The Daily Messenger: Stew Peters (CIA) and the fake doctor snake venom hoax..: I stand with Jim on this one; he said what I would have said, he only uses harsher language. I stopped using Stew as a source, when every single guest he had on his show was both nephilim and CIA. Which was last July.
The so called doctor Arbis isn't even a doctor, he's a chiropractor....
Well, that video is gone.
He did interview Benjamin Gordon, and I do believe that Ben was kidnapped and there was attempted murder on him. But others interview Ben too.
And thank you Don and Jim Stone for clearing that up for us all.
Our Take On What We Think Covid Really Is:
Learn the real meaning and definition of words...
Virus or Poison?
The English word "virus" is based on a Latin word for "poisonous secretion," and early on it often kept to its original meaning of "venom," either the literal or figurative kind.
Corona Effect Anyone?
corona [kŏ-ro´nah] (pl. coro´nae, coronas) (L.) crown; in anatomic nomenclature, an eminence or encircling structure that resembles a crown. adj., adj cor´onal. corona radia´ta 1. the radiating crown of projection fibers passing from the internal capsule to every part of the cerebral cortex. 2. an investing layer of radially elongated follicle ..
Corona is defined as the radiant crown around the sun which is literally what Radiation originates from and also called the "Corona Effect" and virus in latin means Poison so the word Coronavirus= Radiation Poison. This is why they are poisoning us with heavy metals and superconductors like graphene oxide because it makes us more susceptible to these EMF and radiation.
radiant = radiation
corona = crown
A crown of radiation along with poison...
Corona Virus = radiation poisoning
The meaning of COVID...
There are two actually.
C = Certificate
O = Of
V = Vaccination
ID Indeficiation
The word COVID flipped around is DIVOC and in Hebrew it means demon
TRUTH SCRUBBED: Two Real Meanings of COVID In Reverse As DIVOC
THUS the PUSH for Vax Weapons and 5G
Putting on the Belt of Truth to protect us against lies and de3ception, along with the rest of the Full Armor of God.
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