Wednesday, December 27, 2017

ECZEMA and Vaccination

ECZEMA and Vaccination

Read Vaccine Inserts that come in the Box with the Vaccine, from the Manufacture. This is SERIOUS & PAINFUL, you MUST LEARN THIS.

Nowadays, it's just nab 'em and jab 'em as soon as they pop out the birth canal.

In 1958 the American Academy of Pediatrics made the following statement:

1) No child with atopic eczema or other skin disorder should be vaccinated.
2) No child should be vaccinated if any member of his family has eczema or other skin disorder.
3) Parents of children with eczema should be notified at the onset of the disease of the danger from vaccination contact.
4) If a sibling of a child with atopic eczema is vaccinated, he must be completely separated from that child for at least 21 days.
5) Forms used by state and local health departments for parents' consent to vaccination should include an appropriate warning of the contraindications.
6) Eczema vaccinatum should be a reportable disease.
7) Patients recently vaccinated must be excluded from pediatric wards containing patients with atopic eczema, other diseases of the skin, burns or healing surgical incisions.

Received December 18, 1957.
Accepted February 18, 1958.
Copyright © 1958 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

On Page 5 of the Hepatitis B manufacturer's package insert, eczema is listed as an adverse reaction...
Skin and Subcutaneous Disorders
Stevens-Johnson syndrome; alopecia; petechiae; eczema

SAYS NO CHILD with ECZEMA should be vaccinated —->


From Jim O'Kelly...


This insanity of injecting babies, kids and adults is based on the following lies. lie number one. Germs (bacteria) are the cause of colds and sick conditions. They are not. lie number two. That viruses are living and cause disease. They are not living and in fact do not exist. lie number three. That Jonas Salk prevented, and wiped out a condition called polio back in the 1950s. He did not. Lie number four. That the condition called infantile paralysis was the same as poliomylitis. It was not. Free yourself with truth.

The truth being that people in todays anti-vaccination movement (most are not anti) have never seen a case of infantile paralysis, and the condition called polio in the 1950s were mostly cases of muscle weakness. This condition was corrected by an Australian Nurse by the name of Sister Elisabeth Kenny who most people have never heard of.

Because most of the leaders in this battle (including doctors) believe and promote these lies is why we are losing the battle to keep exemptions and will never ban or outlaw so-called vaccines.

I have discovered all these lies in the past 30 years and put a book together that proves all the above beliefs are lies. If you are one who is promoting the above falsehoods as truth than you are unwittingly playing into the hands of liars like Paul Offit. He is laughing all the way to the bank. In fact he doesn't have to work so hard as the typical "anti" vaxer" is doing his job for him.

I call my book Frankenstein Science. The science they don't want you to know.
Here are a few sections.
Page 11. Toxemia. The Cause of all Disease.
Pages 12-18. The Causes of Toxemia.
Pages 19-21. Germ Theory Debunked.
Pages 26-36. Frankenstein Science:The Virus Lie.
Page 37. Immunity & Antibodies. Another Medical Lie.
Pages 38. The rest of the story. The Truth and the Lies about Infantile Paralysis and Polio from the Scientist who caused it and cured it.
The Story of Sister Kenny.
The Kenny Concept of Infantile Paralysis and its Treatment. (1943)
The real condition called infantile paralysis. R.W. Lovett, MD. (1916) Pictures. Kids with polio in the 1950s. Pictures.
And more. 64 pages of scientific truth. In print for the first time.
Warning this book is not for those with a weak stomach.

The cost is just 30.00 plus shipping. This information is a two-edged sword. One to teach your family, and friends and one to destroy anyone who challenges you. To order contact me at
Jim Novax O'Kelly
Founder of the new,
Anti-Vaccination League of America. P.S. Nobody gets vaccinated. They stopped using cow-pus back in 1977. If they even used cow-pus then.