Sunday, January 4, 2015

GM Corn Modified with Hepatitis B Vaccine Grown with Little Oversight

Did you know? Experimental GM crops are said to be grown in contained areas. But many are grown within 100 feet of traditional crops, habitat for threatened wildlife species and natural water sources. 

Read more:

Photo courtesy of Millions Against Monsanto by

[Vaccination-Liberation] ICD9 codes - Parental Refusal to Vaccinate Resources

THIS is one of MANY reasons why to stay away from mainstream doctors and pediatricians.  A way to put people into the EHR system for life and to be tracked.

How to stay out of the tracking system...

* Have your baby at home
* stay away from pediatricians
* never get a marriage license, birth certificate or a SSN#
* no driver licenses either.

Otherwords, no govt contracts.

FROM AAP - new codes to label you with

  Parental Refusal to Vaccinate Resources
For 2006, there are approximately 180 new codes, revisions, and deletions to ICD-9-CM. Included among these changes are ten new ICD-9-CM codes that allow greater specificity in reporting the reason why a vaccination is not administered. 

Previously, the only option ICD-9-CM offered in this regard was a single code for "vaccination not carried out because of contraindication" (V64.0). However, the 2006 version of ICD-9-CM includes the following new codes:

V64.00 Vaccination not carried out, unspecified reason
V64.01 Vaccination not carried out because of acute illness
V64.02 Vaccination not carried out because of chronic illness or condition
V64.03 Vaccination not carried out because of immune compromised state
V64.04 Vaccination not carried out because of allergy to vaccine or component
V64.05 Vaccination not carried out because of caregiver refusal
V64.06 Vaccination not carried out because of patient refusal
V64.07 Vaccination not carried out for religious reasons
V64.08 Vaccination not carried out because patient had disease being vaccinated against
V64.09 Vaccination not carried out for other reason

These new codes are effective (and must be accepted by third party payors) on October 1, 2005. In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is no longer allowing payers a grace period to implement the new and revised codes.

The entire list of 2006 ICD-9-CM revisions can be obtained from the National Center for Healthcare Statistics Web site at .
For questions, please contact the AAP Division of Health Care Finance and Quality Improvement at

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, USA
Vaccines -
Homeopathy http://homeopathycures.wordpress.comVaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start January 8 & 9

[Vaccination-Liberation] Support Tenpenny's RIGHT to speak in Australia

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is scheduled for 6 seminars in Australia and is being viciously attacked by the pro-vaccination lobby.
There is actually a poll in the following article that asks the questions whether she should be 'allowed' to speak in Australia at all!!!
Please DO take the poll.

Pro-vaccine lobby fight to stop US anti-vaccination campaigner Sherri Tenpenny lecturing in Australia

Pass it on!!    -- At least to sympathetic friends and contacts.

In the Spirit of Truth,

Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307

“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”

“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD

To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical paradigm and why the only truly informed choice
regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.