Hi _______!
I think when we look back at 2017, we will see it as an inflection point for the ‘vaccine issue’. The force of Vaccines Revealed in the world has been startling. And I have been traveling and speaking to big audiences and witnessing that momentum is absolutely building. And now there is a new docu-series you should know about…
The folks that created a global success with The Truth About Cancer are now turning their attention to vaccines and I couldn’t be more excited! Starting on April 12, you’ll be able watch the 7-part series for free. To get details and gain access: GO HERE.
To be fully transparent, I haven’t seen it yet, but I am excited to! I know many of the people that were interviewed and they are solid on this subject.
At Vaccines Revealed, we enthusiastically welcome all who share our mission and are willing to take a stand on the issue. With what’s at stake, this mission is bigger than any of us. I hope more will continue to use their time and resources to set the record straight on vaccines and reverse the horrific trends that are occurring today.
So, let the effort expand and the vision rise. Sign up to see The Truth About Vaccines. The free preview is here.
With purpose and appreciation,
Vaccines Revealed (VR)
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV)
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Watch Vaccines Revealed For FREE – An Explosive 9-Part Series Featuring 24 Vaccine Experts
PARENTS: Watch Vaccines Revealed For FREE – An Explosive 9-Part Series Featuring 24 Vaccine Experts
GREAT NEWS! You can now watch the entire VACCINES REVEALED docu-series for FREE! Yes, FREE!
This explosive 9-part series featuring over two dozen experts is a must watch series for every parent, medical professional, elected official and concerned citizen. In this series you’ll hear multiple experts share how and why vaccines are dangerous, why they don’t offer the “protection” claimed and why our children are better off without them. Once you register you’ll have 24 hours to watch each episode, in sequence (9 days, plus a bonus day for episode 10). It’s easy! Just CLICK HERE TO REGISTER and you are in!
EPISODE 1: Andrew Wakefield, Gary Goldman, Toni Bark
The Autism/Vaccine Connection, Chickenpox, Unknown Dangers of Vaccines
EPISODE 2: Suzanne Humphries, Sayer Ji, Mary Holland
The overview of vaccines and the history of vaccine use, General Vaccine information, Legal Vaccine Overview, The Vaccine Court
EPISODE 3: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Scott and Melissa Miller
The Anthrax Vaccine and its devastation on our military, Mercury in Vaccines – Thimerosal
EPISODE 4: Brian Hooker, Dawn Loughborough, Sara Bridges
Autism, Vaccine Injury, Political Activism, CDC Fraud
EPISODE 5: James Chestnut, Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Gary Goldman, Stephanie Seneff
Aluminum, Gardasil, Flu Vaccine, Vaccine and Big Pharma Fraud
EPISODE 6: Brian Hooker
Vaccine Injury, Fraud, Aluminum & Mercury, Autism Epidemic
EPISODE 7: Sherri Tenpenny, Patrick Gentempo, Gayle DeLong
Fraud/Corruption, Flu Vaccine, Vaccine Safety, Financial Conflict of Interest, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
EPISODE 8: Brian Hooker
CDC guidelines and cover-ups, Vaccine Science and Realities, Vaccine Schedule, Autism Connection
EPISODE 9: Sayer Ji, Brian Hooker, Jack and Heather Wolfson, Dan Pompa
Vaccine Solutions
EPISODE 10: 3-hour bonus
• The Gardasil Vaccine
• The status of “non-vaccinators” and herd immunity
• The “Virus of Fear”
• The National Vaccine Information Center & “Informed Consent”
• What a Professor discovered about the immune system
• The unintended experiment caused by vaccines
• Creating vaccines for diseases that are NOT fatal, but merely inconvenient
• The importance of Motherly Instinct – and vaccine exemptions
• Your Legal rights, due process and the human rights issue
Affiliate Info: https://at119.isrefer.com/go/egaff/kissykiss80/
Order: https://at119.isrefer.com/go/egsp/kissykiss80/
Vitamin K Warning
Shared from Kayla Balas
True Story: A friend of mine just had a baby via emergency c-section and is currently still in the hospital recovering while her baby is in the NICU.
This mother has been through more than any human being could ever imagine having to go through over a lifetime and is still one of the sweetest, strongest women.
She chose to decline the vitamin K shot for her baby because as you can see from the package insert there are clear warnings and because the hospital she is in couldn't pressure her into changing her mind, they then called CPS on her.
Yes, you read that right. CPS was called on her for declining something she has every legal right to decline and every logical reason to decline.
Thankfully another friend of mine, Erin Crawford, was able to be at the hospital when the hospital social worker came in. And ya know what? The hospital was scared of the facts Erin was presenting. So much so.. they brought in the head of nursing, the attending physician, and the hospital administrator to the room to discuss what she was presenting to them.
After 40 minutes of talking to them, the head of nursing and the attending physician ADMITTED they had no idea the Vit K shot has a black box warning (strictest warning put on the labeling of drugs by the FDA when there is reasonable evidence of an association of a serious hazard.)
The hospital lawyer ADMITTED the consent and refusal forms that are given to patients when declining said drugs do not fully inform the patient and are illegal, apologized profusely and promised to revise the forms.
They then could do nothing else but promise to leave this poor mother alone.. which is great! But this shouldn't have happened to begin with and it happens ALL the time.
First of all, why is CPS being called on parents for no reason other than harassment?
Second of all, why didn't the doctor and nurse know that the Vit K shot they were not only recommending but harassing a patient into giving her newborn baby... has a black box warning? Shouldn't doctors know every detail about every drug they prescribe?
Thirdly, why is the hospital giving consent and refusal forms that do not adequately inform patients to the risks associated with every drug they are consenting to?
Fourthly, why is the Vit K shot being given to EVERY SINGLE newborn baby when it clearly states on the package insert that it should only be given when the serious risk involved is considered justified?
Some info to consider about Vit K:
"In order to absorb vitamin K we have to have a functioning biliary and pancreas system. The reason we give breastmilk (and delay solids) until they are atleast 6 months, and the reason breastmilk only contains a small amount of highly absorbable Vit K, is because infants digestive systems are not fully developed at birth and too much Vit K could harm the liver and cause brain damage. As baby ages and the digestive tract, mucosal lining, gut flora, and enzyme functions develop, baby can process more Vit K. So it makes sense that they have low levels of Vit K at birth. (and we don't need to inject them with a high amount of synthetic Vit K.)
Cord blood contains stem cells, which protect a baby against bleeding and perform all sorts of needed repairs inside an infants body. In order for a baby to get this protective boost of stem cells, cord-cutting needs to be delayed and the blood needs to remain thin so stem cells can easily travel and perform their functions.
Babies are born with low levels of Vit K compared to adults, but this level is still sufficient to prevent problems.
Several clinical observations support the hypothesis that children have natural protective mechanisms that justify their low vitamin K levels at birth. I don't know about you, but we should probably figure out why that is before we inject now and worry about it later.
Do you know why Vit K is pushed on parents and their children? Because pharmaceutical companies don't like to lose money, doctors don't like to be questioned, the American Academy of Pediatrics dare not change its recommendations." -Pediatrician
Edited to note: For those of you questioning whether VIT K is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, it was confirmed by the doctors at this hospital as well as birth professionals in the comments on this post that standard practice is intramuscular.
True Story: A friend of mine just had a baby via emergency c-section and is currently still in the hospital recovering while her baby is in the NICU.
This mother has been through more than any human being could ever imagine having to go through over a lifetime and is still one of the sweetest, strongest women.
She chose to decline the vitamin K shot for her baby because as you can see from the package insert there are clear warnings and because the hospital she is in couldn't pressure her into changing her mind, they then called CPS on her.
Yes, you read that right. CPS was called on her for declining something she has every legal right to decline and every logical reason to decline.
Thankfully another friend of mine, Erin Crawford, was able to be at the hospital when the hospital social worker came in. And ya know what? The hospital was scared of the facts Erin was presenting. So much so.. they brought in the head of nursing, the attending physician, and the hospital administrator to the room to discuss what she was presenting to them.
After 40 minutes of talking to them, the head of nursing and the attending physician ADMITTED they had no idea the Vit K shot has a black box warning (strictest warning put on the labeling of drugs by the FDA when there is reasonable evidence of an association of a serious hazard.)
The hospital lawyer ADMITTED the consent and refusal forms that are given to patients when declining said drugs do not fully inform the patient and are illegal, apologized profusely and promised to revise the forms.
They then could do nothing else but promise to leave this poor mother alone.. which is great! But this shouldn't have happened to begin with and it happens ALL the time.
First of all, why is CPS being called on parents for no reason other than harassment?
Second of all, why didn't the doctor and nurse know that the Vit K shot they were not only recommending but harassing a patient into giving her newborn baby... has a black box warning? Shouldn't doctors know every detail about every drug they prescribe?
Thirdly, why is the hospital giving consent and refusal forms that do not adequately inform patients to the risks associated with every drug they are consenting to?
Fourthly, why is the Vit K shot being given to EVERY SINGLE newborn baby when it clearly states on the package insert that it should only be given when the serious risk involved is considered justified?
Some info to consider about Vit K:
"In order to absorb vitamin K we have to have a functioning biliary and pancreas system. The reason we give breastmilk (and delay solids) until they are atleast 6 months, and the reason breastmilk only contains a small amount of highly absorbable Vit K, is because infants digestive systems are not fully developed at birth and too much Vit K could harm the liver and cause brain damage. As baby ages and the digestive tract, mucosal lining, gut flora, and enzyme functions develop, baby can process more Vit K. So it makes sense that they have low levels of Vit K at birth. (and we don't need to inject them with a high amount of synthetic Vit K.)
Cord blood contains stem cells, which protect a baby against bleeding and perform all sorts of needed repairs inside an infants body. In order for a baby to get this protective boost of stem cells, cord-cutting needs to be delayed and the blood needs to remain thin so stem cells can easily travel and perform their functions.
Babies are born with low levels of Vit K compared to adults, but this level is still sufficient to prevent problems.
Several clinical observations support the hypothesis that children have natural protective mechanisms that justify their low vitamin K levels at birth. I don't know about you, but we should probably figure out why that is before we inject now and worry about it later.
Do you know why Vit K is pushed on parents and their children? Because pharmaceutical companies don't like to lose money, doctors don't like to be questioned, the American Academy of Pediatrics dare not change its recommendations." -Pediatrician
Edited to note: For those of you questioning whether VIT K is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, it was confirmed by the doctors at this hospital as well as birth professionals in the comments on this post that standard practice is intramuscular.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV) Now Open!
This is a must see event. Please share.
Click this link for free access: http://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.online/?a_bid=62acb2d5&a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1
We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front row seat for this.
It’s a topic that lights a fire under smart people on both sides of the issue.
Some say they’re mandatory, and some say they’re dangerous.
Tensions are rising from both camps, and our children are the ones caught in the middle.
The topic?
No matter where you fall on the spectrum of whether you think vaccines are helpful or harmful… the reality is that it’s become one of THE hot-button issues of our time.
People are truly passionate about their positions, and that… my friends is a HUGE part of the problem.
When emotion interferes with facts, the truth gets lost in the shuffle.
But there’s a new face leading the fight into the fray to try and separate fact from fiction and find the middle ground, where we can have an honest conversation about this…
Filmmaker and health freedom advocate Ty Bollinger has jumped head first into the choppy waters of the vaccine debate to investigate BOTH sides and find out what parents need to know to make the right decision for their kids.
He’s about to release the biggest, most comprehensive series ever created on the topic of vaccines, and you need to see it. Period.
There’s new information here that you, your neighbors, and everybody in your community needs to know about.
Click right here and get the full details about this explosive new documentary series and how you can watch the whole thing for FREE starting April 12th.
Here’s to finding the truth…
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Affiliate Description Page: http://partners.thetruthaboutvaccines.vip/?a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1&a_bid=5e67b230
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
Click this link for free access: http://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.online/?a_bid=62acb2d5&a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1
We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front row seat for this.
It’s a topic that lights a fire under smart people on both sides of the issue.
Some say they’re mandatory, and some say they’re dangerous.
Tensions are rising from both camps, and our children are the ones caught in the middle.
The topic?
No matter where you fall on the spectrum of whether you think vaccines are helpful or harmful… the reality is that it’s become one of THE hot-button issues of our time.
People are truly passionate about their positions, and that… my friends is a HUGE part of the problem.
When emotion interferes with facts, the truth gets lost in the shuffle.
But there’s a new face leading the fight into the fray to try and separate fact from fiction and find the middle ground, where we can have an honest conversation about this…
Filmmaker and health freedom advocate Ty Bollinger has jumped head first into the choppy waters of the vaccine debate to investigate BOTH sides and find out what parents need to know to make the right decision for their kids.
He’s about to release the biggest, most comprehensive series ever created on the topic of vaccines, and you need to see it. Period.
There’s new information here that you, your neighbors, and everybody in your community needs to know about.
Click right here and get the full details about this explosive new documentary series and how you can watch the whole thing for FREE starting April 12th.
Here’s to finding the truth…
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
We really need you all right now to get this out to the public before another life is ruined. Help us get this out please!
Affiliate Description Page: http://partners.thetruthaboutvaccines.vip/?a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1&a_bid=5e67b230
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
The Sweet Freedom Summit
Because sugar is everywhere…
Did you know? 80% of grocery store foods contain sugar!
This “food” is 8x more addicting than cocaine...
Sugar is not just candy and pastries, the soda and loaded coffee drinks you order each day; it’s also found in many other foods--foods, in fact, processed by their manufacturers to force your body into addiction.
Register for The Sweet Freedom Summit: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-9-5-8.html
Refined sugar is made similarly to heroin and cocaine, but triggers the brain’s receptors 8 times MORE than cocaine.
It’s a serious issue, because refined sugar is found in +80% of grocery store foods. No wonder we find it impossible to stop eating it, even though we know it’s killing us!
Two decades ago, your host, Sherry Strong, was completely addicted to sugar. She was obese, sick and depressed to the point of wanting to die. All of that changed when she removed sugar from her diet.
If you are struggling to give up sugar or even if you simply indulge periodically--whether a health professional, busy mom or career-driven person--this event can help you, finally, improve your health and your life.
Register for FREE now at the following link:
[HELP OUR MISSION!] Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace (plus, your purchase helps to create more of these valuable health talks!):
The Sweet Freedom Summit will teach you about:
The Sweet Freedom Summit is online and free from April 10-17, 2017!
We’ll see you online at this educational summit!
Thank you!
P.S. It’s true, every purchase made helps us continue to reach people struggling to live healthier lives. I thank you in advance for your support: http://healthaffiliate.center/refer.php?id=13197&url=http://sweetfreedomsummit.com/order
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
Did you know? 80% of grocery store foods contain sugar!
This “food” is 8x more addicting than cocaine...
Sugar is not just candy and pastries, the soda and loaded coffee drinks you order each day; it’s also found in many other foods--foods, in fact, processed by their manufacturers to force your body into addiction.
Register for The Sweet Freedom Summit: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-9-5-8.html
Refined sugar is made similarly to heroin and cocaine, but triggers the brain’s receptors 8 times MORE than cocaine.
It’s a serious issue, because refined sugar is found in +80% of grocery store foods. No wonder we find it impossible to stop eating it, even though we know it’s killing us!
Two decades ago, your host, Sherry Strong, was completely addicted to sugar. She was obese, sick and depressed to the point of wanting to die. All of that changed when she removed sugar from her diet.
If you are struggling to give up sugar or even if you simply indulge periodically--whether a health professional, busy mom or career-driven person--this event can help you, finally, improve your health and your life.
Register for FREE now at the following link:
[HELP OUR MISSION!] Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace (plus, your purchase helps to create more of these valuable health talks!):
The Sweet Freedom Summit will teach you about:
- How “non-food addiction” can lead to a serious and painful death
- Impacts of poorly processed foods on your emotional state
- Educating your family to be supportive and healthy
- Why diets rarely work long term (and the strategy that does!)
- Creating nourishment in your heart, mind and spirit!
- And, so much more...
The Sweet Freedom Summit is online and free from April 10-17, 2017!
We’ll see you online at this educational summit!
Thank you!
P.S. It’s true, every purchase made helps us continue to reach people struggling to live healthier lives. I thank you in advance for your support: http://healthaffiliate.center/refer.php?id=13197&url=http://sweetfreedomsummit.com/order
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
A little known fact. this statement may confuse you because it won't make sense unless you have thought about disease in a way of how the body eliminates poison and population versus numbers of people who are said to have a so-called particular disease at the same time. But this is a start. Vaccinations caused leprosy, T.B. Syphilis, infantile paralysis(polio) etc. I urge you to read all of this to get a full understanding of the lies we have been taught.
From the book, THE RECRUDESCENCE OF LEPROSY AND ITS CAUSATION. 1893. This book has 391 pages. It is loaded with testimonials from doctors ALL over the world. Books like this were never in the public education system. I have many more which provided me with the truth of all the lies we have been told.
Page 43. another out break of small-pox occurred in 1873, and yet another in 1881, both followed by general arm-to-arm vaccination and a rapid and alarming development of leprosy, as may be seen in the reports of the Board of Health."
Page 58. "In all the French colonies vaccination has been prosecuted with rigour, and has followed by the increase of leprosy. Just as in England the increase of infantile syphilis is due to arm to arm vaccination, as shown in the third report of the Royal Commission on Vaccination."
Page 61. "The mode of propagation where the contaminating virus enters directly into the blood."
Page 80. "It is a remarkable fact that not one of the nurses or servants in our Asylums (Norway) has caught the disease, although they daily wash and dress the patients." ( This book is loaded with like statements by doctors who took cate of lepers in many countries.) One more example. Page 82. "I said to the lady superintendent (of Dominican Sisters), who have been in charge of the institution for 17 years. "Have you no fear of contagion?" "Not the slightest," she promptly replied. "And you and your assistants do all that conscientious nursing requires?" (This includes washing the sores and bandaging the limbs of the unfortunate inmates.) "Certainly, and feel it is a joy and privilege to be of service to these afflicted people." "Has any case of infection by contact to doctor, nurse, attendant, or laundress ever been reported during your superintendence?" Not one."
Jim's comment. Can you imagine the health of people all over the world if people had been told the truth by their governments and doctors?
Page 201. "The late Dr. George Hoggan, of Beaulieu, France, who devoted many years to the study of Leprosy, has examined many lepers in Europe, and he attributes the disease in nearly all cases to vaccination.
The real cause of all diseases. Page 230. "Dr. Max Sandreczki, Director of the Children's Hospital, Jerusalem, says:-" Leprosy in Palestine is developed (BUILT) by insanitary conditions, of which I will enumerate the chief: impure air; the tainted exhalations which prevail in the villages and unhealthy habitations of the people, the water supply, often stagnant and deteriorated, the oil and fat (used for food), rancid, or salted beyond measure, olives and cheese in a state of decomposition; meat rotten, or coming from animals diseased, or worse still. Add to this all this extreme uncleanliness, the utter absence of skin action, and than one may easily explain derangements in the tissues of the skin, in the lymphatic and ganglionic systems, and in a word, complete disorder of all the nutritive functions"- The Lancet, August 31st, 1889.
Jim's comment. And that was the cause of all those so-called epidemics like the plague etc.
Here is how the word virus was used before the con-men changed the definition to the lie that is taught today. Page 241. " Now that evidence is accumulating in al directions regarding vaccine virus as a cause of Leprosy." Meaning pus.
Page 269. "Within a short time of the introduction of compulsory vaccination, spreading with accelerated industry this virus taken from the bodies of a filthy population, we read of the spread of Leprosy."
Page 331. Lepers, Dr. W. R. Kynsey, Chief of the Medical Department, Colombo, Ceylon says," are chiefly found among the poorer natives, whose dwellings are small thatched huts, crowed, ill-ventilated, filthy, and strewn with moldy and rotten vegetables, and excremental deposits."
just a few statements from the whole book. if this is available anywhere I strongly urge you to read it. One book like this will put you in the drivers seat in every vaccine debate or conversation.
If you have any questions please ask.
~ Jim O'Kelly
For the truth in the fraud of vaccines, this book is a must. Don't be lazy. no excuses. read a page a day or a chapter a day, but read it. You will be empowered. ~Jim O'Kelly
Hard Copy:
“Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.”
From the book, THE RECRUDESCENCE OF LEPROSY AND ITS CAUSATION. 1893. This book has 391 pages. It is loaded with testimonials from doctors ALL over the world. Books like this were never in the public education system. I have many more which provided me with the truth of all the lies we have been told.
Page 43. another out break of small-pox occurred in 1873, and yet another in 1881, both followed by general arm-to-arm vaccination and a rapid and alarming development of leprosy, as may be seen in the reports of the Board of Health."
Page 58. "In all the French colonies vaccination has been prosecuted with rigour, and has followed by the increase of leprosy. Just as in England the increase of infantile syphilis is due to arm to arm vaccination, as shown in the third report of the Royal Commission on Vaccination."
Page 61. "The mode of propagation where the contaminating virus enters directly into the blood."
Page 80. "It is a remarkable fact that not one of the nurses or servants in our Asylums (Norway) has caught the disease, although they daily wash and dress the patients." ( This book is loaded with like statements by doctors who took cate of lepers in many countries.) One more example. Page 82. "I said to the lady superintendent (of Dominican Sisters), who have been in charge of the institution for 17 years. "Have you no fear of contagion?" "Not the slightest," she promptly replied. "And you and your assistants do all that conscientious nursing requires?" (This includes washing the sores and bandaging the limbs of the unfortunate inmates.) "Certainly, and feel it is a joy and privilege to be of service to these afflicted people." "Has any case of infection by contact to doctor, nurse, attendant, or laundress ever been reported during your superintendence?" Not one."
Jim's comment. Can you imagine the health of people all over the world if people had been told the truth by their governments and doctors?
Page 201. "The late Dr. George Hoggan, of Beaulieu, France, who devoted many years to the study of Leprosy, has examined many lepers in Europe, and he attributes the disease in nearly all cases to vaccination.
The real cause of all diseases. Page 230. "Dr. Max Sandreczki, Director of the Children's Hospital, Jerusalem, says:-" Leprosy in Palestine is developed (BUILT) by insanitary conditions, of which I will enumerate the chief: impure air; the tainted exhalations which prevail in the villages and unhealthy habitations of the people, the water supply, often stagnant and deteriorated, the oil and fat (used for food), rancid, or salted beyond measure, olives and cheese in a state of decomposition; meat rotten, or coming from animals diseased, or worse still. Add to this all this extreme uncleanliness, the utter absence of skin action, and than one may easily explain derangements in the tissues of the skin, in the lymphatic and ganglionic systems, and in a word, complete disorder of all the nutritive functions"- The Lancet, August 31st, 1889.
Jim's comment. And that was the cause of all those so-called epidemics like the plague etc.
Here is how the word virus was used before the con-men changed the definition to the lie that is taught today. Page 241. " Now that evidence is accumulating in al directions regarding vaccine virus as a cause of Leprosy." Meaning pus.
Page 269. "Within a short time of the introduction of compulsory vaccination, spreading with accelerated industry this virus taken from the bodies of a filthy population, we read of the spread of Leprosy."
Page 331. Lepers, Dr. W. R. Kynsey, Chief of the Medical Department, Colombo, Ceylon says," are chiefly found among the poorer natives, whose dwellings are small thatched huts, crowed, ill-ventilated, filthy, and strewn with moldy and rotten vegetables, and excremental deposits."
just a few statements from the whole book. if this is available anywhere I strongly urge you to read it. One book like this will put you in the drivers seat in every vaccine debate or conversation.
If you have any questions please ask.
~ Jim O'Kelly
For the truth in the fraud of vaccines, this book is a must. Don't be lazy. no excuses. read a page a day or a chapter a day, but read it. You will be empowered. ~Jim O'Kelly
Hard Copy:
“Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.”
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Leicester Sanitation versus Vaccination. 1912.
From the book, Leicester Sanitation versus Vaccination. 1912.
Page 581.
"Small-pox corpse virus, obtained from small-pox victims after death."
Page 609. "This virus is obtained from the putrid sores of inoculated monkeys, calves, and other animals, or from animal or human corpses."
Page 627. "That vaccine virus, being the product of animal decay."
This is one of the many books that educated me to the path of truth of what a virus really is. Years later I discovered the secret of the centrifuge machine and the electron microscope. Then other books gave the recipe for making vaccines. Knowledge may be power, but true knowledge will set you free. Free from the lies they injected into your mind in order to inject their drugs and vaccines into your body.
~Jim O'Kelly
Hard Copy:
“Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.”
Page 581.
"Small-pox corpse virus, obtained from small-pox victims after death."
Page 609. "This virus is obtained from the putrid sores of inoculated monkeys, calves, and other animals, or from animal or human corpses."
Page 627. "That vaccine virus, being the product of animal decay."
This is one of the many books that educated me to the path of truth of what a virus really is. Years later I discovered the secret of the centrifuge machine and the electron microscope. Then other books gave the recipe for making vaccines. Knowledge may be power, but true knowledge will set you free. Free from the lies they injected into your mind in order to inject their drugs and vaccines into your body.
~Jim O'Kelly
Hard Copy:
“Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.”
24 hour viewing extension for The Diabetes Summit! & Other Upcoming Events
Hello friends!
We heard you! We've decided to extend the ENCORE and the sale with event pricing one more day.
If you missed the encore yesterday or you weren't able to take advantage of the lower price for The Diabetes Summit 2017 package, you get still get it for 24 hours!
To purchase the entire Diabetes Summit 2017 event with audios, videos, transcripts, power points, and 15 awesome bonuses at the lower, event prices, just click this link.
Here are a few of the sponsor opportunities mentioned in previous emails:
ESSENTIAL OILS FOR BLOOD SUGAR - This webinar walks you through how to use essential oils to support healthy blood sugar.
THRIVE MARKET - The one-of-a-kind, online nutrition food store, giving away a box (6) of Primal Kitchen Coconut Cashew Bars*.
THE 20 MINUTE BODY PROGRAM - Celebrity Fitness Trainer Brett Hoebel discussed this ground-breaking health and fitness program.
Please remember that today is really the LAST DAY to get The Diabetes Summit 2017 package at event prices. That's it... no more extensions!
Thank you so much for being part of The Diabetes Summit 2017 and for your continued support!
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Certified Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
PS. To check out the Encore Day presentations, click here.
PPS. To order The Diabetes Summit 2017 package, use this link.
Thoughts & Commentary:
About this summit, the previous The Thyroid Secret docu-series, and related upcoming events.
Thoughts on the essential oils. We like the Cassia and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. Like in our coffee, we like to put a drop or two in our coffee. (sometimes accidentally get 2 drops, instead of 1).
Cinnamon is known to help keep blood sugar down, so it's a great preventative of Type 2 diabetes.
It's also known as "Nature's Coumadin", and much safer than the pHARMaceuticall Coumadin, which is rat poison.
Also cinnamon, along with Thieves by Young Living, or OnGuard by doTERRA, we like to put drops on the toothbrush with Miracle II soap for disinfecting the mouth. Also use the same oils combined, or sometimes by themselves put in a glass of half vodka / half filtered water as a homemade mouthwash.
Diabetes also goes hand in hand with Hypothyroidism, which was covered in The Thyroid Secret docu-series we posted about, which just ended a couple of weeks ago.
Uncontrolled high blood sugar will also contribute to fatty liver, and a clogged liver will also interfere with the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to T3, thus contributing to thyroid problems. And the swollen liver can't digest fats, so you will have to use a d-limolene essential oil such as lemon, wild orange, grapefruit, and lime oils which comes from the rind of citrus fruits. Inositol/choline combo will help with moving that fat out of a fatty liver, as well as Lipase enzyme, which comes in the Neprinol Enzyme blend by Arthur Andrew Medical. So keeping that liver cleaned out and clear is a huge key.
In addition to all of that, is the toxic mercury & other heavy metals overload. And then halogens like fluoride/chlorine interfering and blocking the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, because iodine is a good halogen, and it competes with fluoride and chlorine for those receptors.
Then you have candida/yeast overgrowth which interferes with the endocrine system, which causes massive run away inflammation, and it goes on and on and on. And the resulting stress from that is elevated cortisol, and along with the fatty liver, here comes that belly fat. (Cortisol-Ease to the rescue)
So you see? It's all related. Gotta keep that liver clear, the sugar down, and use the appropriate CLEAN supplements, essential oils, and watch that diet. By that, I mean dropping all those gliadian protein/gluten infested grains. Wheat, barley, oats and rye. The grains raise that blood sugar too. Same with mainstream dairy.
And on the subject of Blood Sugar, along comes a new Summit beginning on April 10th called Sweet Free Summit by Health Talks Online. Incidentally, it's starting on the same day as The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV), We will be watching and promoting BOTH, so we'll be super busy the month of April.
Upcoming Events:
+ Upcoming Health Talks Online events:
April 10-17: Sweet Freedom Summit
April 24 - May 1: Global Stress Summit
Online for FREE from May 8-16, 2017: Microbiome Medicine 2 Summit
June 5-12: LGBT Wellness Summit
June 19-26: Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2
July 10-17: Chronic Headache & Migraine Summit
July 24-31: Immune Defense Summit
---> Sweet Freedom (Apr 10-17): AFFILIATES! -->> GET LINK!
---> Global Stress (Apr 24 - May1): AFFILIATES! -->>GET LINK!
---> Microbiome Medicine II (May 8-15): Promo opens March 29. AFFILIATES! -->>GET LINK!
+ Invite other Health Talks Online (HTO) affiliates with this link. http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
*Important Note: Health Talks Online affiliates are eligible to promote all HTO summit events. Signup as affiliate ONLY ONCE
+ Other Upcoming events:
April 10-17: *BEGINS EVENT* The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV)
TTAV Register (To Watch FREE!)
TTAV Own Docu-series (link not available yet)
We heard you! We've decided to extend the ENCORE and the sale with event pricing one more day.
If you missed the encore yesterday or you weren't able to take advantage of the lower price for The Diabetes Summit 2017 package, you get still get it for 24 hours!
To purchase the entire Diabetes Summit 2017 event with audios, videos, transcripts, power points, and 15 awesome bonuses at the lower, event prices, just click this link.
Here are a few of the sponsor opportunities mentioned in previous emails:
ESSENTIAL OILS FOR BLOOD SUGAR - This webinar walks you through how to use essential oils to support healthy blood sugar.
THRIVE MARKET - The one-of-a-kind, online nutrition food store, giving away a box (6) of Primal Kitchen Coconut Cashew Bars*.
THE 20 MINUTE BODY PROGRAM - Celebrity Fitness Trainer Brett Hoebel discussed this ground-breaking health and fitness program.
Please remember that today is really the LAST DAY to get The Diabetes Summit 2017 package at event prices. That's it... no more extensions!
Thank you so much for being part of The Diabetes Summit 2017 and for your continued support!
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Certified Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
PS. To check out the Encore Day presentations, click here.
PPS. To order The Diabetes Summit 2017 package, use this link.
Thoughts & Commentary:
About this summit, the previous The Thyroid Secret docu-series, and related upcoming events.
Thoughts on the essential oils. We like the Cassia and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. Like in our coffee, we like to put a drop or two in our coffee. (sometimes accidentally get 2 drops, instead of 1).
Cinnamon is known to help keep blood sugar down, so it's a great preventative of Type 2 diabetes.
It's also known as "Nature's Coumadin", and much safer than the pHARMaceuticall Coumadin, which is rat poison.
Also cinnamon, along with Thieves by Young Living, or OnGuard by doTERRA, we like to put drops on the toothbrush with Miracle II soap for disinfecting the mouth. Also use the same oils combined, or sometimes by themselves put in a glass of half vodka / half filtered water as a homemade mouthwash.
Diabetes also goes hand in hand with Hypothyroidism, which was covered in The Thyroid Secret docu-series we posted about, which just ended a couple of weeks ago.
Uncontrolled high blood sugar will also contribute to fatty liver, and a clogged liver will also interfere with the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to T3, thus contributing to thyroid problems. And the swollen liver can't digest fats, so you will have to use a d-limolene essential oil such as lemon, wild orange, grapefruit, and lime oils which comes from the rind of citrus fruits. Inositol/choline combo will help with moving that fat out of a fatty liver, as well as Lipase enzyme, which comes in the Neprinol Enzyme blend by Arthur Andrew Medical. So keeping that liver cleaned out and clear is a huge key.
In addition to all of that, is the toxic mercury & other heavy metals overload. And then halogens like fluoride/chlorine interfering and blocking the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, because iodine is a good halogen, and it competes with fluoride and chlorine for those receptors.
Then you have candida/yeast overgrowth which interferes with the endocrine system, which causes massive run away inflammation, and it goes on and on and on. And the resulting stress from that is elevated cortisol, and along with the fatty liver, here comes that belly fat. (Cortisol-Ease to the rescue)
So you see? It's all related. Gotta keep that liver clear, the sugar down, and use the appropriate CLEAN supplements, essential oils, and watch that diet. By that, I mean dropping all those gliadian protein/gluten infested grains. Wheat, barley, oats and rye. The grains raise that blood sugar too. Same with mainstream dairy.
And on the subject of Blood Sugar, along comes a new Summit beginning on April 10th called Sweet Free Summit by Health Talks Online. Incidentally, it's starting on the same day as The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV), We will be watching and promoting BOTH, so we'll be super busy the month of April.
Upcoming Events:
+ Upcoming Health Talks Online events:
April 10-17: Sweet Freedom Summit
April 24 - May 1: Global Stress Summit
Online for FREE from May 8-16, 2017: Microbiome Medicine 2 Summit
June 5-12: LGBT Wellness Summit
June 19-26: Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2
July 10-17: Chronic Headache & Migraine Summit
July 24-31: Immune Defense Summit
---> Sweet Freedom (Apr 10-17): AFFILIATES! -->> GET LINK!
---> Global Stress (Apr 24 - May1): AFFILIATES! -->>GET LINK!
---> Microbiome Medicine II (May 8-15): Promo opens March 29. AFFILIATES! -->>GET LINK!
+ Invite other Health Talks Online (HTO) affiliates with this link. http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
*Important Note: Health Talks Online affiliates are eligible to promote all HTO summit events. Signup as affiliate ONLY ONCE
+ Other Upcoming events:
April 10-17: *BEGINS EVENT* The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV)
TTAV Register (To Watch FREE!)
TTAV Own Docu-series (link not available yet)
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We use proven Quantum Science and Quantum Physics Technology that can give you "Instant Results" and amazing long-term benefits for the rest of your life! It will immediately restore your body's natural balance and give you "The Power" to restore and rejuvenate your body at the cellular level.
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P. S. You can and should continue using all your orgone devices. We do.
Health Guardian, LLC Affiliate Opportunity: http://healthguardian.com/real-rewards/id/2124076

Monday, March 27, 2017
Today is ENCORE Day at The Diabetes Summit 2017
The Diabetes Summit 17 has been a life-changing event. Ten of thousands of people have had the chance to learn about the importance of blood sugar health from the world’s leading experts.
Today is ENCORE DAY, where the ten top presentations will be replayed all day!
That means you'll get to watch the TEN (plus a bonus) most popular talks from The Diabetes Summit 2017, voted by you!!
You can watch the Diabetes Summit Encore Day by clicking here.
If you missed any of these presentations, or want to add these 31 experts to your health library, you can still get the Diabetes Summit recordings at a discount by clicking here.
Here’s some of what was covered on this year’s Diabetes Summit:
- How environmental toxins, chemicals, and food allergens can trigger blood sugar problems, and how to detoxify the body safely
- Understanding the stress continuum and how children trauma, adverse life events, and daily stressors can lead to diabetes
- Important strategies for those dealing with type 1 diabetes in themselves or a child
- Natural strategies to balance blood sugar including new supplement recommendations, essential oils, and using food as medicine
- Developing a deeper understanding of peripheral neuropathy - how to test for it and how to treat it, naturally and effectively
- Breaking down various eating strategies including the ketogenic diet, vegan diet, and the raw food diet
- Much, much more!
After today’s Encore, the price goes up, so if you’re interested in the recordings, click this link now. https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds19buy/MessiahMews/
I hope you enjoy the Encore, and I’ll talk to you again soon!
PS. When you own The Diabetes Summit 17, you’ll be able to watch the videos or listen to the audios on your computer or mobile device, read the complete transcripts and share this important information with family and friends. To pick up your copy of The Diabetes Summit 17, just click this link.
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
Today is ENCORE DAY, where the ten top presentations will be replayed all day!
That means you'll get to watch the TEN (plus a bonus) most popular talks from The Diabetes Summit 2017, voted by you!!
You can watch the Diabetes Summit Encore Day by clicking here.
If you missed any of these presentations, or want to add these 31 experts to your health library, you can still get the Diabetes Summit recordings at a discount by clicking here.
Here’s some of what was covered on this year’s Diabetes Summit:
- How environmental toxins, chemicals, and food allergens can trigger blood sugar problems, and how to detoxify the body safely
- Understanding the stress continuum and how children trauma, adverse life events, and daily stressors can lead to diabetes
- Important strategies for those dealing with type 1 diabetes in themselves or a child
- Natural strategies to balance blood sugar including new supplement recommendations, essential oils, and using food as medicine
- Developing a deeper understanding of peripheral neuropathy - how to test for it and how to treat it, naturally and effectively
- Breaking down various eating strategies including the ketogenic diet, vegan diet, and the raw food diet
- Much, much more!
After today’s Encore, the price goes up, so if you’re interested in the recordings, click this link now. https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds19buy/MessiahMews/
I hope you enjoy the Encore, and I’ll talk to you again soon!
PS. When you own The Diabetes Summit 17, you’ll be able to watch the videos or listen to the audios on your computer or mobile device, read the complete transcripts and share this important information with family and friends. To pick up your copy of The Diabetes Summit 17, just click this link.
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
The Diabetes Summit 2017 Day 7
Oh no, it's Day Seven at the Diabetes Summit!
Click Here to Register & Watch Free Online
Hello friends!
You made it to Day Seven! Can you believe it?
Most people tell me that they're sad to see The Diabetes Summit end each year. So, keep it going!
Stay in touch with me by liking my Facebook page. I'll be making frequent updates over there. You can also find some great resources, programs, and my blog over at http://www.drmowll.com.
Do you miss a few talks this week?
You can still get digital access to all of the expert talks and bonus material by clicking here. There's no need to miss any of the advice or strategies from these amazing professionals!
Own all 41 expert talks today!
The sale price for all 31 presentations (plus hundreds in bonuses!) has been $79 all week, but it will increase to $99 once Encore Day is complete.
So on Tuesday, March 28th at 10 A.M. U.S. Eastern, the online access price will change to $99, and the online access + flash drive price to $139. If you're on the fence, now is the time to purchase!
Access Today’s Presentations By Clicking Here & Registering Today to Watch Free!
Encore Day ia tomorrow, so you can still catch the series & speakers.
Here are today's speakers...
Enjoy Day Seven at the Diabetes Summit and we'll be back with our Encore Day tomorrow!
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Certified Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Thoughts & Commentary:
As time permits...
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
Click Here to Register & Watch Free Online
Hello friends!
You made it to Day Seven! Can you believe it?
Most people tell me that they're sad to see The Diabetes Summit end each year. So, keep it going!
Stay in touch with me by liking my Facebook page. I'll be making frequent updates over there. You can also find some great resources, programs, and my blog over at http://www.drmowll.com.
Do you miss a few talks this week?
You can still get digital access to all of the expert talks and bonus material by clicking here. There's no need to miss any of the advice or strategies from these amazing professionals!
Own all 41 expert talks today!
The sale price for all 31 presentations (plus hundreds in bonuses!) has been $79 all week, but it will increase to $99 once Encore Day is complete.
So on Tuesday, March 28th at 10 A.M. U.S. Eastern, the online access price will change to $99, and the online access + flash drive price to $139. If you're on the fence, now is the time to purchase!
Access Today’s Presentations By Clicking Here & Registering Today to Watch Free!
Encore Day ia tomorrow, so you can still catch the series & speakers.
Here are today's speakers...
Enjoy Day Seven at the Diabetes Summit and we'll be back with our Encore Day tomorrow!
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Certified Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
Thoughts & Commentary:
As time permits...
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.

Saturday, March 25, 2017
GREAT NEWS! Vaccines Revealed Registration Working Again & Gone Evergreen
GREAT NEWS! Vaccines Revealed Registration is now working without the errors! You can now register & watch the entire VACCINES REVEALED docu-series for FREE!
This explosive 9-part series featuring over two dozen experts is a must watch series for every parent, medical professional, elected official & concerned citizen. In this series you'll hear two dozen experts share how and why vaccines are dangerous, why they don't offer the "protection" claimed and why our children are better off without them. And don't miss Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's interview!!! Once you register you'll have 24 hours to watch each episode. It's easy!
Now for another GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT and Changes:
With this amount of enthusiasm and demand, Vaccines Revealed has decided that now is the time to take the entire series Evergreen.
How does this work?
1. They have rewired the entire Vaccines Revealed docu-series so that anyone can join and watch it in sequence at any time. How convenient is that?
2. Once registered, they will start the 10 day sequence, get the effective communications and reminders and proceed throughout the whole program.
3. At various times an opportunity to purchase the series will be available, if DVDs and/or digital copies (downloads or Jump Drive) are desired. Even more convenient.
What does all of this means to you?
* This means that Vaccines Revealed will have complete flexibility of time and style (rather than being locked into a launch time-frame). We, too, feel more people will be reached that way as opposed to be forced into a certain time so that they can relax and watch at THEIR convenience, as opposed to the original time-frame. So we all can relax and enjoy it without feeling rushed.
Now for A Fantastic Opportunity.
We need help in spreading the word by getting this out, and letting people know this is available. Many folks still have no idea this docu-series exist. Let's reach them, shall we? Aren't our precious children and other loved ones worth it?
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing (now ongoing) event. Your network, friends and family will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll reap great rewards of cash in addition to the satisfaction that you possibly saved many lives.
The Powers That (Think) They Be are afraid of this information getting out. So sign up as an affilaite right now and Piss off TPTB.
Simply Click Here and fill out our easy affiliate sign-up form:
Existing Affiliates - Login to your infusionsoft back off and look for the new Evergreen (eg) links.
Thank you!
P.S. From Patrick Gentempo and the Vaccines Revealed Team...
"Lastly, we know that many of you are supporting TTAV… great! So are we! This mission is bigger and more important than any person or company. We are excited to see others enter the arena and hope that they will take as strong a stand as we did. Maybe with all these efforts, 2017 is the year it all changes." ~ Patrick Gentempo
This explosive 9-part series featuring over two dozen experts is a must watch series for every parent, medical professional, elected official & concerned citizen. In this series you'll hear two dozen experts share how and why vaccines are dangerous, why they don't offer the "protection" claimed and why our children are better off without them. And don't miss Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's interview!!! Once you register you'll have 24 hours to watch each episode. It's easy!
Now for another GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT and Changes:
With this amount of enthusiasm and demand, Vaccines Revealed has decided that now is the time to take the entire series Evergreen.
How does this work?
1. They have rewired the entire Vaccines Revealed docu-series so that anyone can join and watch it in sequence at any time. How convenient is that?
2. Once registered, they will start the 10 day sequence, get the effective communications and reminders and proceed throughout the whole program.
3. At various times an opportunity to purchase the series will be available, if DVDs and/or digital copies (downloads or Jump Drive) are desired. Even more convenient.
What does all of this means to you?
* This means that Vaccines Revealed will have complete flexibility of time and style (rather than being locked into a launch time-frame). We, too, feel more people will be reached that way as opposed to be forced into a certain time so that they can relax and watch at THEIR convenience, as opposed to the original time-frame. So we all can relax and enjoy it without feeling rushed.
Now for A Fantastic Opportunity.
We need help in spreading the word by getting this out, and letting people know this is available. Many folks still have no idea this docu-series exist. Let's reach them, shall we? Aren't our precious children and other loved ones worth it?
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing (now ongoing) event. Your network, friends and family will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll reap great rewards of cash in addition to the satisfaction that you possibly saved many lives.
The Powers That (Think) They Be are afraid of this information getting out. So sign up as an affilaite right now and Piss off TPTB.
Simply Click Here and fill out our easy affiliate sign-up form:
Existing Affiliates - Login to your infusionsoft back off and look for the new Evergreen (eg) links.
Thank you!
P.S. From Patrick Gentempo and the Vaccines Revealed Team...
"Lastly, we know that many of you are supporting TTAV… great! So are we! This mission is bigger and more important than any person or company. We are excited to see others enter the arena and hope that they will take as strong a stand as we did. Maybe with all these efforts, 2017 is the year it all changes." ~ Patrick Gentempo
The Diabetes Summit 2017 Day 6
Day Six: Let's get real!
Click Here to Register & Watch Free Online
Hello friends!
It's heart-warming to wake up each morning to read about how The Diabetes Summit is changing so many of your lives. People are raving about the incredible information that's already been shared, and there is still more to come.
Many wonderful comments on each speaker's page!
Today is all about getting practical and real. We kick off the day with Type 1 diabetes advocate and coach, Daniele Hargenrader, sharing her strategies for optimal blood sugar control. Then, we'll hear from Jonathan Bailor, well-respected naturopathic doctor, Michael Murray, and we finish with Jay Wortman, MD, sharing the story of how he reversed his own type 2 diabetes.
Do you have a busy weekend planned?
If you're like most people, the weekend can be a busy time. Please remember that you can purchase the downloads of the entire event to ensure you won't miss a single presentation. Any one of these can transform your health and life.
Thoughts & Commentary:
As time permits...
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
The during event prices are good for a few more days. It's still just $79 USD for online access. It would cost thousands to get this important health information in person at a conference, if you could even find one!
For just $119 for the online access and the flash drive, you avoid having to download all the audio, video, power points, and transcripts individually. All you need to do is just plug in the flash drive and get instant access to everything. Plus, it helps you save storage on your computer's hard drive!
Ready to own ALL 31 presentations from The Diabetes Summit, 2017?
If so, just click here to purchase or click the banner below:
Click Here to Register & Watch Free Online
Hello friends!
It's heart-warming to wake up each morning to read about how The Diabetes Summit is changing so many of your lives. People are raving about the incredible information that's already been shared, and there is still more to come.
Many wonderful comments on each speaker's page!
Today is all about getting practical and real. We kick off the day with Type 1 diabetes advocate and coach, Daniele Hargenrader, sharing her strategies for optimal blood sugar control. Then, we'll hear from Jonathan Bailor, well-respected naturopathic doctor, Michael Murray, and we finish with Jay Wortman, MD, sharing the story of how he reversed his own type 2 diabetes.
Do you have a busy weekend planned?
If you're like most people, the weekend can be a busy time. Please remember that you can purchase the downloads of the entire event to ensure you won't miss a single presentation. Any one of these can transform your health and life.
Thoughts & Commentary:
As time permits...
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
The during event prices are good for a few more days. It's still just $79 USD for online access. It would cost thousands to get this important health information in person at a conference, if you could even find one!
For just $119 for the online access and the flash drive, you avoid having to download all the audio, video, power points, and transcripts individually. All you need to do is just plug in the flash drive and get instant access to everything. Plus, it helps you save storage on your computer's hard drive!
Ready to own ALL 31 presentations from The Diabetes Summit, 2017?
If so, just click here to purchase or click the banner below:
Friday, March 24, 2017
Eustace Mullins - Murder by Injection (Full Length)
Author and respected scholar, Eustace Mullins, reviews the research that proves vaccines are part of a state sponsored nation wide euthanasia program. He released this proven and documented information almost 40 years ago. Awake yet?
The Diabetes Summit 2017 Day Five: Inflammation, Ketogenic diet, and more
Hello friends!
It's Day Five, and we have five new presentations for today. We'll be talking about inflammation, ketogenic diet, fitness with soul, hormones, and autoimmune diabetes.
Click here to watch the summit Free: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds19reg/MessiahMews/
You don't want to miss any of these speakers today!!
The Diabetes Summit 2017 was created to share the expertise of the world’s leaders in natural diabetes care to help people regain blood sugar control, live the highest quality of life and even reverse type 2 and pre-diabetes.
If you want to get all the videos, audios, transcripts, power point slide presentations, and some amazing bonuses, click here to take advantage of the lower prices during the event.
Commentary & Thoughts:
Let's rock Day Five!!
Access Today’s Talks by Clicking HERE to Register for the Summit!
Dr. Will Cole - Inflammation
As reported by Medicine.net CRP is elevated in the blood when there is widespread inflammation somewhere in the body. The evidence now available indicates that inflammation and molecules such as C-reactive protein associated with inflammation may be as important as cholesterol in determining the development of atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") and heart disease.
Because the underline cause feeding the CRP, is inflammation, we would then take the Black Seed formula called Soul. It has been validated to be 281 times stronger than Aspirin in fighting Inflammation. http://www.myrainlife.com/keytohealth
*The black cumin seed has 6 US Patents. No high temperature and chemical solvents used like more processing. http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm
1. Diabetes (US 6,042,834)
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3. Improvement of the Immune System (US 5,482,711)
4. Viral Infections (US 6,841,174)
5. Psoriasis (US 6,531,164)
6. Asthma (UK - EP1709995)
For questions 1-407-672-6144
Affiliate Opportunity:
Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.
Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.
It's Day Five, and we have five new presentations for today. We'll be talking about inflammation, ketogenic diet, fitness with soul, hormones, and autoimmune diabetes.
Click here to watch the summit Free: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds19reg/MessiahMews/
You don't want to miss any of these speakers today!!
The Diabetes Summit 2017 was created to share the expertise of the world’s leaders in natural diabetes care to help people regain blood sugar control, live the highest quality of life and even reverse type 2 and pre-diabetes.
If you want to get all the videos, audios, transcripts, power point slide presentations, and some amazing bonuses, click here to take advantage of the lower prices during the event.
Commentary & Thoughts:
Let's rock Day Five!!
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Dr. Will Cole - Inflammation
As reported by Medicine.net CRP is elevated in the blood when there is widespread inflammation somewhere in the body. The evidence now available indicates that inflammation and molecules such as C-reactive protein associated with inflammation may be as important as cholesterol in determining the development of atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") and heart disease.
Because the underline cause feeding the CRP, is inflammation, we would then take the Black Seed formula called Soul. It has been validated to be 281 times stronger than Aspirin in fighting Inflammation. http://www.myrainlife.com/keytohealth
*The black cumin seed has 6 US Patents. No high temperature and chemical solvents used like more processing. http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm
1. Diabetes (US 6,042,834)
2. Inhibition of cancer cell growth (US 5,653,981)
3. Improvement of the Immune System (US 5,482,711)
4. Viral Infections (US 6,841,174)
5. Psoriasis (US 6,531,164)
6. Asthma (UK - EP1709995)
For questions 1-407-672-6144
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