Learn how a dysfunction in the stress response is a major component of fibromyalgia, and how to rejuvenate your adrenal glands and regain your energy and vitality. Also explored will be detoxification, commonly used medications and botanical/herbal medicine to treat fibromyalgia, including new approaches, such as low-dose naltrexone, CBT/medical marijuana and various anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herbs.
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My Notes & Commentary:
Alan Christianson, NMD
Adrenal Reset Strategy in Support of Fibromyalgia
* Role of stress and adrenal dysfunction in fibromyalgia
* “Reset” stress response and adrenal function
* Other hormonal connections to chronic pain and fatigue
Transcript: Alan Christianson (PDF)
Deep central pain processing disorders
Causative factors that have not been explored.
Masquarade as fibro:
Thyroid conditions and insufficiency.
Wilson's Temperature Syndrome symptoms are like fibro symptoms. Their remedy is time-released T3, since most clients/patients are under-converters.
Screen thyroid for autoimmunity. Won't show up in blood tests, so specific testing would be indicated.
Thyroid and adrenals particularly.
* Basic stuff would be iodine. (Atomic/Nascent, Lugol's), but MUST have L-Tyrosine (needed for production of T4), and Selenium. Maca Extract is an adaptogen, but also a food, so that one would be good.
* Adrenal Support from adaptgenic herbs.
Production of energy and management of inflammation.
* Mitochrondria produce ATP energy. Producing new mitochrondria by taking ALA/Acetyl-L-Carnitine.
* Anti-inflammatory: Proteolytic systemic enzymes (serrapeptase), Bromalain, Tumeric,Black Seed Oil, Ginger Root.
Women in middle age. Perhaps hormonal lack as in pre-menopause and menopause? The endocrine system. Core issues have disrupted the endocrine system.
High Cortisol in the evening, is why one is still wide awake, and mind is racing (over-thinking). Cortisol-Ease would be helpful for that. Yes, we have that here. Biorhythms and circadian rhythms are important.
Many patients/clients have unfortunately dismissed, because the mainstream drug didn't work. The provider never took the time to help the individual.
Ask Questions. (Just make sure to ask the right questions).
Hormones Testing:
thyroid testing regulation
peripheral metabolism - T3, T4 RT3 - testing in a tighter narrower range.
peripheral resistance syndrome (under converter/conversion problems).
What is considered normal is really average. Average is average of the population being tested.
Blood sugar issues also address the stress response. Drop the sugar, drop the grains, drop the HFCS, drop the processed food.
If caused by deep seated brain dysfunction (at the level of the limbic system) and average stress response.
Hyper-vigilance pattern, locked into the sky is about to fall, sympathetic dominance (autonomic nervous system). Hello? Check the STRUCTURE!
Adaptogenic Herbs:
Forget Drenamin and ADHS! They're both full of cellulose. So NO!
So while looking for a clean product for adrenals. I decided to revisit the Wilson's syndrome site. They used to have a good clean formula, but now they only have encapsulated version, WITH CELLULOSE! Damn! Is there ANY getting away from this shit? In 2005, they had a thick liquid type of extract, which was good. Was getting it from Roy B. Kupsinel. (RIP Roy!)
So I grabbed the basic recipe will find these adaptogenic herbs and make it also myself. Adaptogenic herbs provide gentle support to adrenals and enhance the body’s ability to adapt to occasional mental, physical and metabolic stress. So here's the recipe...
Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera),0 450 mg
Eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus senticous),0 280 mg
Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus), 0 170 mg
Codonopsis root (Codonopsis pilosula) 170 mg
Fo-Ti root (Polygonum multiflorum),0 170 mg
Devils Club bark (Oplopanax horridus),W 60 mg
Doni Wilson, ND
Stress and Fibromyalgia: Beyond Adrenal Dysfunction
* 4 major systems of stress
* Anti-stress herbals and nutrients
* Hierarchy of treatment interventions for stress
Transcript: Doni Wilson (PDF)
She graduated from Bastyr University. YAY!
4 major systems of stress:
Adrenal dysfunction
Hyper vigilance syndrome (autonomic nervous system stuck in sympathetic mode)
Feeling unsafe and threatened in childhood (authoritive taskmaster father) .
Abhorrent stress responses
Fight or Flight with the adrenaline.
HPA Axis affects FOUR Major Systems:
* Digestion - Remember today's diet is mostly processd food, mainstream dairy, overindulgence in all grains (grains are HIGHLY inflammatory), sugar, GMOs, High Fructose Corn Syrup, and now even shit supplements.
* Endocrine - Thyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas, Pituitary. Cortisol is usually higher in the mornings, and taper off into the evening. It's supposed to be, but in dysfunction, it's the other way around.
* Nervous - Stuck in sympathetic hyper-drive mode (fight or flight) of the autonomic nervous system.
* Immune - Micro inflammation in the microglia of the brain.
Brain inflammation - Hello? Encephalitis from vaccines. Adverse reactions listed on some inserts state "myalgia" as an adverse reaction. And seizures are from vaccines. Inflammatory event.
This segment is good. It covers the things that are seen in many fibro cases, although they conveniently leave out the vaccines as being causative.
Skipping meals is a common stress, and never getting that 8 hours of sleep.
Toxins cause stress
Our ROLFer told us a long time ago that the fascia is an organ of stress. Myofascial pain syndrome.
We can create new neuro pathways.
She mentioned that it depends on what the tests show, before any adaptogns are given.
Calming adaptogens:
Phosphatidylserine Helps correct can turn off stress response. Reset stress button. Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an amino acid derivative compound that is fat-soluble and found in high amounts in the brain, where it contributes to cognitive functioning. Found in high amounts in fish, it may improve memory in the elderly and lowers Cortisol.
Those who need this will have to find one with no Soy lecithin. Look for Phosphatidylserine (PS) (from non-GMO sunflowers)
This one has sunflower lecithin. Soy free; non-GMO and is the cleanest one I can find. The rest online are shit.
Hierarchy of treatment interventions for stress:
Rest of commentary notes later...
Ronald Hoffman, MD
Integrative Medicine Approaches in Fibromyalgia
* Common medications for fibromyalgia
* Use of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) for fibromyalgia
* Are CBD and medical marijuana a viable option?
Transcript: Ron Hoffman (PDF)
I hate any kind of mainstream meds for anything.
CBD is a fairly good option, however one can still be groggy upon awakening, and it's only treating the symptom/s.
You HAVE to get to the root cause/s. Start with the STRUCTURE and then ask questions about kind of job/s they work (could have worked around ALOT of chemicals, etc...), and other pertinent questions.
Susan Blum, MD, MPH
The Importance of Detoxfication
* What is detoxification and why is it so important?
* Safe detoxification for the fibromyalgia sufferer
* Case studies and stories of detox successes
Transcript: Susan Blum (PDF)
commentary notes later...
Eugene R. Zampieron, ND, MH, AHG
Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, AHG, AHN-BC
Botanical Remedies for Pain from Natural Medicine Chest
* Herbs that act as COX-inhibitors
* Ginger, curcumin, boswellia, California poppy, Jamaican dogwood...
* Important lifestyle factors in the control of pain
Transcript: N/A (PDF)
commentary notes later...
What did I learn on Day 3?
I'm still in the middle of listening to all of these, but so far, it seems like everyone is just repeating pretty much the same thing over again.