Monday, January 11, 2016

The Fullerton Informer: Fast and Furious, fast tracking SB 277, forced sterilization and the death of Paul Walker

The Fullerton Informer: Fast and Furious, fast tracking SB 277, forced sterilization and the death of Paul Walker

Governor Brown signed SB 277 eliminating parents’ religious rights to refuse vaccines for their children. There now exists the the absolute requirement that all California public and private school children be immunized but yet there is no such state law mandating vaccination for public or private school teachers, school food service workers, janitors or other school staff. From a public policy standpoint, this makes absolutely no sense unless this is part of an agenda aimed only at children. Ladies and gentlemen it is- ...

How To Get Fuller Lips Instantly (CandyLipz Lip Enhancement Infomercial)

This may seem or look silly to most reading here, but I finally got to get one of these CandyLipz devices, and tried it.  I can attest that it actually does work as stated.

As we age, we lose the youthful facial projection by 1 mm every decade as seen in youth.

Just like NCR pulls the face forward, this works similar to pull that area of soft tissue forward.  This technology based on ancient Chinese art of cupping. or massage cupping (I also have the massage cupping set by Anita Shannon).

As soon as camera battery is replaced, will have to get some pics up ASAP of MY OWN lips.

I got mine from here:

They also have a very generous affiliate program to boot, which is how I was able to get my own device and during the December half price sale.

AFF Signup Link:

People that know me, knows how I dislike the fake stuff (injections, implants, etc...).  This is keeping it REAL, for real.  ;)   Nothing fake added.