Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reading In Between The Lines.

Well, sort of.

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.



POTUS sure has a way with words, does he?



Kamala Harris STAGES VACCINATION & A hero intentionally spoiled 500 doses of Corona vax.

A hero intentionally spoiled 500 doses of Corona vax.


Along with Pence and the many others who faked getting vaccines, Kamala also fakes her CV-19 vax.  Check it out...



Uploaded copy in case the tweet disappears...


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Vaccines Are The Leading Cause of Coincidences (UPDATED Often)

Vaccines Are The Leading Cause of Coincidences:  Several example of "coincidences", which I will probably keep updating this post, instead of making new posts..
















Unclear on whether this one got a shot.  Still a coincidence though.




Sunday, December 27, 2020

Two weeks ago in India. Another leading manufacturer of hydroxychloroquine explodes

Two weeks ago in India. Another leading manufacturer of hydroxychloroquine explodes..:

So now they want to stop and destroy the HCQ, because it would apparently interfere with their vaccine plans...


Here's another tweet...




More On Deep Fake

Since The Tiffany Dover fiasco, several of us on our various sites have been discussing Deep Fake, and that perhaps Tiffany Dover's post event video could have possibly been a deep fake, as first mentioned by Jim Stone Freelance. It has also been discussed on Twitter among a bunch of folks and also mentioned to our favorite "Health Nut News" reporter Erin Elizabeth.

So apparently she had checked into it further, being the fantastic reporter that she is.

She got ahold of some deep fake software (probably Reface app, although she never specified).  She has been playing with it, and put her face on some movie clips and other existing video clips.  It appears she is having some fun with it, although she says she's a little freaked out about it.  But she is also checking out what Deep Fake is really about too.

Since several of us have been discussing it on our sites, and possible uses, I wanted to share some of her tweets where she has done the face swap thingy.  It looks very real, so I suppose that TPTB can "deep fake" a post event video after the FAILED PR pro-vaccine event at Chi Memorial.


Now here is what Erin looks like, from her Twitter profile pic.


Here are the videos from her tweets of doing deep fake on herself.  She is having a bit of fun with it though.








So, even though she is apparently having a bit of fun with it, it's also showing all of us that TPTB can use same type of software to "fake" events to fit the narrative.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Ivermectin treatment is a ‘real killer of coronavirus’: Professor


Be sure to get a good clean zine sulfate. has the powdered Zinc Sulfate in bulk powder form. Then get the safer CLEAR gelatin capsules & capsule machine to make the zine capsules.  No worries about cellulose nor bad ingredients. We usually just get the size 0 capsules. They have the Quercetin in gelatin capsules already.

You can buy the doxycycline online from Thomas Labs.  Even though it's under animal products, they are usually cleaner without all the microcrystalline cellulose added. Only the capsules need changing out into the gelatin capsules.

The Iver can be bought at feed stores as sheep drench or horse paste.  There's Equimax or Durvet brand.  Most prefer the Equimax.

Here are screenshots of the amounts to use. But they are based on the tablets, so they will need to figure out how to convert milligrams to milliliter, since the horse paste is a gel. Also change kg to lbs.

The Protocol from the FLCCC site:


Spanish Chart.  The two above are sufficient, but this is the one from MX.


Comments from the video...

Ivermectin is a zinc ionophore.
HCQ + Zinc. Take vit D, vit A and vit C.


Dr Pierre Kory spoke about Ivermectin Efficacy in Senate a week ago. He asks to review the recent data and update the NIH Guidelines to use Ivermectin against Covid 19


this is mentioned in Joe Tippens protocol, people are using this or Fenbendazole (Saf-Guard or Panacur) to cure cancer.


Ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc, just so people will know.
Is it a zinc ionophore


protocol evms dr Paul marik 17 june.
and math+ protocol


A Study found, and announced on 21 April 2020 by the Monash University (Australia), "Ivermectin can kill COVID-19 within 48 hours".


If ivermectin is treating a viral infection, does that mean it will also knock out others? The flu? The common cold? How does ivermectin affect cancer cells?


on YouTube. " drbeen medical lectures "


Ivermectin as a pre & prophylactic works


The FLCCC Alliance press conference with Dr. Joseph Varon and Dr. Paul Marik:


How about Ivermectin + Niclosamide + Bromhexine ?


Identical to Hydroxychloroquine plus Zinc. Any of these drugs taken early enough will prevent progression of Corvid19 to the fatal Cytokine Storm by mechanism relating to Protein C replacement that are now becoming known. HCQ was sabotaged in RECOVERY and WHO Trials by Drs giving patients a lethal dose 4x higher than the well established safe dose, when they became very sick due to delayed treatment, which may constitute murder.
The “mega studies” designed to discredit HCQ which were published and then withdrawn when proved fraudulent without peer review in now corrupted LANCET and NEJM is STILL cited till this day and added to “evidence” by Big Pharma Hacks.


Fact: Ivermectin is primarily used in veterinary medicine as a paraciticide (heartworms) together with doxycycline to prevent bacterial (Wolbachia) infection from dead heartworms.


In Brazil Dr Lucy Kerr is recommending 0.2mg per kilogram of bodyweight. Protocol is 1 daily dose for 3 consecutive days. Stop and repeat a month later only is symptoms reappear


I used Ivermectin, doxyxycline and zinc to cure a severe Covid case around 5 months ago. I was sicker than hell for over a month and tried everything under the sun, with no luck, until I found out about the Ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc cocktail. I took this Ivermectin cocktail and was virus free 4 days later. I believe the reason these anti malarial compounds cure it, is because Covid 19 is a hybrid organism that is part Malaria parasite. A scientist recently found segments of Malaria in the genome of Covid 19. It's obvious to me that someone was trying to create airborne Malaria when they made this. Look at the symptoms of Covid and they are identical to Malaria. Dry cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills etc. The big question is, who made Covid 19? Could it be Chinese scientists, or could it be ET's from another world? I can't see China making a virus that would also kill their population. I'm not so sure they even have the expertise to make something like this either.


Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc & Ivermectin.


Ivermec - Ivermectin a injectable form, or Eprinex a pour on have been for many years as anti parasitic for animals and is very effective.


Parks said it works by allowing the zinc to enter into the cell.
Other comments indicate that it's called a zinc ionophore, which I'm only guessing means what I just said here, still others have said this was already released in a Monash Uni paper in April.

Plenty of Doctors have evidence the HCQ Zn Zpac treatment is solid, and this option seems even safer, and makes at least 3 options now using already tested meds.

Seems to be looking less like a virus and more like an exozome as time goes by.

All the best


This is what is happening... Our own exosomes are being turned parasitic due to increased radiation exposure from WiFi, 4G, 5G,  microwave towers, xrays, and dirty electricity. The already existing parasites in our bodies will proliferate due to all this environmental exposure. Add heavy metals, then we have a war brewing in us. So this anti-parasitic dewormer will then take care of the parasitic freeloaders. We also must detox the heavy metals, and detox the radiation out too. This all makes sakes sense to me.


I don't know about Ivermectin, but HCQ works by opening your cells up to accepting more zinc than they normally would, and the Zinc stops the replication of the virus. That's why it won't work well if given alone, in too high of doses, or after the virus has replicated too much.


I picked up a subcutaneous parasite while working in the backwoods S. Florida. Ivermectin kicked its but in 2 days after no clinical relief for 3 months!
That would be very cool if it can kill COVID.


Ivermectin comes in horse paste, you can look up doses for humans. My farrier uses it 4 times a yr for parasites. It taste like apple. Panacur c ( fenbendazole) is also for parasites. Both are safe for humans.


The human body gets the trace element zinc in a bio-receptive mode from a normal diet. A diet deficient in zinc can lead to medical problems, however. It does only limited good to take a zinc supplement, if there is an insufficient availability of a tolerable ionosphore to transmit the zinc inside the cells. There is in a healthy body an equilibrium that is established. However, under a corona virus attack - rhino virus, influenza virus, SARS1, SARS 2, etc - bad things can happen. The use of zinc is well known for its treatment efficacy (ZICAM is sold in drugstores and grocery stores all over the U.S. without a prescription). As to the Covid-19 issue, many researchers have come to the conclusion that, once inside a cell, zinc is capable to block the SARS-2 virus from attaching to receptors and hijacking the cell to make more RNA clones of itself. In that effort, the cell itself is destroyed and its function lost.

Quinine is an ionosphore of zinc. The amount of quinine in Tonic water is fairly low. Thus, as an ionosphore for zinc, which what is needed for the zinc to be able to pass through the cell wall, it is inferior to hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

What is interesting is that BOTH hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin where developed specifically as anti-parasitic drugs. One for humans and one for both animals and humans (altered quality and dosing).

The hydroxychloroquine drug has been in near global use since the late 1940s (in pill form). It is particularly valuable in tropical and sub-tropical areas where malaria and other water borne parasites plague the people. This drug is merely the lab synthesis of the naturally-made quinine product - made from the bark of the chinchona tree (origins in S America). The British, French, Spanish, Dutch and other Europeans were especially susceptible to malaria in the colonial years and learnt that quinine was very helpful in the battle to stay healthy. It is inexpensive and in pill form can be easily mass produced via pharma plants in India and other low-wage countries. Historically, extracts from the bark and quinine concoctions were used, sometimes as a miracle (secret) cure, when malaria infestations broke out in Europe. In those days, doctors were known to keep their medicines secret, the better to generate a reputation as successful healers using protocols no one else had. One King of France reportedly paid a famous doctor (who knew about quinine) the handsome sum of 3,000 florins for curing his son, the prince, who was near death. Modern historians researching the logs & diaries of the Jesuit priests who often accompanied Spanish and Portuguese fleets found ample evidence that they had learnt the efficacy of chinchona bark and used it for fever and malaria profusely.

The Ivermectin drug is a much more modern product that came about as the result of a medical-prize winning discovery in the late 1970s. There is a micro-organism that only grows in the soil of Japan. Scientists there in cooperation with other large pharma companies were able to synthesize it and it has proven HIGHLY efficacious in treating worm-type parasites. Its most common use has been for veterinary treatments and it has enjoyed very widespread use globally. It is sold commonly in pill form) and is relatively inexpensive. It is an FDA-approved drug in the u.S. for pets and certain other applications and protocols as set forth. What is not widely known by the larger public is that it is also used successfully for multiple human medical conditions. It has been amazingly successful in combating Onchocersiasis and Lymphatic Filariasis, which are disfiguring diseases common to tropical areas. It also has been found to be effective with other diseases and parasitic infections as well. Millions of human beings have benefited from its use and it is classified as a WHO "essential" medicine. It is considered likely by health authorities that 200 million people will be given this drug in the next decade in an attempt to reduce the incidence of its most common target diseases/infections to as few cases as possible (due to the devastating nature of these diseases). Thus we see that Big Pharma is not all bad, as some have irresponsibly proclaimed.

Ivermectin is now "famous' among researchers for its high safety profile and amazing efficacy as to human tolerance (when treated by physicians & properly dosed). In fact, it is considered so safe that even nurses are allowed to prescribe it in many countries. In the past year, serious researchers in multiple countries have stepped up a diligent effort to see if existing drugs can be dual-purposed to combat the SARS2 virus (leads to Covid-19). Obviously, an existing drug with a very high safety profile would be ideal in combating a pandemic virus, since it could be much more quickly proven safe for that particular use and theoretically receive FDA approval in the U.S. in a very constricted time frame. It has come to light recently that MANY studies in multiple countries have demonstrated that a dosing protocol of 3 to 7 days virtually eliminates the SARS-2 virus from the human body, apparently acting in tandem with one's own immune system. Basically, by killing large viral numbers in great quantity almost immediately, it keeps the system from being overwhelmed by the virulence and rapid cellular infection rate of SARS-2. The Argentine Study referenced by Dr. Pierre Kory in his testimony before the U.S. Congress is so statistically overwhelming that only a complete ideologue or a foolish dummy would attempt to pose a refutation. However, could it not be duplicated in a comparable U.S. study? And why not. It is very likely to be demonstrated highly safe.


I met a missionary a few years ago, who had to return to US from Mexico to get his entire family "wormed". I told him about Zimecterin, which was brand name of Ivermectin, and that formula for horses available online was exactly the same dosage per pound/kilogram for humans. His family has been using it since with no problems and NO worms either, LOL. It's very safe to use.


interesting to note that the related drugs heparin and enoxaparin are used to treat the coagulation caused by covid-19.


Yes, I heard a suggestions at a health seminar years ago that virus's are byproducts of parasites or some link to parasites, can't remember the exact details and never heard about it again , although it would explain why Ivermectin and anti malarial drugs have an effect.
People should also consider how we get parasites in the human body in the first place including eating anything which contains blood products, like meats medium rare or worse blue or raw.


So just get a little wormer on you while worming your cattle and get some zinc lozenges


Who knew the world just needed a good deworming!!! Makes perfect sense though, mammals need occasional dewormings. To think we don’t pick things up throughout our diet and environment is naive. This stuff really is a miracle drug.


covid sounds more and more like morgellons and GMO lime disease


It's also been known (but covered up) for 85 years that large doses of Vitamin C (has to be given intravenously in serious cases) kills all viruses. But the Medical Mafia has actually tried to get intravenous Vitamin C banned.


I thought it would have been obvious to all by know, they don’t want ppl to have a cure - the objective is the mandatory vax which has nothing to do with coronavirus and everything to do with Agenda 21/30 NWO. The dots couldn’t be any bigger, they all join without much effort. Please, wake up.


This costs $2. It is about the vaccines. Always has been. Gates is running the show.


First they take out the old and infirm. Concurrently and afterwards the suicide rate escalates. Next; the mandatory vaccines will kill a significant number, and those that aren't killed will be easy prey by manipulation of the microwave frequencies that control the stability of the common oxygen molecule which is present in every blood cell of everyone alive; given that they have somehow survived the civil unrest to come. All under cover of plausible deniability of mass-media indoctrination of a pandemic.


Sounds good to me vs an experimental-RNA-Vaccine rushed into service with no guarantee, you cant vax a flu, whats the point with a 10-20% success rate. Ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline = answer to lockdown while we wait for 'silver bullet'


Does the vaccine contain: MRC-5 (They all do) This is aborted fetal cells and other DNA.
Is there a possibility of LATROGENIC REACTION an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds of drugs interacting with each other. The Bill Gates crowd can inject themselves where to sun don't shine!!!! take your new world order and sit on it


Coronascam forced vaccination advocates


We do not consent. I do not consent. My free will have been violated and i demand the oppression to stop


The medical system including science has been hijacked and WEAPONISED to fit a narrative... but this narrative is ending... can't say we will miss you!!


Check out this quote from the first director of the WHO, Brock Chisholm. They really don't seem to be focused much on our health...
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”


If they're "really sick" it's already too late, that's part of the problem, in the US they told people to go home and only come to the hospital if the cv19 gets really bad. That was a huge mistake by that time the cytokine storm is already there and the damage is done.
We need to admit that therapies like Ivermectin, zinc, and doxycycline work and start using them. But the CDC, Fauci, etc want to suppress it for their political and financial agendas.


They want to VACCINATE you, they want to change your GENES with mRNA or RNA vaccines...If loads more risk group people die, they strengthen their VACCINATION argument...Compulsary vaccinations are coming if you dont do anything about it right NOW. This Ivermectin sound like its a real winner.


The tack of most of the MSM is to simply ignore what would appear to be a near-perfect prophylactic protocol. But they are your friend.


Declare first world nations potential malaria zones so Doxycycline Hyrdochloroquinine and Ivormectin are all Over The Counter meds so we we all go back to work. End this fake lockdown.




Tiffany Dover Update: Do You SEE What I See?

Recognize these thyroid issues

Another nurse in Tennessee injured...

Another nurse in Tennessee injured: 🔥🔥🔥Breaking News🔥🔥🔥

This is the MOST disturbing video I have seen! Everyone on Twatter needs 2 see this ASAP! This poor nurse is in tears with Bell’s Palsy post mRNA vax & she wouldn’t wish this on her worst enemy. Our government doesn’t care about us!





The above twitter account was deletd for posting this, so here is Erin Elizabeth's tweet of the video

Original Source Video:



Friday, December 25, 2020

Google Admits in Search Results that Trump is President 2021

From this tweet...


And a screenshot from MY OWN search results...


Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Daily Messenger: I am deeply thankful...

The Daily Messenger: I am deeply thankful...: I am deeply thankful... For all the friends and supporters of this endless work and their encouragement, assistance in myriad ways, and their trust in our ability to do right as right presents itself. You have been and very much are, a great blessing. ...


You're welcome.  We love you too.  We try to do the best we can to help out, although I feel it's never enough.

It will be a miracle if we can all pull through these dark times.

EXTRA TV | A Segment with Ashley Black Guru!

Check out the FasciaBlaster on Extra!

Get all your tools and get ready for 2021


Celebrate your man with our ONYX COLLECTION! Half off limited edition!


This is the new Onyx Collection. The Onyx Collection does not include the Big Daddy.


Onyx Collection. The Onyx Collection does not include the Big Daddy.

And in case if any are wondering, we do use these tools, and highly recommend them.  Even at my last ROLFing session, the therapist said that my fascia felt much better.


5 Fish That have Worms in Their Meat

And Sushi does too! Yuck!

Mark Of The Beast

Mark Of The Beast:  From Gates of Hell...


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Tiffany Dover is dead. Using a woman called AMBER to double for her.

The Daily Messenger: Tiffany Dover is dead. Using a woman called AMBER to double for her.:   Since ~10h after taking the vaccine, she has refused to make any appearance, say a word, or even post on her instagram despite the fact she's a typical instathot who normally posts every 2-3 days. Some of her family and a nurse that worked in the same hospital as her RIP-posted on her facebook before shit got scrubbed. All communications since then has happened not through herself or family, but through the hospital's social media accounts. Journos asked to interview her to put the matter at rest, and the hospital said "no". Endless amounts of "weird" surrounding the matter that I won't go over in this post. Vaccine almost certainly killed her. ...

Amber Lynn Honea (Dietz)

Tiffany Dover vs. Amber Lynn Honea (Dietz)

This is Amber Lynn Honea (Dietz) -


This is the video POST EVENT, supposedly of her saying she has a history of this and that, overactive response, oh that she's fine (REALLY?!), and "Do you regret getting the vaccine?" "No" (What?! WTF?!)... blah blah blah blah...


Her OWN post video has disappeared.  Along with that fake youtube channel supposedly of hers, that had appeared TWO days after the event.

Here's a screenshot of the channel that disappeared...

The hospital Official BS lies...

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!... Yeah, they are perpetuating the same nonsense script to normalize side effects ... 

ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?! Are you kidding me right now?!

And I suppose convulsions are also a "common reaction after receiving any vaccine". In fact, this is true.

If death were a common reaction that would be okey-dokey too, eh?

Annd... Why are they saying, in the same breath, that dizziness is a common reaction to vaccination, and that the dizziness was not directly related to the vaccine? These people are obviously desperate to make words come out of their mouth that will sound helpful.

Also, there's a difference between "dizziness" and actually collapsing. Now that women in developed countries no longer starve themselves during pregnancy or wear corsets, spontaneous collapse is not common here, and is a serious symptom that something is wrong. It might be fairly common to feel like you might faint and have to sit down, but how often do people around us actually spontaneously collapse? I mean that's what makes this video shocking.

THIS is what damage control looks like, the usual BS lies.

Anyone with a supposed fainting condition would never be allowed to be a nurse in the first place,  Or even be allowed to have a driver's license.

Was her family threatened?  Were they silenced?  Gag order?

Remember Jim Stone did mention that they would DEEP FAKE this with AI.

finnigan up again AI Deep Fake

How about those obit reports?...

Screenshot of her Facebook account...

The TOP one is hers.


Conclusion:  She's dead. We have crisis actors, other people (Amber) pretending to be her, fake channels which suddenly disappeared as fast as it appeared, obits which also conveniently disappeared and will no longer come up in search results, and possible DEEP FAKE AI.

Amber and Tiffany.  Two TOTALLY DIFFERENT women.

Here's a great example of how they can pull off DEEP FAKE...

Our Spiritual World: Revelations 13, cannot buy, sale, or trade without the mark

Our Spiritual World: Revelations 13, cannot buy, sale, or trade without the mark:  Same in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, etc, etc. French Law Would Ban People Who Don’t Get COVID Vaccine From Using Public Transport...


I've known for over 20 years that the mark would be vaccine related.  If we know, then everyone else should.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Daily Messenger: the "virus relief bill" was "$900 billion". Today, when it actually hit the table, it is 2.3 TRILLION

The Daily Messenger: the "virus relief bill" was "$900 billion". Today, when it actually hit the table, it is 2.3 TRILLION...:  So let's do the math again. Yesterday, about $100 billion went to the American people for actual corona relief. That had 166 million...

#CovidReliefBill DENIED! 👇🙏


Great Job Mr. President!!!  NOW, NO MORE VACCINES Please!


WARNING: 3,150 Injuries in First Week of Illegal Experimental COVID Vaccines Among American Healthcare Workers! Pregnant Women Included | By Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, December 21, 2020:

WARNING: 3,150 Injuries in First Week of Illegal Experimental COVID Vaccines Among American Healthcare Workers! Pregnant Women Included | By Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, December 21, 2020:

► CDC reports that as of last Friday, December 18, 2020: of those 112,807 who got a COVID-19 vaccine, 3,150 suffered adverse reactions who are "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional." I wonder how honest this data is and how many have gone unreported.

► By "illegal," the author may mean that the purported "vaccines" are still "investigational," of which I'm not aware whether patients are being informed.

► With 2.79% of those vaccinated who are "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional," as of last Friday, December 18, 2020, expect hospitals to quickly reach capacity and other health care to be over-taxed. As more receive the allegedly prophylactic treatments being falsely called COVID-19 "vaccines," this percentage increases, likely partly due to delayed reactions. Percentages of recipients of COVID-19 "vaccine" who are "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional:"
December 14: 0.44%
December 15: 0.82%
December 16: 1.3%
December 17: 2.17%
December 18: 2.79%
With these CDC statistics, the average increase is 0.58% daily.


Our Spiritual World: Lots of phenom lately

Our Spiritual World: Lots of phenom lately:  




Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt

Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19
Vaccine Receipt
Thomas Clark, MD, MPH
December 19, 2020


The Daily Messenger: I get my very own NEW power pole and 5G this week

The Daily Messenger: I get my very own NEW power pole and 5G this week:   Poop ...


Knock it down and/or sell your extra stuff and please MOVE from there. Maybe find a good used camper trailer?

We want to move from here.  Need a warmer area. Hubby needs sun and vitamin D from the sun.


Monday, December 21, 2020

Clinical testing underway in Calif. for Ivermectin


The Daily Messenger: Turning my power off today

The Daily Messenger: Turning my power off today: Yay. Nice of them to do this to me on the witches sabbath of Yule. I stand with Yeshua . Yeshua over the hills...2 days ago

Yay on Yeshua showing up!!  Awesome picture.  All thanks to Him for watching over all your guys.  We STAND with Yeshua too!!  The entire Winning Team of Yeshua is how I like to say it.

But... you need to get OUT of commiefornia ASAP.  Please.


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Nuke Pro: 4 Great Reasons To Say No To The Vaccine

Nuke Pro: 4 Great Reasons To Say No To The Vaccine:   For those who tend to obey authority without question (few in Alaska, I wager), it’s likely you've not looked closely at what’s going down. The so-called vaccine (actually it’s a ‘therapeutic’) includes a chip that can be read at a distance....


Nuke Pro: The Vaccines Are A Joke. The Only Real Test Is Test Is To Re-Challenge The Recipient With The Virus, And The Virus Has Never Been Isolated

Nuke Pro: The Vaccines Are A Joke. The Only Real Test Is To Re-Challenge The Recipient With The Virus, And The Virus Has Never Been Isolated:  stock here: This is a super critical point:  The only way to test a vaccine is to "Re-Challenge" the recipient with the same virus....


Our Spiritual World: Angel appears when asked

Our Spiritual World: Angel appears when asked:   Great Darkness, GREATER Light

Amazing and beautiful!


Friday, December 18, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE

The Daily Messenger: Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE:   The thing is, you’ll take the vax or you will not be cleared to shop, go to work or to school. What are you going to do then when you cannot live unless you take the shot?...


What are you guys going to do?  We could use some ideas here.

We posted about this yesterday, but also want to repost your post as well.  I'm sure they are scrambling to do "damage control" now.

Yeah... they are perpetuating the same nonsense script to normalize side effects

Ummmm... EXCUSE ME!  Passing out after a vaccine IS an adverse reaction!  What a joke! - ‘not considered an adverse reaction’

ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!  Are you kidding me right now?!

And I suppose convulsions are also a "common reaction after receiving any vaccine". In fact, this is true.

If death were a common reaction that would be okey-dokey too, eh?

Annd... Why are they saying, in the same breath, that dizziness is a common reaction to vaccination, and that the dizziness was not directly related to the vaccine? These people are obviously desperate to make words come out of their mouth that will sound helpful.

Also, there's a difference between "dizziness" and actually collapsing. Now that women in developed countries no longer starve themselves during pregnancy or wear corsets, spontaneous collapse is not common here, and is a serious symptom that something is wrong. It might be fairly common to feel like you might faint and have to sit down, but how often do people around us actually spontaneously collapse? I mean that's what makes this video shocking.

We pray that this poor woman is okay, and that she will skip the 2nd shot.  Not holding my breath though.  They're all mind controlled.


Safe and Effective Vaccine Confidence Event with Vice President Mike Pence

Pence Receives covid vaccine.  But did he really?

Well, let's see...


Do all you crisis actors and fakers honestly think that your public VIRTUE SIGNALING is going to convince us to take this death shot?  And WHY all the big deals of doing this publicly?  Huh?!  And ALWAYS on MSM FAKE NEWS outlets?

Do you really think we're that stupid?

Although this is Bill Gates of Hell dream come true (read nightmare) Mark of the Beast vaccine, Trump STILL warp speeded this thing and trusted Deep State liars.  This is Operation Warp Speed.  So he IS responsible too. THIS is why I am pissed and disappointed with Trump.  He believed the globalist liars, and should have stuck with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  At least Robert Kennedy Jr. has been warning us for years about vaccine dangers.  Although Robert still believes that safer vaccines can be had and is pushing for that.  There will never be a safe vaccine and the only safe vaccine that exists is one that is never used. Trump had also tweeted that he wanted 5G and even 6G.

I've always liked Trump and still think he's the best president, otherwise, but he just kept on and on about this damn Operation Warp Speed vaccine in his tweets.  And activists were warning him about the dangers. Qanon fans and enthusiasts have been saying this is code or comms for something else.  No, it's the damn vaccine for real.   Check this tweet out that was just tweeted today!

NOTHING great about these companies.  They, too, are complicit in this murdering vaccine program.

See?!  I told ya.  Trump just won't SHUT UP about this damn vaccine!  His Operation Warp Speed vaccine has already gotten some people killed.  He trusted Fauci and Gates and NEVER listened to the many of us warning him about this.

I'm sorry to say, but our "leaders" have sold us out and NO ONE has our backs, as I've said all along.  NO ONE but other activists are fighting for us.  And even some of them are dying now (Brandy Vaughan and Sally Elkordy).  If Xiden does gets in, he will force it on ALL  Let's see Xiden take the shot for real along with Harris, etc...

“For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.”
— Isaiah 9:16
