So what causes all this pain?
Lots of times are just ACCIDENTS! Falling, car accidents, bike accidents, sports injuries, getting into physical fights, exercising, being stung bitten by animals, bugs, bees, wasps, etc... and things like that.
Congenital Birth Defects.
Then there are things by the fascist satanist cunts that are PURPOSELY DONE to us.
We have to know EXACTLY what all is causing the pain, and remove the causes accordingly.
Getting rid of pain, addressing the causes, what to do, etc...
Okay, to begin with...
Two words...
Proteolytic Enzymes!
I first found out about them back in 2006 from reading Dr. William Wong's article called Fibrosis, The Enemy of Life. Thank you Dr. Wong!
These have always been my NUMBER ONE go-to. I started with then Vitalzym, and tried others, until all this "cellulose" infested crap started showing up in supplements about 10 to 15 years ago, give or take. So I switched to the Arthur Andrew Medical brand. Only the capsules contain cellulose, so I just re-encapsulate and switch them out into gelatin capsules.
These enzymes eat up metabolic wastes, fibrosis, excess fibrin int he blood, thins blood naturally, cleans out arteries, decreases inflammation, rids of amyloid plaque, eat up scar tissue and more!
Usually, in a pinch I go for just plain serrapeptase for pain relief. Sometimes I use a blend of it with other protolytic systemic enzymes such as protease, lipase, amylase. lipase, bromelain (which is in pineapple), etc.. If there is ANY ONE THING I must have, it's these enzymes. It's bad enough being stuck in an inferior body, but at least I am doing something about it.
Okay... we have MANY more words or remedies to address the many causes of pain... And this is going to be some more detailed information, so read on...
Turmeric is another inflammation fighter and for pain relief.
What are the health benefits of turmeric?
Largely due to its curcumin content, Turmeric is often credited with these benefits:
* Fighting inflammation.
* As an antioxidant.
* Protects the heart in various ways.
* Helpful for arthritis.
* Brain boosting.
* May be helpful for fighting diabetes and cancer.
What is turmeric? It's a plant and root. A spice.
The curcumin is the compound found in turmeric.
Curcumin is a naturally occurring chemical compound that is found in the spice turmeric. The two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but the technical difference between the two is that turmeric is the yellowish powder used to flavor foods, while curcumin is a chemical contained within turmeric.
We prefer buying the root and juicing it. Same with ginger root. We juice that too. I like putting a teaspoon of juiced ginger in my tea. Yum!
Seed Oils:
Black Seed Oil aka Black Cumin aka Nigella Sativa. We like the ones from Rain International and Activation Products.
Cannabis extracted in a thick oil ala Rick Simpson, but it's banned pretty much everywhere, save a few areas. Use ONLY food grade solvents, and stay away from the Naptha based chemical solvents. Most people are now using 190 Proof Everclear.
CBD Oil. Easier to obtain. Must be full spectrum. We like the CBD oil from Hempworx.
Pain from lack of blood circulation
All the ones mentioned above, of course. For blood circulation, we LOVE essential oils of Cinnamon Bark and Cassia. Both are Nature's Coumadin, because of their high coumarin content. Cassia's coumarin content is higher than Cinnamon Bark's content. Cinnamon Bark is Ceylon cinnamon. It's super sweet on its own, and both will also lower blood sugar.
Diabetics! Listen up! You all can use either of these essential oils before meals, to keep the blood sugar from rising. You can also add in gynemma sylvestre, bitter melon, chromium and vanadium to replace that pharmaceutical insulin. Thank you Dr. Joel Wallach of Youngevity and Dr. William Mount!
Cup of coffee gets a few drops of Cassia or Cinnamon Bark essential oil. My daughter has never liked drinking water, so I suggested a drop or two of cinnamon bark in her water, shake well and it will give it a good taste. Since she's already having some serious health issues, the cinnamon will also benefit her.
ESSENTIAL OILS are my NUMBER TWO go-to for many things.
SensibleHealth.com's website has herbs to help with circulation and liver congestion, which is another cause of pain.
They have that Curcumin called Curcuma.
Curcuma is the root of the plant commonly known as Turmeric, which is a very well-known herb in both traditional medicine and cooking. It is a relative of ginger, and grows in the tropical regions of Southern Asia. Among many other traditional uses, it is often said to "invigorate the blood", which is another way of saying that it helps improve blood circulation. Improved blood circulation can improve your overall health in myriad ways.
Ingredients: Curcuma, Bupleurum, Scutellaria
Their liver/gallbladder kit is a good one to have on hand, especially if planning a liver/gallbladder flush.
If your liver, gallbladder and kidneys are clogged, then your blood will be dirty and stagnant, also known as blood stasis from liver qi congestion.
Colon cleansing must be done too. Headaches can also result from a clogged colon as well as a C-1 misalignment. Got stuck wastes? Then you will be in pain. A lot of it.
Misalignments, meningeal compression and adhesions, locked skull, C1-C2 cervical instability, pinched compressed nerves, allergies, MSG intolerance, missing teeth, parasites, and the list goes on and on and on...
Fixing misalignments and the entire body bio-mechanics, which there are several different types of healing modalities and protocols. They're all good.
They Are:
Chiropractic and Bodywork - Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC), NUCCA, Blair Upper Cervical, Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT) (sometimes known as the Paul Whitcomb protocol), Quantum Neurology, Starecta and Brendan Stack, DDS (dental splint), Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) and/or Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) Endonasal Cranial Correction (ECC), AtlasProfilax and/or Atlas Evolution (Ranan Shahar's version), Myomunchie Australia, ROLFing, Fascia Blasting, and probably more that I have yet to hear of.
Now many chiropractors, osteopaths and other specialized providers are now using the PRP stem cells to rebuild our joints, disks, etc.. These stem cells are taken from a clients OWN blood marrow and/or body fat for the cells, and put back in the areas needed.
We are still waiting on those stem cells for teeth regeneration. How's about it? We want our equal tooth rights!
Many causes of fibro. And it can be just more than one thing too.
Meningeal compression and/or adhesions
Atlas misalignment which is pressure on the brainstem and meninges
Amino acid deficiency
Lack of thyroid hormones. Nearly everyone with fibro has low thyroid.
C7 misalignment (nerves from there go straight to the thyroid)
T7 misalignment (nerves from there go straight to the pancreas)
C7 and T7 are sort of like sister vertebrae. Which explains why diabetics also have low thyroid. They work hand in hand.
This chart explains it better than I can, but it's all related.
CHART OF EFFECTS OF SPINAL MISALIGNMENTS. “The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body.” (Gray's Anatomy, 29th Ed., page 4). Misalignments of spinal vertebrae and discs may cause irritation to the nervous system and affect the structures, organs, and functions that may result in the conditions shown below.
[PDF] chart of effects of spinal misalignments - Unity Family Chiropractic
So yeah, KNOW your anatomy!
Meningeal compression and fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia and Meningeal Compression, Dr Paul Whitcomb
Meningeal Compression - Seeing You Well
Treatments - Seeing You Well
Meningial Compression - Neurologic Relief Centers
Our Technique for Relief of Neurological Symptoms | Neuroligic Relief Centers.
Amino Acid Deficiency:
Dr. Brice E. Vickery has the best written up information on back pain and fibro due to an amino acid deficiency. However, his product Platinum got compromised with cellulose, silicon dioxide and other nasty fillers, which would contribute to buildup of unneeded stuff in the body, so we now buy in bulk and use the Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP), which is STILL clean. His research itself is still valid, but the product got ruined, so we went elsewhere.
Hardening of the Body
Chronic pain in the body's tissues from buildup of stuff. ALL KINDS OF STUFF.
Going to go in depth with some of these, because people just don't get it yet.
Fibrosia (already mentioned above)
Mucin Deposits (myoexedema) Typical with hypothyroidism.
AGEs (advanced glycation end products) aka Caramelization in the body.
Hardened Fibrin (that gristle stuff in the soft tissue in the body aka "body rust" as one of my chiropractors call it.
I've already posted about this before here:
Please go back and read that too.
See above the proteolytic systemic enzymes. Our enzyme production starts slowing down at around age 28.
Mucin Deposits:
Can't pinch that skin on the arms, etc... Mucin deposits buildup. One has to also address low thyroid (hypothyroidism). We prefer iodine (3rdi brand), l-tyrosine and selenium. Have to move out the halogens in the body, like bromine/bromide from brominated food and products, move out fluorine/fluoride, and chlorine. Iodine is also a halogen, and these other bad halogens are competing with one another for the iodine receptors in the thyroid, thus causing iodine deficiency. You also need the amino acid l-tyrosine and the mineral selenium along with the iodine for it all to work together. L-tyrosine is needed for the production of T4 thyroid hormone, which is inactive, so bring in the selenium for the conversion of T4 to T3 (active thyroid hormone and at the cellular level).
Removal of heavy metals (particularly mercury!) and halogens, and then one can start rebuilding the thyroid, and then move towards the removal of the buildup of mucin. The adrenals also need to be addressed. Adrenals always go hand in hand with low thyroid. DHEA Bulk Powder from BulkSupplements or Pure Bulk DHEA in Gelatin Capsules, Adrenal-Ease, and Cortisol-Ease.
Now to fix the mucin buildup, which is a simple thing. One of my favorite supplements which is NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) and I love PureBulk NAC and it comes in safer gelatin capsules.
How much of NAC (N - ACETYL CYSTEINE) should I take for mucin ...
Apr 26, 2016 - I just ordered NAC since reading here and elsewhere that it can cause a reduction in mucin but I am not sure how much I should take daily and also how many times a day. ... Although edema is caused by increased deposition of connective tissue, it can still hold water within the extracellular space.
how to shift myxedema - Thyroid UK | HealthUnlocked
Can Those With Thyroid Conditions Benefit From Taking NAC?
There of course are many different supplements people can take, and one of the more common ones I recommend to my patients is N-acetylcysteine (NAC). NAC is an acetylated form of the amino acid cysteine, and it is a precursor to glutathione, which plays an important role in the detoxification pathways. In fact, NAC is commonly used for acetaminophen poisoning (1) (2). And while most people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions don’t need to take NAC for this purpose, it can help with the elimination of other toxins, and has numerous other benefits.
Sometimes, it more than just extra body fat, but buildup of stuff. And yes, this buildup will make one miserable and be in a lot of pain. Because this extra stuff should never be in the body to begin with. Buildup hurts.
Surprisingly, I learned about NAC from a Youtube video comment. YES! I read the comments! I sometimes learn more from the comments than the videos. So I always read comments.
Fatty Liver:
Guess what else NAC helps with?
So when doing liver flushing and the things mentioned previously, the NAC will help clear out that stagnant fatty sludge in the liver and also is a precursor to production of glutathione.
People with low thyroid, diabetes, and heart disease, most often have fatty livers. A fatty liver is also a buildup of fat, sludge, toxins and stuff.
Inositol and choline also helps with a fatty liver. The inositol and choline are both sold in bulk. The inositol has no bad taste and you can just put your desired amount in water. Beware, it will make you poop, which is a good thing because you want to remove ALL of the shit.
Choline and myo-inositol are dietary supplements ingested under the premise that they facilitate the burning of stored fat. Choline and myo-inositol have been shown to prevent abnormal or excessive liver accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in choline and myoinositol deficient rats. We add the L-Methionine and NAC for fatty liver.
D-chiro inositol/myo-inositol also helps with infertility and PCOS. PCOS is another painful condition, and other kinds of ovarian cysts. Also see: Women's Fibrosis Diseases - Dr. William Wong
See more on fatty liver here (I spill the beans on how to get rid of it): https://messiahmews.blogspot.com/2020/02/fatty-liver.html
Lipase enzymes will help in dissolving the excess fat.
One day my friend, the Lipase, said to me:” Use me and I will guard your health.”
LIPASE and the FAT METABOLISM by Walter Last
Curcuma from SensibleHealth.com along with the Chinese Bitters, Gold Coin Grass, along with the liver flush for removal of liver fats and sludge to do before gallbladder/liver flush. Liver flushing helps with fatty liver.
Carvacrol and d-limolene essential oils also help in the dissolving of fat in the liver and dissolving of gallstones. Told you I love our essential oils.
Carrying around all this extra fat, etc... contributes to back pain and misalignments.
AGEs (advanced glycation end products) aka Caramelization in the body.
Animal protein with sugar causes the cross-linking of protein and sugar aka AGEs or caramelization of the body tissues. This “browning” reaction (called the Maillard reaction in chemistry) is what causes caramelization. And caramelization is the visible effect of a sugar molecule attaching itself to a protein and creating an AGE. Endogenous AGEs, on the other hand, are manufactured by the body's metabolic processes. Taking Benfotiamine Counteracts the AGEs in Your Meals. I get mine from PureBulk Supplements, because of NO "Other Ingredients".
Benfotiamine to the rescue!...
Benfotiamine Counteracts the AGEs in Your Meals - Life Enhancement
Protecting Against Glycation and High Blood Sugar with Benfotiamine
by JG Goepp - Related articles
One of the most important natural anti-AGE compounds is vitamin B1, or thiamine, and its natural derivative, benfotiamine. Thiamine is a well-known nutrient that has myriad roles throughout the body, particularly in maintaining the healthy, normal functioning of nerve cells...
Hardened Fibrin:
The proteolytic systemic enzymes addresses this too, as a DEFENSIVE DIRECT ACTION.
The Elijah Free herbals called Fibro-Ease, Arthritis-Ease, and TMJ-Ease all have an OFFENSIVE INDIRECT ACTION, as a preventative, if you will.
Seen in Fibromyalgia...
There is an essential nutrient in the rarified potassium spectrum that is missing in the system. When this occurs, there is a domino or nutritional cascade effect causing an incorrect chemical signal to be released in the body. This causes fibrin, which is normally in a semi-solvent state to form into a non-solvent state, becoming hard and dense. Simply put, fibromyalgia occurs when the chemistry of the body departs its natural harmonious state and normal semi-solvent fibrin is given an inappropriate chemical signal, becoming hardened over a period of time. This results in dense, heavy and painful layers of hardened fibrin that are layered in and through regular tissue. This dense fibrinous tissue creates a continuous pulling effect towards the point of least resistance. This continual pulling leads to the painful condition of fibromyalgia.
~ Elijah Free of rapidpainelimination.com
Jacked Fascia:
ROLFING is one way, and it can be painful to endure, but will definitely do the job as well as myo-fascial release. See Owen Marcus at align.org
Ashley Black's Fascia Blaster. The thing actually works. I have whittled away some of the stuff under the skin in my arms, legs and hips. As she describes it, the fascia becomes "Beyond Bound", resulting in the trapped fat, toxins and other buildup of stuff.
The smaller clawed versions can really bring the blood to the surface, so it helps with circulation.
I was so impressed with the before and afters that I just HAD to try it. And I did.
More impressed with it, that I ended up buying some for my daughter, as well.
![]() |
On Amazon: http://amzn.to/2oItplq |
Even when I was very skinny and had smaller arms, it was hard to build the muscle in them. Only the bi-ceps were easy to build, but muscles like the deltoids, were pretty much non-existent. Now since I have freed up the fascia in my arms, I am now able to see and feel a deltoid muscle. By freeing up fascia, the muscle are able to activate and respond. I'm also pretty sure that the Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) has freed up the bio-mechanics as well, as the NCR naturopath noted more square shoulders since adding the ABC to the NCR.
Massage Cupping is another way of bring the blood to the surface and helping with lymphatic congestion. It's a gentlier way of getting things moving and loosening up tissue, fascia, etc... I have the manual massage cupping set I bought from Anita Shannon's site called Massage Cupping by Anita J. Shannon. https://massagecupping.com/ Now Anita Shannon refers to this buildup as "Solid Bloat". See: https://massagecupping.com/articles/solid-bloat-article/
Carole Maggio No Lipo Lipo knuckle massage to break up fatty deposits.
Whole Body Vibration and the Chi Machine. Both are forms of passive exercising, if you will. Those with severe arthritis and fibro are unable to do most exercises, so these are other ways of getting blood moving, and getting oxygen to the tissues.
Skin Brushing.
Oxygen Deficiency:
Especially nowadays, with chemtrails, pollution, and post-Flood Earth in general.
Steve Beddingfield's research mentions that Lugol's iodine helps with oxygen.
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are very helpful in many conditions. This is supposed to mimic the pre-Flood oxygen enriched Earth which had increased atmospheric pressure, and the tall trees (now ancient tree stumps), which would produce more oxygen naturally. Areas of pain in the body are also due to lack of oxygen and blood. Oxygen is carried in the blood Since hyperbaric oxygen are an anti-aging protocol and treatment, it also stands to reason as to why people lived to nearly 1000 years in the pre-Flood era. One of the reasons anyway. Kent Hovind explains it better, than I can, in this Youtube video below. There are scenes from the Avatar movie. But the things Ken mentions about the oxygen levels is quite interesting. Aging judgement indeed... hmmmm, lack of enough oxygen, etc... Loved hearing what he had to say about it. Edit: The video has been removed from youtube due to censorship, obviously.
When the buildup of stuff is addressed, removed, circulation improved, bodywork and mechanics corrected, increased oxygen in the blood, avoidance of vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, detoxification, etc... then we can start feeling better and looking better.
Eat Crap, Feel and Look Like Crap. Let's Eat REAL FOOD!
Garbage in, garbage out. The phrase "you are what you eat" holds very true. Today's so-called food is nothing but just pure manufactured chemical shit. Go to mainstream grocery stores and what do you see? A chemical shit-storm!
Processed food and other man-made crap causes disease. As Dr. Joel Wallach and others have stated, most diseases are diseases due to mineral deficiencies. Systemic inflammation is coming from man made chemical foods, which causes pain. Have un-explained pain? Think of inflammation at the root of the chronic pain.
So... What does real food look like? How about this for starters?...
Real food grows from the ground and trees. And then there is wild game, fishing, animal by-products such as eggs, cheese, etc..
Dietary laws are in the Bible in Leviticus 11. Herbs and leaves from trees, for the Healing of the Nations.
![]() |
https://un233.isrefer.com/go/mcreplay/MessiahMews/ |
Revelation 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree [were] for the healing of the nations.
So let's eat real food, shall we? And remember, we must also have CLEAN water in order to live.
Other Buildup:
Btw, CELLULOSE also is a BUILDUP of stuff in the body. It gets stuck there and comes out as Morgellon's fibers, fyi.
Stinking Cellulose in every darned thing anymore, supplements, food, etc...!
It's all HERE IN THIS BLOG! I've been ranting/bitching about it for about 2 years now.
Nano Poisoning/Morgellons Disease – Bye Bye Blue Sky
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination
New Published Italian Study: MICRO and NANO-CONTAMINATION in ...
Jan 23, 2017 - The scientists were "baffled" because they found a large amount of unexpected micro and nano-contamination in ALL the pediatric vaccines that they tested. ... In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products EXERT A TOXICITY affecting the tissues.
Nanocontamination of the Soldiers in a Battle Space | SpringerLink
Nanopollution: Hype or Health Risk? - AZoNano
Dec 18, 2012 - Experts have stated that people are already exposed to high levels of nanopollution in urban areas due to the exhaust from cars and manganese oxide from construction sites, and researchers are working hard to determine and classify the toxicity of these pollutants. Nanoparticles are so small that they can...
Morgellons Disease / Nano Poisoning - America Out Loud
americaoutloud.com › Topics › Health & Wellness
It is up to each and every adult to take his health very seriously and investigate this issue further. The following information is a gift to those of you who are unaware, yet, suffering with the symptoms mentioned in this article, and had no prior knowledge of Morgellons Disease/Nano Poisoning. A modern day Bubonic Plague,…
tony pantalleresco: transgenetics, epigenetics, nano contamination ...
Aug 13, 2017 - Uploaded by s'mo ˈtrüˈləv
tony's audio recordings (sign-up before it's uploaded here): https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/independz
Nano-Pollution: No Tiny Issue? | Popular Science
Jul 4, 2004 - Oberdrster's father, Gnter Oberdrster, director of the University of Rochester's EPA-funded Particulate Matter Center, has probed the toxicity of those inadvertent particles for years. His most recent research project shows that rats, like monkeys, may be subject to contamination by inhaled ultrafine particles...
Nanotoxicology focus : Nature Nanotechnology
www.nature.com › Journal home › Focus
Two decades of nanotoxicology research has shown that the interactions between nanomaterials and cells, animals, humans and the environment are remarkably complex. Researchers are still trying to understand in detail how the physical, chemical and other properties of nanomaterials influence these interactions, and...
Nano Solutions are the anti-nano devices Tony Pantalleresco talks about.
And you can buy them ready-made from George Christoff of 2Ground.com
And for the parasitic side and microbial causes of Morgellon's, definitely Steve Beddingfield's F.I.R.M. protocol. Mentioned elsewhere in THIS BLOG
Morgellon's is a very painful and crippling, and disfiguring disease. End times Revelations "little beasts" indeed.
So all these damn diseases, messed-up bio-mechanics, bad NON food, vaccines, chemtrails, Monsatan, and other poisonings, etc.. are contributing to our suffering.
And the best that these damn satanists can do is encourage drugs.
pHARMaceuticals will never end pain
Those in power will be judged for what they have done to Our Father's people. Their so-called free will is violating and imposing on OUR FREE WILL to live our lives in peace and free from all kinds of pain, tyranny and oppression.. What about our free will? How many more babies and children have to die from vaccines forced upon them? No wonder people quit having kids and quit being fruitful and multiplying. To bring yet another poor soul in this world only to suffer and struggle? That's why my husband's daughter won't even bother marrying again, because her baby died because of vaccines. That's one soul who barely got to see the light of day, and who knows what kind of positive difference he could have made, had he been left alone and allowed to live.
We just want to be healthy, happy, joyful, and left the hell alone to live and just be.
Seriously!! WTF?! What a fucked up place we all live in. Why are we thrown repeatedly into this dysfunctional realm? What have we done, that is so awful to incur so-called karma? Do we deserve all of this? I love to imagine what life would have been like had evil never entered our realm. Think about that alot.
So There You Have It!
All these various causes of pain, and what to do about each one.
And of this buildup is more than just shit (poo), but other shit buildup as well.
This metabolic buildup can cause immense pain in people.
I can see this buildup in a lot of people. When I look at someone, I can see buildup, systemic inflammation, asymmetry of the face and spine, vaccine damage, etc...
I see it in family members, school classmates, and in the general population. You name it, I can see it!
And from all the things we have, tried and learned, all of these are many solutions we have found, tried, and use.
Sometimes, I wonder, why are we so damn fragile and easy to break? Are our bodies really fearfully and wonderfully made? I have always struggled with that because some people are stuck in inferior and ugly bodies, through no fault of their own, of course. I just work with what I have and make the best of it, and we'll have all the answers one day, I'm sure.
How Do We Know and Learn?
So we learn all of this from the various summits that are constantly post. It's up to us to learn these things ourselves, and from these various "online professors/teachers", because the satanic pHARMacists and doctors are never going to give us the goods. They are greedy and will make us suffer in the worst ways possible and then eventually kill us.
We read comments on various sites, copy and paste, save websites, ask questions, and RESEARCH AND READ!!!! And we try it out. And we also learn from trial and error.
This is a lot of reading, writing, and research, so take time for each thing, and no need to rush through it all.
I already have all this stuff memorized. ALL OF IT!