The Daily Messenger: Africans Coming Across The Southern Border Have "Rolls Of $100 Bills"...:
Gee, now we know how they got from Africa to our border - someone gave them mass amounts of cash. If you were that rich, you could fly here legally. But they cannot, because in their country, THEY ARE WANTED KILLERS.
The DHS buses them to US cities. Can you believe that...
Buses them to our cities.
Why isn't the president ordering Homeland Security to stop this invasion force, that is quite obviously well-funded and carried out operation???
I want some answers.
DHS is busing Africans with thousands of dollars on them, caught at the border, and dumping these illegals in cities all over the USA. There is video proof of this, with white vans, blacked out windows, picked them up at CBP and taking them all over the states.
DHS is under direct control of the President. I need to know why he is allowing this. He can order them to stop. The executive branch as CIC control over DHS. Help me out here Q? I need an answer and so do my 5000 readers a day. You control these agencies. Can order them with a phone call, no EO needed or congressional whatever. It's one of the great powers of being president, which surely has been pissing off your and our enemas...Pelosi, Schiff, and the rest of the pizzagate satanists. I know for a fact Q gets intel from here, as from may vectors regarding public opinion.
A lot of us have been donating to your campaign and now YouTube has blocked me from downloading, uploading, I've been shadow banned and I can no longer embed videos. The only thing they haven't done is de-platform me, which surely is coming.
Uwantsun DB
Dear POTUS, Q, and pals,
I want answers too!
I must say, that in some areas you guys are doing a stand up job, like closing down child trafficking lanes, as per Don's post here:
I am very happy about that, so great job on that one! Thank you!
I'm also happy to see that in some places abortion laws are stricter, like in GA, for example, so thank you for that one too. I'd like to see it banned totally too.
I have no idea if any of you even bother reading my blog here. It's not actual intel as Don's blog, but mostly just health info.
I want to know why do the chemtrails continue, which also kill children (ahem!), and adults alike? They also are killing our wildlife and messing up the entire eco-system. Why do they continue?
See Don's post on those here...
And search his blog for the rest of the posts about chemtrails.
And thanks to
Tony Pantalleresco (HerbsPlusBeadWorks), we know about the nano-tech and nano poisoning from chemtrails AND vaccines. And nanotech courtesy of Monsatan's Roundup, glyposates, atrazine, etc...
Please STOP it ASAP! Even if just in the USA to begin with. STOP the chemtrail spraying. Enough is enough!
And speaking of vaccines, I ESPECIALLY want to know why the vaccines continue and are MANDATED and forced upon ALL children, especially in states like California (no exemptions except medical and even those exemptions are threatened, thanks to Dickhead Pan).
NY and MAINE have just recently lost their exemptions, except medical. Are y'all aware of that. I know
RFK Jr. is fighting it, the NY one, so surely your team knows about it.
WA STATE lost partial exemptions, which the
MMR-II vaccine can NO LONGER be refused & exempted.
WV and MS has medical exemption only, which is hard to get in those states too. They've always been medical exemption only as far as I can remember.
If y'all ever read my blog here (doubt it though), you will find ALL KINDS of proof of the dangers of vaccines, as that's been OUR thing to report on here. My husband's grandson Devin was MURDERED by a pediatrician (read pedophille!) back in 2001 at age 4 months, a week and a half after that "NOT SO WELL" doctor visit. ANYONE who harms a child whether vaccine, sexual, or otherwise, is considered a pedophille in my book.
I have posted vaccine ingredients,
links to package inserts, links to well written articles from PubMed,, and many other sites which is SOLID PROOF of how dangerous they are. Nothing but pure poison. I have posted these
links MORE than once, so this blog is full of that kind of information. All one has to do is download the
CDC Pink Book list of vaccine excipients and research each and every ingredient via MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets).
We also know about the CORPORATIONS such as the CDC, FDA, ADA, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS, etc... and that they are all listed on Dun & Bradstreet as such and FOR profit. All of that info is here, and linked back to
A.L. Whitney, since that is HER work. We can DECLINE any and ALL offers of
CONtract from these ABC entities.
So... WHY does this sort of child murder and sacrifice continue by way of vaccines? Y'all know the dangers of vaccines already. And it's more than just mercury in them that is harmful. ALL
ingredients in them are harmful.
So, for crying out loud STOP the mandates at the very least please! We all have the right to say NO! And we REFUSE this BS of safer vaccines. Vaccines can NEVER be made safe. We want them totally BANNED, and alternatives allowed to flourish. And while you're at it, also get rid of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which removed all liability from dangerous vaccines.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health bill on Nov 14, 1986.
Dead Holistic Doctors & Holistic Health Providers...
We also want some answers as to WHY the murder of holistic doctors continue and WHY NO ONE has investigated or bothered looking into that? That research and postings are from
Erin Elizabeth from Health Nut News.
Everyone suspects Big pHARMa is behind it.
And also, thanks to
Tony Pantalleresco, we know about the corruption in the supplement industry too. Like cellulose, nano-tech, polymers, carbon nano-tubes, buckyballs, silicon and titanium dioxide, and other toxic fillers in supplements. That industry is just as bad as Big pHARMa. And this is by NO MEANS to be used as an excuse to end all supplements. We know that play, as Tony laid it out in the podcast.
This is being done in such a way as to deliberately find failure & it is deliberate corruption so they (FDA) can be the authority that “all supplements don’t work & must be corrupted”, therefore we must regulate the whole industry. Surely most folks know the drill with this scenario of "let’s make a problem as an excuse to SHUT IT ALL DOWN and/or make it damn near impossible to get the real good stuff. Don’t even think about it! That game of deliberate trickery. We know that drill too, as Tony mentions in his podcast. Most of us with brains know which supplements are good and which ones are corrupted. We READ labels and have looked up those ingredients too. I have most ingredients memorized and stored in the filing cabinets of my brain.
And for those folks who are slow in getting what we mean...?
Example: States like Colorado and WA State, legalized cannabis. The problem lies with “LEGALIZING” something, when in fact should just be DE-criminalized. Legalizing something means it can still be “regulated” and controlled (or corrupted on purpose). Decriminalization means just that, no regulation or messing with it period. Legal and lawful are two TOTALLY different things.
If we must have regulatory agencies, then they HAVE to be honest. Perhaps people like Tony should be hired and paid well. He's honest, and knows his stuff.
Dental Industry...
Also, the ADA (American Dental
ASSociation) needs to be dismantled, because the dental industry pretty much ruined me for most of my life. I am unable to actually smile at people, and man can't fix my teeth anyway. Only The Most High can fix them. And there are many others who have suffered this "dental molestation".
See Plato Powers' site on
See my earlier post on dental molestation:
Ruining Our Faces and How It Happens.
We wold love to see the Jeremy Mao stem cell teeth research continue and WITHOUT FDA or alphabet soup agency interference. The stem cells come from our own blood marrow, etc..., by the way. We would love to see all this tech released, including Loren Zanier's tech, and things like the holographic med beds. No more of this mercury fillings, fluoride, and toxic dentistry, plastics, metals, and nano materials, etc...
See here for
Tony's comments on dental materials containing nano-tech:
Y'all could learn from Gerard Judd, author of Good Teeth Birth to Death, and Weston A. Price.
Skin Afflictions...
And get behind this skin condition Morgellon's thing please, and stop allowing the CDC and doctors to treat patients like total shit, diagnosing them with delusional parasitosis, etc... There are some great researchers out there figuring these things out like Tony Pantalleresco, Steve Beddingfield, LookoutFACharlie, etc... And we expect y'all to protect these people too. And these quack rude MDs all need to be FIRED ASAP.
Also, please STOP this 5G nonsense. The research on the dangers is out there, so please read all comments that were made to POTUS, Q, etc... when that
5G tweet by POTUS, was posted on Feb 21, 2019. Day 3 of the
EMF Summit is all about 5G. We know what a KILL GRID is. So research and rethink that one too, please. The info is out there.
Regards censorship...
We've been shadow banned here too. I just don't post about it much. I've had 3 or 4 videos removed from YouTube and those weren't even deep or telling stuff. Just summit/docu-series related trailers, which YT lied and said copyright infringement, which in reality they weren't. Like The Sacred Plant docu-series trailers, which we HAD permission to post from their
Google Drive to be used for promotions. I no longer can upload to YT ANYTHING, and that has been for an entire year, because I REFUSE to go that stupid online copyright school, for
something that was okay for me to post and use to begin with.
There's more than just that one incident, but I won't bother with the details of other sites.
So yes, I want answers to Don's questions, and answers to our concerns here as well.
There are A LOT more concerns, but you all get the gist anyway, if you all read my blog here.
So I have had many ideas in the past and present on how to @MAGA / @MEGA & help people.
All my thoughts, rants, posts, etc... are here.
And besides vaccines and summits, there are all kinds of great health information, and I have spent countless hours on researching alternatives, read, memorized, taken
ABC (Advanced BioStructural Correction) hands on classes/trainings, etc...
I can tell you how to totally anti-age a face in complete detail WITHOUT surgery. Lasering is okay. I can tell you in complete detail how to
remove metabolic waste (buildup aka hardening or the body) in complete detail. I can tell you have to
fix posture the CORRECT way (Thank you Jesse Jutkowitz!). The holistic health stuff is MY thing.
It's all here, if y'all want to brother reading it all.
P.S. Since y'all are gathering intel from Don's blog, how about donating to him via his paypal or P.O. address? Do that please. As a courtesy. YOU GUYS DEFINITELY HAVE THE $$$$$$$ to help Don out. Okay? Thank you!
There is another way, If you prefer not to donate on-line, please send donations to:
Don Bradley
PO Box 1576
Oak View, CA
We would also appreciate a few $$$$ thrown our way here too, because
cranial adjustments via NCR can become quite expensive, since we have to travel a day's drive for the sessions. Lodging and gas, etc... I'd love to have them at least 4 times a year. Same with
Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC).
ABC is more reasonable, since we have local access, and had some basic training to use in between seeing a provider. Plus, I would like to have the scars lasered off my skin from the landlord spraying the herbicide which broke me out in rashes. Thankfully, it's gotten better now. And I would love for us to take more hands on training and learn
endonasal cranial correction & adjusingt too.