We just WON the big court case on Net Neutrality Rules! A great win for the future and speed of the internet. Will lead to many big things including 5G. Congratulations to the FCC and its Chairman, Ajit Pai!
5G is an EPIC FAIL! There is no such thing as a safe 5G, just like there will never be a such thing as safe vaccines. This is a KILL GRID. It will kill JUST LIKE VACCINES DO! I am very satisfied with our DSL. It's fast enough, and we can watch videos and movies online with no problems.
Apparently, our elected leaders could care less about us and our health. If they did, then mandatory vaccines would cease. We are on our own. I like our president, but he is pushing for stuff that we could do very well without. WHO is really behind him and forcing him to be pushing this? I Am Disappoint!
Drs. Christine Schaffner and Dietrich Klinghardt have created the The Body Electric Summit: Energy, Frequency, & Vibrational Healing, and it starts later on today --> Register for free now!
Tens of thousands will learn from the world’s experts in bioenergy, EMFs, advanced nutrition, longevity, integrative health, anti-aging and lifestyle.
Will you be there? You should be. Because these experts will offer powerful new modalities, unique tools and easy-to-implement frameworks to create your health-filled, energized life.
These are the experts you definitely want to watch on Monday!
+ Dave Asprey, Biohacking the Body Electric
+ Donna Eden & David Feinstein, PhD, Re-Emergence of the Energy Body
+ Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Autonomic Response Testing (ART)
+ James Oschman, PhD, Living Bioelectric Matrix
+ Harry Massey, Decoding the Human Body-Field
+ Karim Dhanani, BSc, BA, ND, Physics Dictates Chemistry
When you register now, you’ll also unlock these free gifts:
+ Healing Checklists and Practical Guidebook to Energy Hygiene eBook
+ The Rainbow Diet eBook
+ 4 Interview Transcripts from The Body Electric Summit
+ Let’s "Talk" About ENERGY eBook
+ Add more!
P.S. Be sure catch these expert talks, free gifts and -- if you’d like to keep these talks in your health library -- take advantage of the sale prices before Monday!
Some of these will also be the Functional Cranial Release (FCR), and will be specified.
Functional Cranial Release and Cranial Facial Release.
Cranial Facial Release
About CFR Technique http://www.cranialfacialrelease.com/about-cfr.html Cranial Facial Release (CFR) is an advanced endo-nasal “Balloon Assisted” cranial adjusting technique that has been used quite successfully in the treatment of various neurological and structural disorders. It is a specialized technique that was derived from an earlier form of endo-nasal cranial adjusting called Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS) pioneered by chiropractor Richard Stober in the 1960's and 70's. CFR was originated by Dr. Adam Del Torto, DC and is an offshoot of BNS, but is much more specific and much less invasive.
Find A Doctor http://www.cranialfacialrelease.com/find-a-doctor.html
NCR Found separately online search:
Dr. Dean Howell
Los Angeles, CA http://drdeanhowell.com/
Dr. Dean Howell travels to the following locations throughout the year to do NCR in other areas.
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
New York, NY
Tonasket, WA
Boulder, CO
Meyersdale, PA
Bellevue, WA
Miami, FL
Brooklyn, NY
London, UK
Dublin, Ireland
Doctor Boyer Cole
Naturopathic Doctor in Marin County, Bay Area
25 San Anselmo Avenue
Suite B,
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Phone: (415) 721-7453
Fax: (415) 721-7454
Our Hours: Tue-Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm, Sat 9:00am – 12:30pm http://drboyercole.com/neurocranial-restructuring/
NCR - Dr. Charles Musich Neurocranial Restructuring
Park Plaza Professional Center
17705 Hale Avenue Bldg I Suite 3
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 782-0867 Phone
Toll free: 888-462-7302
(408)408-776-6789 Fax http://www.getbacktonormal.com/ncr.htm
Adam Fields DC
Fields Family Chiropractic
430 Monterey Ave
Los Gatos, California
Call (408) 274-2244 http://www.fieldsfamilychiro.com/ https://www.facebook.com/DrAdamFields/
drfields@pacbell.net Cranial Adjusting with Dr. Adam Fields https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfqt2DPfj0I Adam B. Fields, D.C., through patient testimonials and demonstration, shows powerful results from adjusting the bones of the skull. From anxiety to sinus issues and beyond. THESE HEALTH BENEFITS ARE AMAZING!!!
Advanced Adjustment Technique for Improved Wellness CRANIAL FACIAL RELEASE
(916) 594-7630 https://www.maximizechiropractic.com/cranial-facial-release/ Cranial Facial Release (CFR) is an advanced endo-nasal “balloon assisted” cranial adjusting technique that has been used quite successfully in the treatment of various, respiratory, neurological and structural disorders. CFR is a drug and surgery-free technique and offer relief for common breathing issues such as snoring, difficulty breathing at night, allergies and congestion, and sinusitis.
660 S. Van Buren Street, Suite A
Shipshewana, IN 46565
Phone: 260.768.4333
Clinic Location:
501 E. Washington St.
Millersburg, IN 46543
Phone: 574.642.0233
Dr. Ben Eversage
67 Horse Jockey Lane
Northport, Maine
(207) 338-6032
eversage@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Dr.BenEversage/
Products: Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC); NeuroCranial Restructuring; Laminine
New York:
NeuroCranial Restructuring & Nasal Specific In NYC. http://nymigraineheadacherelief.com/ https://ncrnyc.com I have had the NCR® procedure performed on me for many years, and finally in November of 2013 I got trained by Dr. Dean Howell at his home in San Diego in the latest NCR® protocols. The intent of this website is to document and share my personal journey of transformation that started with my first website (http://jawpain-tmjtreatment.com/) and will conclude with a third and final website in the future.
Jake Schmutz, NMD
Naturopathic Medical Doctor located in SALT LAKE CITY, UT
6360 S. 3000 E.
integrativemedica@gmail.com https://www.integrativemedica.com/provider/jake-schmutz-nmd https://www.integrativemedica.com/contactus
Throughout his naturopathic medical training, Dr. Schmutz learned how to stimulate the innate healing mechanisms of the human body and uncover the underlying cause of disease. His medical training includes medical nutrition, diet and lifestyle modification, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, and osseous and soft tissue manipulation. He also received extensive training in diagnostics, pharmacology, and minor surgery, as well as post-doctoral training in IV nutrient therapy, visceral manipulation, and neurocranial restructuring.
David Ackerman Chiropractic
David Ackerman is a qualified, registered chiropractor specialising in Cranial therapy and Neuroemotional balancing. He is the only registered practitioner in Australia of NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR). http://davidackermanchiropractic.com/