Stevia from
Other Ingredients: None
Because NOW the store bought stevia we were buying is loaded with other ingredients like silica and natural flavors (which could be ANYTHING), etc... And those are the ones in the HEALTH FOOD store.
This is the label from the SweetLeaf store bought brand...
See? Even the health food stores are, for the most part, incompetent.
The PureBulk Stevia is STRONG. It took two packets of the SweetLeaf store brand to sweeten tea or coffee.
But the Stevia from PureBulk is straight up pure powder, and it only takes about a 4th of a teaspoon. We're still doing the adjusting on the amount to put in a cup of tea or coffee. What a difference being pure makes!
At this rate a bag of the PureBulk brand will last a LONG time.
Our Paypal:
We would also appreciate the help as well.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
The Daily Messenger: The 5th Wave (5G) At The Super Bowl
The Daily Messenger: The 5th Wave (5G) At The Super Bowl: Look at any modern navy's early years: when we first put radar on the boats, the sailors would hear an audible click or pop when the radar swept over them. eventually the navy realized that the radar signal was ionizing water molecules in the brain, a literal steam explosion, and that's what they were hearing. after that the radar assemblies were moved on top of the conning tower to protect the sailors, but it was always dangerous. it was always ionizing radiation. ...
First of all..., anyone in their right mind would AVOID joining any military service. This and the forced vaccination they all have to get in order to "fight for our country", yeah right! They stopped fighting for us a long time ago.
Second.... I mirrored this on my Bitchute too, just to help out in getting this out there. Along with commentary too.
Third... Look at the meaning of the words "corona virus" and what do you find?
Corona is defined as the radiant crown around the sun which is literally what Radiation originates from and also called the "Corona Effect" and virus in latin means Poison so the word Coronavirus= Radiation Poison. This is why they are poisoning us with heavy metals and superconductors like graphene oxide because it makes us more susceptible to these EMF and radiation.
The English word "virus" is based on a Latin word for "poisonous secretion," and early on it often kept to its original meaning of "venom," either the literal or figurative kind.
corona [kŏ-ro´nah] (pl. coro´nae, coronas) (L.) crown; in anatomic nomenclature, an eminence or encircling structure that resembles a crown. adj., adj cor´onal. corona radia´ta 1. the radiating crown of projection fibers passing from the internal capsule to every part of the cerebral cortex. 2. an investing layer of radially elongated follicle ..
Covid-19 and Radiation Sickness Have Same Deadly Symptoms ...
Virus = Poison & Corona is defined as RADIATION
Corona Virus = radiation poisoning
Annd... The word COVID is a demon in Hebrew
Fourth... And also that oxidation problem, talked about before...
See what is happening with our blood...
That is also why people who are diagnosed with CONvid do well when they take the N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Even those weaponized have taken NAC which has lessened the adverse reactions symptoms somewhat.
You can get it from PureBul. And you can get it also in SAFER gelatin capsules too.
Drinking liquid chlorophyll will help in rplacing some of the oxygen and rebuilding the blood. Also to thin the fibrin which causes the clots, we use the proteolytic system enzyme called Serrapeptase.
We get the one from Arthur Andrew Medical. The mix is clean, but the cellulose crap caps have to be changed out to gelatin. We also get the clear clean gelatin capsules from PureBulk too.
We can do these things, but the source of the radiation needs to be stopped.
FINALLY and Fifth!...
Want to help stop this 5G and tower problem?...
Go for the public officials' SURETY BONDS. And I mean all of those who have voted and allowed this all the way back to the beginning. They are bonded and licensed, and have to be to hold any public office. Get copies of their SURETY BONDS, serve and deliver the letter of intent, and then file a claim on their SURETY BONDS. FORCE them to obey the law,
Bonds For the Win
[A legal approach to forcing officials to obey the law.] - They are building a team of professionals to assist law abiding citizens just like you in obtaining and filing surety bond claims against public officials who are actively breaking their oath of office.
This can be done to stop the 5G too.
As a matter of fact, this is what the truckers SHOULD HAVE done in the first place.
How about everyone spreading the word on this and take some real action against those who wish to kill us and our families? Hit them where it hurts.
Protesting this and that and going to speak the "3 minutes" at some city council meeting isn't going to do jack squat in our favor. They're going to do what they want to do regardless of what we say or think. When will people learn this? How many years of protesting has been done, and has it ever enacted real change?
We HAVE to be smarter than them.
How to get the Surety Bonds:
1. Send a request letter directly to the public official’s email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.
2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.
3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.
4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won’t help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.
5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.
6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.
7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don’t ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it’s likely to work throughout your state.
8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.
Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States - including, but not limited to State School Boards, Districts, Mayors, Sheriffs, and County Officials.
Learn More Here: Get Updates Here:
This is being done to stop 5G, stop mask mandates at schools, etc... and stop the vax weapon mandates. As a matter of fact, the truckers could have done this.
How's about it? Because I am tired of repeating myself thousands of times. My eyes are tired and bad from this being online and LED, etc... and I would like to do my service to mankind and all, but I need to get off this computer, but here I am repeating myself and it seems to no avail.
Please support The Daily Messenger: Thanks!
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.
Our Paypal:
We, too, would also appreciate the help as well.
First of all..., anyone in their right mind would AVOID joining any military service. This and the forced vaccination they all have to get in order to "fight for our country", yeah right! They stopped fighting for us a long time ago.
Second.... I mirrored this on my Bitchute too, just to help out in getting this out there. Along with commentary too.
Third... Look at the meaning of the words "corona virus" and what do you find?
Corona is defined as the radiant crown around the sun which is literally what Radiation originates from and also called the "Corona Effect" and virus in latin means Poison so the word Coronavirus= Radiation Poison. This is why they are poisoning us with heavy metals and superconductors like graphene oxide because it makes us more susceptible to these EMF and radiation.
The English word "virus" is based on a Latin word for "poisonous secretion," and early on it often kept to its original meaning of "venom," either the literal or figurative kind.
corona [kŏ-ro´nah] (pl. coro´nae, coronas) (L.) crown; in anatomic nomenclature, an eminence or encircling structure that resembles a crown. adj., adj cor´onal. corona radia´ta 1. the radiating crown of projection fibers passing from the internal capsule to every part of the cerebral cortex. 2. an investing layer of radially elongated follicle ..
Covid-19 and Radiation Sickness Have Same Deadly Symptoms ...
Virus = Poison & Corona is defined as RADIATION
Corona Virus = radiation poisoning
Annd... The word COVID is a demon in Hebrew
Fourth... And also that oxidation problem, talked about before...
See what is happening with our blood...
That is also why people who are diagnosed with CONvid do well when they take the N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Even those weaponized have taken NAC which has lessened the adverse reactions symptoms somewhat.
You can get it from PureBul. And you can get it also in SAFER gelatin capsules too.
Drinking liquid chlorophyll will help in rplacing some of the oxygen and rebuilding the blood. Also to thin the fibrin which causes the clots, we use the proteolytic system enzyme called Serrapeptase.
We get the one from Arthur Andrew Medical. The mix is clean, but the cellulose crap caps have to be changed out to gelatin. We also get the clear clean gelatin capsules from PureBulk too.
We can do these things, but the source of the radiation needs to be stopped.
FINALLY and Fifth!...
Want to help stop this 5G and tower problem?...
Go for the public officials' SURETY BONDS. And I mean all of those who have voted and allowed this all the way back to the beginning. They are bonded and licensed, and have to be to hold any public office. Get copies of their SURETY BONDS, serve and deliver the letter of intent, and then file a claim on their SURETY BONDS. FORCE them to obey the law,
Bonds For the Win
[A legal approach to forcing officials to obey the law.] - They are building a team of professionals to assist law abiding citizens just like you in obtaining and filing surety bond claims against public officials who are actively breaking their oath of office.
This can be done to stop the 5G too.
As a matter of fact, this is what the truckers SHOULD HAVE done in the first place.
How about everyone spreading the word on this and take some real action against those who wish to kill us and our families? Hit them where it hurts.
Protesting this and that and going to speak the "3 minutes" at some city council meeting isn't going to do jack squat in our favor. They're going to do what they want to do regardless of what we say or think. When will people learn this? How many years of protesting has been done, and has it ever enacted real change?
We HAVE to be smarter than them.
How to get the Surety Bonds:
1. Send a request letter directly to the public official’s email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.
2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.
3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.
4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won’t help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.
5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.
6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.
7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don’t ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it’s likely to work throughout your state.
8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.
Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States - including, but not limited to State School Boards, Districts, Mayors, Sheriffs, and County Officials.
Learn More Here: Get Updates Here:
This is being done to stop 5G, stop mask mandates at schools, etc... and stop the vax weapon mandates. As a matter of fact, the truckers could have done this.
How's about it? Because I am tired of repeating myself thousands of times. My eyes are tired and bad from this being online and LED, etc... and I would like to do my service to mankind and all, but I need to get off this computer, but here I am repeating myself and it seems to no avail.
Please support The Daily Messenger: Thanks!
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.
Our Paypal:
We, too, would also appreciate the help as well.
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