Monday, August 30, 2021

Vaccine Secrets 19 Minute Sneak Peek (featuring RFK Jr, Dr. Northrup & Dr. Merritt).

Sneak Peek Page 2 : Vaccine Secrets 19 Minute Sneak Peek (featuring RFK Jr, Dr. Northrup & Dr. Merritt)

C0V1D Vaccine Secrets: Shocking truth from R.F. Kennedy Jr, and two top Dr’s

Click here to see this all new 19 minute sneak peek preview of Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis.

It’s absolutely remarkable.

You are going to learn from 3 speakers, Robert F Kennedy, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Lee Merritt.

Here’s what you will learn from these 3 speakers:

*  Robert F Kennedy Jr will share the secretive meetings that took place months preceding the COVID outbreak called Event 201, where a complete simulation was enacted predicting or perhaps, preplanning the events that would happen.

*  Dr. Christiane Northrup describes specific hidden ingredients that have proven to create disease and death. She recounts these toxins, and the reactions and specific injuries and deaths they have caused.

*  Dr. Lee Merritt explains how the main stream media narrative around the variants is an intentional lie to hide the injuries and deaths being caused by the vaccine. She also explains specifically why and how the vaccine breaks down the immune response, and creates antibody-dependent enhancement.

The doctors, especially Dr. Merritt, share what you can do to protect yourself today, as well as what you can do if you have taken the vaccine and are wanting to reverse the effects of the “jab”. Specifically, she shares what you can do to eat a diet that can help you, and the specific vitamins and medicinal treatments you can start using right away.

You absolutely want to watch this.

Click here to watch this brand-new 19-minute sneak peek preview featuring Mr. Kennedy, Dr. Northrup & Dr. Merritt.

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I Am Disappoint. Especially in Kennedy.


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