Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Still only 3,806. How many days has it been stuck at 3,806? Four days? Five days? ...

The Daily Messenger: Still only 3,806. How many days has it been stuck at 3,806? Four days? Five days? ...: The infection numbers - the fake ones they publish because NO one is testing for the virus - are complete BS. 3806? Since last Sunday? ...

The infection numbers - the fake ones they publish because NO one is testing for the virus - are complete BS.

3806? Since last Sunday?


We brought this upon ourselves
Globalism destroying the natural order
In labs, pretending to be Gods
Consuming everything without care for life
Selfishness before community
Rampant and celebrated sociopaths and narcissists
Love for wealth more than charity
Sexual deviancy destroying the family
And no mass movement to stop it
This is the Flood, as it happened before

 The REAL test is this: Is the Almighty taking to good and innocent, with love? Or is he reaping the whirlwind of the malefactors who have brought ruination to His creation?

That's the test. If it's the former, heaven help the survivors, because the trumpets and bowls are HARSH indeed.

If it's the latter, it's to set things aright. To free humanity from the yoke of bondage and slavery, until the appointed times - His Times - are come due.

If it is BOTH. Then it is END TIMES. For those that suffer and die who are innocent, are finally, after all these lives on the rock, washed in the blood of the Lamb and made clean. For those who are nephilim, bloodline of Azazel, the Beast. Then it is judgement, just and due, and all the sin your kind has brought into this decent and good place, YOU WILL PAY FOR. Forever and ever.

We both might die on the floor together...but I know where I am going and you know...well. They don't call it hell for no reason.


“[God will] bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”​—REVELATION 11:18.

The Daily Messenger: Corona Virus Updates 3-8-20 DB

The Daily Messenger: Corona Virus Updates 3-8-20 DB: Full Moon Corona Virus thoughts and observations, after 2 months of awareness and prepping. by Don Bradley Hello all. Yesterday, Saturday, I was driving through town - a tourist town, big time - about 9:50AM, a few cars about and only people on the streets were a couple of homeless guys, and some people. For Ojai, this is seriously unusual. It's like it used to be 25 years ago. I am still the only person I see, wearing the mask, etc. ...