Thursday, August 8, 2019

Florida Vaccine Exemptions Threatened

Even if you do not reside in Florida, you can still make a difference by calling and emailing. They are starting with all the big states and will come to your state in time. We must work together to stop this now! Use the links in the post.

Vote this fucking bitch OUT!

Lauren Book: A Democrat with a Bachelor of ARTS in Elementary Eduction and Creative Writing is now introducing a bill to REMOVE RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS, the PATIENT/PHYSICIAN relationship, and will order a “REVIEW” of all current MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS. (She’s also Jewish and should know vaccines are not kosher).

She has absolutely no business in our healthcare decisions, especially with such a lack of education and understanding.

🇺🇸 THIS is a complete VIOLATION of our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS as sovereign United States Citizens.

Get on your phones, emails, and social media accounts! Oppose this bill!

SB 64: Exemptions from School-entry Health Requirements

“An act relating to exemptions from school-entry health requirements; amending s. 1003.22, F.S.; deleting exemptions from school-entry health examinations and immunization requirements for religious reasons; requiring the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to jointly create a medical exemption review panel; requiring the medical exemption review panel to review certain medical exemptions filed with the Department of Health; providing an effective date.”


FL Senate:

Lauren Book (Democrat) Contact:

District 32:
Consists of part of Broward County

District Office
967 Nob Hill Road
Plantation, FL 33324
(954) 424-6674

Tallahassee Office
202 Senate Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
(850) 487-5032

Also, be sure to contact your local legislators as well! Make appointments with them and meet with them on a consistent basis. PLEASE!!!!

Find yours here:

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