1 in 3 Americans are secretly suffering from a debilitating disease that nobody is talking about. You could be one of them. The culprit? Thyroid disease.
Find out why conventional medicine is failing you and what you can do to recover your health.
A new documentary created by Dr. Izabella Wentz.
It's called The Thyroid Secret. Register and one can access advanced screening. For this amazingly informative, and deeply moving documentary, Dr. Wentz interviewed over 60 of the top thyroid experts from across the country.
Kiran Krishnan, the microbiologist, is one of those interviewed; I love his knowledge on the importance of the human gut microbiome. Hoping his talk will elucidate the connection between our gut bacteria, intestinal permeability, and autoimmunity as in thyroid condition
I would LOVE to see Dr. Zach Bush as one of the 60 experts!
Here's the link to register. Registering can give you early access
Dr. Izabella Wentz has been running a beta test on her event this past week, and the results have been incredible. Meaning, as an affiliate, you do not want to miss this event!
Thank You For Joining The Heart Revolution! It is now ENCORE Day! We were unable to do daily posts due to time constraints, plus other online events are also taking place. I will post a few of the highlighted speakers and a some trailers. There are no transcripts available of this docu-series.
In a world, where there seems to be no limit to what we can create technologically, we feel more lonely and without joy in life than ever before. All systems we created, from the medical to the financial and educational show significant problems to deliver what we really want:
Peace, freedom, love, health, prosperity, equality, diversity, individuality, spirituality, a clean nature, good real food and so on …
We strongly believe that all of this can only be achieved if we rediscover and reignite the deeper purpose of our hearts.
Recap of all the speakers and topics:
DAY 1: Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017:
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. & founder of HeartMath
Dr. Rollin McCraty has been with IHM since its inception in1991. He worked with founder Doc Childre to formulate the organization’s research goals and create its Scientific Advisory Board. McCraty is a Fellow of the American Institute of Stress, holds memberships with the International Neurocardiology Network, American Autonomic Society, Pavlovian Society and Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and is an adjunct professor at Claremont Graduate University. He and his research team regularly participate in collaborative studies with other U.S. and international scientific, medical and educational institutions. McCraty is an internationally recogni
Cutting Edge Research From The World Renowned Institute
Learn how our planet affects our hearts physically and emotionally.
Come to understand the role of the electromagnetic field of the heart and how it communicates with the brain and body
See how the heart receives information and intuition beyond the limits of space and time
After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew how the brain, mind, and consciousness worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection changed all of that– completely. He discovered that by probing deeply into our own consciousness, we transcend the limits of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm. Dr. Alexander has been a guest on Dr. Oz, Oprah, and many other national and international media programs. His books, Proof of Heaven and The Map of Heaven have collectively spent more than two years atop the New York Times and international bestseller.
Proof Of Heaven
Discover what Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander learned from his own near death experience about healing, consciousness and unconditional love.
Learn to harness the power of meditation to bridge the connection between mind and body for healing to take place
Hear why the dogmatic materialistic world view is being replaced by fundamental truths of spirituality and consciousness that transcends the limitations of the human brain,
Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Murray is the Chief Science Officer of Enzymedica. Proven Naturopathic Alternatives For Common Heart Drugs
Learn the heart-health marker that is even more important than cholesterol for heart disease prevention.
Discover the truth about statin drugs and the top natural alternatives to over-prescribed pharmaceutical drugs and how to treat high blood pressure naturally.
How to address the connection between emotional health and heart health.
Steven Stosny, PhD, is the founder of CompassionPower. A renowned author and media consultant on relationships, anger, and abuse, Dr. Stosny grew up in a violent home. He learned the healing power of compassion from his abused mother. Dr. Stosny has appeared on many TV and radio shows, including several guest appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show. He has been interviewed for many publications including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, Esquire, O Magazine, U.S. News & World Report. He has treated more than 6,000 clients with various forms of anger, abuse, and violence.
Compassion Power | How to use the most profound part of the brain under stress.
Learn why loving relationships can turn angry and resentful
Understand how your “Toddler Brain” keeps you stuck in unhealthy patterns of reacting to those you love and learn tools to correct it.
Discover how compassion can transform resentment into soaring love.
Benjamin Lynch, ND received his Cell and Molecular Biology, BS from the University of Washington and his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND) from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the cause of disease directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction. Currently, he researches, writes and presents worldwide on the topic of MTHFR, methylation defects and genetic control. You may learn more about Dr Lynch and his work at www.drbenlynch.com. Dr Lynch is the President of www.SeekingHealth.com, a supplement company oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion. He also founded and directs www.seekinghealth.org, an educational institute providing specialized training for both health professionals and consumers. He lives in Seattle, WA with his wife, Nadia, and three boys, Tasman, Mathew and Theodor.
Identifying The Cause
Learn the Naturopathic principle Identify the cause – not just the symptoms to get at the root cause of illness
Understand how review of key gene pathways with metabolic markers combine with natural therapies for individualized treatment plan
Dr. Decker Weiss became the first Naturopathic Cardiologist after training in the Columbia Hospital system, the Arizona Heart Institute, and the Arizona Heart Hospital. Dr. Weiss kept privileges at the Arizona Heart Hospital, while opening the breakthrough Scottsdale Heart Institute, where he helped thousands of patients reduce medication safely, eliminate the need for angioplasty and bypass surgery, and reverse heart disease and many arrhythmias naturally. The International Association of Health Care Practitioners and the International Association of Cardiologists named Dr. Weiss, a “Leading Physician in the World” in 2012.
Naturopathic Cardiology
Discover the whole-patient model of Naturopathic Cardiology and how it differs from conventional, by a doctor trained in both fields.
Understand why women and men have different heart health needs, considerations and assessments and what hormones have to with it.
Learn how naturopathic philosophy is the missing link hypertension, heart disease, angina, mitral valve prolapse and more
Dr Madan Kataria, a medical doctor from Mumbai, India popularly known as the ‘Guru of Giggling’ (London Times), is the founder of Laughter Yoga Clubs movement started in 1995. Started with just five people in a public park in Mumbai in 1995, it has grown into a worldwide movement of more than 6000 Laughter Yoga clubs in over 60 countries.
Laughter Yoga: Medicine For Our Hearts
Come to understand how laughing can be used as medicine for our heart and soul
Learn how laughter can cross borders, languages and cultures to bring a deeper understanding to what it means to be human
Learn why we laugh less as we age and how to re discover laughter.
Razi Berry, Founder and Publisher of Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (ndnr.com) and NaturalPath (thenatpath.com), has spent the last decade as a natural medicine advocate and marketing whiz. She has galvanized and supported the naturopathic community, bringing a higher quality of healthcare to millions of North Americans through her publications. A self proclaimed health-food junkie and mother of two; she loves all things nature, is obsessed with organic gardening, growing fruit trees (not easy in Phoenix), laughing until she snorts, and homeschooling. She is a little bit crunchy and yes, that is her real name.
Christina Rasmussen believes that when you experience a loss, a death, a divorce, a professional disaster, or any kind of devastating disappointment, it can be an experience that either shatters you forever — or an experience that inspires you to live, love, and create more fiercely than ever. She is a Greek–American crisis intervention counselor and author and is best known for writing Second Firsts. Her work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and MariaShriver.com.
Second Firsts: Learn To Live, Laugh And Love Again After Grief And Loss
A grief and bereavement expert shares her personal experience of losing her young husband and what she learned.
Discover the process of re-entry so you can live again, even when it seems impossible
“I want everyone out of the waiting room, back into live.”
Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally-recognized health expert and author with more than twenty years of experience in nutrition, mind-body health, and functional medicine. She holds Master’s and Doctorate degrees in nutrition and has lectured extensively throughout the world on health topics, teaching patients and health professionals about health. Deanna is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, and a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Her passion is bringing forth a colorful whole-self approach to nourishment called Whole Detox and bridging the gaps between science, soul, and art in medicine.
Nourishing The Heart And The Heart Chakra
Discover how the heart chakra influences emotional and physical health
Learn the best foods to support physical and emotional heart health
Come to understand the seven systems of health that align with your chakras and how to bring them into balance through nourishment and detoxification
James Maskell has been looking for levers to create significant positive change in healthcare for a decade. Following education in healthcare economics, James has played a part in building a number of successful businesses in the integrative medicine space. He has lectured to audiences of physicians on three continents, including four years on faculty of “Heal Thy Practice”, Integrative Health Symposium and George Washington University’s Metabolic Medicine Institute. James has been featured on platforms at diverse at TEDMED, Huffpost Live, TEDx and more, as well as writing for blogs like Huffington Post, KevinMD, thedoctorblog and MindBodyGreen. He sees a unique aperture to help fuse the massive potential of digital health and functional approaches to accelerate the evolution of medicine.
The Evolution Of Medicine
Discover a movement that is changing doctors hearts about medicine
Michael Mendizza is an author, educator, documentary filmmaker and founder of Touch the Future, a nonprofit learning design center. He is the author of two books: Magical Parent-Magical Child, the Art of Joyful Parenting, co-authored with Joseph Chilton Pearce, applies research on optimum states to parenting and to education and Flowering, a collection of dramatic floral images and quotes by Krishnamurti.
Our Hearts Want And Need To Play
Identify the Intelligence of the Heart
Learn the frequency of the heart and how this information is transmitted from mother to child
Learn how to harness the intelligence of the heart to optimum learning and performance
“Dr. Charley Cropley graduated from National College in Portland Oregon in 1979. He is a Naturopathic Physician, teacher and author who has worked in Boulder for the last 30 plus years. He has trained hundreds of doctors, taught at medical colleges and universities, produced DVDs, books and many courses in nutrition and self-healing. He uses no medicines. He teaches people to heal all types of Health problems through highly individualized eating programs and mastering their body, mind, and relationships. He lives what he teaches.”
Radical Self Healing
Learn how healing is a choice through self-mastery, the law of cause and effect and the power of habit
All healing is self-healing in 4 areas: Nutrition, Movement, Mind/Emotions & Relationships
Discover how Kindness, Self-Control, and Honesty are powerful medicines.
Jeffrey Long is a medical doctor, a radiation oncologist in Houma, Louisiana, USA.He is the author of the Book, “Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences”, a New York Times Best Seller. He is a leading authority in near-death research. In the 1980s, he was confronted several times with the topic of near-death experiences. In 1998, he founded the “Near Death Experience Research Foundation”, which is concerned with documenting and researching near-death experiences. The establishment of a website created a worldwide forum. For this reason Long appeared in many media like: O’Reilly Factor, NBC Today, ABC (Peter Jennings), Dr. Oz Show, History Channel, Learning Channel, National Geographic, Fox News Houston, New York Academy of Sciences.
We Are Emotional Beings, In This Life And Beyond
Medical Oncologist and near death experience ( NDE) researcher explains why near death experiences may provide strong evidence of a soul
This near-death experience (NDE) researcher explains why we have strong evidence of a soul
Discover the life-changing, trans-cultural, emotional stories of near death experiences
Emotions and feelings is at the core of our being – in this life and beyond
Jack Wolfson, D.O., is a board-certified cardiologist who grew tired of patients failing to truly get well using pharmaceuticals and procedures. As a result, he opened Wolfson Integrative Cardiology where he now uses in-depth testing and targeted nutrition to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. He is the author of the Amazon best-seller, The Paleo Cardiologist. Heather Wolfson, D.C., is a chiropractic physician who provides chiropractic and nutritional care to adults and children. She is an incredible mom who home-birthed her two sons, Noah and Brody, and is raising the children in a holistic fashion that includes breast feeding, co-sleeping, and chemical-free living.
The Paleo Cardiologist/The Drs. Wolfson
Take a critical look at the current heart disease industry
Why this conventional cardiologist changed his paradigm to embrace and practice natural medicine
Embrace a new era of patient-centered cardiology and the role of Chiropractic in the future of healthcare
A physician who only shares positive, uplifting health information.Unlike other holistic health practitioners, I refuse to scare you with negative information. Real health doesn’t work like that. Deep healing feels good and is sustainable without fear.Join me here each week for uplifting tips that turn your health goals into reality!I love approaching health and well being from every angle and offering the most helpful solution to my patients. I offer on-line health e-courses, private consultation, and live events that merge medical knowledge with heart centered intuition.
Grounding to our planet for heart health
Learn why grounding is becoming worldwide phenomenon
Discover how grounding can improve heart health
Learn tips on how to ground yourself every day for overall well-being
Dr. Paul Epstein is a pioneer and leading voice in Mind-Body Integrative Medicine. He has persistently led the charge to bring awareness to the mind-body connection – and its extraordinary role in healing – for over 30 years. He was the Co-founder and Co-director of the Israel Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Israel. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Epstein travels worldwide, lecturing and teaching. He is a sought after presenter for all of the major Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine conferences and schools throughout the US and Canada and the author of the book, “Happiness Through Meditation.”
The Mindfulness Approach To Medicine
Uncover the healing power of mindfulness
Examine how stress & trauma (past and present) can impact on heart health
Learn practical applications of mindfulness in your daily life
----- David Freidel, Ph.D., Professor, Archaeology
David Freidel studies the emergence and fluorescence of government institutions among the lowland Maya of southeastern Mexico and Central America. Currently he is directing long-term research at the royal city of El Perú, ancient Waka’, in northwestern Petén, Guatemala. Established in the Preclassic period by roughly 100 BC, El Perú-Waka’ was the capital of a kingdom and seat of a royal dynasty that endured more than five hundred years and boasted more than 26 successors to the throne, finally collapsing in early ninth century.
The Ancient Mayan View Of Our Heart’s Mysteries
Uncover the Mayan concepts surrounding the role of our hearts
Define the differences between Mayan and Inca culture in regards to our heart
Learn how these cultures influence our current understanding of the heart
Mingtong Gu is an internationally recognized teacher and healer who received his training from a variety of Grandmasters in China and at the world’s largest Qigong hospital. This “medicine-less” hospital, Zhineng Qigong Center, has treated over 200,000 patients, with over 185 different illnesses, and with a 95% effective improvement rate. He is the founder of The Chi Center and Wisdom Healing Foundation and has taught Qigong to thousands of people in the USA, China, and Europe.
The Traditional Chinese View Of The Heart
Understand the traditional chinese medicine view of the heart
Learn the benefits of QiGong on the heart
Learn how these practices and concepts can support a strong heart
Kabir Helminski and his wife Camille are the founders and directors of the Threshold Society, and have been working within the Mevlevi tradition of Sufism for about thirty years. He has translated many volumes of Sufi literature, including many works of Rumi, and is the author of two books on Sufism. In 2009 Kabir was named as one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in association with Georgetown University. He is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding.
The Sufi Path To The Heart And The Poetry Of Rumi
The longings of the heart
Our heart experiences the quality of reality, not the quantity
Our heart as the path to ourselves and the deepest beauty and truth of reality
Serge Kahili King has published the world’s largest selection of books and tapes on Huna, the Polynesian philosophy and practice of effective living, and on the spirit of Aloha, the attitude of love and peace for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. He also writes extensively on Hawaiian culture and is a novelist as well. Critics describe his style as “practical, down-to-earth, and easy to grasp.” He maintains this clarity in his books, his audio and video tapes, and his articles. You can find many of his works at The Huna Store, and you may read some of his articles at The Library Hut of the Hawaiian Huna Village, sponsored by Aloha International.
Native Hawaiian Heart Perspectives
Explore the native Hawaiian view of the heart
Learn the polynesian philosophy of Huna for effective living
Learn to incorporate the Hawaiian attitudes of love and peace to your own life
Ocean Robbins was born in a log cabin built by his parents, and grew up eating food they grew on the land together. At age 16, he co-founded an organization called YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity) that he directed for the next 20 years. Ocean has spoken in person to more than 200,000 people in schools, conferences and events, and he has organized 100+ seminars and gatherings for leaders from 65+ nations. Ocean’s work has taken him all over the world, where he has seen first-hand the powerful impact of the food we eat – not just on our health, but on people and economies everywhere. He is author of The Power of Partnership, and co-author, with his dad and colleague John Robbins, of Voices of the Food Revolution. He serves as an adjunct professor for Chapman University, and has received numerous awards including the national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service. He serves as co-host and CEO of the Food Revolution Network.
Food & Heart – The Revolution Is Happening
A family legacy was changed by heart disease, and spawned a Food Revolution
Learn the dirty secrets of the food industry that make us fat and sick
How a heart for activism can help change the world towards better health
Dr Christianson, NY Times best-selling author & Naturopathic physician, father of 2 kids, and happily married to the woman of my dreams for over 20 years. You can call me “Dr. C” for short. As a child raised in rural Minnesota, Dr. Christianson was an avid reader. He loved spending time with his family’s encyclopedias and medical textbooks. His health, however, was a struggle. Cerebral palsy left him with seizures, poor coordination, and obesity.In 7th grade, he was compelled to change after a classmate made a cutting comment in gym class. He became determined to reset his health and his life. Over the next few weeks he devoured dozens of books on nutrition, fitness, and health and created his own recovery plan.At age 12 he gave up sugar and processed foods and created an exercise plan that was easy enough for him to start on. He stuck with it and built on it. With no prior sports experience, he became a varsity football player and his classes’ best endurance runner by 9th grade. This experience taught him that being healthy transformed both how you feel and how others treat you. He also learned that the tickets to health were knowledge and persistence.
The Link Between Thyroid And Heart Health
Examine how the thyroid can damage the heart
Explore the implications of the Whitehall II study
Learn how supporting your adrenals support your heart
Dr. Shamini Jain is the Founder and Director of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a collaborative accelerator that faciliates the transdisciplinary science and real-world application of consciousness and healing practices. As a clinical psychologist, as well as a research scientist in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and integrative medicine for over a decade, Shamini formed CHI through a deep understanding that major systemic transformations, which will place healing at the center of medicine and scientific inquiry, will most rapidly occur through a networked approach that fosters collaboration and innovation among key stakeholders. Shamini obtained her B.A. in Neuroscience and Behavior from Columbia University, and her Ph.D. degree from the SDSU/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. She conducted her clinical residency at the La Jolla VA Hospital/UC San Diego, and her post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research. She has won numerous awards from scientific societies for her research in PNI and integrative medicine and lectures on these topics in varied venues. In addition to running CHI, Shamini is an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at UC San Diego and is an active member of the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine.
Consciousness And Healing
Heart consciousness as an important part of healing
As both a board certified Chiropractor and Naturopathic physician, Dr. Moore brings a unique perspective and expertise to the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions. Her practice is focused specifically Regenerative Injection Therapy which includes Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cell/PRP Joint Therapy and other non-surgical orthopedic techniques.
Strength Training For A Stronger Heart
Learn how strength training contributes to a healthy heart and what does building muscle have to do with it.
Learn the truth about cardio training for heart health
Explore the other benefits of strength training in relationship to mood, stress, detoxification and disease prevention
Comment: OMG! We have GOT to get back to the gym. We should be able to get joined back up next month.
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. in biophysics in 1979 at the University of California at Berkeley. She is internationally renowned for her pioneering work in frontier science and medicine. Her main area of focus is research on the subtle energetics of living systems, including the human energy field and the body-mind-spirit in health and healing. She has published over 80 papers and two books. Dr. Rubik presently serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine; Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine; and Integrative Medicine Insights. She has served on the advisory boards of various distinguished organizations, including the Program in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona under Dr. Andrew Weil.Dr. Rubik was one of 18 congressionally-appointed members of the Program Advisory Board to the Office of Alternative Medicine at the US National Institute of Health (NIH) from 1992-1997, and chaired the NIH panels on electromagnetic medicine and spiritual energy healing. This was the precursory organization to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.In 1996, Dr. Rubik founded the Institute for Frontier Science (IFS), a nonprofit corporation for research and education, and is on the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Consciousness & Healing Initiative and the Board of Directors of ISSSEEM.
The Heart’s Memory And Biofield
Examine the latest research on the human heart biofield
Discover your heart’s own memory and the role of “the transplantation effect”
Named Abachbahamedtch (or chipmunk) by Micmac people, he is assistant to several Algonquin elders. Since 1990, his work bringing the Algonquin message to the media has helped thousands of people gain a better understanding of this great civilization and its teachings. He lectures frequently around the United States, sharing storytelling, traditional and contemporary songs, and bi-lingual poetry. He was the organizer of the North American Friendship Circle gathering on Columbus Day, 1992. He is also the founder of the Red Willow Society, Resonance Communications, and Roads To Awareness Seminars.
Native American Wisdom Of Our Hearts
The Algonquin concept of the heart
Our heart as a compass to ourselves
Living in harmony with our brothers and sisters on this planet
Thomas Cowan, M.D., has studied and written about many subjects in medicine including nutrition, anthroposophical medicine and herbal medicine. He is the principal author of The Fourfold Path to Healing and co-author (with Sally Fallon) of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. Dr. Cowan has served as vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine and is a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation®. He also writes the “Ask the Doctor” column in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts (the Weston A. Price Foundation’s quarterly magazine) and has lectured throughout the United States and Canada. He has three grown children and practices medicine in San Francisco where he resides with his wife, Lynda Smith.
Human Heart, Cosmic Heart
Your heart is not a pump. Dr. Cowan will explain this truly revolutionary paradigm-shift in easy to understand words.
And another massive revelation: Learn the ‘alternative’ theory of heart attacks that could be so beneficial for many patients and doctors.
Ouabain, the almost forgotten remedy was once called ‘the insulin of the heart’, because of it’s relevance for heart patients.
I’m an emotional healing coach, international teacher, world traveler, and curious student of life. My work is intended to empower people to empower themselves to live more meaningful lives.I run a very busy one-on-one client practice (most sessions are via skype) where I’m fortunate enough to work with people everyday on healing their hearts, resolving self-sabotage, and stepping into their true power.I also lead retreats around the world on different healing and personal empowerment themes for like minded and like hearted people to come together and learn, grow, and heal.
Step Into Your True Power To Heal Your Heart
Learn how emotional healing coach JP Sears found humor to be a way to express the authentic self, and influence millions with his satire and comedy.
Discover the keys to self-understanding, and find self-healing in the process
How to connect to your own inner source of wisdom to break negative patterns.
Peter Gray is the author of a widely used introductory psychology textbook, Psychology, now in its seventh edition. The book broke new ground when the first edition was published (in 1991) as the first general introductory psychology textbook that brought a Darwinian perspective to the entire field. He is also author of Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life (Basic Books, 2013), and he writes a popular blog for Psychology Today magazine entitled "Freedom to Learn." Gray is a well-known critic of standard educational systems and is frequently invited to speak to groups of parents, educators, and researchers about children’s needs for free play, the psychological damage inflicted on children through our present methods of schooling, and the ways in which children are designed, by natural selection, to control their own education.
The Heart Learns Through Play
Discover why play is good for the heart, physically and emotionally
Learn how self-directed learning frees the heart and how institutionalized learning thwarts creativity and joyfulness.
Discover the reasons for the rise in narcissism and the fall of resilience in today’s society and how to overcome
Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert JJ Virgin is author of NY Times bestseller The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days. The Virgin Diet has also been a bestseller in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, and numerous other media outlets. She speaks at major integrative medical conferences and appears regularly in the media, including PBS, Rachel Ray, the TODAY Show, Dr. Phil and Access Hollywood. JJ is a board Certified Nutrition Specialist, board certified in Holistic Nutrition, and a Certified Nutrition and Fitness Specialist. She has completed 40 graduate and doctoral courses and continues to learn every day to keep her audience up on the latest science.
Miracle Mindset
Discover what JJ learned about the power of mindset when her 16 year old son was victim of a brutal hit and run accident
Learn the difference between strength and resilience to overcome situations that seem insurmountable
Explore 7 steps to not just survive, but thrive during life’s darkest moments.
He is the former Vice President of Clinical Affairs and the Chief Medical Officer at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona. He received a BA in Biology from the California State University at Northridge, and his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. He completed 2 years of Family Practice Medicine residency at the Portland Naturopathic Clinic where he was chief resident prior to entering private practice.He has been an Associate Professor of Medicine at National College of Naturopathic Medicine where he has taught Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Clinical Urology. He is the author of the Homeopathic Emergency Guide A Quick Reference Handbook to Effective Homeopathic Care and has published numerous articles in The Journal of Naturopathic Medicine as well as other publications. He is also the past president of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
How The Body Heals: A Naturopathic Perspective
Understand the layers of illness and how the body heals
Learn fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine and the lost art of treating the whole person
Discover the power of Homeopathy and how it benefits heart health
Elaine Glass is a Certified Master Life Coach, Advisor, and Speaker.Elaine takes her clients through a process in which she helps them discover their path to what matters most in life. She supports men and women to lead the lives they’ve always dreamed of.After graduating from Northwestern University, Elaine’s career path brought her to a profession in dental hygiene in which she cared for thousands of patients over 30 years.At the height of a successful career, Elaine found herself at an emotional crossroads.
Get Quiet
Why is it important to get quiet?
How do you stay peaceful and clear about your purpose?
Why is it important to Get Quiet?
What are the benefits of living a life of truth and purpose and how do you get it?
What can parents do to stay healthy and thrive so their children can too- during difficult times like divorce
As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen Newell empowers others in their own journeys of discovery. Using Sacred Acoustics recordings, she teaches you how to enter and engage your own consciousness in order to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition.At international workshops presented with best-selling author Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen demonstrates key practices of consciousness exploration: heart awareness, intention, maintaining neutrality, emotional management and cultivating internal knowing.
Accessing The Inner Wisdom Of The Heart
Examine the role of heart and consciousness in well-being
Discover how sound technology can help us access our higher selves to facilitate healing, greater creativity and intuition
Learn how tap into the unconditional love in your heart and all around you.
Michael Sandler, former speed skater and professional level cyclist, suffered multiple injuries over the course of a lifetime, the last of which occurred just over 3 years ago. Weeks before a planned inline skating world record attempt across the country (LA to NYC) to raise awareness around ADD/ADHD, Michael experienced a life altering accident. While inline skating down Boulder Creek Trail, a father and toddler stepped in front of Michael’s path. To avoid a collision, Michael threw himself backwards and in mid-rotation, landed on concrete. The force of the impact resulted in a broken arm, broken hip and shattered femur. Doctors told him the usual story – he may not be able to keep his leg… he may not be able to walk again… he most definitely would never be able to run again. Fortunately, Michael doesn’t believe in limitations. He’ll be the first to tell you he doesn’t believe in the word, “Can’t.” Slowly but surely, through a combination of determination, meditation, trust in the universe and the power of nature, Michael became a walking miracle. Today, Michael can be seen barefoot running up mountains. To Michael, barefoot running is not running at all. He says, “I don’t run anymore. I dance.”
Inspiration To Inspire Others
Discover how to access your inner resilience to overcome tragedy and adversity
Learn how to listen to and follow your heart to achieve personal success.
Learn the health benefits of earthing ( neurological/heart brain connection)
Inspiration to inspire others living a heartfelt life—Inspire Nation
Professor Konstantin Korotkov has published over 200 papers in leading journals on physics and biology, and he holds 17 patents on biophysics inventions. He has led a research career for over 30 years, combining rigorous scientific method with an insatiable curiosity about things of the spirit and the soul with deep respect for all life. He is also a scholar in philosophy and a serious mountaineer of 25 years experience. He has given lectures, seminars and training sessions in 43 countries, presenting papers and workshops at more than 100 national and international conferences.
Peter D’Adamo is a naturopathic physician who is also an author, researcher-educator, Ivesian, amateur horologist, budding software developer and air-cooled enthusiast. He is considered a world expert in glycobiology, principally the ABO (ABH) blood groups and the secretor (FUT2) polymorphisms.In 1990 Dr. D’Adamo was awarded Physician of the Year by The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He is Adjunct Clinical Professor for both the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Tempe AZ, and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland OR.In 2001 Dr. D’Adamo founded the Institute for Human Individuality (IfHI). In 2003 he instigated the first IfHI biannual conference and certification, at which he was the keynote speaker. These conferences, which have attracted the best and brightest minds in nutritional genomics, have continued through 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011. Generative And Naturopathic Medicine For Heart Health
Discover the science of ABO blood typing to personalize the approach to cardiovascular management
Discover the best foods, supplements and exercise programs for your blood type
Learn how genomic medicine is changing the field of naturopathic medicine
Dr. Keesha Ewers is a board certified Functional and Ayurvedic medical practitioner, as well as Doctor of Sexology, family practice ARNP (advanced registered nurse practitioner), a Certified Psychotherapist, and a Reiki Master and Angel Therapist trained by Doreen Virtue. She is the founder of a new branch of medicine called Functional Sexology and the founder and a host of the Healthy YOU! Radio network.Dr. Keesha developed the 4 Pillar Freedom Framework and founded the Academy for Integrative Medicine to train people who are passionate about empowering themselves and then empowering others to heal themselves. Her Integrative Medicine Health Coach Certification Program is the only health coach program that trains coaches in Functional Medicine, Ayurveda, Positive Psychology, the Enneagram, Sexology, and laboratory testing.
Ayurvedic And Mystic Medicine
The ACE Study and how it impacts adult health.
The autoimmune mindset and the heart.
How all of this influences sex drive and why that is even important.
Ayurvedic medicine and heart health.
It’s time to move to an era of what I call Mystic Medicine.
Jonathan Landsman is the managing director of NaturalHealth365.com (link is external) and host of the NaturalNews Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show sponsored by NaturalHealth365.com. He is helping millions of people worldwide create health and physical fitness through a variety of educational and entertaining articles, teleconference calls, live shows and special events.
Why Oral Health Is Important For Your Heart
Discover the connection between oral health and heart health
Learn of the most common but detrimental oral procedure
Learn simple ways to naturally take care of your mouth, teeth and gums.
Comment: THIS is what I have big problems with. Because of root canals, mercury fillings and dental molestation as a child, I have had ONGOING problems with my teeth. I need prayer for this and a freaking MIRACLE!
Harry Massey, Founder of NES Health
This was Harry Massey, our founder’s, question back in 2000. Harry was suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome which left him bed-ridden for 7 long years. He had tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach he could find but nothing had given him a permanent cure.Then, as a result of his own research, he met a visionary scientific thinker named Peter Fraser. That was when everything changed. Peter was an acupuncture expert who had spent more than 20 years researching what he called the ‘human body-field’ and developing remedies based on it. Harry volunteered to try them and, amazingly, over the next two years was able to make a full recovery.
Information As Medicine For Our Hearts
PMF and biofeedback electrotherapy and how that is able to resolve pain
How memory in water works
Ways that people can “hack” their energy systems to become Supercharged
Lee is a gifted energy intuitive, channeler, author, and teacher who is bringing an extraordinary new light to our rapidly-changing world. Leading a vibrant online community, Lee reaches over 100,000 people around the planet every month. His weekly Energy Updates, broadcast on YouTube, have received over 2.5 million views to date and offer practical guidance fornavigating daily life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism.
Uncover Your Heart’s Purpose
Learn how to follow your heart’s intuition to uncover your life’s purpose
Discover why we fear change and desire it at the same time
Find how to set boundaries while keeping an open heart
His research interests include cardiovascular effects of environmental pollutants, atherosclerosis, injury from loss of blood to the heart muscle, cardiovascular complications of diabetes, and sepsis. Bhatnagar’s work has led to the creation of the new field of environmental cardiology. His research is supported by several grants from the National Institutes of Health, including two program-projects.Dr. Bhatnagar is a graduate of Kanpur University, India and received his post-doctoral training at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Dr. Bhatnagar is known for his pioneering work on the role of the polyol pathway of glucose metabolism and how it is regulated by nitric oxide.Dr. Bhatnagar’s research has led to the elucidation of certain mechanisms by which free radicals and lipid peroxidation products affect the function of individual ion channels. He is currently serving on the Editorial Boards of both Circulation Research and Circulation, has participated in over 50 National Institutes of Health review panels and is the author of over 120 publications.Dr. Bhatnagar leads a group of 30 investigators focused on developing a better understanding of the cardiovascular complications of diabetes.
Dr. Donielle (Doni) Wilson, a naturopathic doctor, certified professional midwife, and certified nutrition specialist, graduated from Bastyr University in 2000. Author of The Stress Remedy, Dr. Doni redefines stress to include toxins, food sensitivities, and imbalanced blood sugar levels, and then offers expert guidance on how to reclaim optimal health. She created a 7 and 21 day program to support diet change, sleep, exercise and stress reduction – The Stress Remedy Program. Dr. Doni hosts a podcast called Empowering Wellness Naturally and writes a weekly blog at DoctorDoni.com.
How Stress Affects The Heart And Finding Your Stress Remedy
Learn the hidden stressors that may be affecting your health
Discover how to manage and adapt to the stresses that can be avoided and how to eliminate those that can.
Understand the difference between stress and anxiety and how naturopathic medicine treats them uniquely
Ilarion was born and raised on St. Paul Island in the middle of the Bering Sea. He is an Unangan, Aleut, raised in a traditional way. Throughout his life, Ilarion has focused on traditional knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality gained from culture bearers around the world, acting as a bridge from the past to those alive today. “I miss community and the ocean. One day I will complete my work and live somewhere that has both,” he says. He is proficient in many areas but his passions are community wellness, the fate of the planet and elder wisdom. It is reflected in his work on how to re-establish harmony with ourselves, our families, our communities, and Mother Earth.
Your Heart Knows
Learn wisdom from an Aleut elder
Our heart knows it all
Gibberish – and unusual way to reconnect with your heart
Gerald Pollack, Ph.D., Professor of Bioengineering
The University of Washington Faculty chose Pollack, in 2008, to receive their highest annual distinction. He has received an honorary doctorate from Ural State University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was more recently named an Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Foreign Member of the Srpska Academy. Pollack is a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of both the American Heart Association and the Biomedical Engineering Society. He recently received an NIH Director’s Transformative R01 Award for his work on water, and maintains an active laboratory in Seattle.
Pollack’s interests have ranged broadly, from biological motion and cell biology to the interaction of biological surfaces with aqueous solutions. His 1990 book, Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion, won an “Excellence Award” from the Society for Technical Communication; two subsequent books: Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, and The Fourth Phase of Water, both won that Society’s “Distinguished Award.”
A New Phase Of Understanding The Heart: The 4th Phase Of Water
How solving the mysteries of water help us understand the truth about our hearts
Explore how water stores information and what this means to healing and our emotions
The new theory of water and its implications for our understanding of the circulatory system
Discover the negative charge our bodies need and how the water and the earth create “battery” of energy and health.
Sayer Ji is the founder and chair of GreenMedInfo.com. His writings have been published in the Wellbeing Journal, the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, and have been featured on numerous websites, including Mercola.com, NaturalNews.com, Truthout.org. Sayer Ji is the co-author of the book The Cancer Killers: The Cause Is The Cure with New York Times best-seller Dr. Ben Lerner and Dr. Charles Majors. The Cancer Killers: The Cause Is The Cure offers a radically new perspective on cancer, overcoming the prevailing half-century-old fatalistic view of “its all in the genes” into a liberating and empowering new vision of what the human body is capable of overcoming, given the right conditions. From the first-hand experience of Dr. Charles Majors, who overcame an “incurable” form of metastatic bone cancer, to the theoretical framework provided by Sayer Ji and Dr. Ben Lerner within which self-healing from cancer is made intelligible, this book strikes to the root causes of and solutions for the cancer epidemic.
The Science Of Natural Healing
Learn how the scientific literature supports natural medicines over pharmaceutical interventions for cardiovascular disease, and how to find the studies.
Discover the most researched nutritional therapies for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and more
Discover which drugs actually inhibit emotion, increase suicidal tendencies and thwart our emotional heart
Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He is the founder of www.theDr.com. He recently hosted the paradigm-shifting ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
The Truth About Gluten And Heart Health
Hear the truth about gluten and how it affects your health.
Discover the link between gluten and the rise in autoimmune diseases
Learn ways to reduce inflammation and prevent heart disease that your doctor may not know
She is a geneticist turned epigeneticist. Charan got a BSc degree in Microbiology, and a MSc in Human Genetics, after which she worked in the field of genetics for 13 years, identifying genetic mutations for a whole host of genetic diseases and contributed to many scientific papers as well as textbooks. During this time she became interested in the mind-body-soul connection, as a result of personal struggles. These personal struggles, allowed her to grow spiritually, and pushed her to learn more about mind-body-soul connection. She left the scientific world, but taking her scientific mind with her, she was inspired to learn various modalities. Using these techniques to now help others to come to realise this connection themselves, and allow their own healing capabilities to be awakened.
The Link Between Your Heart and Your Genes
Epigenetic principles and why you should know about epigenetics
The effect of your heart, emotions and believes on your genes
Why you should enjoy whatever you do, even if you believe it’s not healthy
Shawn Tassone, MD PhD is a double boarded physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Board of Integrative Medicine. He is a practicing OBGYN, author, speaker, and patient advocate. Dr. Tassone is the author of two books Spiritual Pregnancy: Develop, Nurture & Embrace the Journey to Motherhood (Llewellyn Publications, 2014) and Hands Off My Belly! The Pregnant Women’s Guide to Surviving, Myths, Mothers, and Moods (Prometheus, 2009). He has written and published extensively on topics of spirituality in medical care and he is an advocate for whole foods to heal the human body. He is an instructor in integrative medicine at Arizona State University and he has been on the faculty at the University of Arizona and the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center teaching residents and medical students. His belief is that the human body was made to heal itself and that the medical model should involve more patient-centered care with an active patient and a passive healer. He has written for Psychology Today and was the content editor for About.com Women’s Health page.
Non-Local Healing And The Meaning Response: The Power Of Belief And Prayer In Healing
Learn of the Byrd study and how cardiac care patients responded to healing energy through intercessory prayer
Understand placebo and nocebo– how positive and negative beliefs alike affect our health
Discover what the science says about thought and energy affecting the physical body.
Dr. Thornton Streeter, D.Sc. is faculty head of the Zoroastrian College section of human biofield Research. He is now the official representative of the UN NGO; consequently his training programs are recognized in 190 countries. Dr. Streeter is Director of The Centre for Biofield Sciences, UK and India. (www.biofieldviewer.com, www.biofieldsciences.com, www.biofieldscience.org).
He has spent over twenty five years specializing in research of the Human Biofield. He encourages research worldwide, designed to integrate modern medicine with traditional understanding from Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Dr. Streeter is one of the few certified trainers of Biofield Viewer (BV). Dr Streeter has overseen the development of a uniquely recognized & officially approved BV training program. Dr. Streeter is a member of: ISSSEEM, ACEP, ICNM and Fellow of World Association of Integrated Medicine.
Journey to the heart chakra
The new view of the ancient chakra system – scientific findings
The heart at the center of our multidimensional existence
Various scientific systems to measure and visualize the subtle energy bodies and it’s applications in real health care
Christopher Wallis, also known as Hareesh, was introduced to Indian spirituality at the age of seven and initiated into the practice of yogic meditation at sixteen. His degrees include a B.A. in Religion and Classics from the University of Rochester, an M.A. in Sanskrit from U.C. Berkeley, an M.Phil. in Classical Indian Religions from Oxford, and a Ph.D. on the traditions of Saiva Tantra from Berkeley. He received traditional education at yoga ashrams in upstate New York and India in meditation, kirtan, mantra-science, asana, karma-yoga, and more. He currently teaches meditation, yoga darsana (philosophy), Tantrik philosophy, Sanskrit, mantra-science, and offers spiritual counseling.
Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger,” is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director. He is the founder and editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet’s most-trafficked natural health news website. He is also the creator of CounterThink.com, FoodInvestigations.com, HealingFoodReference.com, HonestFoodGuide.org and several other websites covering natural health topics. He is a prolific writer and has been called “the best health and natural products writer on the scene today.” (by Ronnie Cummins, founder, Organic Consumers Association) Adams has received accolades and testimonials from several key influencers in the natural health space, including Dr. Michael T. Murray and raw food pioneer David Wolfe (see testimonials, below).
For medical freedom and truth with heart and soul
Sludge Blood: What you don’t know about your blood for heart health
The importance of a holistic perspective on illness
Dr. Drew Christensen has practiced medicine for over 20 years. He runs Living Health MD, a Functional Medicine clinic in Safford, AZ. After experiencing health challenges and dissatisfaction with the current healthcare system, Dr. Christensen rejuvenated his health and love for serving patients. This led him to transition out of traditional family practice into full-time Functional Medicine. Now his passion is helping patients achieve greatness by getting to the Heart of their Health. He is an author, speaker, and enjoys art and the outdoors. He especially loves being a husband, father and grandpa.
Our Heavy Hearts
What the ancient Egyptians knew about the heart
How does a heavy heart affect our health?
How a change of heart empowers health, similar to when a baby is born and takes its first breath.
Joel Kahn, MD, Founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity
Dr. Kahn serves as a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He is founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity. He is medical director of the largest plant based support group in the world (www.pbnsg.org) and owns GreenSpace Cafe in Ferndale, MI. His first book, The Whole Heart Solution, is now a PBS special nationally. He was voted Sexiest Male Vegan by peta.org in 2016. He writes for the Huffington Post weekly and serves on the True Health Initiative.
Silent Heart Disease And The Plant Based Solution
America’s Healthy Heart Doc explains why a low-fat, plant-based diet is best for heart patients
Learn which diets are proven to reverse heart disease
Understand why it’s called “silent” heart disease and what early signs to look for.
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND is a naturopathic doctor and psychotherapist with years of experience treating health conditions holistically, and providing coaching, team building and communication workshops to organizations. He has worked with UNICEF, GIZ, Fairmont Hotels, CISP-Somalia, UN Staff and other large organizations. His online course on using the 5 pillars of health, (free videos on health.drameet.com), lecturing around the world and being voted top 5 speaker on 2 world summits has earned him the recognition of top 43 naturopaths to follow. His book “Feel Good” is considered as one of the most comprehensive guides to anxiety and depression. Family Constellation Therapy. Healing Past Traumas For A Healthy Heart
Naturopathic physician and Psychotherapist explains how past generational trauma can affect physical and emotional health.
Learn techniques to heal trauma and erase negative patterns
Understand how future generations benefit from healing the past
----- Sue Morter, DC, Founder of the Morter Institute
International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential. Through her seminars, retreats and presentations she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy medicine; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery. Dr. Sue’s visionary model and techniques ignite an entirely new approach to living in creative genius and personal freedom through capturing and enhancing high-frequency energy patterns in the body. She draws from her experience as a doctor for over 30 years, inspiration from a life-changing awakening during meditation, and her personal passion for cracking the code of life itself. Her greatest joy is sharing her discoveries with others.
Bio-Energetics Of The Heart And The Mind
Discover the system of energetics that influence our lives and how blockages can lead to dis-ease
Learn how to clear your subconscious mind so that you can release negative patterns and find healing and joy
Explore the heart space and how it can be used to create the life you want to live
Niki is an award-winning internationally renowned registered nutritionist and health writer specializing in stress and mind-body medicine. In 2005 she co-founded one of the largest mind-body clinics in integrative medicine in the UK with patients in 35 countries where she worked as Director of Nutrition until 2010. The clinic published a preliminary study in 2012 on its results with patients in the British Medical Journal Open. In August 2015 she hosted the largest ever free online health summit on overcoming fatigue interviewing 29 world leading experts on optimising energy with over 30,000 attendees.
Childhood Emotional Trauma Affects Heart Health
Understand effect of childhood trauma on our behavior and biochemistry
Learn how tauama affects our identity and relationships-all which affect the heart.
Discover how childhood traumas can be resolved for emotional and physical heart health
Steven Masley, M.D. is a physician, nutritionist, author, speaker, and award-winning patient educator. He has devoted his medical career to the study of heart disease and aging, and has published significant research on these subjects in leading medical journals. His passion is empowering people to achieve optimal health through comprehensive medical assessments and lifestyle changes. Dr.Masley has received the award of Fellow from three prestigious organizations: the American Heart Association, the American College of Nutrition, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida, and he teaches programs at Eckerd College and the University of Tampa. In 2010, he received the physician Health Care Hero award by the Tampa Bay Business Journal, plus he has received several awards for his lifestyle related research. Dr. Masley sees patients from across North America at the Masley Optimal Health Center in St Petersburg, FL. Dr. Masley has published numerous scientific articles and several health books, including SMART FAT, The 30 Day Heart Tune-Up, & Ten Years Younger. His work has been featured on the Discovery Channel, the Today Show, Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), plus over 250 media interviews. He also completed a chef internship at the Four Seasons Restaurant in Seattle, WA, and he has performed cooking demonstrations at Canyon Ranch, the Pritikin Longevity Center, and for multiple television appearances. As a speaker during his career, Dr. Masley has spoken for over 300 physician continuing medical education (CME) events, and for over 700 public presentations on a variety of topics related to health, aging, and cardiovascular disease.
Smart Fat For A Healthier Heart And A Younger You
Learn the nutrients and 4 food groups essential to prevent heart disease as well as memory loss.
Understand why fats are important to heart and brain health and which fats are best for cooking.
Discover the link between heart health and sexual function
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is an expert in detoxification and minerals. She is passionate about educating the public on the importance of long term detoxing considering our toxic world. She healed her own health issues through hair mineral analysis and developed a unique detox and supplement program. Wendy wants to help others do the same.Wendy founded Liveto110.com to communicate her research to the public in the areas of metal toxicology, detoxification, supplements and nutrition.Wendy is a functional diagnostic nutritionist and certified holistic health coach in Los Angeles, Ca. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and has a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. She uses Hair Mineral Analysis and other toxic metals testing for the purposes of designing custom Mineral Power detox and supplement programs for her clients around the world.
Toxic Metals The Promote Heart Disease And The Importance Of Detoxification
Learn which toxic metals and chemicals promote heart disease, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.
Discover what testing is available to detect toxins and metals