MessiahMews Blogs: Fatty Liver: Although, the Fatty Liver Docu-class is scheduled to air soon, below is info about fatty liver from an earlier HTO summit. Kinda sorta a spoiler alert, but from another summit company. The transcript is also linked to, as it was in one of the free talks upon signing up to watch it. So they are telling how to get rid of a fatty liver. So for those dealing with difficultly with weight loss, and other related issues, here you go. ...
I want to elaborate more on this, since I know many folks who are suffering with this. ONe of my aunts died from the cirrhosis of the liver due to an unchecked fatty liver. It's important to clear this just for health's sake.
The above reposted link clicks out to a new tab, so this page will stay open in current tab.
I was doing this off and on sporadically, but have gotten the supplements, to get aggressive with liver cleansing.
The woman in the interview, said to do 1500 MG daily. 500 per meal, if one eats 3 meals a day, which we eat one and a snack, if wanted.
So I started stepping it up, and a pair of old pants I wear pretty much ALL the time, are now loose and about to fall off.
Bodybuilders cycle on and off with 2000 MG 50 3to 3000 MG of inositol and choline. I"m kind of inbetween the two numbers, give or take.
Thsi method clears up the fatty liver, and the stored upper abdominal fat which is where the upper belly fat is.
Lower belly fat is usually excess cortisol and RT3, due to sympathetic mode, stuck fight or fligh.
Cortisol-Ease Herbal and Atlas Profilax and/or Paul Whitcom's therapy aka Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT) will reverse it and put one back in sympathetic mod of the CNS (Central Nervous System), thereby turning OFF the excess excess cortisol faucet. All therapies and the herbal will be needed. And perhaps some DHEA supplements, but short therm, and/or off and on, as needed.
Here are more info on the Inositol, Choline, Methionine, and NAC.
And just a few snippets about these from a web search.
Recent studies support the importance of certain food nutrients for reversing Fatty Liver Disease
Inositol – sometimes known as Vitamin B-8, plays a significant role in reversing Fatty Liver. Inositol is a lipotropic that works to prevent fat build up in the liver and can help maintain low cholesterol levels when consumed as part of a healthy diet. It also has been proven to be useful in treating depression. You’ll find inositol in foods such as cantaloupe, beans, and whole grains. Eating these will help to increase your daily inositol levels.
There is strong evidence that inositol has a lipotropic effect. As a lipotropic agent, inositol prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the liver, and therefore, reduces the risk of developing fatty liver. This effect is important to the lipid metabolism in the body because the liver is an important organ for cholesterol synthesis .
Inositol helps to regulate blood sugar levels and it also prevents the accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver. In this way it can prevent fatty-liver disease that is common in the obese and recovering alcoholics. Persons suffering from depression are often deficient in inositol and may benefit from supplementation.
Choline – has beenfound helpful in its cognitive boosting properties (clears your foggy head) and also its ability to reduce fatty liver buildup. Choline can be found in high amounts in eggs - especially the egg yolk. (research:
N-acetyl cysteine (more commonly known as “
NAC)” is an amino-acid derivative that packs powerful health benefits from its ability to restore intracellular levels of glutathone (GSH), which is the body’s most powerful antioxidant. The stress of chronic liver disease depletes glutathione which is why it’s important to supplement with NAC to help reverse ongoing liver damage (research: Glutathione is primarily found in the cruciferous family of vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli
Methionine (We take the L-methionine). I did not up the dosage on that one, and at the moment am out of it. Haven plenty of the other to work with.
What Are the Benefits of a Methionine, Choline, and, Inositol?
Liver Cleanser In recent years, inositol has been found to assist with stabilizing weight and insulin levels for sufferers of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). However, it has also been used for decades as a tool for moving fat out of the liver and encouraging increased metabolism.
Here is the PDF file where the show transcript is from.
On nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman's website ( ), Georgia also learned that many women are deficient in choline, a nutrient that increases the production of bile, a digestive fluid that helps break down fat. Choline also works to thin the bile so it can more easily flush fatpacking toxins from the liver.
Alterations in choline and phosphatidylcholine metabolism may have an impact on several pathways, potentially predisposing one to fatty liver. Choline deficiency as a cause of hepatic steatosis is exemplified in the setting of total parenteral nutrition, in which choline replacement led to a reversal of fatty infiltration ( 23 ).
Myo-inositol can reduce fat accumulation in the liver In their study, Japanese researchers investigated the effects of myo-inositol supplementation on fatty liver induced by high amounts of fructose. Excessive fructose ingestion drastically increases the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Choline and Inositol | The liver can become fatty over time as the next area of glycogen will be stored in the liver. Old school bodybuilders would take high doses of Choline and Inositol (3000mg/day) between cycles to clean out the liver from fatty liver problems even while having normal to high enzyme levels.
MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline) - IV Vitamin Therapy
Inositol helps in the metabolism of fats and also plays a role in mood. Inositol reduces blood cholesterol, controls mood and appetite and plays a role in serotonin and its action. It is also helpful for the treatment of panic disorders, depression, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and fatty liver. Inositol is also important for optimal brain function.
Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC): Key for weight loss success
N-Acetylcysteine Improves Liver Function in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
The liver can become fatty over time as the next area of glycogen will be stored in the liver. Old school bodybuilders would take high doses of Choline and Inositol (3000mg/day) between cycles to clean out the liver from fatty liver problems even while having normal to high enzyme levels.
Because myo-inositol is a strong lipotrope — a compound that catalyzes the breakdown of fat during metabolism — the researchers hypothesized that it can also improve fatty liver induced by ingestion of fructose.
Fructose as a key player in the development of fatty liver disease
Choline Clears the Fat Log Jam - Ann Louise Gittleman
Choline is vital to controlling fat and cholesterol buildup in the body—regulating the kidneys, liver and gallbladder, and banishing fatigue. Studies have concluded that choline helps the body burn fat, resulting in easier weight loss while simultaneously lowering cholesterol.
And here is where to get these awesome supplements from CLEAN resources...
Choose capsules, and then gelatin.
Choose capsules, and then gelatin.
Also, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is a precursor to glutathione production in the liver, and also helps with a fatty liver. And the Lifewave glutathione patches can be used as well.
Choose capsules, and then choose gelatin capsules.
All of the above supplements are clean with no added excipients, and also available in safer gelatin capsules.
All of the above supplements are clean with no added excipients, and also available in safer gelatin capsules.
For Liver AND Gallbladder...
Herbals for gallbladder and liver are these 4 herbal extracts.
Chinese Bitters (clears a energetically congested liver)
Gold Coin Grass (dissolves gallstones)
Gallbladder Complete. An alternative to those unable to do liver/gallbladder flush
Add Benfotiamine to clear and prevent the accumulation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Produts) Glycated proteins and glucose akaCarmelization aka metabolic waste. People with Diabetes especially suffer with this problem.
* Choose capsules and Gelatin.
And for the inflammation, scarring in the liver from cirrhosis of the liver, use
Serrapeptase and/or other proteolytic enzyme blends.
We get the Arthur Andrew Medical brand, as it has no excipients. You WILL have to change out the
crappy Veggie caps out and put into safer
gelatin capsules from PureBulk, which is where we order ours.
Have fun with this. I am, because I am clearing more accumulated crap out.
And love watching my pants attempt to fall off. Hehehe.
And in these end times, fun is a RARE thing anymore.
P.S. This post took over FIVE hours to do,because of my eyesight. And I have to spell check, hyperlink, and deal with sticky keys too. So don't get too used to me doing these long drawn out articles and posts. So consider this a treat. Hehehe. And forgive the typos, missed hyperlinks.
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