Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Adult Immunization Plans

Forced vaccination for adults have been in the plans ALL ALONG, just as we said years ago.  Planned genocide of millions of people, young and old.

Nim Uzz
September 13 at 4:25 AM

Campaign for Adult Immunization funded with "unrestricted educational grants" by Merck and Pfizer:

Adult Immunization plan overview. Gregory Poland and Paul Offit are board members:

Pfizer sponsoring World Health Organisation campaign to promote Adult Immunization:

GSK supporting material for Adult Immunization:

Merck supporting pharmacies implement Adult Immunization:

Sanofi promotional website for Adult Immunization:

Powerpoint presentation: http://www.adultvaccination.org/cai/cai-presentation.pdf

Pfizer advertises for Vice President, US Adult Vaccines Lead:

Campaign for Adult Immunization Vision and Mission.
The campaign is sponsored by Merck and Pfizer with unrestricted educational grants

Board members of Campaign for Adult Immunization

Adult Immunization will be pushed through media and news outlets, creating a "need" and a "push":
- Employers will be given benchmarks to fulfill for increased employee immunization, will host immunization catch-up events
- Social media will be flooded with messages to immunize
- Immunizations will be expanded to become available in many public settings, airports, malls etc.
- Doctors, clinics, pharmacies will expand their vaccine range

All the Big Four pharma companies are involved in the global push for adult immunization:
- Merck
- Pfizer
- Sanofi

Sanofi website promoting Adult Immunization:
Sanofi sponsored forum on Adult Immunization:

GSK-VaccINATION.com is GSK's campaign website for adult vaccination.

Pfizer sponsored World Health Organisation summit on Adult Immunization:
Pfizer website promoting adult vaccines:
Pfizer executive job advert for Adult Immunization Vice President:

Merck guidelines for pharmacists to assist them achieve another patient vaccinated
Merck supporting pharmacies implement Adult Immunization:

Dear POTUS, Q and all...
We are disappointed in all of you right now, because we have been saying and posting for YEARS that this was coming.  California just lost ALL exemptions.  So how long are you going keep letting people die at the hands of the Big pHARMa?  The whole lot of us have posted for YEARS about the dangers of this sorcery and murder.  We have done our part with the proofs, etc..  Now it's up to you all to DO SOMETHING about this already.  We get that vaccines may never be banned, but AT LEAST STOP the mandates.  We have the RIGHT to REFUSE this.
