Monday, February 23, 2015

200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate

200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate

This is the literature that the media, politicians and governmental health organizations like the CDC, pretend with abject dishonesty does not exist – as if vaccine injury did not happen, despite the over 3 billion dollars our government has paid out to vaccine injured through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund since it was inaugurated in 1986.
Includes Free Research PDF Download!

Ammunition in case you need it

IN DEFENSE OF HUMANITY -- Special Guest Robert Carrillo (December 13, 2014)

IN DEFENSE OF HUMANITY Archived Shows in December of 2014 - ARCHIVED PODCAST ( RSS )

MP3 Files: Hour 1, Hour 2
Playlist Files: PLS M3U

Commercials rudely interrupted Ingri during the introduction.


My comments;

Had my stepdaughter stayed away from the damn doctor to begin with, Devin would still be with us today.

Not only that, she had a marriage license AND birth certificate.


EPX Body Cardio

Rain Soul Wellness