Friday, November 16, 2018

Vitamin K Shot As A Masked Cover-up For Hepatitis B Vaccine Damage At Birth

Compiled by Janie Wagner...

Vitamin K shot at birth is essentially used as a SYNTHETIC blood clotter. It masks invisible brain damage from the HepB shot. It’s made from the same Coal-Tar in Moth-Balls which are lethal, as explained by Allison Jones who has been researching vaccines for 39 years.

Vit. K shot has a black box warning for being a very significant risk and may be fatal.
Study shows CHILDHOOD LEUKEMIA RISK from Vit K shot.
Other reasons why vitamin K shots at birth are not safe:
"The blood of the innocents": The ‘benefit’ of K shots can be traced all the way to the bank.
Legal limitations (do word search for "vitamin K").
"Synthetic Vitamin K Shot for my Baby? No Thanks."
Pediatrician writes: “This goes for the Drops as well as the Shot: Babies naturally have LOWER vitamin K level at birth for their own protection and for these other common-sense reasons…”



Vaccination Information Network (VINE)

This is how it's done!

From an anti vaccine group (not me, not my cousin):

"My cousin is in labor and she’s being bullied by hospital staff!

Here’s what happened!

Update: Nurse comes back in. Sees vitamin refusal form still not signed. Starts with "By law you have to sign this. If you don't will give your baby vitamin K"

I laughed and said "I do NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TREAT MY BABY AND IF YOU DO I WILL SUE THIS HOSPITAL! It is not a state or federal law"

she interrupts "Yes it is"


"Ok I will. I'll send someone into talk to you."

Me "Ok that's fine. Have them bring the unopened vitamin K box too."

she leaves.

3 nurses come in


"Do you need anything?"

Me "Yes, a new nurse. The one that was just in here threatened to inject my baby without my permission if I didn't sign the refusal form."

Nurse "well it's just a form stating you're declining the vitamin K shot."

Me "No it's not. You see right here where it says I understand by not giving my child this they can have brain damage and bleed out. That's called medical neglect. You see here where it says I been fully informed. Nope I haven't don't see a full list of side or ingredients. By admitting medical neglect that gives CPS ground for a warrant and to open a case. Then they can vaccinate my child. And they give them all at once which can kill my child. I will NOT sign this."

Nurses jaw dropped "CPS can use this?"

Me "Yep" pulled up cases. While pulling up cases I asked "Have you read the vaccine insert?"

Nurse "Yes"

Me "Good. Can you tell me the ingredients?"

Nurse "Off the top of my head? No"

Me "Mmmhhh. Bring me the unopened vitamin K box."

Nurse "Ok. We'll just take this form and put it in your file unsigned"

Me "Ok. Thank you."

They left. Form unsigned.

I turned to my oldest "Do you see now why an education is so important?"



I think the word is supposed to be Vial, but this vial of poison is vile.
Okay, moving on...


Black Box Warning:

If the Vitamin K shot is just a vitamin...why does it come with a black box warning? That's the strongest warning the FDA has. 🤔 ~ Chris Kirckof

Technically, Vitamin K is misclassified as a vaccine, which is incorrect.  It's a shot, yes, but no vaccine.




Gabby DeVelbiss
December 5, 2015 near Modesto, CA ·

Interesting points made about Vitamin K at birth by a brilliant pediatrician who remains anonymous:

"You know what “synthetic vitamin K” enthusiasts don’t understand? The thought that babies (and all animals for that matter) have lower levels of vitamin K at birth for a beneficial, protective, reason. I’m just going to throw these “common sense-based” thoughts out there but let’s consider them:

and BTW this goes for the Drops as well as the Shot

First, in order to absorb vitamin K we have to have a functioning biliary and pancreas system. Your infant’s digestive system isn’t fully developed at birth which is why we give babies breast milk (and delay solids) until they are at least 6-months-old, and why breast milk only contains a small amount of highly absorbable vitamin K. Too much vitamin K could tax the liver and cause brain damage (among other things). As baby ages and the digestive tract, mucosal lining, gut flora, and enzyme functions develop, baby can process more vitamin K. Low levels of vitamin K at birth just…makes…sense. ???

Secondly, cord blood contains stem cells, which protect a baby against bleeding and perform all sorts of needed repairs inside an infant’s body. Here’s the kicker, in order for a baby to get this protective boost of stem cells, cord-cutting needs to be delayed and the blood needs to remain thin so stem cells can easily travel and perform their functions. Imagine that, baby has his/her own protective mechanism to prevent bleeding and repair organs…that wasn’t discovered until after we started routinely giving infants vitamin K injections.

Third, a newborn might have low levels of vitamin K because it’s intestines are not yet colonized with bacteria needed to synthesize it and the “vitamin K cycle” isn’t fully functional in newborns. It makes sense then to bypass the gut and inject vitamin K right into the muscle right? Except baby’s kidneys aren’t fully functional either.

Fourth, babies are born with low levels of vitamin K compared to adults, but this level is still sufficient to prevent problems; vitamin K prophylaxis isn’t necessarily needed.

Finally, several clinical observations support the hypothesis that children have natural protective mechanisms that justify their low vitamin K levels at birth . I don’t know about you, but we should probably figure out why that is before we “inject now and worry about it later.”

Do you know why vitamin K is pushed on parents and their children? Because pharmaceutical companies don’t like to lose money, doctors don’t like to be questioned, the American Academy of Pediatrics dare not change its recommendations."

"Since 1985, the medical profession has known that oral vitamin K raises blood levels 300 - 9,000 times higher. The injectable vitamin K, results in vitamin K levels 9,000 times thicker than adults blood.

Baby's blood thickened with vitamin K, causes a situation where stem cells have to move through sludge, not nicely greased blood vessels full of blood which can allow stem cells easy acess to anywhere. Maybe one day it will dawn on the medical profession that not only are cord blood stem cells important and useful to the newborn baby, but that stem cells need to thin blood for a reason."

"Any fetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go ... anywhere!!! Amazing don't you think. God's design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby's blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But ... pediatricians consider this a ... "defect" ... so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult's. This vitamin K injection, so they say ... (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) ... is because the baby wasn't designed right, and if you don't give a vitamin K injection, the baby "could bleed to death".

It's not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is an unanswered question:

"Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?"

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby's blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult's, courtesy of another needle?"


HAVE YOUR CHILDREN AT HOME.  And tell the midwives, NO SHOTS, NO VACCINES!, etc..

Or, better yet, stop reproducing, and spare a poor soul from a life of suffering.


Healing From Vaccines Masterclass: Encore Replay

This weekend [ENCORE]

The reviews are in, and virtually everyone agrees:  The Healing From Vaccines Masterclass was an ABSOLUTE eye-opener!

But there's just one small thing...

It’s a lot to take in, especially in just nine days.

The free viewing event happens so fast, and there are SO many critical interviews packed into this series.

I’m sure you’re like a lot of other people and had some “scheduling” issues keeping you from seeing ALL of the Healing From Vaccines Masterclass.

So… we’re doing something about it.

We’re giving you a chance to watch any episode you missed, or re-watch an episode that really inspired you to take steps towards healing your child...for FREE, for the entire weekend!

You can see all of the episodes in the Healing From Vaccines Masterclass this weekend only, from now until Sunday at midnight.

Click here and see ALL episodes from the Healing From Vaccines Masterclass right now!

If you’ve been talking to your family and friends about this astounding masterclass; and they have questions...


And make sure you share on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well. People need to see this!

Because we get it - life happens...

So take just a little time and catch up on anything that you might have slipped by you during the Healing From Vaccines Masterclass today.

And this is a great opportunity to share an episode with a friend who’s been wondering how to help their vaccine damaged family member or whether they should vaccinate their kids at all.

It’s all here to view this weekend for free!

And, have you considered owning this series?

It’s a powerful tool to help you put healing protocols into motion and start detoxifying from vaccine poisoning. Having the episodes available to watch when you need guidance is important.

So we’re holding a space for you to own the entire Healing From Vaccines Masterclass series and some great bonuses until this viewing event ends - you can get all of this at an amazing discount if you act soon!

Click Here to own the Entire Healing From Vaccines Masterclass!




Here is the entire module series breakdown:

Module 1
• How epigenetics, exposure to toxins, and your child’s microbiome can create the perfect storm that leads to chronic disease and neurological injury…
• Your child is beginning the journey back to health? Here’s your “5 R’s” for healing…
• A proven-to-work, 100-year-old remedy that brings your kid’s immune system into balance, prevents disease, and promotes vaccine damage healing…

Module 2
• How a healthy college student who ran marathons became extremely ill after a reaction to vaccines…
• The inside story of her baby boy who slipped into autism after being injected with a large number of vaccine toxins…
• The inspiring story of his road back--including the health regimen that’s helping to heal their family…

Module 3
• How a specifically tailored diet and supplement program can help your vaccine damaged kids make incredible improvements quickly…
• How to stop the vicious cycle of vaccine damage to your child’s nervous system (that could eventually result in autism)...
• Why healing should start in the gut before anywhere else…

Module 4
• How to finally release the guilt of exposing your children to damaging toxins in vaccines and move forward. (Hint: It’s not your fault!)
• The amazing connection between diet and pesticides and the inflammatory reactions that run rampant in patients with vaccine injury and autism…
• Your body knows EXACTLY how to heal itself when given the right resources--and here’s how to start…

Module 5
• How the CDC has suppressed the truth about injuries related to vaccines, including clear links to several cancers (SHOCKING!)...
• The eye-popping correlation between allergies and vaccination toxins (this will blow you away)...
• How a certain brand of bottled water (that you can find at your local store) can actually help you heal from vaccination damage…

Module 6
• How cutting edge techniques like vitamin C infusions, neurotherapy, and “resetting” the nervous system are making a HUGE difference in the healing process…
• Why a certain clinic--where vaccine damaged people travel from all over the world to visit when conventional medicine fails them--is delivering astounding results…
• The #1 thing that’s absolutely required to heal your kids quickly and completely…

Module 7
• How the viruses and toxins in vaccines “light a fire” in your child’s body, causing anxiety, brain fog, and neurotransmitter imbalance which can manifest as harmful behavior issues…
• One doctor’s cutting-edge treatment for calming the immune system and detoxing the body...
• Why even a mild reaction to a vaccine (fever, etc.) should result in immediate action (CRUCIAL to your child’s well-being)...

Module 8
• How innovative neurological therapies (like the “Brain Tap”) are utilizing light and sound therapy to help reverse vaccine damage and treat disorders like autism, anxiety and ADHD….
• The jaw-dropping link between sleep patterns and how quickly your kids can heal from vaccine poisoning…
• If you decide not to vaccinate, how can you protect yourselves legally? We’ll show you EXACTLY what to do…

Module 9
• The 5 foods you should avoid if you’re healing from vaccine injury…
• A vaccine detox treatment (made popular by Michael Jackson) that’s delivering miraculous progress in autism patients, including non-verbal patients developing language...
• How one special therapy is helping to bring healing to even the toughest vaccine damage cases (this is worth your entire investment in the program)...

Module 10
• Why the media virtually ignores vaccination issues…
• The incredibly corrupt process by which vaccines are created and thrust onto your family (get ready - this one will get your blood BOILING).
• Plus MUCH more!



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P.S. Healing From Vaccines Masterclass and Christ Revealed are on this same platform.



[The Autoimmune Revolution 2018]: This weekend is Encore Weekend at The Autoimmune Revolution 2018!

This weekend is Encore Weekend at The Autoimmune Revolution 2018!

If you missed some of last week's life-changing expert talks, they'll all be unlocked starting Saturday at 10am U.S. eastern (New York time)! With millions of people in the world struggling with autoimmunity, it's important for all of us to learn more!

Registration Link:

Registration Link:


Join us as an affiliate for this Health Talks Online Summit!:

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This event is taking place on the Health Talks Online (HTO) platform, which regularly returns ~$3 EPLs for top affiliates who promote prior to the sales push (push starts 1.5 weeks prior, Feb15), and pays out more than $1MM in commissions each year.

AND, any leads you deliver to a Health Talks Online event means you're also set as the commission lead for their new monthly subscription community, HealthMeans, and any of their OTHER SUMMIT EVENTS for the lifetime of the account, including such 2018 topics as detox, oral health, thyroid health, infections, diabetes and more!

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Also by doing this, you are helping your communities, readers, fans, etc... to learn how to take care of themselves and BE THEIR OWN doctor, so to speak. Plus, saving thousands of dollars in tuition fees for naturopathic universities/colleges.

In this day and time of BIG pHARMa oppression, we all HAVE to be able to take care of ourselves, because now we are truly on our own regarding true and holistic health.

P.S. Health Talks Online runs 15-20 summits per year, plus their new subscription community is growing quickly. Get started earning commissions with them when you promote The Autoimmune Revolution today! By registering as an affiliate, you are automatically an affiliate for ALL Health Talks Online summits from now on.


Autoimmune Revolution 2018