Friday, June 27, 2014

Web and Internet Annoyances...

I'm very glad to see I'm not the only one who gets frustrated and pissed off at all the excessive javascript on websites these days.

I'm talking about those java popups that obscure and grey out an entire webpage.  Some have a convenient close or x button, and there are some that do not.

And those popups to invite people to "LIKE" their page on Facebook or whatever social network.

I'm getting to the point where I hate the internet.


Am I the only one getting frustrated by the ridiculous overuse of Javascript in web pages these days? 
I wanted to check the temperature in my local area. So I browse to the website of my local television news station. The website loads slowly. It's like watching paint dry. It's reminiscent of being on dial-up. So I check the source and count over 30 javascript files being included. 
What happened to usability? What happened to the emphasis on speed and not making users wait over 15 seconds to view a web page? 
What kind of developer thinks it is a good idea to have that many javascript files included in a web page? The number of Javascript files I counted was 32 including analytics scripts. I can't imagine how long it would take to do all that on a slow connection.

No dude, you're not.  I personally think webmasters are ego trippin' on this unnecessary shit.

Here are some more comments on this webpage about it.  Some are pro-javascript and some are definitely ANTI-javascript.

Javascript annoys me when it is required for the site to function, especially for things that should not depend on it (like opening a link). Basically your site should work perfectly with Javascript disabled - the Javascript should just make it nicer to use. 
Say I have javascript disabled (for whatever reason - security, paranoia, CPU usage, ad-blocking etc), I should still be view that picture, albeit not with a fancy Lightbox effect, or submit a form, again albeit without dynamic in-line error reporting)
There's nothing "wrong" with Javascript, it just shouldn't be obnoxious, or mandatory. 
Javascript is a major attack vector for drive-by downloads. 
Many browser vulnerabilites can only be attacked through javaScript, and about half the security alerts issued about browsers read "while we're working on a patch to this vulnerability, you can protect yourself against it by disabling scripting".
On what machines do you think those spam bots are running? Nowadays, most of them fell victim to a drive-by download on some website that used Javascript to attack a browser vulnerability, and in many cases the malicious code got into that website through an XSS attack. A study conducted by Google last year found 10% of all websites they surveyed to contain such attacks! 
So yes, Javascript (Flash too, btw) is very much the problem, not the solution, and it's becoming a bigger and bigger problem. Eventually it will be too big to tolerate; you better be prepared to find a way to make your website work without Javascript when every single Joe User out there has (or closely knows someone who has) had their ebay acount, paypal account or even bank account broken into, and is told they could have avoided it by deactivating Javascript in their browser. 
Of course, this is a worst-case scenario, and maybe browser developers will manage to get their act together, or some sort of sandboxing technology for Javascript engines (or the browsers themselves) becomes prevalent, though that would still do nothing to counter XSS. 
But saying that Javascript is not a problem right now betrays appaling ignorance in someone who develops web apps professionally. 
you all miss one important thing. With client-side scripting, MY BROWSER is where all the stuff is executed. And if I allow this to happen, I thereby give YOU, the damn site developer, nearly full control over my browser. I can even agree with some people here who says JavaScript as such (as a programming language) is not bad, the bad thing is the idea of client-side scripting. 
JavaScript being executed within the client's browser is malicious and dangerous by design. Many people continue to say that -- well -- JS virtual machines are buggy, yes, and security holes are found, one by one, in these machines, but the problem is not with the client side scripting, only with implementations of these virtual machines, and one day we implement a secure JS VM, and everything will be fine. That's LIE. Just one thing: the CPU time needed to render a page. Without Turing-complete code on the page, the time is just a (almost linear) function of the HTML length. But once we get the Turing-complete code and allow it to execute, the rendering time is not only no longer a function of anything, it is UNPREDICTABLE (hell, mathematically proven to be unpredictable). 
These web developers who use JS (actually, nearly all existing web developers, which is sad) force us, their users, to trust them so fanatically so we don't mind to give them full control on our browsers. Hey, may be you also need a key of my house?

So webmasters, businesses, product salespeople,etc...  LISTEN UP!

WE HATE THIS SHIT!   STOP IT!  Listen to your readers/clients/customers or lose them forever!

So I have to be bothered to install extensions on Firefox and Chrome such as YesScript, noscript and whatever script blocker needed to get rid of these friggin' annoyances, just so I can browse the internet in peace.

There's also boycotting sites too.

I guess I'll be the anti-javascript bitch?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

[Vaccination-Liberation] The lawful notice regarding vaccinations


Tuesday night (6-24-14) Ingri and I discussed the Vaccination Notice and the reason for each item on it. Our discussion was recorded and is available for free at this link  This recording should answer many questions regarding this lawful notice.

To further explain the purpose of a notice, we prepared one for a friend regarding a municipal action that would require he apply and pay for a new permit and consent to an inspection of his property. The notice process {to include a sample 'city corporation notice') is further explained in this article. Time for People to Learn a Little Chess

From Judge Dale, retired
The Great American Adventure
Page 105
"All of this deception is compounded by the refusal of ordinary Americans to realize, know or understand that it is this secrecy and duplicity of privately owned corporations, being surreptitiously portrayed as American agencies and government . . . that have come together to fleece [and control] the American people . . ."

Do not expect attorneys to support the legal notice strategy, because it 1) cuts them out of the process 2) exposes the corporate nature and lack of authority of the so-called government 3) cites the Clearfield Doctrine requiring a signed contract prior to enforcement.
The more people understand what our government really is, the fewer will hire attorneys. Attorneys are actually trained to implement this parasitic system upon the unsuspecting public. That is where their 'expertise' lies, as attorneys Judge Dale, Melvin Stamper and Karen Hudes have revealed. On June 14 Ingri and I discussed the BAR and their many cover-ups on our RBN program, In Defense of Humanity.

If you wish to purchase the Great American Adventure as a book, they are available for the cost of printing and mailing at Arc Copy
AL Whitney
Franklin County Ohio
People for Safe Technologies


Vaccination Notice (.doc)
Vaccination Notice (.pdf) w/instructions (Actual notice on the last page)

EPISODE 1 - Introduction to call series (.mp3) Right Click, Save As
EPISODE 2 - The Legal Process - the Vaccination Notice (.mp3) Right Click, Save As

It's also available on the above site for downloading as well.

My Beautiful Woman: ความลับของเจน 3/3

From The Raw Food World...

Life is filled with decisions and circumstances that can alter our future in a heartbeat. This woman knows what it’s like to have her life instantly changed, and this heartwarming video teaches us that sometimes the unexpected moments in life are the ones that can fill our lives with a love and purpose beyond comprehension.

Full version....

I would have done the same.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Premature Babies Are Included In One-Size-Fits-All Vaccination Policy

Dear Readers,

When it comes to injecting vaccines, nothing is sacred.

It seems health authorities are hell-bent on dancing to Big Pharma's tune by vaccinating a premature child with the same vaccine dose as an adult.

Can this even be safe?

As a parent, you will be told that there is nothing to worry about - just get them vaccinated. But you should know there is a much darker side.

If you want to know more, read on...

Click the Link Below Now!


Jeffry John Aufderheide
Editor of

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Harmful effect of P-to-A spine manipulation

View this video full screen so you can see how straight he is before getting the P-to-A impacts and how slumped after. When you are watching, note the P-to-A impacts on his spine are much less force than a typical 'lay the person prone and adjust P-to-A with force on a given vertebra,' because the P-to-A impacts are spread out over a larger surface area than when the treatment is only on a vertebra or two of the spine.

Practitioners taking just one Advanced BioStructural Correction™ live seminar and doing the test of taking a before picture, treating people with ABC™, taking an after picture and then treating people with typical P-to-A treatment of any type with an after picture are usually a bit taken aback at how quickly they can breakdown people's structure after correction.

It is astonishing how many people are so badly off structurally that even a P-to-A treatment that makes them mechanically worse still shifts the pressures on their body enough so they are tricked into thinking they are better. It is also the answer to why adjustments or osteopathic manipulations "don't hold".

I'm a lay person, and I totally understand this.  P to A, means Posterior to Anterior.  We should be adjusted/corrected from A to P (Anterior to Posterior).  THAT is the difference in ABC compared to traditional chiropractic.  The anterior vertebrae are the ones that the body can't self correct, because there are no muscles behind each vertebrae to pull it back into place.  When the anteriors are corrected, then all posteriors (which are compensations, btw) will then self correct, because there are muscles in front of each vertebra, and on each side.   Understand?   This is what we learned.

Okay, here is a side view of yours truly, immediately after an ABC adjustment.
Notice how my head is up, and shoulders are back, back straight.
This is after being asked to breathe in, breath out and let your body slump.
Only my bones are holding me up, and I can't slump right after ABC correction.  The way it should be.
And it's not hard to correct someone from A to P either.

I might add that normally, I'm bio-mechanically weak, as far as adjusting someone else.  The first day I struggled, because I had to adjust a bigger person, and kept cramping up.  Then after the full protocol, several meningeal releases in ONE day, I was able to set up and get him adjusted with ease.  I was told by the instructor, that as I get more adjustments by ABC, that it will become easier.  And the instructor is a smaller guy, and about my height.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ataxic Trevor 1 fixed with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ FOUR PARTS

I like making cartoons and graphics, so I use those sometimes to get a point across, or just for plain fun.   There are ALOT of online image editing sites, plus apps on different sites to accomplish this.

This is about what we are learning and have learned, and mainly to help each other, plus family members and/or other loved ones (if they desire it).  The goals are to save money on traveling expenses, other practitioners, and get our bodies fixed and straightened out in the privacy of our own home and environment.  Enjoy the information and videos too.

Jesse Jutkowitz. is teaching a seminar here in the videos below, so he does the full protocol on this guy, save the EndoNasal Cranial Correction and the one (John) he is teaching at the moment does the full protocol, including the endonasal cranial (same type endonasal balloon therapy as NCR).  It's called EndoNasal Cranial Correct (ECC), because obviously, the name NCR aka Neurocranial Restructing is copyrighted and belongs to Dr. Dean Howell.  He (Jesse Jutkowitz) mentions that it IS important to do the EndoNasal as part of the training and FULL ABC treatment and protocol.  We will definitely take the EndoNasal training when the time comes.  However, our current training is taught by Dr. Dirk Farrell, DC in Seattle, and Jesse is the only one that teaches the ABC EndoNasal Cranial Correction.  We will have to travel much farther to take the ECC, where Jesse himself will be teaching it. We can take as many live seminars and training as it takes to totally get it, if we have to.

The facial and head results/changes are the same as NCR, I might add, except with NCR, you get a full massage before the endonasal balloon, and with ABC, you get the full ABC meningeal release/s & spinal protocol in the proper order, and then the endonasal balloon, and then re-check for any anterior vertebrae that moved during the endo nasal balloon therapy.  It is stressed at how important one's work must be checked and re-checked.

Okay, now to the videos...

This gentleman's body and skull is definitely locked up.  THAT will be clearly seen in all the videos, and the skull especially in the 4th part video.  You will clearly see all of that by watching the videos in sequence.  In each, you will see the improvements, and then, after some things, you have to go back, re-check and do other things.  It's like peeling layers off an onion, and then the spine will unwind, and during the unwinding, things can tend to be a little unpleasant, especially when one is in the forward position during the unwinding process.

So there are FOUR videos here.  It's not as clear and concise as the home core curriculum course.
Also WHERE the bottom of the feet are being done with the adjustment instrument, is important, and is explained in the home course as to precisely where to put it and the angle of the adjustment instrument.

On this one (Part 4), Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz, DC mentions the ABC™ EndoNasal Cranial Correction™ (ECC™), and mentions Dr. Dean Howell's website, and he says right here that he took the NCR course from Dr. Dean Howell and the he (Jesse) taught Dr. Dean Howell, ND the testing, just as Dr. Ben Eversage told me he did.  So these two wonder guys taught and helped each other out.  Since I've had NCR from Dr. Hillary Lampers, ND, I can tell you the testing they both do are the same.  We were told that we will have to go to CA for EndoNasal Cranial Correction training from Jesse. We will take that and the full ABC seminar again, because as I said, gonna do them as many times it takes so it will be done right.

Ataxic Trevor 1 fixed with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ 4 of 4


I would suggest any and every bodyworker, energy worker, ROLFer, massage therapists, and even lay people who desire to help their families learn these things.  Jesse Jutkowitz will teach anyone this, although it is mostly chiropractors that take the courses.  The more people who learn these structure straightening therapies will help more people than you can imagine.  Dean Howell has begun to teach non-naturopaths the NCR, as he did with Plato Rosinke (Plato Powers) (from NYC) and Ian Hedley (from the UK).

So many people are damaged by accidents, malnutrition, vaccines, heavy metals, environmental toxins, fluoride, GMOs, aspartame, fluoride, chemtrails, biologicals, pathogens, and you name it. We can all detox, do colon cleanses, liver/gallbladder flushes, raw foods, superfoods, eat the correct diets (organic/whole foods/superfoods), clay baths, and heavy metal removal, but to be at FULL functionality, we MUST fix our faulty bio-mechanics/structures (head AND spine).   Why operate at 75%, when you can get to near 100%?.

Get thee hence to the Meningeal Release website and order the free DVD which shows the 1st Rib Maneuver and partial protocol being done. . And while visiting the ABC website, check out the before and after postures of the people on there. HUGE flippin' difference, eh?

And as you guessed it, we took the ABC Basic Seminar and Home Course (ABC™ Core Curriculum).  As I previously said, this is so we can help each other, and any of our family members (and friends, if they so desire).  It will save us money in the long run, as it costs to drive 1 and a half hour for ABC, and 7 hours to get NCR.  My local ABC chiropractor does not do the EndoNasal Cranial, so I have to travel farther to get the NCR version of cranial correction.  My head and face has already had big changes from NCR alone.  My face and profile are TOTALLY different now.

Wanna see?  Sure you do!  Excuse the no makeup in the second one, but it was night and close to bedtime.  That second picture was during my THIRD NCR session in November of 2012.  I know they're not pretty or glamour shots, so please forgive.  lol

From left to right.  1st pic on left was in 2010 (No NCR nor ABC), and the collapsed palate/maxilla (mouth area is clearly collapsed sunken in).  The 2nd pic was during the 3rd NCR session of November of 2012.  There was already great changes, as my mouth isn't sunk in anymore (collapsed palate/maxilla).  The last two pics, obviously made the same day, was made after 6 NCR sessions, but I had already started having ABC (Advanced Biostructural Correction done too.  Although my ABC chiropractor, doesn't do the EndoNasal Cranial Correction, it does all work together and it still helped the NCR out and visa versa.  The chin depth (neck to chin is out more, due to the maxilla/palate being moved forward even more with continued NCR.  A sharper jawline!  
Plus I no longer have that fugly retruded chin look. The changes in facial aesthetics are quite OBVIOUS and MUCH better!  I'm very happy and pleased with it.
The chiropractor doc training us in ABC DOES do EndoNasal Cranial Correction for his clients, but he does not teach it.  Only Jesse Jutkowitz will teach the ABC EndoNasal.  So we will have to travel and take another FULL training with Jesse himself, so that we can have that training and skill learned.  I plan to take several Basic Seminars until I can do the FULL protocol with great confidence!  The training isn't as expensive, as going to a 4-year school or college, and of course, not as long, but is a full usable skill that will benefit many people in the years to come.  YES!  We will continue to spread the word about all healing modalities.

I'm not the only one!  
This is Ben's profile before and after I don't know how many NCR inflations, but it's way more than me.

Sometime in 2013, I found out about ABC from Ben Eversage and added it to my structure protocol.

Thank you Ben Eversage for your links on your website and for telling me about ABC!  (Ben is an ABC chiropractor in addition to doing NCR, which he was trained under both Drs Dean Howell (NCR) and Jesse Jutkowitz (ABC).)

The main reason I started doing all of this is to rid of a damn headache (occipital neuralgia) that just wasn't going away with regular chiropractic, simply because the adjustments were only treating compensations, which is why things just kept going right back out.  By NCR definition, I have what is called a tilted occiput. Meningeal Adhesions, meningeal compression and enroachment, is what kept pulling the Atlas out, and no doubt pulling on that occiput too.  I did AtlasProfilax and it worked so well for a long time, but still didn't hold. That did help me lose weight as it did free up some things, but was not enough. One must fix (correct) the Primary Biomechanical Pathologies (the root of the problem/s, as I call it), and do the meningeal releases, and correct only the anterior vertebrae, which the body cannot self correct.  When those are corrected, the compensations that had resulted will correct themselves as the unwinding process begins.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Introduction to Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC)™

If'n I had my way, this guy would get an Academy Award for his thorough explanation of Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC).  The meningeal adhesions he speaks about are the reason for meningeal releases.  And his explanation of the anterior vertebrae going forward, which the body cannot self correct.  The meningeal releases are important, thus making the anterior vertebrae go back in place with ease.  Adjusting only the compensations, which all other chiros have done, is the REASON, why they kept going back out.  Thus the proper way is to adjust ONLY the ones (anteriors), which the body cannot self correct, and then as the spine unwinds, the compensations will self correct.  I feel the very same thing and unwinding on myself, as I get the ABC adjustments.

More later...

Cerebral Palsy Pre and Post Changes of Treatment with Advanced Biostructural Correction

And this is an anterior meningeal release...  It looks sort of like a lateral meningeal release lying down, but the lateral is the head is being turned like a steering wheel, while the nose stays in the same place.

She is definitely walking much better.

Ithaca Chiropractor demonstrates Meningeal Release alleviating neck and back pain

This is exactly how I have them done on me.  The posterior meningeal releases are fun too!

Years of scoliosis gone in a few visits to ABC practitioner. The many chiropractors I visited did not, and will not get these results like ABC and NCR has given me.  Not even over 18 years of traditional chiropractic care.  ABC is not traditional chiropractic and the ABC chiropractors do not learn this in chiropractic school.  Must be taught by Jesse Jutkowitz or one of his qualified instructors. Some of the practitioners are not all chiropractors, fyi.

Advanced BioStructural Correction