In 10 days! And now this kid has a future in correcting bodies, as NOW that's what he wants to do. And then pass all that goodness to others.
His mom and dad weren't the only one in tears.
Published on 22 Jun 2015
Check out new link to video at
We have re-uploaded due to issues with availability on some devices.
After pulling out a tree root Muntathar experienced excruciating pain which forced him into a extreme hunched position. If he tried to stand up he would get terrible pain and numbness all down his leg. Despite being to emergency 9 times, he had found no help in the medical world. So as a last resort he decided to travel from America to Australia to see Dr. Ian. Watch as after 2 weeks of specific Gonstead Chiropractic care, Mun stands straight and tall once more and gets his life back. We hope you enjoy this very special case.
While this is not ABC, it was still very effective. Also, by the looks of the corrections, they were correction A to P (anterior to posterior) like ABC, but a different protocol and testing.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Dr. Ben Eversage - NCR and ABC
Dr. Ben Eversage - NCR and ABC
Dr. Ben Eversage has performed over 50,000 NCR treatments on patients over the last 10 years. He has travelled to eleven states and driven over 600,000 miles during that time. What is NCR and why do patients continue to come to him for treatment?
Why Is NCR Different From Other Techniques? There are four things that distinguish NCR from other body work techniques. NCR is done in two phases - MRT (Meningeal Release Technique) and ERT (Endonasal Release Technique).
1st, In NCR, We Do Not Adjust Anteriorities. The big mistake that chiropractors make is adjusting, or pushing, vertebrae forward. This forward direction of a vertebrae is in the anterior direction; therefore, we call it an anteriority. When a chiropractor lays you facedown, prone, on a table and drives all of your vertebrae forward he is doing you great harm. Why? Because he is pushing your vertebrae in a direction that the body cannot self correct.
When a vertebrae goes out of alignment there are muscles in the body that can pull it up, down, sideways, forward, or in a rotation. But, there are no muscles in the body that can pull a vertebrae backwards once it has gone forward. Think about it. There are no muscles in the back of your spine that have the leverage to pull a vertebrae backwards. Therefore, your chiropractor is creating problems that weren’t there before.
This is the way that chiropractors have been taught for the last 100 years and it is plain wrong! In the MRT phase of NCR we only adjust vertebrae backwards, or posterior. By doing so we are correcting the primary biomechanical pathology (PBP) and this allows the spine to start to unwind, heal old injuries, and reverse damage. No other technique does this.
2nd, In NCR, We Do Not Adjust Compensations. In NCR, we only adjust things that the body cannot self-correct. When we have an injury and it results in a PBP, Primary Biomechanical Pathology, the body will attempt to maintain homeostasis, or balance. Often, the body cannot fully correct this malposition of the vertebrae or body part by itself and needs outside help to do so. When the body cannot fully correct an injury by itself, it will create a compensation. A compensation is the body’s attempt to improve a defect by the excessive development or action or malposition of another structure or organ of the same structure. In other words, when a vertebrae goes out of alignment, the body will attempt to maintain balance by misaligning another vertebrae to counterbalance the original injury or defect.
Imagine you have a horse. Your horse throws a shoe or wears it out unevenly. You don’t notice it at first. But you do notice that the horse starts to limp on one side. You don’t do anything and the horse starts to drag that foot and eventually the horse is too lame to walk. The horse’s body compensated for the bad shoe by altering the foot, leg and back structure. You wouldn’t adjust the horse’s foot or leg or back, you’d correct the bad shoe then the horse’s body will take care of everything else and correct the compensations.
Likewise, in NCR, we don’t address compensations, we only adjust the main problem, the PBP, and the body will take care of the compensations itself. When a chiropractor adjusts everything he finds, he takes out the body’s compensations and doesn’t adjust the primary biopathologies. Now, the body has to either create new compensations or put back the old ones that the chiropractor took out. The same is true for massage therapy or Alphabiotics or any technique that doesn’t address the causal problem but only assuages the symptom or compensation. When you don’t go to cause but only deal on the level of the effect then the body does not heal but remains stuck on the level of the problem. It cannot transcend the problem as long as you keep addressing only the effect.
Often I am asked, “Am I holding my adjustments?” This is a question that one would ask a regular chiropractor who is adjusting compensations. That chiropractor would want everything to “hold” or have the spine stay in place where he put it because that is where he “thinks” it should be.
In NCR, we don’t think that way. We do not have a preconceived idea where your spine should be or what it should look like. We don’t care if you “held” your adjustment or not. We want you to fully unwind. The cranium and spine are dynamic organs that take input from the NCR treatment and use that input to heal old injuries. When it has unwound as much as it can from a single treatment then it is ready for the next input.
The “hold your adjustment” chiropractor is trying to “cure” you whereas we are trying to “heal” you. You can only heal if you work with the body and not against it. The body wants to unwind, it doesn’t want to just “stay in place”. Only the innate intelligence of the body knows where it should be, not some preconceived notion of an old paradigm thinking chiropractor. A better question to ask is “How is my unwinding going.”
3rd, In NCR, We Adjust The Bones of The Head To Unlock The Cranium. When I went through chiropractic school, we were repeatedly told that chiropractors are the “nerve doctors” and that, in effect, we were functional neurologists. To me, that didn’t make complete sense because 80% of the nervous system is in the head and only 20% of the nervous system is in the spine. Since chiropractors only adjust from C-1, or the atlas, down then they are really only dealing with 20% of the nervous system. I always wondered “if we are the nerve doctors then why aren’t we adjusting the head?”.
Luckily, I found NCR and further improved on it. In the ERT phase of NCR, we use endonasal balloons inserted into the nasal conchae to indirectly adjust the sphenoid bone. The sphenoid bone is really the first atlas. It determines how the atlas beneath it will sit and move in space. All of the 22 bones of the cranium, except one, the mandible, touch and interface with the sphenoid. So, the sphenoid is the keystone to the arch of the head. As the sphenoid goes, so goes the rest of the cranial bones. That is why we focus on the sphenoid bone in the ERT phase of NCR. Over time, the endonasal balloons incrementally move the cranial bones and gradually correct a misshappen head.
4th, In NCR, We Do Not Believe That Just Adjusting The Atlas Will Take Care Of Everything. Just adjusting the atlas and believing that everything below it and above it will self correct and align is ludicrous from an NCR point of view. The head is heavy. It is like a ten pound bowling ball sitting on top of a flexible cue stick. If the cranium is distorted, out of alignment, off balance and off center and generally locked up, how is the atlas, which it is sitting on, going to stay in place? Atlas doctors and those who do Alphabiotics like to say that they are putting the atlas in the “correct” position. Well, if the occiput, which is sitting on top of the atlas, is not in the correct position and is generally distorted, then how is the atlas going to stay put? It is like having a foundation for a house not directly under the house. If the house is hanging off of the foundation then how is the foundation not going to be affected? As above, so below. When you get the cranium corrected through NCR then everything below it starts to unwind, heal and go into proper position. In this context, the atlas is in compensation to the cranium. The atlas is not the primary problem, it is a compensation.
Dr. Ben Eversage, DC
9 Field St
Belfast, Maine
(207) 338-6032
Dr. Ben Eversage has performed over 50,000 NCR treatments on patients over the last 10 years. He has travelled to eleven states and driven over 600,000 miles during that time. What is NCR and why do patients continue to come to him for treatment?
Why Is NCR Different From Other Techniques? There are four things that distinguish NCR from other body work techniques. NCR is done in two phases - MRT (Meningeal Release Technique) and ERT (Endonasal Release Technique).
1st, In NCR, We Do Not Adjust Anteriorities. The big mistake that chiropractors make is adjusting, or pushing, vertebrae forward. This forward direction of a vertebrae is in the anterior direction; therefore, we call it an anteriority. When a chiropractor lays you facedown, prone, on a table and drives all of your vertebrae forward he is doing you great harm. Why? Because he is pushing your vertebrae in a direction that the body cannot self correct.
When a vertebrae goes out of alignment there are muscles in the body that can pull it up, down, sideways, forward, or in a rotation. But, there are no muscles in the body that can pull a vertebrae backwards once it has gone forward. Think about it. There are no muscles in the back of your spine that have the leverage to pull a vertebrae backwards. Therefore, your chiropractor is creating problems that weren’t there before.
This is the way that chiropractors have been taught for the last 100 years and it is plain wrong! In the MRT phase of NCR we only adjust vertebrae backwards, or posterior. By doing so we are correcting the primary biomechanical pathology (PBP) and this allows the spine to start to unwind, heal old injuries, and reverse damage. No other technique does this.
2nd, In NCR, We Do Not Adjust Compensations. In NCR, we only adjust things that the body cannot self-correct. When we have an injury and it results in a PBP, Primary Biomechanical Pathology, the body will attempt to maintain homeostasis, or balance. Often, the body cannot fully correct this malposition of the vertebrae or body part by itself and needs outside help to do so. When the body cannot fully correct an injury by itself, it will create a compensation. A compensation is the body’s attempt to improve a defect by the excessive development or action or malposition of another structure or organ of the same structure. In other words, when a vertebrae goes out of alignment, the body will attempt to maintain balance by misaligning another vertebrae to counterbalance the original injury or defect.
Imagine you have a horse. Your horse throws a shoe or wears it out unevenly. You don’t notice it at first. But you do notice that the horse starts to limp on one side. You don’t do anything and the horse starts to drag that foot and eventually the horse is too lame to walk. The horse’s body compensated for the bad shoe by altering the foot, leg and back structure. You wouldn’t adjust the horse’s foot or leg or back, you’d correct the bad shoe then the horse’s body will take care of everything else and correct the compensations.
Likewise, in NCR, we don’t address compensations, we only adjust the main problem, the PBP, and the body will take care of the compensations itself. When a chiropractor adjusts everything he finds, he takes out the body’s compensations and doesn’t adjust the primary biopathologies. Now, the body has to either create new compensations or put back the old ones that the chiropractor took out. The same is true for massage therapy or Alphabiotics or any technique that doesn’t address the causal problem but only assuages the symptom or compensation. When you don’t go to cause but only deal on the level of the effect then the body does not heal but remains stuck on the level of the problem. It cannot transcend the problem as long as you keep addressing only the effect.
Often I am asked, “Am I holding my adjustments?” This is a question that one would ask a regular chiropractor who is adjusting compensations. That chiropractor would want everything to “hold” or have the spine stay in place where he put it because that is where he “thinks” it should be.
In NCR, we don’t think that way. We do not have a preconceived idea where your spine should be or what it should look like. We don’t care if you “held” your adjustment or not. We want you to fully unwind. The cranium and spine are dynamic organs that take input from the NCR treatment and use that input to heal old injuries. When it has unwound as much as it can from a single treatment then it is ready for the next input.
The “hold your adjustment” chiropractor is trying to “cure” you whereas we are trying to “heal” you. You can only heal if you work with the body and not against it. The body wants to unwind, it doesn’t want to just “stay in place”. Only the innate intelligence of the body knows where it should be, not some preconceived notion of an old paradigm thinking chiropractor. A better question to ask is “How is my unwinding going.”
3rd, In NCR, We Adjust The Bones of The Head To Unlock The Cranium. When I went through chiropractic school, we were repeatedly told that chiropractors are the “nerve doctors” and that, in effect, we were functional neurologists. To me, that didn’t make complete sense because 80% of the nervous system is in the head and only 20% of the nervous system is in the spine. Since chiropractors only adjust from C-1, or the atlas, down then they are really only dealing with 20% of the nervous system. I always wondered “if we are the nerve doctors then why aren’t we adjusting the head?”.
Luckily, I found NCR and further improved on it. In the ERT phase of NCR, we use endonasal balloons inserted into the nasal conchae to indirectly adjust the sphenoid bone. The sphenoid bone is really the first atlas. It determines how the atlas beneath it will sit and move in space. All of the 22 bones of the cranium, except one, the mandible, touch and interface with the sphenoid. So, the sphenoid is the keystone to the arch of the head. As the sphenoid goes, so goes the rest of the cranial bones. That is why we focus on the sphenoid bone in the ERT phase of NCR. Over time, the endonasal balloons incrementally move the cranial bones and gradually correct a misshappen head.
4th, In NCR, We Do Not Believe That Just Adjusting The Atlas Will Take Care Of Everything. Just adjusting the atlas and believing that everything below it and above it will self correct and align is ludicrous from an NCR point of view. The head is heavy. It is like a ten pound bowling ball sitting on top of a flexible cue stick. If the cranium is distorted, out of alignment, off balance and off center and generally locked up, how is the atlas, which it is sitting on, going to stay in place? Atlas doctors and those who do Alphabiotics like to say that they are putting the atlas in the “correct” position. Well, if the occiput, which is sitting on top of the atlas, is not in the correct position and is generally distorted, then how is the atlas going to stay put? It is like having a foundation for a house not directly under the house. If the house is hanging off of the foundation then how is the foundation not going to be affected? As above, so below. When you get the cranium corrected through NCR then everything below it starts to unwind, heal and go into proper position. In this context, the atlas is in compensation to the cranium. The atlas is not the primary problem, it is a compensation.
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NCR Before and Afters |
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ABC Before and Afters |
Dr. Ben Eversage, DC
9 Field St
Belfast, Maine
(207) 338-6032
For All You Hotdog Lovers Out There....
Dr. Ben Eversage - NCR
Dr. Ben Eversage has performed over 50,000 NCR treatments on patients over the last 10 years. He has travelled to eleven states and driven over 600,000 miles during that time. What is NCR and why do patients continue to come to him for treatment?
The Why. Why do we need NCR? The head, or cranium, can get distorted and misshapen at birth. When we are born, the head is very flexible and soft. This is by design because the birthing process squeezes the head together at all of the sutures of the 22 cranial bones. Rarely does the head go back into a normal shape after being born. Head trauma and accidents also necessitate the need for NCR.
What Can Happen. When the head is distorted it can take on a number of different looks. One eye can be lower than the other. One whole side of the face can be tilted. Or the different parts of the face can alternate being lower creating a twisting look. The head can be bulged on one side or in the back. It can be squeezed into a point in the front. Or, the head can be abnormally large all the way around. The cheekbone can be further back on one side creating a rotation of the head.
Your head shape determines the quality of your health. When the head is uneven, not symmetrical, off-center and twisted if alters the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) flow. This creates areas of high CSF pressure that interferes with brain functioning. This is the cause of all disease as it affects how the body responds to an attack or injury. If the brain is not functioning optimally then the immune response is not what it should be and the body does not thrive.
Structure determines function. Medicine treats the body as if it were headless. When, in fact, the head sets the tone for the entire body. As above, so below. When the skull is adjusted and more even, balanced, round, and centered then the brain lives up to its potential and functions better. When the head is misshapen, the spine twists and winds itself up causing all musculo-skeletal problems. Health is impossible without a body that is aligned and a head that is balanced. Every effect in the body is due to a corresponding cause in the brain.
New Scientific Discovery. A missing link has recently been found between the brain and the immune system. In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery lies in the effects it could have on the study and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer's disease to multiple sclerosis.
Validates What Dr. Eversage has been saying for years. Why do we get Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's, seizures, strokes, memory loss, ADD, migraines, hormone problems, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, depression, mental illness, concussions, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, etc.? Well, now we have the answer. The brain has an immune system and we can switch it on mechanically. Now we know that the brain is like every other tissue connected to the peripheral immune system through meningeal lymphatic vessels. This changes everything. Now we can explain why the brain responds to NCR.
Every Neurological Disease Has An Immune Component. These lymphatic vessels play a major role in brain functioning and neurological disease. NCR boosts the immune response of the brain by optimizing the lymphatic system of the central nervous system.
The How. NCR releases connective tissue and meningeal tension thereby unwinding the body and returning it to its original design. The meninges are the connective tissue covering the spinal cord and brain. Even the whites of the eyes are a part of the meninges. NCR has two aspects to it. First, Dr. Eversage does MRT (Meningeal Release Technique) which breaks up the adhesions that keep the meninges stuck together. When the meninges are pulled apart then the spine and cranium can start to unwind and heal old injuries. Meningeal adhesions keep the cranium and spine stuck in a locked and fixed pattern. Change and healing is impossible unless this meningeal tension is first released. This prepares the cranium for the second part of NCR - ERT (Endonasal Release Technique). This is the part when Dr. Eversage tests the body for where to put an endonasal balloon and release cranial tension.
The Results. NCR is the single greatest development in natural healing in the last 100 years. Its results and changes are permanent and lasting. This is because NCR is addressing the cause of dis-ease and not the symptoms. The cause of all illness is structural. Change the structure and you change the person. Every other healing modality or technique treats symptoms, effects, and surface phenomenon. Only NCR, with Meningeal Release Technique and Endonasal Release Technique, address the physical reason that bodies degenerate and lose their innate natural ability to heal. NCR assists the healing process in the body and does not override it or suppress it.
That is why over 50,000 patients have been to Dr. Eversage and continue to seek treatment because it works.
Dr. Ben Eversage, DC
9 Field St
Belfast, Maine
(207) 338-6032
Note: He also performs Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC) as well.
The Why. Why do we need NCR? The head, or cranium, can get distorted and misshapen at birth. When we are born, the head is very flexible and soft. This is by design because the birthing process squeezes the head together at all of the sutures of the 22 cranial bones. Rarely does the head go back into a normal shape after being born. Head trauma and accidents also necessitate the need for NCR.
What Can Happen. When the head is distorted it can take on a number of different looks. One eye can be lower than the other. One whole side of the face can be tilted. Or the different parts of the face can alternate being lower creating a twisting look. The head can be bulged on one side or in the back. It can be squeezed into a point in the front. Or, the head can be abnormally large all the way around. The cheekbone can be further back on one side creating a rotation of the head.
Your head shape determines the quality of your health. When the head is uneven, not symmetrical, off-center and twisted if alters the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) flow. This creates areas of high CSF pressure that interferes with brain functioning. This is the cause of all disease as it affects how the body responds to an attack or injury. If the brain is not functioning optimally then the immune response is not what it should be and the body does not thrive.
Structure determines function. Medicine treats the body as if it were headless. When, in fact, the head sets the tone for the entire body. As above, so below. When the skull is adjusted and more even, balanced, round, and centered then the brain lives up to its potential and functions better. When the head is misshapen, the spine twists and winds itself up causing all musculo-skeletal problems. Health is impossible without a body that is aligned and a head that is balanced. Every effect in the body is due to a corresponding cause in the brain.
New Scientific Discovery. A missing link has recently been found between the brain and the immune system. In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery lies in the effects it could have on the study and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer's disease to multiple sclerosis.
Validates What Dr. Eversage has been saying for years. Why do we get Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's, seizures, strokes, memory loss, ADD, migraines, hormone problems, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, depression, mental illness, concussions, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, etc.? Well, now we have the answer. The brain has an immune system and we can switch it on mechanically. Now we know that the brain is like every other tissue connected to the peripheral immune system through meningeal lymphatic vessels. This changes everything. Now we can explain why the brain responds to NCR.
Every Neurological Disease Has An Immune Component. These lymphatic vessels play a major role in brain functioning and neurological disease. NCR boosts the immune response of the brain by optimizing the lymphatic system of the central nervous system.
The How. NCR releases connective tissue and meningeal tension thereby unwinding the body and returning it to its original design. The meninges are the connective tissue covering the spinal cord and brain. Even the whites of the eyes are a part of the meninges. NCR has two aspects to it. First, Dr. Eversage does MRT (Meningeal Release Technique) which breaks up the adhesions that keep the meninges stuck together. When the meninges are pulled apart then the spine and cranium can start to unwind and heal old injuries. Meningeal adhesions keep the cranium and spine stuck in a locked and fixed pattern. Change and healing is impossible unless this meningeal tension is first released. This prepares the cranium for the second part of NCR - ERT (Endonasal Release Technique). This is the part when Dr. Eversage tests the body for where to put an endonasal balloon and release cranial tension.
The Results. NCR is the single greatest development in natural healing in the last 100 years. Its results and changes are permanent and lasting. This is because NCR is addressing the cause of dis-ease and not the symptoms. The cause of all illness is structural. Change the structure and you change the person. Every other healing modality or technique treats symptoms, effects, and surface phenomenon. Only NCR, with Meningeal Release Technique and Endonasal Release Technique, address the physical reason that bodies degenerate and lose their innate natural ability to heal. NCR assists the healing process in the body and does not override it or suppress it.
That is why over 50,000 patients have been to Dr. Eversage and continue to seek treatment because it works.
Dr. Ben Eversage, DC
9 Field St
Belfast, Maine
(207) 338-6032
Note: He also performs Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC) as well.
The Daily Messenger: Lot of information in this diagram, ignore the rap...
The Daily Messenger: Lot of information in this diagram, ignore the rapture blather, it's a lie...: 1212 year, shemitah, tetrad, solar and lunar eclipse, anti christ turns 33 here's the thing about it all. It won't be some BIG event. Not at all. These spiritual sign markers in the heavens MUST HAPPEN FIRST...
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