Monday, August 19, 2019

[Square One] Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress & Heal your Heart

[SQ1] Let's Eliminate Stress Together

Hi _______,

Here's your link to watch SQUARE ONE Module 6 "How to Eliminate Stress and Heal Your Heart" today...

There have been SO MANY wonderful heartfelt comments about Module 6...

Wow! INCREDIBLY well done, Chris! This is my favorite module yet! Thank you for being bold, gracious, encouraging, challenging & uplifting. -Lisa

The one video I thought would help me the least, has helped me the most. Thank you, Chris and team! -Karina

Wow! So simple and clear Chris. I have found this the most powerful so far. I just love it, and I am so so grateful to you for sharing the course. -Kate

I was really touched by Module 6, all I can say is.......Merci beaucoup Chris, Je me sens déja plus légere! (I already feel lighter!) -Marie-Claire

So often we don’t even realize that we are living in a state of chronic stress and how heavy that burden is. It's like carrying a backpack full of bricks...

But once you remove the stresses from your life, it’s like you slip right out of that backpack, and it drops to the ground with a thud, and you leave it behind... Like Marie-Claire said, "I already feel lighter!"

Removing stress and healing your heart is critical to restoring your health and keeping your immune system strong.

If you haven't yet, make time to watch Module 6 today and let's identify and eliminate the toxic stress in your life together. :)

Module 6 will only be online for 12 more hours, until 9pm EST (Aug 19th).

Here's your link to watch now:

You’ll be so glad you did!

Module 7 "Spiritual Healing" goes LIVE tonight at 9pm EST (6pm Pacific).

In Module 6, I touched on my faith in a small way. Tonight I'm going much deeper. I will be sharing my heart with you, and the intimate details of my faith journey through cancer. In my darkest hour, I reached out and asked for answers and miracles. And I got them! I know this Module will be a blessing to you. :)

Here’s your link to watch Module 7 starting tonight at 9pm EST:

See you there!


p.s. Right now you can get lifetime access to SQUARE ONE for 50% off plus over $1029 in bonuses including a second copy you can give to someone you love. This special offer goes away when the free screening ends:


Register to watch entire series:

Or go direct to Square One Module 6:

List of all Episode Modules:

Module 1: First Things First
Module 2: Why You Have Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes
Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1
Module 4: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2
Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body & Your Environment
Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress & Heal your Heart
Module 7: Spiritual Healing
Module 8: How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing
Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas and Supplements
Module 10: How to Test & Monitor Your Progress



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