Mercury is one of the most toxic elements on the planet - much more toxic than lead.
Mercury at 200 parts per billion is the level in liquid that EPA classifies as hazardous waste.
50,000 - FIFTY THOUSAND parts per billion is the concentration of mercury in most thimerosal containing vaccines.
Society has put in place several institutions to take care of children:
FIRST is the FDA. It is their job to license vaccines and to affirmatively prove they are safe.
...They have failed.
SECOND - the CDC is supposed to mandate vaccines based on safety and need.
...They have failed.
The THIRD group to protect kids is the doctors; The American Academy of Pediatrics.
...They have failed.
The FOURTH group - industry; they’re normally responsible for ensuring safety because they can be sued if they make an unsafe product.
...They have failed. And, they’re off the hook.
Some people have said they absolutely don’t believe this is going on in our world.
Episode 8 is is now expired until the next re-launch. However the good news is that TRACE AMOUNTS is up on YouTube!
Vaccines Revealed: [video] IT’S HERE! Episode 9
You will have the treat of hearing from Sayer Ji again! Make sure and catch what he says about “hazmat suits” in doctors offices in the first 5 minutes.
What about the most controversial vaccine of all time… Gardasil.
You’ll be appalled when you hear what Brian Hooker (quickly becoming a watcher favorite) has to say about that @ 22:32 in this episode.
And tonight - what a treat: I have the honor of introducing you to Dr. Heather Wolfson. Interestingly, Heather is married to Dr. Jack Wolfson - a Board-Certified Cardiologist.
Dr. Heather Wolfson has a view on health and healing that will really reel you in and wait until you hear how Dr. Jack Wolfson was vilified for his atypical views on medicine @ 49:14.
As a parent, you’ll connect with the message.
And, this is what you’ve overwhelmingly been clamoring for.
I can’t even count the number of messages, emails and reaching out that you’ve done, with this singular question:
Dr. Gentempo - “So what do I do now?”
Well, you are in for a real treat. Dr. Dan Pompa - a Cellular Detox Expert will be talking expressly about this issue - for those of you who’ve had those questions.
You’ll be leaning in for this one.
Dr. Patrick Gentempo
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