing health benefits in ‘The Miracle Enzyme is Serrapeptase‘ book by renowned health expert and nutritionalist Robert Redfern. This remarkable book also contains detailed plans for over 240 health conditions.
34-page intro The Miracle Enzyme
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/240766465/34-Page-Intro-the-Miracle-Enzyme
Edition 3.2
Full 4th Edition: http://www.miracleenzymes.info/pdf/Serrapeptase-Book_Edition-4_Web.pdf
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/367621797/Serrapeptase-Book-Edition-4-Web
Fibrosis: The Enemy of Life!
Proteolytic enzyme blends are formulated to reduce aches and pains from inflammation and recover from all types of injuries (sports, car accidents or medical operations). Restore youthful performance and ease pancreas health issues too.
Proteolytic Enzymes are catalysts that make biological reactions possible. Without proteolytic enzymes the chemical reactions that support your life would be too slow.
We prefer Serratia (Serrapeptase) by Arthur Andrew Medical and Neprinol AFD (Advanced Fibrin Defense) also by Arthur Andrew Medical.
* Note: The Arthur Andrew Medical enzymes need to be changed out into SAFER GELATIN CAPSULES, available from PureBulk.com
Serrapeptase is an enzyme involved in clearing the body of undesirable non-living tissue. It breaks down protein as associated with blood vessel plaque, cysts, blood clots, and scar tissue, and prevents fibrin build-up. It also works to rid the body of excess mucus, thereby making is useful as an anti-inflammatory and anti-edemic; as such.
Most of the 3000 enzymes involved in over 7000 enzymatic reactions in your body are derived or created from protein digesting enzymes. While digestion is important, proteolytic enzymes are also required to act as:
* Natural Anti-inflammatory, Anti-viral & Anti-bacterial
* Fibrinolytic (dissolves external and even internal scar tissues)
* Blood Cleansing (minimize the leading causes of blood clots)
* Immune System Modulating (for inflammatory diseases of joints, connective tissue, energy production)
* Efficiently effective and affordable..
Serrapeptase Article on OrgoneProducts website. Their brand contains too many "Other Ingredients" and Microcrystalline Cellulose, so naturally a cleaner product without cellulose & other excipients is best. We prefer the Arthur Andrew Medical Serratia and Neprinol AFD (Advanced Fibrin Defense). We still have to change the veggie caps to SAFER GELATIN CAPSULES though. The mix in them are clean.
However, the info on the site regarding the serrapeptase is valid.
Neprinol: http://amzn.to/2qlqS2p
Serratia: http://amzn.to/2ql1Wb9
Oor on Life Enthusist:
Serratia by Arthur Andrew Medical
Neprinol AFD (Advanced Fibrin Defense
Their enzymes/pro-biotics/pre-biotics product called Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical is also great and is what we use too. http://amzn.to/2qp8Zxq
Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical from Life Enthusiast.
*Note: We still have to re-encapsulate those into SAFER GELATIN CAPSULES due to the cellulose "veggie" capsules, but they have no excess fillers/excipients. Use BSE-Free Bovine gelatin capsules.
Indirect Offensive Action:
Fibro-Ease™ - Earth Friend Herb Co.
Article information: http://earthfriendherb.com/product/fibro-ease/
Life Enthusiast: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/earth-friend-fibro-ease/?ref=55
Herbal Relief for Chronic Pain? - Life Enthusiast - Alternative Health
Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide. Martin Pytela and Scott Paton share strategies and products to help deal with pain.
Fibro-Ease addresses the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation.
This advanced herbal combination helps restore your natural metabolism and chemistry that brings back normal, pain-free function.
Fibro-Ease provides pain relief in as little as two to four weeks as fascia and muscles begin to soften and and the hardened fibrinous material is safely and efficiently re-absorbed. The tissues of your body are returned to their natural healthy state - flexible, free-flowing and pain-free.
Fibro-Ease works specifically on the nutritional imbalance associated with the growth of fibrous tissues between and around your muscles. It does not necessarily affect other symptoms associated with auto-immune problems, such as fatigue, joint pain or backaches.
Other things need for the same metabolic waste type of tissue:
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) addresses the mucin deposits. NAC is a mucolytic that cleaves disulfide bonds of mucin fibers.
Benfotiamine (Glycation inhibitor) for AGEs. Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1, has been shown to help prevent the development and progression of many diabetic complications.
It also makes me wonder if AGEs, hardened fibrin/fibrosis, and mucin are all the same metabolic waste type of dead extraneous tissue.
I can also see that puffiness and swelling on people. Especially in their faces, but also in their body, and upper arms.
The Microbiome Medicine Summit 2 - Day 8: It's Encore Day at #BiomeMedicine 2!
It's Encore Day at Microbiome Medicine Summit 2!
Missed some of the life-changing expert talks this past week? They're all unlocked for free today! Gain the tips, strategies and secrets of microbiome medicine--it could improve your health, longevity, vitality and assist with unresolved problems!
It's Encore Day at #BiomeMedicine 2! All of the expert talks available for free!
Register for FREE now at the following link:
Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace
Your link to affiliate registration:
Commentary & Thoughts:
We LOVE all of these educational summits and docu-series! Universities cost, so at least these are available to teach us how to take care of ourselves. Sometimes I disagree with some of the things said and/or offered, but overall they are great teachers.
And besides that value alone, which are free to watch, btw, they have a great affiliate program to boot!
We are very grateful for these! And at times, I can get overwhelmed with all the info, especially when one after another is immediate. The timing could be better, as they sometimes conflict with other docu-series by other groups too.
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Affiliates are influential persons who promote our events/community for commissions, like bloggers, speakers and health professionals. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts. You help us to help others too. Health Talks Online is your connection to improved health.
Register as an Affiliate
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.

Missed some of the life-changing expert talks this past week? They're all unlocked for free today! Gain the tips, strategies and secrets of microbiome medicine--it could improve your health, longevity, vitality and assist with unresolved problems!
It's Encore Day at #BiomeMedicine 2! All of the expert talks available for free!
Register for FREE now at the following link:
Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace
Your link to affiliate registration:
Commentary & Thoughts:
We LOVE all of these educational summits and docu-series! Universities cost, so at least these are available to teach us how to take care of ourselves. Sometimes I disagree with some of the things said and/or offered, but overall they are great teachers.
And besides that value alone, which are free to watch, btw, they have a great affiliate program to boot!
We are very grateful for these! And at times, I can get overwhelmed with all the info, especially when one after another is immediate. The timing could be better, as they sometimes conflict with other docu-series by other groups too.
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Affiliates are influential persons who promote our events/community for commissions, like bloggers, speakers and health professionals. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts. You help us to help others too. Health Talks Online is your connection to improved health.
Register as an Affiliate
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.

Mom's Day!
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. Happy Mothers Day Mom. I love you. ~Kristen
This is MY mother with one of my sisters...
My son-in-law Eric and his mum...
To all the moms everywhere!
This is MY mother with one of my sisters...
My son-in-law Eric and his mum...
To all the moms everywhere!
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