Monday, December 23, 2019

MessiahMews Blogs: Morgellon's: This is what is happening with your blood...

MessiahMews Blogs: Morgellon's: This is what is happening with your blood...: “Morgellons” is deadly, as it removes ferros2 from hemoglobin and creates ferros3 (a stronger ionic bond) so that red blood cells can no longer carry oxygen in & WASTE CO2 OUT. suffocation results in death....

Replaced some links and updated with Michael Chapala's site and LookOutFACharlie's info.  This is IMPORTANT!  Especially for targeted individuals (TI's).  But please share the original post in addition to this one.  It would also be a good idea to pray for the safety for each and every one of these individuals who are dedicated to saving the lives of millions of people. :)

Michael Chapala
3 hrs

My Story..

I am really just trying to save the World from this dread disease. It all started when my ex-wife got pregnant, I knew that I wanted to prevent my daughter from getting this so I looked on the Internet to find answers and realized that nobody had a solution. I started testing on my own body and discovered that this was Nanotechnology. I announced on a couple Morgellons forums that this was electrically based and the solution was an EMP. Immediately I was kicked off the forums and within 48 hours my office was broken into and my laptop and digital camera was stolen. The perpetrators were trying to find out what I knew. I knew right at that moment that I discovered the solution and struck a nerve with the people behind this. Then I started receiving death threats almost every day so I came to Mexico to continue my research. I am happy to report that people are now being cured with my Giant Coil Treatment. If you are reading this, I just want save your life. (832) 343-5425

Michael Chapala
35 mins

Something to Think About..

I have devoted the last nine years of my life studying the effects of EMP on this organism and watching its behavior. I have finally created a system efficient and powerful enough to eliminate this in one treatment. After reading what people are saying, I believe that I am the only one who has figured out the strategy to stop this. I am humbled and grateful that God has given me the knowledge and chosen me to fight this evil at such a time as this. If you are tired of wasting your money on all of the “protocols” and you want to end this nightmare once and for all, come and visit me. Your life will never be the same.

Michael Chapala
7 hrs
At first my new Giant Coil Treatment was using 2 capacitors for power, then 4 and now 8. The present power level used has caused the majority of people receiving the treatment to state that all of their Morgellons symptoms are gone. To make the treatment 100% effective I am planning to add 4 more capacitors shortly to make 2020 a... Happpy New Year!

Michael Chapala The Nano killer is the closest treatment to the Giant Coil. Also wearing a magnetic bracelet removes the Nano out of the blood stream on a continuous basis.

Michael Chapala Heather Dearing In my mind a solution is all that matters. I have no personal interest in what the solution is. If the evidence showed that peanut butter and jelly was the solution, I would tell people to eat more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I might even buy a bunch of peanut butter and jelly wholesale to sell retail.

On the other hand, you have people who have found something that helps somewhat, but is not a cure such as NutriSilver telling people that it's the cure. Because they have invested a significant amount of money in a product they will lie continually trying to sell their product. It doesn't matter that the particles of silver will block the arteries causing the skin to turn blue. No, that doesn't matter, just as long as they made a buck.

I just want to let you know that my process of discovery is beginning to show that we can eliminate this using different forms of electricity and magnetism if we use the strongest forms of it. No Rife Generator, Tens Unit, Bob Beck Zapper or Hulda Clark Zapper is going to do the trick. Anything available commercially will only FEED the disease increasing its growth rate. There is no magic pill. The people who put this together wanted to depopulate the World so they didn't want an easy solution.

Michael Chapala My Giant Coil treatment working at 5,000 volts was able to eliminate 35-50% of the Morgellons in the body of five clients. I am increasing the power 8X to 40,000 volts to hopefully eliminate 100% of the Morgellons in the body this week. I am no longer treating in Mexico so a passport is not necessary. I am working in Brownsville, Texas. For more information call me at (832) 343-5425

Michael Chapala I have the handheld Nano Killer useful for Morgellons for $350 with free shipping and the high powered system which eliminates implants for $900 plus shipping.

Michael Chapala By disabling the Nano electronics in your body, you will not experience any gang stalking , V2k or any other harassment after your circuitry is turned off.

Michael Chapala John Gonzalez It's basic electronics. A moving magnetic field (EMP) is attracted to a charged circuit (in your body). This causes an increase in the voltage in the internal circuit. Since the circuitry has to interact with the human Central Nervous System which operates at 1/50 of a volt, a high voltage will destroy it by overloading it. The cost of the treatment is $300.

Michael Chapala I have just doubled the power level and have treated two clients. So far the results look promising.

Michael Chapala If you kill it on the surface of your skin with using borax, water and antibacterial dish washing liquid mixture on your body first then rinsing it off, you will kill it on the surface of your skin. Then apply in small amounts glycerin that has been magnetized by taping a magnet to the bottle. The glycerin will kill the Morgellons near the surface by smothering it. It will last for about 24 hours through which time you will not be contagious because the disease will not be leaving the surface of your skin. You then can visit with your relatives without fearing one of them will be infected.

Michael Chapala Directed EMP for targeted individuals and the Giant Coil treatment for Morgellons sufferers. For the treatment of non Nano related sickness, common problems, I pulse acupuncture points for immediate results and have created a modality for Rife frequencies. Also use EMP to eliminate varicose veins in minutes.

Michael Chapala Darin Davis I have discovered the cure for Morgellons and targeted individuals. Also I have advanced the study of Chinese Acupuncture using Tesla technology which allows all diseases to be eliminated. Recently I have designed a new type of metal detector only to have people criticize my ability to do so. One thing that I have learned is that those people who have abilities and have imagination are always criticized by the ones who don't have either.

Michael Chapala The hotel is called the University Inn and Suites (956) 546-0381. The airport is called Brownsville International airport. Morgellons sufferers and TI's have two different forms of Nanotechnology in their bodies with very different symptoms. Morgellons sufferers have Nano throughout their bodies whereas TI's have a circuit which is primarily located in their head. Morgellons is systematically attacking the organs whereas TI's electronics forms a communication network through which information is transmitted to and received from external sources.

Michael Chapala
August 10
Attention all Morgellons sufferers and Targeted Individuals.
EMP treatments are now eliminating both problems in Brownsville, Texas. Make your appointment today and get your life back. Call or text me right now at (832) 343-5425
Monday thru Saturday appointments available.
Airport - BRO
Hotel - University Inn and Suites (956) 546-0381
I will provide transportation after your arrival.
This is the only service like this in the World.
Cost - Only $300
Hurry, because your life depends on it.

Michael Chapala A series of 5,000 volt capacitors are charged for about 25 seconds. Then their charge is released in a split second through a Giant bifilar coil in which the subject is laying inside. The EMP overloads all of the Nano in the body. To make sure of it's effectiveness, the feet and head are pulsed separately. In three EMP's all Nano is disabled in the body.

Cynthia Powers Michael Chapala suggesting it takes no less than 5000 volts to kill morgellons?

Michael Chapala EMP is more accurate because it refers to a single pulse whereas PEMF is pulsed electromagnetic field which refers to multiple pulses which are not any near as effective. In fact, could be detrimental by feeding the disease.

Andrew Kirsch Michael Chapala, does this help rid the biofilm also?

Michael Chapala Yes.

Michael Chapala If you kill it on the surface of your skin with using borax, water and antibacterial dish washing liquid mixture on your body first then rinsing it off, you will kill it on the surface of your skin. Then apply in small amounts glycerin that has been magnetized by taping a magnet to the bottle. The glycerin will kill the Morgellons near the surface by smothering it. It will last for about 24 hours through which time you will not be contagious because the disease will not be leaving the surface of your skin. You then can visit with your relatives without fearing one of them will be infected.

Lisette Callis shouldnt you take iodine or food grade H202 and or eat thyme oil products? So you don't kiss them and infect them also?

Important Warning
Do not use any type of zapper or device which conducts electricity through the body because Morgellons lives on electrons. It uses the charges caused by falling through the sky in the metal dust made up of many conductors. Once on the ground it is kept alive through solar activation of unlike metals in contact with one another. Once inside the body it seeks out the central nervous system because it is a source of electrons. A recent experiment with a zapper caused my lungs to fill up with the organism to the point of feeling pain whenever I took a deep breath. Fortunately using my protocol has returned my lungs to a healthy state. A zapper will speed up the organisms growth and kill you. Also do not wear metal such as copper bracelets, rings, jewelry. They act as antennas to pull energy in from your environment and speed up the organism's growth rate

MRI accidentally cures it.

Ashley Giles Clay if at all possible get a doctor hospital to preform a MRI if you have to make something up that can only be seen through MRI imaging whatever. The Tesla energy the machine puts off kills the nanotechnology that causes Morgellons. Or Mike Chapel is in Brownsville Texas his bifilar coil also puts off the same frequency energy. I promise you'll get relief from either one of those energy sources. Electrolis foot bath also. Split 9 volt DC charger wires put in water don't let the wires touch each other at all. Uses purified water heated up only. Soak your feet. You don't feel the electricity but the charge will enter the body that will kill it also. Do 2 or 3 minute soaks couple times a day for a week


Got a Chainsaw?!!

Okay, where's our heavy duty chainsaw?!!...

Smart Meter Education Network
3 hrs ·

Don't forget, if you use a cell phone, you are responsible for cell towers! Get hardwired and get a landline!


No celebrating xmas here either, but this was pretty funny when I first saw it.  Hehehe. 

We would love to have a super duper chainsaw to go a cuttin'.  Hehehe.

But remember those vigilante task force teams?... Some towers are already burning down, falling down, etc.... hehehehehe !!!!!

Pilot forgets to turn off spraying during landing

Whoopsie!  Me thinks the spray may have gotten to his brain.  :o !!!!



No 💉 for me!  Ever!

They already have this in the works in some states.

🎵They see me rollin’, they hatin’.🎶😎😎😎

Texans For Vaccine Choice
December 18, 2018


Maybe your kids are all adults now, or maybe you don't have kids at all - why should you care about the state mandating vaccines for school children? IN ARGENTINA, THEY NOW KNOW WHY:

"Until now, the requirement for timely vaccines was only for children and their certificate was required for school. However, with change, now adults, by age, also need a document for these procedures to be performed."

"These procedures" = "renewing ID, passport, driving license, residence or marriage certificate"

"The new framework also provides that parents, guardians or legal representatives will be responsible for the vaccination of their dependents and, in the case of non-compliance with this measure, “will generate actions of the corresponding jurisdictional health authority, aimed at effecting the vaccination, that will go from a notification to compulsive vaccination.”
Translated from:

Adult mandates are REAL and are a very REAL THREAT. This is not just about children and school or daycare. This is about MAINTAINING THE RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR BODY. PERIOD.

