[video] Episode 9 available now!
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 9 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
WOW! You're in for a wild ride with this, our final episode, as we tie it all together and go out with a bang...
What do our kids have to say about the issue of GMOs?
We're going to hear from Zen Honeycutt, the founder and director of Moms Across America, and her son, who shares some astonishing he learned while preparing for a science project.
Plus, we'll talk with Pedram Shojai, an author, filmmaker, and activist whose life goal is to bring people back to their origins...
Pedram will show us how we can quickly restore our health and vitality and live the best life we can.
Finally, we welcome back Dr. Zach Bush, a leading expert in the area of bacterial balance in the human gut...
You've been hearing a lot about the connection between your gut and your brain, right? As it turns out, the bacteria in your gut are designed to do much more than help you digest. In fact, an imbalance can not only cause disease, but also neurological problems like depression and anxiety!
And once a poisonous chemical like Roundup is in your body it kills this bacteria indiscriminately, interrupting the delicate balance that keeps you healthy. Not only that, it also kills soil bacteria that would normally help maintain balance in our bodies.
Are you convinced that GMOs and the chemicals they're designed to be used with are making us sick? I am. We won't stop until the world has access to this vital information.
If we sit back and do nothing, things will continue as they are--and the consequences are incalculable.
Dr. Bush will bring things full-circle, setting you on the right track to protect yourself from damage done by GMOs and start the healing process.
Are you ready for episode 9? HERE'S YOUR LINK
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* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
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* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
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The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 8 - LIVE Now
[Ep. 8] Live today--don't miss this...
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 8 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
It's been called the "Biggest Environmental Disaster in the History of Mankind..."
We're tampering with delicate systems we don't totally understand, from the balance of minerals and bacteria in our bodies to the complex web of life that sustains the environment. And when we're not careful, the ramifications can ripple through future generations.
Fluoride is healthy, right? That's what we've been taught. But in episode 8, Dr. Gerry Curatola shares information that will shock you...
Dr. Curatola is a leader in biocompatible dentistry and restorative care, and he'll share the way byproducts of fertilizer (can you say ìMonsanto?î) have found their way into your drinking water.
Rather than building healthy, strong teeth, the fluoride in our drinking water lowers IQ and leaves teeth prone to more decay. It's bad for our bones, it amplifies lead, and it doesn't prevent cavities.
Once you've heard what Dr. Curatola has to say, you'll think about your oral health in an entirely different way.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a graduate of MIT and has spent her life perfecting computational models used to predict biological outcomes. When she noticed an alarming spike in rates of Autism in the US, she put her efforts into finding what might be causing this tragedy.
What she found is truly disturbing: the rise in Autism, diabetes, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Celiac disease, kidney cancer and many other diseases has very closely correlated with the rise of Roundup use.
Did you get that? As Roundup resistant GMOs become more common and as we ingest more and more of this toxic pesticide, these diseases and neurological disorders are increasing as well...at the same rate.
This is serious. This can't be ignored.
That's why the GMOs Revealed team has been working hard to bring you a docu-series that exposes the truth. We can't stand by and watch as our health declines. We can't leave our children a world that's been ruined by toxic chemicals.
Watch this episode, and then ask yourself: What can I do to make a difference?
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
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The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 8 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
It's been called the "Biggest Environmental Disaster in the History of Mankind..."
We're tampering with delicate systems we don't totally understand, from the balance of minerals and bacteria in our bodies to the complex web of life that sustains the environment. And when we're not careful, the ramifications can ripple through future generations.
Fluoride is healthy, right? That's what we've been taught. But in episode 8, Dr. Gerry Curatola shares information that will shock you...
Dr. Curatola is a leader in biocompatible dentistry and restorative care, and he'll share the way byproducts of fertilizer (can you say ìMonsanto?î) have found their way into your drinking water.
Rather than building healthy, strong teeth, the fluoride in our drinking water lowers IQ and leaves teeth prone to more decay. It's bad for our bones, it amplifies lead, and it doesn't prevent cavities.
Once you've heard what Dr. Curatola has to say, you'll think about your oral health in an entirely different way.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a graduate of MIT and has spent her life perfecting computational models used to predict biological outcomes. When she noticed an alarming spike in rates of Autism in the US, she put her efforts into finding what might be causing this tragedy.
What she found is truly disturbing: the rise in Autism, diabetes, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Celiac disease, kidney cancer and many other diseases has very closely correlated with the rise of Roundup use.
Did you get that? As Roundup resistant GMOs become more common and as we ingest more and more of this toxic pesticide, these diseases and neurological disorders are increasing as well...at the same rate.
This is serious. This can't be ignored.
That's why the GMOs Revealed team has been working hard to bring you a docu-series that exposes the truth. We can't stand by and watch as our health declines. We can't leave our children a world that's been ruined by toxic chemicals.
Watch this episode, and then ask yourself: What can I do to make a difference?
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
Adventures in Autism: I Brought My Doctor Before the State Medical Board For Failure to Investigate a Vaccine Injury...
Adventures in Autism: I Brought My Doctor Before the State Medical Board For Failure to Investigate a Vaccine Injury...: Two weeks ago, in my letter to the Johns Hopkins Journal, Narratives in Bioethics , I made public the fact that I had taken Chandler's pediatrician before the state medical board for failing to evaluate him for a vaccine injury. It was a journey that started two years ago, and I am just now wrapping up...
Monday, August 28, 2017
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 7 - The wait is over. Episode 7 now live!
The wait is over. Episode 7 now live!
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 7 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
You've heard the experts weigh in on why GMOs are dangerous to your health and the environment...
You've seen the mountains of evidence that GMOs are under-researched and over-sold...
And you've been shocked again and again by the way the public has been kept in the dark.
Now it's time to give the opposition a chance to respond. What can be said in support of GMOs?
Episode 7 brings you an exclusive interview with Robert Saik, a supporter of GMOs...
Can GMOs feed the world, as Mr. Saik proposes? This important interview will help you gain an understanding of the opposition--and you'll be surprised by what you discover.
Following the interview with Robert Saik, Greg Horn joins GMOs Revealed to bring us compelling information about the roots of GMOs...
This information is revealing to say the least, and I'm warning you it's not for the faint of heart!
Did you know that Monsanto, the leading producer of GMO seeds and the chemicals they're engineered to resist, has its roots not in the food industry but in military technology specifically, chemical warfare?
Unfathomable, but true. They've now aimed this chemical warfare at agriculture, their crowning achievement being Roundup, or glyphosate.
But that's not even the HALF of it...
In an unholy marriage, Monsanto then created a variety of genetically modified seeds that specifically resist--are you ready for this--Roundup!
This has given birth to the toxic cycle of GMO seeds and chemical use that is literally holding us hostage today.
Upsetting? You bet. And this episode blows the lid off...
Don't miss out on seeing this one. We all need to know the hidden truth.
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 7 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
You've heard the experts weigh in on why GMOs are dangerous to your health and the environment...
You've seen the mountains of evidence that GMOs are under-researched and over-sold...
And you've been shocked again and again by the way the public has been kept in the dark.
Now it's time to give the opposition a chance to respond. What can be said in support of GMOs?
Episode 7 brings you an exclusive interview with Robert Saik, a supporter of GMOs...
Can GMOs feed the world, as Mr. Saik proposes? This important interview will help you gain an understanding of the opposition--and you'll be surprised by what you discover.
Following the interview with Robert Saik, Greg Horn joins GMOs Revealed to bring us compelling information about the roots of GMOs...
This information is revealing to say the least, and I'm warning you it's not for the faint of heart!
Did you know that Monsanto, the leading producer of GMO seeds and the chemicals they're engineered to resist, has its roots not in the food industry but in military technology specifically, chemical warfare?
Unfathomable, but true. They've now aimed this chemical warfare at agriculture, their crowning achievement being Roundup, or glyphosate.
But that's not even the HALF of it...
In an unholy marriage, Monsanto then created a variety of genetically modified seeds that specifically resist--are you ready for this--Roundup!
This has given birth to the toxic cycle of GMO seeds and chemical use that is literally holding us hostage today.
Upsetting? You bet. And this episode blows the lid off...
Don't miss out on seeing this one. We all need to know the hidden truth.
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
Interpreting Your Genetics Summit Day 8: It’s Encore Day at Genetics Summit!
DAY 8 (August 28, after 10am US eastern)
It’s Encore Day at The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit! Missed some of the life-changing expert talks this past week? They’re all unlocked for free today! Learn best practices for using genetic/genomic information to alter your lifestyle, guide treatment and create better health!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
Be sure to register to catch the Encore Replay.
Thoughts and Commentary:
What a week!. There were THREE docu-series / summits going on at one time.
So here is what's been happening all week...
The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 7 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is like cramming for an exam.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
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Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!

It’s Encore Day at The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit! Missed some of the life-changing expert talks this past week? They’re all unlocked for free today! Learn best practices for using genetic/genomic information to alter your lifestyle, guide treatment and create better health!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
Be sure to register to catch the Encore Replay.
![]() |
It’s Encore Day at #GeneticsSummit! All expert talks available for free TODAY ONLY! http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html |
Thoughts and Commentary:
What a week!. There were THREE docu-series / summits going on at one time.
So here is what's been happening all week...
The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 7 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is like cramming for an exam.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
- Educate your community — the most important bonus!
- Images, sample copy and videos provided
- 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations.)
- No cost to register!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!
Sunday, August 27, 2017
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 6 Live (don't miss this one)...
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 6 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
Mid Docu-series Sneak Peek Video...
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but something is making us sick...
In recent years, we've seen an epidemic of autoimmune disease that is unprecedented. Diabetes, Celiac disease and non-Celiac gluten intolerance, Crohn's disease, asthma, MS, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...we all know someone who has been affected.
What's happening here?
In episode 6, we're diving deeper into the ways GMOs are impacting our health...
You'll be introduced to Dr. Edward Group. Dedicated to educating people on the root cause of disease, Dr. Group has spent the last 20 years building the Global Healing Center.
He maintains that every degenerative disease comes from an accumulation of toxins in the body, toxins we are being force-fed through the increase of GMO products.
Dr. Group's research has led him to become an outspoken advocate for natural medicine, and his stance against Big Pharma, GMO and oil companies has resulted in harassment from corporations who would like to silence him.
Plus, you'll also be hearing from Drs. Jayson and Mira Carlton...
The Carlton's book, "Rich Food Poor Food", goes aisle by aisle through the grocery store to help you make solid, safe choices in nutrition. They'll show you how to read labels, root out culprits that are hiding in unexpected places, and take a stand against the big corporations that are wrecking our health.
How much of a difference can a single individual make? Meet Tami Canal, mother of 3...
Tami became passionate about GMOs after watching an awareness campaign on TV, as California was introducing Proposition 37. She decided to do some research on the topic herself, and was appalled by what she discovered.
Tami quickly realized that changing things for herself and for her family was not enough, and she's become a powerful advocate for safe, clean foods and for honestly in the food industry. She is dedicated to protecting our children not only from Roundup in food, but also from being exposed to toxic chemicals on playgrounds and in parks.
Tami's fight against Monsanto is proof: All of us can make a difference. Every one of us has the potential and the responsibility to protect the health of future generations.
You won't want to miss this one--I guarantee it!
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
Mid Docu-series Sneak Peek Video...
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but something is making us sick...
In recent years, we've seen an epidemic of autoimmune disease that is unprecedented. Diabetes, Celiac disease and non-Celiac gluten intolerance, Crohn's disease, asthma, MS, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...we all know someone who has been affected.
What's happening here?
In episode 6, we're diving deeper into the ways GMOs are impacting our health...
You'll be introduced to Dr. Edward Group. Dedicated to educating people on the root cause of disease, Dr. Group has spent the last 20 years building the Global Healing Center.
He maintains that every degenerative disease comes from an accumulation of toxins in the body, toxins we are being force-fed through the increase of GMO products.
Dr. Group's research has led him to become an outspoken advocate for natural medicine, and his stance against Big Pharma, GMO and oil companies has resulted in harassment from corporations who would like to silence him.
Plus, you'll also be hearing from Drs. Jayson and Mira Carlton...
The Carlton's book, "Rich Food Poor Food", goes aisle by aisle through the grocery store to help you make solid, safe choices in nutrition. They'll show you how to read labels, root out culprits that are hiding in unexpected places, and take a stand against the big corporations that are wrecking our health.
How much of a difference can a single individual make? Meet Tami Canal, mother of 3...
Tami became passionate about GMOs after watching an awareness campaign on TV, as California was introducing Proposition 37. She decided to do some research on the topic herself, and was appalled by what she discovered.
Tami quickly realized that changing things for herself and for her family was not enough, and she's become a powerful advocate for safe, clean foods and for honestly in the food industry. She is dedicated to protecting our children not only from Roundup in food, but also from being exposed to toxic chemicals on playgrounds and in parks.
Tami's fight against Monsanto is proof: All of us can make a difference. Every one of us has the potential and the responsibility to protect the health of future generations.
You won't want to miss this one--I guarantee it!
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
Interpreting Your Genetics Summit Day 7: How to Support Patients With Genetic Testing!
DAY 7 (August 27, after 10am US eastern)
Tell your doctor about this summit! Today, we invite medical professionals to join us and learn how to support patients with genetic testing. Plus, how to use the genomic revolution to break free of the job you hate and start a practice that changes the trajectory of the health of your community! Improved health starts today!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
There are several hot button health issues for which the increased use of genetic testing could mean massive improvements. From brain diseases of the aged to chronic pediatric health and everything in between, knowing the facts can empower you to better health! Start learning today!
Mark Hyman, MD
The Future Is Functional
What You'll Learn -
Update from the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine
Role of genetics in delivering value-based care
Cases that have been unlocked with genetic testing
Visit this speaker's website
Robin Berzin, MD
New Models of Care for the Omics Era
What You'll Learn -
Parsley Health as the “Future of Medicine”
New models that give time for genomic consultation
Future of functional medicine (and Parsely’s role in it!)
Visit this speaker's website
Robert Verkerk, PhD
Understanding Your Patients' Detoxification Capacities
What You'll Learn -
Biotransformation (and why toxins can’t be ignored!)
Support for the need for constantly detox
Genetics behind your ability to detoxify
Visit this speaker's website
Jeffrey Gladd, MD
Overcoming Fear to Build the Practices of the Future
What You'll Learn -
Fears of practicing precision medicine
Unlocking patient health and YOUR happiness
Build a lifestyle practice to model health for your patients
Visit this speaker's website
Thoughts and Commentary:
No time for individual commentary. Because there are THREE docu-series / summits going on right now.
So here all is what's happening right now...
Finishing Up: The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 6 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is taking quite a while each day.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!

Tell your doctor about this summit! Today, we invite medical professionals to join us and learn how to support patients with genetic testing. Plus, how to use the genomic revolution to break free of the job you hate and start a practice that changes the trajectory of the health of your community! Improved health starts today!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
There are several hot button health issues for which the increased use of genetic testing could mean massive improvements. From brain diseases of the aged to chronic pediatric health and everything in between, knowing the facts can empower you to better health! Start learning today!
![]() |
[LEARN TODAY] How to support patients with #genetictesting! #GeneticsSummit http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html |
Mark Hyman, MD
The Future Is Functional
What You'll Learn -
Update from the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine
Role of genetics in delivering value-based care
Cases that have been unlocked with genetic testing
Visit this speaker's website
Robin Berzin, MD
New Models of Care for the Omics Era
What You'll Learn -
Parsley Health as the “Future of Medicine”
New models that give time for genomic consultation
Future of functional medicine (and Parsely’s role in it!)
Visit this speaker's website
Robert Verkerk, PhD
Understanding Your Patients' Detoxification Capacities
What You'll Learn -
Biotransformation (and why toxins can’t be ignored!)
Support for the need for constantly detox
Genetics behind your ability to detoxify
Visit this speaker's website
Jeffrey Gladd, MD
Overcoming Fear to Build the Practices of the Future
What You'll Learn -
Fears of practicing precision medicine
Unlocking patient health and YOUR happiness
Build a lifestyle practice to model health for your patients
Visit this speaker's website
Thoughts and Commentary:
No time for individual commentary. Because there are THREE docu-series / summits going on right now.
So here all is what's happening right now...
Finishing Up: The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 6 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is taking quite a while each day.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
- Educate your community — the most important bonus!
- Images, sample copy and videos provided
- 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations.)
- No cost to register!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!
The Daily Messenger: Denied School Over Vaccine Exemption
The Daily Messenger: Denied School Over Vaccine Exemption
We are well aware of this ongoing problem. My advice to al parents is to say fuck the public fool system and home school. Public school are prisons and indoctrination centers
Original Longer Video:
In Idaho....
Here's what the Idaho aw says exactly ( I.C. 39-4804 ) ...
39-4804. Notification to parent or guardian. (1) Before an immunization is administered to any child in this state,
the parent or guardian of the child shall be notified that:
(a) Immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or other grounds;
(b) Participation in the immunization registry is voluntary;
(c) The parent or guardian is entitled to an accurate explanation of the complications known to follow such immunization.
See: http://www.vaccinetruth.info/IdahoForm.htm
Vaccination Liberation Idaho Exemption page:
Idaho State specific information
To ALL Idahoans who choose to partially vaccinate or NOT vaccinate their children:
We are hearing more reports of schools and daycares across our state not honoring legal and valid vaccine exemptions. If you know of anyone who is being harassed, bullied or intimidated in anyway to get their children or themselves vaccinated, we need to hear from you. Please go to http://www.vaccinetruth.info/IdahoForm.htm
We will be collecting testimonies throughout 2014. If you have further documentation, such as a scanned letter or a city ordinance, please send this information directly to info@vaccinetruth.com
The following article contains very important information as to why you do NOT want to sign Idaho's state exemption form: http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/why-you-must-not-sign-a-refusal-to-vaccinate-form-at-least-if-you-want-to-keep-your-kids-that-is/
Filing a NO Vaccination Notice – for patients, employees and students (Your_Choice)
We will also be fundraising for ads in local papers throughout Idaho to raise awareness of the law and to solicit more testimonies of ongoing violations of Idaho law. Any suggestions towards this endeavor are welcome.
In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV):
Register to watch FREE
Trailer Page - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccine Schedule" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Herd Immunity" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccines & Autism" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
TTAV Affiliate Signup
Vaccines Revealed:
VR Evergreen Registration
VR Evergreen Affiliate
Evergreen Sales Page
We are well aware of this ongoing problem. My advice to al parents is to say fuck the public fool system and home school. Public school are prisons and indoctrination centers
Original Longer Video:
In Idaho....
Here's what the Idaho aw says exactly ( I.C. 39-4804 ) ...
39-4804. Notification to parent or guardian. (1) Before an immunization is administered to any child in this state,
the parent or guardian of the child shall be notified that:
(a) Immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or other grounds;
(b) Participation in the immunization registry is voluntary;
(c) The parent or guardian is entitled to an accurate explanation of the complications known to follow such immunization.
See: http://www.vaccinetruth.info/IdahoForm.htm
Vaccination Liberation Idaho Exemption page:
Idaho State specific information
To ALL Idahoans who choose to partially vaccinate or NOT vaccinate their children:
We are hearing more reports of schools and daycares across our state not honoring legal and valid vaccine exemptions. If you know of anyone who is being harassed, bullied or intimidated in anyway to get their children or themselves vaccinated, we need to hear from you. Please go to http://www.vaccinetruth.info/IdahoForm.htm
We will be collecting testimonies throughout 2014. If you have further documentation, such as a scanned letter or a city ordinance, please send this information directly to info@vaccinetruth.com
The following article contains very important information as to why you do NOT want to sign Idaho's state exemption form: http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/why-you-must-not-sign-a-refusal-to-vaccinate-form-at-least-if-you-want-to-keep-your-kids-that-is/
Filing a NO Vaccination Notice – for patients, employees and students (Your_Choice)
We will also be fundraising for ads in local papers throughout Idaho to raise awareness of the law and to solicit more testimonies of ongoing violations of Idaho law. Any suggestions towards this endeavor are welcome.
In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV):
Register to watch FREE
Trailer Page - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccine Schedule" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Herd Immunity" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccines & Autism" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
TTAV Affiliate Signup
Vaccines Revealed:
VR Evergreen Registration
VR Evergreen Affiliate
Evergreen Sales Page
America has collapsed into a PHARMA STATE run by government-protected drug cartels
America has collapsed into a PHARMA STATE run by government-protected drug cartels
Much like a “narco state” that’s run by narco terrorists, America has now collapsed into a pharma state run by “legal” drug cartels protected by a hopelessly corrupt government.
The evidence is all around you: How the drug cartels control Congress, universities, medical schools, science journals and of course the entire fake news media (previously known as the “mainstream media”).
The pharmaceutical industry has more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than any other industry, including the weapons industry. Similarly, Big Pharma is routinely caught committing felony crimes involving price fixing or bribery “kickback” schemes such as the GlaxoSmithKline criminal bribery network that involved over 40,000 U.S. doctors.
Big Pharma is a massive criminal racketeering enterprise with a devastating cost in human lives, suffering and financial bankruptcy. If the parasitic drug cartels are not stopped, they will destroy America by obliterating its financial solvency, human health and even human freedom.
Already, the drug cartels are pushing for mandatory vaccination laws — a form of medical tyranny and violence — that allow the government to forcibly inject you (essentially at gunpoint) with anything the drug companies demand, no matter how dangerous. This includes, by the way, human fetal tissue, DNA from diseased animals, toxic heavy metals, brain-damaging chemicals and other ingredients confirmed by the CDC as being used in vaccines.
More: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-04-01-america-collapsed-pharma-state-drug-cartels.html
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV):
Replay happening RIGHT NOW...
Register to watch FREE
Trailer Page - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccine Schedule" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Herd Immunity" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccines & Autism" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
TTAV Affiliate Signup
Vaccines Revealed:
VR Evergreen Registration
VR Evergreen Affiliate
Evergreen Sales Page
Much like a “narco state” that’s run by narco terrorists, America has now collapsed into a pharma state run by “legal” drug cartels protected by a hopelessly corrupt government.
The evidence is all around you: How the drug cartels control Congress, universities, medical schools, science journals and of course the entire fake news media (previously known as the “mainstream media”).
The pharmaceutical industry has more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than any other industry, including the weapons industry. Similarly, Big Pharma is routinely caught committing felony crimes involving price fixing or bribery “kickback” schemes such as the GlaxoSmithKline criminal bribery network that involved over 40,000 U.S. doctors.
Big Pharma is a massive criminal racketeering enterprise with a devastating cost in human lives, suffering and financial bankruptcy. If the parasitic drug cartels are not stopped, they will destroy America by obliterating its financial solvency, human health and even human freedom.
Already, the drug cartels are pushing for mandatory vaccination laws — a form of medical tyranny and violence — that allow the government to forcibly inject you (essentially at gunpoint) with anything the drug companies demand, no matter how dangerous. This includes, by the way, human fetal tissue, DNA from diseased animals, toxic heavy metals, brain-damaging chemicals and other ingredients confirmed by the CDC as being used in vaccines.
More: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-04-01-america-collapsed-pharma-state-drug-cartels.html
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV):
Replay happening RIGHT NOW...
Register to watch FREE
Trailer Page - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccine Schedule" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Herd Immunity" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
Article - "Vaccines & Autism" - TTAV Re-Launch Aug 2017
TTAV Affiliate Signup
Vaccines Revealed:
VR Evergreen Registration
VR Evergreen Affiliate
Evergreen Sales Page
Saturday, August 26, 2017
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 5 - LIVE Now
[GMOs Revealed] Episode 5 - LIVE Now
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
Who is responsible for the health and safety of future generations?
Whose job is it to protect the environment, and ensure that our children's children are able to enjoy the benefits of clean air, fresh water, and healthy soil that grows nutritious and sustainable food?
Sayer Ji would argue that the responsibility is ours, and I would agree.
Episode 5 contains a power-packed interview with Sayer Ji, who discusses the responsibilities he feels as both a consumer and a father of two young girls...
A well-respected author, speaker, and advocate, Mr. Ji founded Greenmedinfo.com to provide the world open access to evidence-based resources supporting natural medicine.
Through his extensive research, Sayer has found that we are part of a very great, and very dangerous experiment involving the introduction of non-safety tested GMOs into our diet.
Nobody likes to be a guinea pig, especially when our health is at stake. We deserve to have a choice as to what we put in our bodies, and it's up to us to protect that right.
In this episode, Sayer Ji will open your eyes to the truth that we cannot separate our bodies from the biosphere as a whole. The way we operate out in the environment will, by necessity, directly affect the way our individual bodies function.
We'll also meet Mike Adams...
Mike is known as the "Health Ranger" and his mission to reveal truth has earned him the Excellence in Health Journalism award, as well as the Voice of Liberty award in 2014.
Episode 5 features such urgent and important messages. Please help us spread the word by sharing these free episodes. We need to get the word out now.
So please have your friends, family, and loved ones go to www.GMOsRevealed.com and opt in to watch the entire free series.
With Purpose,
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
Who is responsible for the health and safety of future generations?
Whose job is it to protect the environment, and ensure that our children's children are able to enjoy the benefits of clean air, fresh water, and healthy soil that grows nutritious and sustainable food?
Sayer Ji would argue that the responsibility is ours, and I would agree.
Episode 5 contains a power-packed interview with Sayer Ji, who discusses the responsibilities he feels as both a consumer and a father of two young girls...
A well-respected author, speaker, and advocate, Mr. Ji founded Greenmedinfo.com to provide the world open access to evidence-based resources supporting natural medicine.
Through his extensive research, Sayer has found that we are part of a very great, and very dangerous experiment involving the introduction of non-safety tested GMOs into our diet.
Nobody likes to be a guinea pig, especially when our health is at stake. We deserve to have a choice as to what we put in our bodies, and it's up to us to protect that right.
In this episode, Sayer Ji will open your eyes to the truth that we cannot separate our bodies from the biosphere as a whole. The way we operate out in the environment will, by necessity, directly affect the way our individual bodies function.
We'll also meet Mike Adams...
Mike is known as the "Health Ranger" and his mission to reveal truth has earned him the Excellence in Health Journalism award, as well as the Voice of Liberty award in 2014.
Episode 5 features such urgent and important messages. Please help us spread the word by sharing these free episodes. We need to get the word out now.
So please have your friends, family, and loved ones go to www.GMOsRevealed.com and opt in to watch the entire free series.
With Purpose,
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
Interpreting Your Genetics Summit Day 6: Genetic Testing: which tests to take and what to do with the results!
DAY 6 (August 26, after 10am US eastern)
Took a test and aren’t sure what to do with the results? Have questions about which tests to take? Come and hear from physician leaders who provide practical next steps, no matter your health challenges!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
Have you taken a genetic test (or plan to)?
Ben Lynch, ND
Results from a 23andMe? Now What?
What You'll Learn -
Importance of NOT treating individual SNPs
Why complex problems need complex solutions
What you SHOULDN’T do when you get your test
Visit this speaker's website
Yousef Elyaman, MD
Actionable SNPs in Health
What You'll Learn -
Biggest lessons from genomic medicine
Proven, actionable SNPs for heart issues
Best uses of genetic information
Visit this speaker's website
David Haase, MD
Deep Dive into Current Genetics Options
What You'll Learn -
Learning from two decades of genetic information
Genetic tests to help understand your mitochondria
Evolution of genetics and the future of medicine
Visit this speaker's website
Ritamarie Loscalzo, DC
Influence of Genetics on Blood Sugar Regulation
What You'll Learn -
How genetics impact sugar regulation
Most impactful genes and SNPs
Epigenetic factors that affect blood sugar
Visit this speaker's website
Thoughts and Commentary:
No time for individual commentary. Because there are THREE docu-series / summits going on right now.
So here all is what's happening right now...
Now playing: The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 5 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is taking quite a while each day.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!

Took a test and aren’t sure what to do with the results? Have questions about which tests to take? Come and hear from physician leaders who provide practical next steps, no matter your health challenges!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
Have you taken a genetic test (or plan to)?
![]() |
[LEARN TODAY] #GeneticTesting: which tests to take and what to do with the results! #GeneticsSummit http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html |
Ben Lynch, ND
Results from a 23andMe? Now What?
What You'll Learn -
Importance of NOT treating individual SNPs
Why complex problems need complex solutions
What you SHOULDN’T do when you get your test
Visit this speaker's website
Yousef Elyaman, MD
Actionable SNPs in Health
What You'll Learn -
Biggest lessons from genomic medicine
Proven, actionable SNPs for heart issues
Best uses of genetic information
Visit this speaker's website
David Haase, MD
Deep Dive into Current Genetics Options
What You'll Learn -
Learning from two decades of genetic information
Genetic tests to help understand your mitochondria
Evolution of genetics and the future of medicine
Visit this speaker's website
Ritamarie Loscalzo, DC
Influence of Genetics on Blood Sugar Regulation
What You'll Learn -
How genetics impact sugar regulation
Most impactful genes and SNPs
Epigenetic factors that affect blood sugar
Visit this speaker's website
Thoughts and Commentary:
No time for individual commentary. Because there are THREE docu-series / summits going on right now.
So here all is what's happening right now...
Now playing: The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 5 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is taking quite a while each day.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
- Educate your community — the most important bonus!
- Images, sample copy and videos provided
- 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations.)
- No cost to register!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!
Friday, August 25, 2017
[Video] Episode 4 - Now Live! GMOs Revealed Day 4
GMOs Revealed Free Viewing Opt-in: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/grfv/MessiahMews/
2nd Tier Affiliate Link: https://lu370.isrefer.com/go/2aff/MessiahMews/
Do you remember when dog food from China caused many pets to get sick and die in America?
The toxic dog food scandal caught the attention of millions, as pet owners rushed to dispose of potentially harmful animal kibble.
But here's the thing...if we don't trust our pets with foods made with imported ingredients, why do we trust our children with them?
Yet we are still importing ingredients from unsafe sources. In addition, our farming practices have completely changed in the last 70 years and the results are catastrophic.
But at least we can trust the organic industry, right?
Meet Mark Kastel, co-founder and Senior Farm Policy Analyst at the Cornucopia Institute...
Mark also directs the institute's Organic Integrity Project. And in episode 4, he lays out the truth about how even the organic industry is not as trustworthy as it appears.
We'll also hear from Dr. Toni Bark, an expert in the effects Big Pharma and GMO companies have had on our health....
Dr. Bark discusses the problem with monoculture, and how modern agricultural practices are actively breeding infection.
The changes in our diet are especially hazardous to our children, who are getting sick with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases at a younger age.
This needs to stop. We need to have a voice when it comes to GMOs and how our food is grown, handled, and distributed.
I hope you enjoy the information you'll find in this important episode, there's a lot to think over here...
We want to hear your thoughts, so please leave your comments on the episode page!
Help us share this with others by signing up as an affiliate and piss off TPTB.
GMOs Revealed has an opportunity for you to recruit 2nd tier affiliates who can also earn 50% commissions on sales they generate during the docu-series free viewing.
Why does that matter to you?
* You Earn up to 50%
* Our Packages Range from $47 to $297
* Lifetime Commissions: 50% on digital sales and 40% on physical products.
* You never send a sales email!
* Just invite your audience to participate in the online FREE viewing. Some will want to purchase the interviews to keep either in digital or physical DVD’s.
* PLUS, earn an additional 10% commission on all 2nd tier sub-affiliate sales!
YES! You'll earn an additional 10% commission on any sales that an affiliate you recruited makes!
The more affiliates that you invite to get registered that end up making sales, you'll get 10% of all of that.
So here's what you need to do...
Register as an affiliate
The more people we get to join us to really push this critical and timely message, the more of a catalyst we'll see in the current food discussion.
Plus, you'll earn more!
Interpreting Your Genetics Summit Day 5: New testing that’s helping us understand our health blueprint!
DAY 5 (August 25, after 10am US eastern)
Genetic testing is only the start of the genomic revolution. Today, we hear about “New Omics,” testing that’s helping us understand our health blueprint and how genes are expressed in real time!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit is online and free from August 21-28, 2017!
Enjoy this educational summit!
Helen Messier, MD
CMO of Viome
Transcriptomics: The New Frontier in Omics
What You'll Learn -
Are transcriptomics more useful than genetics?
Pitfalls and promises of genetic and genomic testing
Why AI has to be part of the future of genetics
Visit this speaker's website
George Slavich, PhD
Human Social Genomics: The Science of Community
What You'll Learn -
Critical role that social stress plays in disease risk
Why social rejection impacts us so deeply
Solving the problem (including a “stress x-ray”)
Visit this speaker's website
Sayer Ji
Founder & Director of GreenMedInfo
RNA and Our Interconnected World
What You'll Learn -
RNA: The real hero of the genetic world!
Implications of epigenetics
What interconnectedness teaches about humanity
Visit this speaker's website
Naveen Jain
The Viome Story: Next Era Genomics
What You'll Learn -
The “moonshot” behind Viome
Transcriptomics as the future
Starting points to learn more!
Visit this speaker's website
Donna Gates, M.Ed, ABAAHP
Microbial Genetics and Your Inner Ecosystem
What You'll Learn -
Genetics and predicting your health
Role of gut microbes for genetic potential
Simple changes to maximize genetic expression
Visit this speaker's website
Thoughts and Commentary:
No time for individual commentary. Because there are THREE docu-series / summits going on right now.
So here all is what's happening right now...
Stay tuned for The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 3 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is taking quite a while each day.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!

Genetic testing is only the start of the genomic revolution. Today, we hear about “New Omics,” testing that’s helping us understand our health blueprint and how genes are expressed in real time!
Registration Link: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-15.html
The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit is online and free from August 21-28, 2017!
Enjoy this educational summit!
![]() |
[LEARN TODAY] New testing that’s helping us understand our health blueprint! http://healthaffiliate.center/20319-15.html |
Helen Messier, MD
CMO of Viome
Transcriptomics: The New Frontier in Omics
What You'll Learn -
Are transcriptomics more useful than genetics?
Pitfalls and promises of genetic and genomic testing
Why AI has to be part of the future of genetics
Visit this speaker's website
George Slavich, PhD
Human Social Genomics: The Science of Community
What You'll Learn -
Critical role that social stress plays in disease risk
Why social rejection impacts us so deeply
Solving the problem (including a “stress x-ray”)
Visit this speaker's website
Sayer Ji
Founder & Director of GreenMedInfo
RNA and Our Interconnected World
What You'll Learn -
RNA: The real hero of the genetic world!
Implications of epigenetics
What interconnectedness teaches about humanity
Visit this speaker's website
Naveen Jain
The Viome Story: Next Era Genomics
What You'll Learn -
The “moonshot” behind Viome
Transcriptomics as the future
Starting points to learn more!
Visit this speaker's website
Donna Gates, M.Ed, ABAAHP
Microbial Genetics and Your Inner Ecosystem
What You'll Learn -
Genetics and predicting your health
Role of gut microbes for genetic potential
Simple changes to maximize genetic expression
Visit this speaker's website
Thoughts and Commentary:
No time for individual commentary. Because there are THREE docu-series / summits going on right now.
So here all is what's happening right now...
Stay tuned for The Truth About Vaccines replay marathon.
Register to watch free
GMOs Revealed Episode 3 airs tonight.
Register to watch free
Watching all of this educational goodness is taking quite a while each day.
Affiliate Registration:
Affiliates are welcome.
Your link to affiliate registration
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for Health Talks Online!
- Educate your community — the most important bonus!
- Images, sample copy and videos provided
- 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations.)
- No cost to register!
We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Thank you!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
[GMOs Revealed]: We're Live with Episode 3...
If you've been blown away by the series so far, just wait until you see tonight's GMOs Revealed, Episode 3...
You'll hear more from Jeffrey Smith, whose documentary “Genetic Roulette -the Gamble of Our Lives” won the 2012 Best Film of the Year (Solari Report) and Transformational Film of the Year (Aware Guide).
Mr. Smith's passion for revealing the health risks of GMOs led him to found The Institute for Responsible Technology. He has lectured in over 40 countries and is a highly influential voice on the topic of GMOs.
He's agreed to bring his expertise to the GMOs Revealed series, and you'll be amazed at what he shares in this episode!
We will also be welcoming David Wolfe to episode 3...
Mr. Wolfe is a best-selling author and has appeared in many documentary films, including Food Matters and Hungry for Change.
Natural remedies and clean eating can change your life, and Mr. Wolfe shares his expertise on how to avoid GMOs and feed your body what it needs (the results are nothing short of astounding).
This is HUGE!
Because if we can seize control of what we eat out of the hands of huge corporations with their unstable, untested, and unhealthy technology and put it back into the hands of farmers who are experts in balancing the needs of the soil and environment with the growth of healthy, natural crops, we can change the course of history.
Once we're armed with the truth, our choices and our voices will be the influence needed to tip things in the right direction.
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With Purpose,
Episode 1 of GMOs Revealed is left up online via the YouTube platform, as a teaser and for your educational enjoyment.
To see the rest of the GMOs Revealed Docu-series, please take time to go here to register to see the rest of it for free:
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