Sunday, May 31, 2020

How To Hook Up A GFCI

Home improvements stuff...


Antifa headed into residential areas now...

Antifa headed into residential areas now...






NO MORE going there for NCR, eh?


We did pray for that town, btw..

Snohomish! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ❤️

Snohomish is secured.  Yay!!!!

More updates...



His facebook...

Some say that these accounts are more than likely fake accounts. Could be, but who knows, right?...


DOES look like the same guy. Apparently some cops are part of the Deep State, the enemy within. While we want to protect our officers who do protect and serve, how do we know which are the real clean committed ones, or the dirty ones?

Various Tweets...


More later...

Made me tear up. Praying for goodness and justice for all

Made me tear up. Praying for goodness and justice for all ~ Lilly


In spite of all the insanity, some people are still doing a good thing.  The kind of things I like seeing...

Saturday, May 30, 2020

National Guard Shooting At Innocents In Quiet Neighborhoods.

From Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News

Breaking news: This is from Tanya Kerssen and the Kerssen family. I will be quoting directly and giving my own thoughts at the end. “Share widely: National guard and MPD sweeping our residential street. Shooting paint canisters at us on our own front porch. Yelling “light em up” #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForGeorge “ End of quote. My thoughts on the matter are that if people are down with military police/national guard shooting people looking out their own front door amazed by the tanks etc., or they justify one of those riot gear military police aiming at their groin and shooting them when they are looking outside the front door, just think about if it were your family. I’m beginning to believe my own readers that this might be a little more orchestrated than we thought.

Or is this really Soros' army? As in fake National Guard and also these rioters are Soros paid rioters. Because surely Trump isn't sending The National Guard to move in to quiet neighborhoods and shoot at people on their porches. Shouldn't they be in the middle of chaos instead trying to stop the looting, fires and riots? Or is it really the National Guard for real and are they following orders from Soros?  Because something is definitely fishy here and it stinks.

Remember, BLM is a Soros front group. Antifa Terrorists. Here's an important observation, but the call to action moments: Remember Joe Biden’s comments about blacks not being black enough, and wearing a black mask on the day we remembered those who died for our freedom? That WAS the signal to start the next wave.  These riots.


In Oregon...



Lilly Cosma
51 mins ·

Antifa caught handing out money to young protestors to cause havoc in Columbus Ohio.


Reports from various people in their areas...

Angela Kay Marino Charleston SC too

Lindey McGhee Lacy Larry Cook thank you for explaining. I'm in AZ and i can't believe what is happening in Scottsdale .

Kriss Goldman New York shop owner defending his store beaten and stoned. Kicked by rioters while he is unconscious and ENJOYING IT. He is in critical condition. THIS WAS NECESSARY SO ‘YOU’ WOULD BE HEARD? NO this is THUGS

Erica Blue They need a way not to pay second so called stimulus package

Abby Drew Almost every major city right now has either something burning or being trashed to pieces. Indy, Chicago, Memphis, La , list goes on and on.

Abby Drew Not getting any reports on NYC for some reason.

Abby Drew NYC has turned off all their scanner stations other than out of Buffalo. Thats why no reports coming out of NYC.

Adrienne Owen they are burning down one of our little communities here in san diego county right now. burned down 3 banks and are now looting and destroying local mall area. makes no sense. the town is la mesa, ca.

Larae Cruz Yup. We have them here in Indy too. Was watching a live & there were guys in all black and black face masks with bats breaking all the stuff then walking away.
One killed in Indianapolis so far.
National guard has been activated here and is on their way.

Minerva Myne Philly is bad...

Cindy Smith

Taylor Ford Did you see what the NYPD did?

Laura Bradley so has DC

Taylor Ford NYPD just rammed protesters with an SUV

Gia Wheeler Yup crazy things happening over here in Rochester New York and Buffalo

Michael McPherson Protesters in SC too,burning buildings and looting. I heard they were in Baltimore as well.

Tina Stanley Larry Cook do you find it interesting that a lot of Auto Zones are being targeted? 🧐

Tina Stanley

More later...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

2020 Sucks!

Seriously, for real!  And so did 2018.

Give me one to go back into the past.  Like late 60s, maybe.

Blogger Updates

And if this in ANY way makes it easier to be traced or tracked, or ANYTHING to do with this Scamdemic, this blog will either be history, private, or abandoned.

In addition to a fresh feel, Blogger is now responsive on the web, making it easier to use on mobile devices. By investing in an improved web platform, it allows the potential for new features in the future.

Yeah, it's this ongoing campaign and catering to smart phones just to keep that going, as an excuse to push 5G and "contact tracing" on us.  I knew it!

Remember what I said about ANYTHING "New and Improved" being code word for we corrupted it.  Or in this case corrupted it more.

I don't have to blog, you know.  And right now who gives a crap about what I post on here.  It's not like I have a 1000 or more subscribers anyway, and NO ONE is heeding the warnings I have put on here for a long time now.

Be prepared to be betrayed by your family and friends in the last days!

Yeah, like a friend who wanted nothing more to do with us, simply because we couldn't pick up right away and go to another state out in the middle of nowhere like she wanted.  Like there are others here, too, which would influence any decision to move, no matter where such places are.  Would LOVE to go off grid, but doesn't that also take money?  And two cats also, whom are also family, as we consider them to be.

We would LOVE to go off-grid, but it's not something you can do on a whim, when OTHERS are involved.

Like my hubby is the head of the household and it would be ultimately HIS decision whether or when we move. Our Father's Holy Word says so.  So I am in no way planning on just up and leaving him, because SOMEONE else thinks I should get off grid RIGHT NOW.  We have to decide and do it together.  So if BOTH of OUR PLANS involve me going first, it's because hubby said so, and have a destination ready.

Frankly, it's up to Yeshua's plan for US here.  His plans for someone else is always different and RIGHT for THEM.  Especially, if they are single and unmarried.

Contact Tracing Scarier than you Imagined

This CONtracted traitor program is also a cover to take children away from parents. Many will fall through the cracks. 

Where do you think they're going to go? Think about that a moment or two. This program will be a legalized child trafficking ring worldwide.

CONtact Traitors... Governor's private Army to harass people in their homes and remove whomever he wants ? our children and families how are we to protect them from the Governor's overreaching? 

The elite pedos are hungry for fresh children.  And THIS is HOW they are going to get them!


Do I need a cup of coffee that bad?! NOPE!!!

Shove your CONtact Traitor Apps and YOUR business. BOYCOTT!
And I hope that place GOES OUT OF BUSINESS!
The equivalent to the "free 200 gas points with your 'free' flu shot" Scam. Blah blah...

Chris Kirckof
May 24 at 12:54 PM

The slave life upgrade is always one decision away. Wear the mask, get the app, speak to the contact tracer and get the vaccine and microchip. Do it all just so you can fit it. Comply with the tyranny so you don’t stand out. Do it so you so can get a grande coffee that’s full of mold and pesticides.


Our medical privacy is worth more than a cup of coffee. Besides my hubby makes a better cup of coffee bar none. 

Snitchizens, another name for desperate CONtracted Traitors sellouts.

Working from home is looking better all the time...

Larry Cook
32 mins ·

This was planned from day 1. You know what else is planned? Mandatory vaccines to work, discussed extensively in the HHS Healthy people 2020 "cradle to grave" workplace vaccination plan. Lots of adults never wanted to fight for children. I wonder if they will fight for themselves.


Regards testing...

Carmel Lee Mooney
Yesterday at 11:32 AM

My friend who is a doctor I love and respect dearly, posted this today. It is her unique post, NOT a copy/paste/opinion from someone, that came from who-knows-where or who...
When a nation is locked down causing mass casualties economically, social/emotionally, and people not receiving otherwise life saving treatments due to fear mongering by the media and a handful of outspoken people (such as Fauci who hasn’t been right yet) we are obligated to look deeper. So please consider this:
Fear propaganda based upon- the skewing of numbers:
1) faulty models
2) faulty death reporting (those who died “with corona” vs those who died “of” corona and the numerous cases of those who neither died with or of corona but had it listed on their death certificates anyway)
3) death by inappropriate treatment (ventilators- when early on the alarm was sounded that ventilators would actually hurt more than help)
4) not protecting those in long term care facilities (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, among others)
5) Finally, and in my opinion a truly egregious one because doctors should know and understand how PCR testing is done - a very poor and inaccurate test for CoVid. That on top of the fact that the CDC admitted that early tests were tainted, and then recently admitted they (and 11 states) were mixing together results from PCR and antibody tests and reporting them all as positive.


Refuse this too, if you know what's good for you, or just bend over and be good little lazy slave and get your COVID-19 ID

Alan Bekhuis
· May 24 ·

A passport linked to health status is discriminatory & should be illegal. Also people should be very suspicious of the level of investment and development this site represents, to be rolled out in a couple of months...
"Through unique biometric access, users are allowed access to their health and immunoresponse information. COVI-PASS™️ safely facilitates safe return to work and life.
COVI-PASS™️ is equipped with military grade encryption and has more than 2.2 Quintillion variations of codes, which securely corresponds to certified tests, all of which can do something different based on the details of the scanner: user ID, time & date, device type and how many times they have scanned."


Screenshot from a family member, so name is removed for their protection...


It's going to take a REAL Vigilante Task Force Team to stop this.  START with DUMPING your stupid smart phones to begin with!

Think of ALL the various ways we are all already being surveilled now, and then find the countermeasures aka solutions.  The program can be undermined, or at the very least monkeywrenched.


Saturday, May 23, 2020



Hitler closed the schools, controlled the media, pumped out an official narrative that wasn’t allowed to be questioned, siphoned off huge sums of money from the public (stimulus packages), shut down jobs, and funneled everyone into “Government jobs” in order that everyone would fall in line easier.

The calculated closing of all small businesses and leaving the big box stores open - ensures that the employment is shifted to only a few key players that can be controlled. This way, the people could be controlled through their employment.

Want to go to work today?

Put on your mask, get your temperature checked, and get your gestapo boots on so that you can march around contract tracing people - because you don’t have a choice. All the small businesses were deliberately suffocated and closed - so if you want to go to work and feed your family, you’ll be a good little citizen that takes your vaccines, wears your masks, and tattles on your neighbors for not doing what the “higher ups” that continue to screw the pooch tell everyone you all need to do.

Even though those in charge COMPLETELY SCREWED THE POOCH on their prediction models and have completely inaccurate information regarding infection rates, hospital capacities, and have made it perfectly clear the death rate was exaggerated deliberately - SOMEHOW these people (that have time and time again deliberately exaggerated “pandemic numbers”) are STILL in control and making policies regarding what you can or can’t do with your daily life.

These bumbling idiots that have dropped the ball COMPLETELY - are SOMEHOW still going to dictate that you must wear a mask (which is worse than useless) and that your businesses need to be closed, all employees need masks, or that you can only operate at 25% capacity.

All of these falsified and deliberately inflated numbers are now being used to usher in drone tracking, video personal identification on a global network, are deploying “drone dogs” that ensure social distancing, micro chipping, “immunity cards”, and every other totalitarian wet dream you can imagine.

Those who do not learn from history,
Are doomed to repeat it.

Rise up Humanity - and take back your soul.

Don’t let fear beat you down into accepting a “new normal” - make you OWN new normal. One that The Creator would be proud of - where EVERYONE makes it, and EVERYONE succeeds, and we stop letting Tyranny scare you into submission by creating fake scares, false flags, and “outbreaks” while putting up 5G electromagnetic weapons.

Through Christ,
We Rise.
~Adam Ringham


Thursday, May 21, 2020

WAKE UP !!!!!!!

Eric Nepute was live.
13 hrs ·

INSIDE EDITION Morning dose of common sense is now on national news. Time for the Great wake up...


I Refuse To Be Tracked Tested, Chipped, Or Poisoned To Support A Lie

From Tucker Carlson...

I'm sorry but anyone that thinks that social distancing is a good idea for the next few years, actually wants to be micro-chipped or thinks that a 'benevolent' dictatorship is for the good of humanity, I don't want to give that point of view any of my energy.

I am a free Human Being and if you want to stay home, stay home. That's your sovereign right to choose.

If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. That's your sovereign right to choose.

If you want to avoid large crowds, avoid large crowds. That's your sovereign right to choose

I am not required to descend into poverty for YOU.

I am not required to abstain from human contact for YOU.

I refuse to participate in "quarantine life" until there's an unsafe, untested vaccine released in eighteen months.

I refuse to receive a vaccine to make others feel more safe. That's my sovereign right to choose!

If you're convinced the vaccine is safe and effective, you can get it yourself.

Some of you are allowing fear and policies devoid of scientifically accurate data to destroy the country you live in and ruin your life.

We have a constitutional right to take risks. Life is full of bacteria and viruses, many of which spread before symptoms manifest and after they subside.

We have a sovereign right to receive OR refuse vaccines.

The data was inaccurate at best; purposely overblown to justify government overreaction at worst.

Stop allowing the government to destroy:
The food supply;
Small businesses;
Medical autonomy;
Access to healthcare;
Mass gatherings;
Privacy rights;
Our mental health & freedom

When the "new normal" is filled with starvation, depression, suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, imprisonment, governmental spying, and pure DESPERATION, the "virus" is going to look preferable to the world you helped facilitate.

I'm going to turn this around on people from now on. Those that say I'm (or anyone that supports this) putting money over lives by wanting the country back open for business...

Hear this:

-YOU don't care about the people that will kill themselves out of hopelessness

-YOU don't care about small businesses that'll close their doors (THEIR LIVELIHOOD) permanently

-YOU don't care about the children/women/men that'll be victims of domestic abuse

-YOU don't care about people defaulting on their mortgages

-YOU don't care about bills going unpaid by families with ZERO income right now

-YOU don't care about people wondering where their next meal will come from

-YOU don't care about the people that'll lose their sobriety and slip back into alcoholism

-YOU don't care about the people that will starve

-YOU support the inevitable looting that'll take place

-YOU don't care about anyone that's murdered the longer this shut down goes on

-YOU don't care about people's mental health

-YOU don't care about the children that DO need teachers and educators to guild & educate them

-YOU don't care about the economy crashing down around us


-YOU love your shackles

-YOU are pathetic, begging your leaders for MORE shut down and MORE regulations and MORE handouts

I will NOT tolerate another person telling me that I don't care about lives.

I care about the situation in its entirety.

But YOU don't care about any of that so...
YOU stay home.
YOU wear a mask.
YOU live in fear.

I on the other hand will not. As is my sovereign right to choose NOT TO!


Holy crap .... censorship... censorship...cencership. ... this is not ok.

Eric Nepute was live.
22 hrs ·

Holy crap .... censorship... censorship...cencership. ... this is not ok. ..


Dr. Yvette Lezano... a medical doctor in Dallas, Texas... blows the lid completely off of the COVID-19 virus hoax

Tuesday, 5/12/2020 -- A MUST WATCH:

Dr. Yvette Lezano... a medical doctor in Dallas, Texas... blows the lid completely off of the COVID-19 virus hoax.

Strongly Recommended Viewing


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Delete Citizen App Or Just Dump Your Smart Phones. NOW IS THE TIME!

CONtact Traitors

Delete Citizen App., or better yet, dump all your smart phones and other trackable devices.  That is, if you value your life and the lives of your family and loved ones.

If I can survive without one, so can anyone else.  There are NO LONGER ANY EXCUSES whatsoever.  This is mainly to my family members who all have one and are addicted to them.  NO cell phones, iPads, smart phones allowed on our property whatsoever.  Want to visit us?  Then leave them behind or just do without ever seeing us.  It's sad, but we're okay with that.

And here's another thing, okay?...

Let's say, you have a smart phone, etc... and what if you DO leave it at home?  What if someone else has an app on THEIR phone and comes to see you, and then WHOOPSIE, you've been traced.

Or even if you forbid phones coming into your home, what if someone or a neighbor merely walks outside nearby the room the phone is kept in?  WHOOPSIE!  YOU'VE BEEN TRACED!  Whoops! Most people never thought that one scenario out either.

And then driving on the street, freeway, etc... in your cars...  BIG WHOOPSIE!!!


Ian Ethan Vloke-Wurth ... yes. I have someone walking, running, or biking approx 6 ft from my couch and my bed. Also the mailman or Amazon leaving a package on my porch would ping my app....or someone knocking on my front door even if I didn’t answer...

Ian Ethan Vloke-Wurth ... also there will be certain people with it who would leave and come up to your home just to ping your app so you couldn’t goto work etc...
If you live in a 5 story building everyone above and below you everyone that drives or walks below you in the parking garage will ping you.... plus potentially 6ft outside your own walls if you were next to one of your walls so it would be almost impossible to live in a 5 story apartment with a parking garage under and a walk way on the other side of where they sit or sleep to not be pinged on the app and forced to quarantine for 14 days. We are talking a good percentage of the US population being pinged without leaving home and nearly everyone if you dared to leave home. So this seems like a trick to require nearly the entire population to stay home.

Can ANYONE see how TERRIBLY WRONG this can go?!


What is someone really has it out for you and wants to tell lies and bear false witness?


Ian Ethan Vloke-Wurth
17 hrs

Someone posted this text below...and this evening this popped up on my Citizen app so I shot this video.

"A person who wants to stay anonymous went through the Contact Tracing Training. Here's her report:
Based on the Contact Tracing Training I went through, I want to warn you that once they start testing the masses, Contact Tracing will be in full force.
If you are found to be a person who has come into close contact with an infected individual during their infectious time period such that you are suspected to have contracted the virus, you will be asked to voluntarily quarantine yourself inside your home, without leaving, for a full 2 weeks. No grocery runs for any reasons. The only reason you’ll be excused from your home is to go to the doctor. If you are unable to self-quarantine, your case will be elevated to a supervisor, so I would highly suggest you play nice and cooperate with instructions if you want to be left alone in the luxury of your own home with your family.
What defines whether or not you are considered possibly infected?....
1. If you are in the same building with someone who has tested positive for 1 hour or more.
2. If you are face to face within 6 feet of an infected person for a minimum of 10 minutes
3. All persons who live in the home of the infected individual.
As you can see, this will have huge consequences. A person is considered contagious 2 days before symptoms even present. So a contact tracer will be asking for everyone who the infected person has been in close contact with starting with that time period and during the time of obvious infection."


These videos tend to get deleted by "Fake Checkers", and other censors, so here is an upload version here...


VICTORY - Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci & Big Pharma lost a Massive Supreme ...

Monday, May 18, 2020

POTUS for the win. Dr. Eric Nepute, DC

Eric Nepute was live — feeling sarcastic.
5 hrs

POTUS shocks the media. Im going to get a lot of CRAP for this one. WAKE UP..


In case you missed it...POTUS shocks the media. Im going to get a lot of CRAP for this one. WAKE UP...(replay)


POTUS for the win.


Keep It Up

Dude at 1:03 He looks very familiar.


Trump admits he is taking hydroxychloroquine


Wake, The, Flock, Up
2 hrs ·


A NY Doctor on FoxTV Hydroxy Chloroquine/Azithromycin results.
200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine
500mg 1x daily Azithromycin
220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate
350 patients
• Breathing restored 3-4 hours
• Zero deaths
• Zero hospitalizations
• Zero intubations

Bill Gates is going ballistic. He is hoping to make billions on his dangerous vaccine with a tracking chip inserted in it. Ha ha Trump is putting a wrench in their greedy, money grubbing plans. Big pharma is losing it.

HCQ also prevents COVID-19. Leading by example. ~Larry Cook

Dr. Nesheiwat says Trump 'smart' to take hydroxychloroquine as 'prophylactic' after WH coronavirus cases

Trump says he is taking hydroxychloroquine despite FDA warning

Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19 despite FDA warnings

Video of POTUS admitting to taking Hydroxychloroquine. Good for him! Setting the example...


Q Clock and Twitter Memes...




Sunday, May 17, 2020

WA State Dept. of Sickness

Ashley Everly
2 hrs

The WA State Dept. of Sickness has sunk to a new mind-baffling low. They have a history of pushing pharmaceutical industry propaganda.

But this... 🀦‍♀️


Oh, the comments.... The people ain't having it!


You Have NO RIGHT NOT to be Vaccinated - Alan Dershowitz

NO ONE has the right to tell me what to do with my body or how to take care of my health.  Only Our Father in Heaven can.  If others want the vaccines, it's up to them, and their decision.  But I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE, which is MY DECISION.  And also my decision is to refuse to poison myself in order to make some snowflake feel safe.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Serrapeptase and Protease Enzymes

Serrapeptase will also eat up excess proteins, as stated below in addition to the protease, I've been posting about.  Known about these for YEARS now.

Kelly Wood
May 5 at 11:18 AM ·

(Not selling just sharing: I wanted to share a few meme's in comments to help explain the enzymes that have helped me heal. They have been a big topic of conversation and I thought it would help everyone put it into perspective. Here are a few enzymatic facts, according to my practitioners observations. Trust me- you want what she makes in your arsenal! In very simple terms...

“Pathogens, including viruses, have an outer coating, or “skin” that is made of protein. This is what it uses to evade our immune system. The protein surface omits its own enzymes that either our immunity doesn’t recognize or it looks right over it. CrysaLynn™ Serrapeptase 250,000 SPU may assist you with this.

Plant cell walls are primarily made up of mainly cellulose, which consists of small fragments of hemicellulose glued together. The inside of the plant cells consists of protein. So, common sense would tell us that if we take an enzymatic blend of what breaks each of these down, it may be best. What enzymes may break down the cell wall? Cellulase and Hemicellulase. Then by mixing in some Serrapeptase, you have something to go after the inner proteins or nucleus. This is my Candida Solutions™ blend.

Higher dosing of enzymes, of course, and obviously, you MUST workup, as many have had a Herxheimer reaction. They have to go through digestion, where many are lost. This is why I decided to make an oral spray. I have experienced the amazing sublingual benefits, and strength myself. The two would also be a powerful combo.

One must realize, mine is pure, without any fillers. There is only 1 company that I know of that claims that but they charge nearly 70 for them. In general, I price mine well below that and when you are getting them at 30 percent off, you are paying 1/2 price, compared to most others. I have also noticed that some companies are diluting their enzymes up to 27,000 percent. You can tell how diluted some enzymes are, especially Serrapeptase because enzyme companies don’t normally make them under 80,000 SPU, so, if your bottle says 20,000 SPU, you can almost guarantee that only ¼ of that is enzymes. The fillers they use are sometimes a substance that the enzymes break down, rendering them useless. If you have Cellulase and Hemicellulase is a plant-based mixture, you can probably bet on the enzymatic activity is low, but the plant material would be broken down and more bioavailable, but this is about using enzymes for enzymes, not taking enzymes with dismantled plants.

Side note, I was working with enzymes that break down carbohydrates. My formulas were exploding upon adding the enzymes, making me wonder what they do inside the gut? So I looked further into it and had some customers do a trial on that pure enzyme. Census said that they may not be good when dealing with fungal infections. What happens when you digest carbohydrates? They may break down into sugars. Understanding that may help you to understand that when you take enzymes that break down carbohydrates and/or sugars, what may be happening is you are giving your blood an immediate rush of sugar. Immediately the sugars are broken down and absorbed by the bloodstream.

While enzymes can be used as food digestors as well, depending on how you use them. For assistance with breaking down of protein, Serrapeptase can be taken 15 minutes before food. With the assistance with plant foods, the same applies to cellulase and hemicellulase. By taking an enzyme away from food, or under the tongue, you can force them to go further into the blood, which is for blood cleansing.

After seeing how the sugar and carbohydrate dismantling enzymes work, I no longer work with them, I stick with the plant and protein-based. Enzymes that may react with sugars in this way, and to keep an eye out with anything else you buy, would be Amylase, Xylanase, Glucose oxidase, maltase,

Please understand again, enzymes that break down starches/sugars/carbohydrates can cause a sugar rush into your blood”
#SHOPLOCAL #BuySome #GiveBacktoThoseInNeed

CrysaLynn™ Serrapeptase:

Candida Solutions™: Cellulase, Hemicellulase, & Serrapeptase;

30 percent coupon code: "timeofneed30"


Some of the description snippets about this product below. Remember all this time what I've been saying about all this Cellulose in everything? And Tony Pantallereso has also been posting about in his posts, podcasts and videos?...

Candida Solutions™: Cellulase, Hemicellulase, & Serrapeptase;

This product focuses on cellulose dissolution, although it may have capabilities to dismantle many kinds of substances.

Plant cell walls are made up of cellulose and hemicellulose, as they may be the main components of the “glue” that holds it, and its biofilms together. The inner nucleus is made up of protein. They have a single cell that grows into a “root”, like a tooth, and allows it to stand up and stay in place, although it creates enzymes that degrade the tissue to do so. It uses this root to also feed as plant roots do! This root is called hyphae and it may puncture tissues and linings, which is how we get “leaky gut” and “leaky brain”.

Plant cell cellulose may be dismantled by the enzymes because they are designed by Mother Nature to do just that.

And Cellulose and Cellulase are TWO different things, although they sound similar.  It ends is "ase", then it means Enzymes!

Right now, we've been taking the Arthur Andrew Medical brand of serrapeptase called Serratia.  We empty it out of the celluose capsule and put in a gelatin capsule.  We get the size 0 empty capsules from PureBulk.


And also remember what I've posted about the Protease too....

I've known about this for some times.   Years, in fact.
See:  Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
Note:  The above article is from archived site, so that company's products have more than likely changed (for the worst), and discontinued.  Nature's Sunshine has a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme.

And Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.

Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!

Protease eats up the protein covering (a virus's armor), thereby taking down the virus's defense.

Are y'all getting this yet?!


Friday, May 15, 2020

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy (HBOT)

Larry Cook was live.
5 hrs

Day 5 of mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment - heals most anything - highly recommended!

Larry is in a MAINTENANCE Session for himself, in a MILD Hyperbaric O2 Session Treatment=HBOT
-he says that he does a Total of 10 Treatments (Sessions) every 6 months, or like now, 4 treatments every other day;
-he does it for his Circulation, Brain boost, early childhood
-One Session = 1h-1.5 = $ 100;
-Pressure is 1.3 -1.5 atmos -
-What it DOES = it squizes O2 in all the cells;it assists body's own healing
-It FEELS like diving or flying -one feels the pressure in the ears;once one gets it set, one does not feel it anymore;
-IMPORTANT at the END of the Session to REDUCE, HAVE the Pressure half way - when one is done it is important;


The same kind that we use too...

Hubby was in it when this pic was taken.  :)

Soft Chamber.

HR 666 6 Passes the All-Important Constitutional Test


Vigilante Task Force Teams at work...

Mark of the Beast in New Zealand

Erin Christina
14 hrs

Well, this went sideways fast...

copied and reposted. Mark of the beast doesn’t sound so hard to imagine now does it? Come Lord Jesus.
“Apparently, This started today here in New Zealand, the first day of Level 2:
You cannot go into a STORE, Post Shop, mall, unless you scan in the QR code posted outside with the contact tracing app, your phone camera, or sign a register (where your name. address and phone details are visible to everybody), and in some cases (people are telling me), have your photo taken.
The retailers were told that they are NOT ALLOWED TO SELL TO YOU if you don't comply.
No app scan, no entry, no purchase [no food].
Not all stores have complied yet.
Bunnings is forcing you to do it, but Mitre-10 has not started yet. [This has been verified first-hand.] But I am sure they will have no choice.
Even my local liquor store has it.
By the way, this is NOT the $65Million Contact Tracing app that the government has made, this is an existing web-based contact app from EvaCheckin.
There is something oddly Biblical about this...hmmm.
New Zealand has "flattened the curve" and lost its Democracy.


Nothing mentioned about a mandatory COVID19 or a vaccine in the post, but restrictions are still happening in other places, and soon to be here, as it's already started with "CONtact traitors" with their QR codes in phone apps, COVID-19 BS, Sharia Law of mandatory masking (although a breathable gauze or bandana, along with goggles would help obstruct the face to avoid being recognized by contact traitors, drones, etc...).


The New Normal, Contact Tracing, More Quarantine, Censorship, QAnon, Pre...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Covid-19 is an AMAZING virus

Think about it...πŸ€”

Covid-19 is an AMAZING virus. Key features:

- cured influenza, measles, heart disease, cancers and most other diseases and abolished 'death from natural causes'...

- it’s a smart virus, highly virulent in parks, gyms, churches and schools, the gym and on beaches...

- has no effect on the thousands of employees who work at Kmart, BigW, Target, Bunnings.... and especially in liquor stores...

- the virus seems to target mostly mum and dad businesses and barbershops, who always have much fewer customers walk through their doors...

- the virus also targets our food chain, since it managed to close meat packing companies, and forced farmers to discard their harvest in record time... (USA)

- construction and supermarket workers have a natural immunity, but would obviously still need to be vaccinated...

- also, police uniforms hold the cure for the virus... no social distancing, not even masks are needed, as long as you wear a police uniform...

- it doesn't affect children, except for a few who got it... same with animals...

- also, imposing mandatory cloth masks to prevent too much oxygen to people's brains, and spraying beaches and streets with bleach, as well as spraying chemical airborne disinfectants from airplanes over densely populated areas have been known to do miracles for people's lungs affected by this strange virus...

- we would need millions of ventilators... unless we suddenly won't need any ventilators...

- and we need to commandeer all private hospitals to keep them open solely for the avalanche of virus victims, and the avalanche of TikTok videos by overworked hero doctors and nurses...

- categorized as an 'invisible enemy', one that can never be definitively beaten and always lurking in the shadows, much like the war on terror...

- it loves New York too - a really cosmopolitain virus...

- there is a Celebrity Strain, and a highly Deadly Strain of the virus...

- even more amazing, in Sweden you can hug your grandkids, yet the UK strain forbids that...

- in India alone, the killer virus managed to lock 1.3 billion people in their homes indefinitely, after decimating 1000 of them, within just a few short months...

- every loss of life from this virus is tragic... however, pushing 150-500 million people into starvation worldwide is a necessary price to pay...

- experts have pointed out that this seasonal virus could easily be defeated by forever abolishing families, individual privacy, untraceable cash money, and all small independent farms and businesses...

- we all may have it by now, yet although asymptomatic, we can still infect people and test negative... or test positive... and our antibodies may, or may not give immunity...

- only a heavily government funded, hastily tested and mandatory vaccine can save us by injecting it in 7 billion people, every year, for a constantly mutating virus, the particular strain of which has long been history...

- also, be careful not to spread fake news or dangerous misinformation online about this virus... make sure you leave that to the professionals over at NBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and the rest of the reliable mainstream media journalists around the world.

Copied and pasted πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ§‘


Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down state's stay-at-home order

Heather Leeann
1 hr ·

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has overturned the state's stay-at-home order, ruling it "unlawful" and "unenforceable" in a high-profile win for the state's Republican-led Legislature.

In a 4-3 decision Wednesday, the court ruled that Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' administration overstepped its authority when the state Department of Health Services extended the order to May 26.

The ruling comes after the Legislature's Republican leaders filed a lawsuit last month arguing the order would cost Wisconsin residents their jobs and hurt many companies, asserting that if it was left in place, "our State will be in shambles."

Setting The Stage For Phase 2 As States Deploy National Guard For Contac...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Larry Cook
34 mins

PERMANENT HOUSE ARREST FOR THOSE WHO REFUSE TESTING & CONTACT TRACING IN WASHINGTON STATE. Which means, Oregon, California, Colorado, Nevada and New York since these Communist Democrats are all in bed with each other: it's just one big tyranny orgy. "Therefore, those individuals that refuse to cooperate with contact tracers and/or refuse testing, those individuals will not be allowed to leave their homes to purchase basic necessities such as groceries and/or prescriptions. Those persons will need to make arrangements through friends, family, or a state provided “family support personnel.”


Contact Traitor Agents Will Commit Illegal Search and Seizure

Rep. Nino VitaleLike Page
Yesterday at 5:58 AM ·

Contact Tracer Agents Will Commit Illegal Search and Seizure

1 - They will TRACK all phones.
2 - They will FIND YOU and FORCE YOU into isolation.
3 - They will REMOVE YOU or a FAMILY MEMBER from your home.

Do these points seem unreal? Here is the video evidence as said by California, Ohio and Louisiana. After doing considerable research on just ‘how’ they (the Governors and Health Officials along with technology firms) intend to trace us, here is a summary of hours of research condensed into 3 minutes.

The government will hire thousands of contact investigators across the country. Armies of agents.

They will be trained on Apple and Google technology to trace or track people, which is done through the Bluetooth wireless technology on your phone.

These contact agents will get intensive training and isolate every person they find who has COVID and everyone that person has come in contact with, and forcibly isolate all of them for 14 days, even if they don’t have COVID.

The Tracer Agents may determine people will not be able to isolate in their home so the government will remove them from their home and isolate them in government housing.

So, if I am walking down the grocery aisle on Monday, will I get a knock at the door, or a call on Saturday, letting me know that my phone went down the same aisle as someone who has now tested positive for COVID and I have to be put under a forced 14-day quarantine?

And if I only have one bathroom, and the other people in the house do not have COVID, will I be removed from my home with force and taken to a government facility?

What if my house has 2 parents, 4 kids and we live in a 1200 square foot home? Can the government Tracer Agents determine my home is too small and my 8-year-old COVID positive child will have to be removed from the family home?

When did we give permission to track and steal data from our phones to see who we have been in contact with or passed by in the grocery store? When did we vote on allowing ourselves to be forcibly removed from our families and put in government quarantine?

Who is voting for this intrusion? Not me. The health departments and governors are implementing this without the input of any citizens and without the votes of the legislatures.

As a reminder, the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”

YOU MUST WATCH this 3-minute video of the California Health Official, Ohio Health Director Acton and the Governor of Louisiana.

Ohio Medical Director Amy Acton said we need “disease detectives” who find out EVERYONE you’ve been in contact with and ANYWHERE you’ve gone in the past 14 days. And they reach out to all those people and TELL THEM to quarantine. (Note, she did not say she will ask you quarantine.) Acton said you NEED TO ISOLATE AND QUARANTINE PEOPLE. Acton finished stating, the scope is so big, YOU NEED AN ARMY of Contact Tracers in Ohio and that is the army she has been building.

Louisiana Governor – We will expand Contact Tracers and hire maybe 700 but “I want to assure people; we will get to as many contract tracers as we need to do the work that is essential.”

“Apple and Google are HOPING to protect user privacy while speeding up the app development process for public health authorities.” Note the word HOPING. (Expected launch is May 2020)

Restore The Republic. End Medical Tryanny.

People in this country better wake up and realize what is happening before it is too late.

Your rights are being stripped at every turn in the name of safety. Do you care?


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The 2019 Florida Statutes

"If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual."

The 2019 Florida Statutes


Plandemic to Bring In A Vaccine

EVERYTHING TO DO WITH taking away what little RIGHTS you had.

And people are so easily deceived.  And we must pray for them, seriously.

Quantum Dot Vaccinations πŸ’‰
It's REVEALED an enzyme called LUCIFERASE is what makes Bill Gates implantable Quantum Dot Micro-needle Vaccine Delivery System Work.

LAW 666
H.R 6666 - 116th Congress 2019-2020)
CoVid-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) act.
Covid-19 or certificate of vaccination identification-19 artificial intelligence (19)A=1 9=i. Testing reaching and contacting everybody and then they say Trace act πŸ€”πŸ€”.. that's just what the bill really stands for so you guys know

CONtact Traitors

"We have to enter homes and remove family members" - WHO 🀬🀬🀬🀬

Update: Please sign this petition to stop this!!

Crypto currency using body activity data.
Patent WO/2020/060606

Yeah, we won't be sitting here holding our breath.  Hehehe.

PATENT 060606 is a Cryptocurrency System using body activity data in humans.... The patent is owned by Microsoft-Bill Gates. ..Again.. not a conspiracy theory...! For some this is absolutely shocking or unbelievable.... For others.. we have seen this coming all along.... This post isn’t to fuel’s to raise awareness... ❤

How many Coincidences does it take before it becomes mathematically impossible???

Join and make a difference.
