Today’s Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit talks discuss the causes of dementia. Learn about the latest research and cutting-edge techniques to improve brain function.
In order to cure Alzheimer’s disease and eliminate the symptoms of dementia, one must know the cause. Learn about the latest research and cutting-edge techniques to improve brain function.
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Since this one hits home, so to speak, will more than likely have a little commentary after each speaker. As the granddaughter of two grandmothers who died from Alzheimer\'s complications, and now my own mother is suffering, I am extremely interested in anything that might help to prevent anyone else in our family from experiencing this physiological injustice.
Will be right after each speaker list. I may be slow and skip a few at first. Stay tuned... PDF transcripts are available. Keep in mind that only a few may have commentary to begin with, as I find the time to type all out, find links and other references, etc...
Olle Johansson, PhD
Wireless Technology: A Threat to Brain Function
What You'll Learn -
Alarming brain health risks linked to EMF pollution
How the central nervous system reacts to wireless technology
How to protect yourself from WiFi and cell phone radiation
Transcript: Olle Johansson, PhD (PDF)
Stuart Nunnally, DDS, MS
Oral Infections: Alzheimer’s Disease Warning
What You'll Learn -
How “silver” (mercury-based) fillings threaten brain health
Why most people should avoid root canal procedures
Dangers associated with incorrectly pulled teeth
Transcript: Stuart Nunnally, DDS, MS (PDF)
If there was ever a risk factor for Alzheimer's for us, it would be the teeth and gums problems. Being raised by village of idiots who made sure to allow mercury and root canals to be put in my mouth. The root canals KILL the teeth, so there is left dead teeth for the immune system to deal with. Many years later all were removed, but was still left with devastating effects of bone loss, gum infections that spread out, and then structural problems as a result.
There was a HUGE chunk of mercury in the lower left root canal. Thankfully the removal protocol was done correctly, with DMSA taken beforehand, and oxygen mask, eye goggles and a rubber dam. There was no choice but to pull the root canal teeth. Another tooth was refilled with a white composite (it fell out many years later, shattering another tooth. My parents really hated me, father especially. Any parent dumb enough to poison their children, hate them as far as I'm concerned. There is NO excuse for their ignorance. Even when my daughter was already grown, I went with her to a dentist and that damn idiot was going to put a mercury filling in her mouth. I looked at him and said, "NO!". I'll pay whatever extra to put a WHITE composite in there, thus saving her from mercury poisoning. The idiots that my parents took me to, made up imaginary cavites, as one time brushing and cleaning my teeth, I saw a brownish spot on one of the teeth, which was mistaken for a cavity. I put some baking soda on a toothpick and removed the stain. Since it was a natural divot in the tooth, the idiot dentist thought it was a cavity. I guess you can say that I saved that one tooth from molestation.
So how to fix all of this?
The removal of the fillings and teeth were done. Detoxification of the mercury was crucial. I did a few sessions of chelation, and afterwards discovered the LL's Magnetic Clay Baths. My first bath, I actually tasted the mcrcury, even though the teeth and mercury fillings had been removed. We started eating cilantro on our salads like it was nobody's business. We also juiced it.
Few years even later discovered the Platinum Plus Amino Acids (before they ruined the product with cellulose and fillers). The last time I was tested for mercury, there was NONE. There was residual aluminum and lead (chemtrails, more than likely). We switched from WiFi to DSL, so that eliminated the WiFi radiation that also tested positive.
So fast forward to now, the detoxification continues. We buy the Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP), to continue the amino acids, plus added a few of the other needed amino acids, such as the N-Acetyl Cysteine (best stuff ever!), and the sulfur crystals which are sourced from the Cellular Matrix Study. Those are taken nearly everyday for ongoing detoxification. And an occasional clay bath to boot.
For the gum problems, have to do several things for that. I made that mouthwash from Tony Pantalleresco's recipe of half vodka/half water with some essential oils.
Published on 4 Sep 2013
Herbalist shows you how to make mouthwash using alcohol (vodka, gin, or rum) and essential oils (cinnamon, clove, wild thyme, peppermint, and/or wintergreen).
Important: an alternative, if necessary, to alcohol for the mouthwash is a healthy carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil)
Josh Axe, DC has a recipe too:
The Gerard Judd protocol of the fresh made sodium ascorbate made from the bulk ascorbic acid (1 teaspoon) and baking soda (half a teaspoon) to help with gum infections, gum pockets, etc..
3% hydrogen peroxide works pretty well too, but that taste is God awful. Blech!
* Top Definition. blech. an expression such as disgusting, yucky, horrid, gross...usually in taste.
I would rub the Thieves Essential Oil on the gum area and yes it does burn a little, but it tastes so good. Sort of tastes like the old spicy Dentyne Chewing Gum. Now THAT Thieves Essential Oil in the vodka/water mix would be interesting. I have dipped and soaked my dental floss in the vodka and sometimes the Thieves Essential. I brush my teeth with the Miracle II Soap and add Spearmint Essential Oil a few drops mixed in. Thieves Essential Oil works too. We haven't used toothpaste in YEARS. That's because of the glycerin from toothpaste coating teeth and trapping acids in, preventing minerals from getting in to repair.
On The Sulfur+1 show, either Atom Bergstrom or Patrick McGean mentioned putting iodine and driving it in with DMSO on the gums. We still have to try that one.
Rife like frequency generator, but not as much lately due to the possible charging up of nano.
![]() |
Miracle Likes zapping bugs with the Miracle 6 Freq. generator. |
So I'm doing most of the things outlined in this Rebuilding Your Teeth (Teeth Stuff) post here.
I'm doing the swish with the monosodium phosphate powder and baking soda, similar to Tony's video on Regenerating Your Teeth.
He uses the Tri-sodium phosphate (TSP), but I use the monosodium phosphate (MSP). He said it would still work with the MSP. I have totally repaired one molar (upper left), which had a divot decay around the gumline. That one has totally filled in. That one happened before we saw this video. We switched to REAL butter, so I'm sure that helped along with the fermented cod liver oil. This tooth/teeth rebuilding is ongoing.
So that's basically it on the oral risks. I am fastidious about this dental thing, as I will do whatever it takes to prevent Alzheimer's and/or dementia.
My other risks would be possibly structural, but we are taking care of that the best way we can with the Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC), Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR), and still going to be getting that dental splint. And then Press on Veeners to keep the back of the skull off the cervical vertebrae.
And then keep tackling the gut issues. Enzymes (yes, we have them!), pro-biotics (have two different kinds), and regular parasite, colon, liver/gallbladder cleanses, etc..
Edward F. Group, III, DC
Root Cause and Solution for Alzheimer’s and Dementia
What You'll Learn -
Why Alzheimer’s and dementia are skyrocketing
Overlooked problem with conventional drug treatments
How detoxification can eliminate the symptoms of dementia
Transcript: Edward F. Group, III, DC (PDF)
Dr. Group in the owner of the Global Healing Center (GHC), btw.
He states to AVOID Vaccines.
And recommends the B-12 of Methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin mix.
Cervical Vertebrae like the Atlas to be adjusted to free up those nerve pathways, and acupuncture to help with that area.
We're also noticing that chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture help the process. A lot of people with Alzheimer's or dementia are going to have problems with their atlas, some of their cervical vertebra. So I would highly recommend that they go see a good chiropractor and get adjusted. It's amazing what happens when you start clearing up those nerve pathways in the cervical area that are going up, especially the C1 nerve. And also acpuncture seems to work fairly well again, as well. So it's not overwhelming. Those are some of the things that we've used in the past. We've had great, absolutely phenomenal success.Freeing up the meninges, as I've said many times before is crucial and also decompressing them. With any of the following modalities
AtlasProfilax / Atlas Evolution
Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT)
Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC)
To get the Atlas to stay in alignment and hold, may need the dental splint to raise the back of the skull up. For the time being, I wear a plastic dental tray in my mouth every few moments. The plastic itself sucks, but it does relieve some of the weight in the back.
Parasites link to Alzheimer's and Dementia. Any type of microbial parasite.
And clean your colon (gut), liver/gallbladder, etc..
Charles Gant, MD, PhD
Link Between Plaque and Dementia
What You'll Learn -
Surprising reason why we form plaque on the brain
How to effectively remove plaque buildup
News about curing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Transcript: Charles Gant, MD, PhD (PDF)
Plaque (amyloid plaque) can be removed several ways. Josh Axe, DC (also a speaker in this summit), mentioned that serrapeptidase aka serrapeptase will dissolve the plaque. I'll grab that talk and post the links when I find it. I think it was on a different summit, but unsure at the moment, since I like skipping around with the various summits and speakers.
Orgone Products blog also posted an article about serrapeptase enzyme eliminating Alzheimer's.
I have been experimenting with high dosages of Serrapeptase to remove the plaque which accumulates everywhere in the body greatly inhibiting the metabolic process. A leading cause of Alzheimers disease is an accumulation of plaque on the brain, Serrapeptase has been shown to reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms. The overall reduction of plaque in the body leads to an increase in the waste product removal. I have been convinced of the efficacy of Serrapeptase, enough of the efficacy of the product to add in to my line of anti-aging products
Whatever serrapeptase product is used, make sure it's PURE serrapeptase. No fillers, no cellulose in the powder mix, etc... If only the veggie cap contains cellulose, than it's easily remedied by emptying the contents out into a gelatin capsule. I use the Arthur Andrew Medical Serretia 250,000 IU, and empty the contents of that out into my gelatin capsule.
According to the Cellular Matrix Study, Patrick McGean states that the sulfur crystals taken on a regular basis will dissolve the amyloid plaque. Josh Axe, DC also talks about the importance of sulfur.
Mark Hyman, MD
Why Alzheimer’s is Being Called Type 3 Diabetes
What You'll Learn -
Why experts are calling Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes
Dr. Hyman explains why dementia is on the rise
Shocking facts about how belly fat affects brain function
Transcript: Mark Hyman, MD (PDF)
Published on 10 Feb 2016
Scientists now calls Alzheimer’s disease “Type 3 diabetes.” What’s the link between Alzheimer’s and diabetes? Well, new research shows insulin resistance, or what I call diabesity (from eating too many carbs and sugar and not enough fat) is one of major factors that starts the brain-damage cascade, which robs the memory of over half the people in their 80s, leading to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.