Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Vaccinating Plants: A Risky Technology?" -YES

"Vaccinating Plants: A Risky Technology?" -YES

The “vaccine” is sprayed on or applied directly to leaves of the plant and triggers a reaction known as “RNA interference, which is an innate defense mechanism of plants, animals and other eukaryotic organisms against pathogens.”

RNA interference technology has devastating unintended, adverse effects. I recently evaluated this in relationship to the EPA's recent silent approval of Monsanto/Bayer's RNAi Corn: "The GMO Agenda Takes a Menacing Leap Forward with EPA’s Silent Approval of Monsanto/Dow’s RNAi "Corn

Pharma is already heavily developing RNAi "vaccines and therapeutics"

It's official!  The world is certifiably insane!  Most of the world is beyond redemption.