Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Daily Messenger: Banker David Rockefeller, Grand druid and satanist, Takes himself out on the witches sabbat 3-20-17

The Daily Messenger: Banker David Rockefeller, Grand druid and satanist, Takes himself out on the witches sabbat 3-20-17...: I hope our heavenly Father never allows this soul to EVER walk on the face of Earth again. Ever. One down, 300 to go ...


Ding Dong!

The Diabetes Summit 2017: Day 2

It's Day TWO at The Diabetes Summit... ready for more?

Hello friends!

What an amazing first day!  I hope you really enjoyed it.

If you missed the Day ONE presentations, you can still watch them through today by clicking this link to register.  https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds19reg/MessiahMews/

Today looks to be another amazing day, so jump in!

As a reminder, here's how the process works:
  • You’ll receive an email each day about that day’s talks--be sure to look for it and open it to learn more about the speakers.
  • Each day’s speakers are available on demand for a 24-hour period ONLY, from 10 A.M. U.S. Eastern until 9:59 A.M. the next day.
  • Your daily email may also have specials offers from our speakers and sponsors, be sure to take advantage of those, too!

Enjoy day TWO.


Tom O'Bryan
Dr. Tom O'Bryan
Autoimmune Disease and the Connection to Diabetes
  • Understanding what drives autoimmune disease
  • Exploring various toxins that inundate our lives
  • How to balance the immune response to allow proper healing
Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji
What the Evidence Reveals About Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
  • What the peer reviewed, medical literature shows
  • The best natural strategies to reverse diabetes
  • The role of supplements and helpful nutrients
Razi Berry
Razi Berry
Using Naturopathic Principles to Prevent and Heal Type 2 Diabetes
  • Learning from Razi's health experience and journey
  • How to do a proper detox to support the body
  • Natural solutions to improve blood sugar and overall health
Michael Breus
Dr. Michael Breus
How to Get Your Sleep Right to Improve Blood Sugar and Insulin
  • The powerful effect of sleep disturbance on metabolism
  • How to evaluate and correct disturbed sleep
  • Secrets to improving even difficult sleep problems


Thoughts & Commentary:

As time permits.


Affiliate Opportunity:

Affiliates are always welcome, as we can always use the help in spreading the information and education about these important events.

Ready to own ALL 31 presentations from The Diabetes Summit, 2017?  If so, just click here to purchase or click the banner below:

This Backwards World

Imagine a world where doctors could inject poison into your children and charge you for it.
Imagine a world where child cancer rates are steadily climbing yet we claim we have the best technological advances in modern science.
Imagine a world where you are lied to about the long term immunity vaccines truly offer and autism has risen by 6000% since vaccines were made mandatory and # of doses increased.
Imagine a world where those who spoke against such evil atrocities against innocent children were seen as "crazy".
Oh wait. That's the world we live in. Carry on.
Don't believe me?
Do your own research!
Read below~



Watch the replay now. Those who opted in for the waiting list.

Registration:  https://at119.isrefer.com/go/eg/MessiahMews/
Affiliate:  https://at119.isrefer.com/go/egaff/MessiahMews/

The destination page to register isn't working properly for the registrations, so I'm going to just post the access link from my own registration.

Day 2: https://at119.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/17361/871db837d08ee08c/10399297/a67a2f937418443b

The Truth About Vaccines


Registration:  http://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.online/?a_bid=62acb2d5&a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1
Affiliate:  http://partners.thetruthaboutvaccines.vip/?a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1&a_bid=5e67b230