Friday, May 15, 2015

What are Fair Trade Himalayan Salt Lamps and health benefits of Salt Lamps

almost free garage heat – just drink a lot of soda | Hemmings Daily

almost free garage heat – just drink a lot of soda | Hemmings Daily

Well, not a soda drinker, but can find empty cans being thrown away as garbage, or ask people you know to give you the extra cans.

This would be a fun project, but need to read over and over, to figure how to get the heat INSIDE.

Also a great way to keep some feral and/or stray cats warm for the winter.

Be sure to read the comments on that site, as some of the folks have come up with some more ideas.

The surprising story of medical marijuana and pediatric epilepsy | Josh ...

Who is Jay Kimball and why are the feds persecuting him?

This has been some while back, but I suddenly started thinking about this man, and how he helped so many people and and the damn Feds destroyed him.  I don't know why I suddenly started thinking about this and why it suddenly just popped into my mind.

These damn pHARMa companies, fed and all are going to get theirs.  I pray for it everyday, for it to happen sooner as opposed to later.  I will celebrate their demise.