Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Knowledge is Power (US and EU sign ACTA, global internet censorship treaty
Great 6 min video overview of ACTA. I now see hard core evidence the rapid censorship of the internet will ensue worldwide.
Blessings, D
Months before websites all over the internet voluntarily went dark in protest of SOPA, the internet censorship bill which was being considered by congress, Obama signed onto the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
He did so way back in October of last year using his claimed authority to make 'executive agreements', which basically means he doesn't intend to, or even believe he needs to, get the congress to ratify this TREATY.
Yesterday the European Union signed onto ACTA without any debate.
ACTA has become a reality far worse for internet freedom than either SOPA or PIPA ever even threatened to be.
Here's what you really need to know about ACTA...
Goodman Green
- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.
That's how we grow. Thanks.
Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
Blessings, D
Months before websites all over the internet voluntarily went dark in protest of SOPA, the internet censorship bill which was being considered by congress, Obama signed onto the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
He did so way back in October of last year using his claimed authority to make 'executive agreements', which basically means he doesn't intend to, or even believe he needs to, get the congress to ratify this TREATY.
Yesterday the European Union signed onto ACTA without any debate.
ACTA has become a reality far worse for internet freedom than either SOPA or PIPA ever even threatened to be.
Here's what you really need to know about ACTA...
Goodman Green
- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.
That's how we grow. Thanks.
Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
Monday, January 30, 2012
Okay.... So today I was sitting in the car, at the grocery store waiting, when this older woman had walked out of the store and on the sidewalk towards me.
She looked at me for a few seconds, and then walked around semi-circle like maybe she was confused or something, and then suddenly walked away in the other direction and back INTO the store.
I'm sitting there wondering WTF that was all about.
I know I'm not a drop dead gorgeous beauty, but geez, I don't think I look frightening enough to scare anybody! Or do I? lol.
Okay, so I didn't have any makeup on. Bahahahaha!
But still.... that was kinda weird.
Wasn't frowning nor smiling, but I was only sitting there with a Poker Face...
She looked at me for a few seconds, and then walked around semi-circle like maybe she was confused or something, and then suddenly walked away in the other direction and back INTO the store.
I'm sitting there wondering WTF that was all about.
I know I'm not a drop dead gorgeous beauty, but geez, I don't think I look frightening enough to scare anybody! Or do I? lol.
Okay, so I didn't have any makeup on. Bahahahaha!
But still.... that was kinda weird.
Wasn't frowning nor smiling, but I was only sitting there with a Poker Face...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Juicing and Raw Foods: Organic Produce Delivered Weekly
Juicing and Raw Foods: Organic Produce Delivered Weekly: If you live in an urban area where farmer's markets are hard to find, there are alternatives to that problem. Like the one below. http://www.abundantharvestorganics.com/index.html
Awesome! For those elsewhere, there's also onc called Organic Acres too...
Awesome! For those elsewhere, there's also onc called Organic Acres too...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wall Reflection of Yin Yang Symbol
It's All About The Money, Ratings, Control & ZERO About Health
The following questions were asked by someone on the VacLib list regarding Pediatricians and Doctor policies & why doctors are kicking non vaccinating patients out of their practices.
We get this question all the time, and I receive email constantly about do we have a list of non vaxing doctors, etc. I usually tell them that it's not a law they have to see an MD or Ped. I usually suggest to them to go see their chiropractor, natural doctor (homeopath, naturopath), or other holistic practitioner...
And if it's a woman expecting, I also add additional info about the scam of the birth certificates too.
Dawn Richardson stumbled upon the National Committee for Quality Assurance when doing some research and was going to write up a detailed article on this scam.
According to her research, this is basically it in a nutshell:
Doctors are rated based upon their compliance with prescribing certain drugs for specific diagnoses. When they bill insurance companies, they must use a diagnosis code and there is also a tracking system in place through pharmacies when people fulfill prescriptions. So... when a patient comes to a doctor who diagnoses the patient with high blood pressure, there are a list of specific drugs that he must prescribe in order to keep a high rating. When a child comes in, they are encouraged to follow the CDC recommended Vaccine schedule because if they DON'T, their rating will be lowered if the parents are using health insurance. The end result with a rating that is not 100% is that the doctor may get a rating of 98% based on one patient on insurance that does not get vaccinated. Then for ALL insurance reimbursements from then on out, the doctor gets reimbursed 98% of the amount billed. So the bottom line is that pediatricians cannot afford to take on insured and non-vaccinating parents. Not sure how pediatricians are handling it who are allowing parents to opt out and still keep them as patients. Our guess is that they may be written down as vaccinated and then they bill accordingly, but really not sure. Like I said, Dawn Richardson with www.Vaccineinfo.net is the master of this information since she did hours of research on this.
Want to stop this insanity? STOP supporting these doctors, and look up your nearest homeopath, naturopath, chiropractor, or other holistic practitioner. Until EVERYONE quits supporting the medical FAIL system, this madness will continue. Real Freedom is about OPTING OUT of all this insanity.
We get this question all the time, and I receive email constantly about do we have a list of non vaxing doctors, etc. I usually tell them that it's not a law they have to see an MD or Ped. I usually suggest to them to go see their chiropractor, natural doctor (homeopath, naturopath), or other holistic practitioner...
And if it's a woman expecting, I also add additional info about the scam of the birth certificates too.
I have a few questions about physicians and insurance companies/pharma companies concerning possible financial incentives or bonuses that "might" be paid to pediatricians for ejecting non-vaccinating patients from their practice.
1. Are pediatricians receiving monies from pharma or insurance companies for eliminating non-vaccinating patients from their practice?
2. Apart from the obvious philosophical differences between pediatricians and non-vaccinating parents is this also a medical malpractice issue?
3. If it is, what are doctors really afraid of? Do they fear that a parent who vaccinates will sue them if their child catches a disease from an unvaccinated child (as convoluted as that is in theory) or some other related scenario?
4. What is the role of the insurance company in this ongoing situation?
If anyone has some real facts about why non-vaccinating parents are being ejected from pediatrician's practices across the US I would like to hear from you about it.
Dawn Richardson stumbled upon the National Committee for Quality Assurance when doing some research and was going to write up a detailed article on this scam.
According to her research, this is basically it in a nutshell:
Doctors are rated based upon their compliance with prescribing certain drugs for specific diagnoses. When they bill insurance companies, they must use a diagnosis code and there is also a tracking system in place through pharmacies when people fulfill prescriptions. So... when a patient comes to a doctor who diagnoses the patient with high blood pressure, there are a list of specific drugs that he must prescribe in order to keep a high rating. When a child comes in, they are encouraged to follow the CDC recommended Vaccine schedule because if they DON'T, their rating will be lowered if the parents are using health insurance. The end result with a rating that is not 100% is that the doctor may get a rating of 98% based on one patient on insurance that does not get vaccinated. Then for ALL insurance reimbursements from then on out, the doctor gets reimbursed 98% of the amount billed. So the bottom line is that pediatricians cannot afford to take on insured and non-vaccinating parents. Not sure how pediatricians are handling it who are allowing parents to opt out and still keep them as patients. Our guess is that they may be written down as vaccinated and then they bill accordingly, but really not sure. Like I said, Dawn Richardson with www.Vaccineinfo.net is the master of this information since she did hours of research on this.
Want to stop this insanity? STOP supporting these doctors, and look up your nearest homeopath, naturopath, chiropractor, or other holistic practitioner. Until EVERYONE quits supporting the medical FAIL system, this madness will continue. Real Freedom is about OPTING OUT of all this insanity.
Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations
Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations
Lupus, 01/25/2012
Tomljenovic L et al - Research evidence shows that increasing concerns about current vaccination practices may indeed be warranted. Because children may be most at risk of vaccine-induced complications, a rigorous evaluation of the vaccine-related adverse health impacts in the pediatric population is urgently needed.
Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations
Lupus, 01/25/2012
Tomljenovic L et al - Research evidence shows that increasing concerns about current vaccination practices may indeed be warranted. Because children may be most at risk of vaccine-induced complications, a rigorous evaluation of the vaccine-related adverse health impacts in the pediatric population is urgently needed.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Carolina Liar - Show Me What I'm Looking For (Video)
Absolutely LOVE this song. Dance music has always been my fav, however, I'm slowly but surely falling in Love with Alternative/Indie Rock.
I first heard this song on Kyle XY, Season 3.
I first heard this song on Kyle XY, Season 3.
I can FINALLY take this off of the "list".
I've had microdermabrasion before, which was several years ago. My skin tends to get rough feeling in the wintertime. In checking for microdermabrasion prices locally, I found they are $150 per session, or $500.00 for 6 sessions. The first 5 or are required weekly for best results. That's way over my budget and very costly. So I was considering a home version such as Personal MicroDerm by SkinRx . But when I was looking on eBay and Amazon, I noticed the professional version was not much more than a home unit.
Well guess which one I opted for? Considering the prices of the PRO versions, and the cost to have it done locally, would mean in TWO sessions, my own machine would have already paid for itself. So I opted for the Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF02 model by Kendal.
I'm one that likes to do things ON MY OWN as opposed to depending on anyone else. Chalk that up to ONE MORE THING that I won't have to pay anyone else for.
I've done ONE session on my face, neck, chest, and lower arms already. They are smooth as silk now, which I was beginning to think was never possible. It's probably going to take 4 or more sessions to see a visible difference. Once a week is all that is needed for maintenance. I can buy replacement parts, filters, etc... when needed.
However, keep in mind the nutrition such as colloidal minerals by Youngevity (specifically copper), G5 Organic Silica by Silicium Labs, Amino Acids and/or MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern). Not to mention regular cleanses and drinking plenty of good water. Remember, you have to build from the inside out for best results. After finishing up with the session, I then applied generously on my face the G5 Organic Silica Gel. Most aestheticians will advise usage of topical skin care products to increase cellular turnover, to stimulate the collagen production and improving the elasticity for firmer, smoother skin. Silicium Labs also have specific products just for that, which have the organic Silica in them. Silicium Labs Silica Skin Serum Duo. I can't always afford all of these things at one time, but I usually have the minerals and silica, regardless.
A very important thing to keep in mind is STAY AWAY from ALL pHARMaceuticals. That includes ALL vaccines (flu shots, DT (tetanus) shots), and ALL prescription drugs. They are designed to KILL YOU and AGE YOU as well. ALL of them. WARNING! I have to keep screaming this and preaching to the choir as well, because even the choir folks aren't listening and heeding the warnings either. I'm very sorry to keep ranting about this, but it breaks my heart to find out that people are still doing these things KNOWING damn well, the consequences.
Back to the microdermabrasion machine.... Eventually, I would like to get the training and certification, since I got a professional model. Perhaps with these people: National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers / Distributors and Associations (NCEA).
With the training, certification and local license, etc... I'll be able to offer this to other people, if I like, and make a little extra money. Sounds like a WIN WIN to me.
Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF02 by Kendal
Product Description:
The HB-SF02 Diamond Microdermabrasion machine refines, rejuvenates and smoothens skin. It is a quality product with affordable price and definitely a must-have equipment for aestheticians, dermatologists, or other clinical professionals. The diamond microdermabrasion The diamond microdermabrasion(crystal-free) system replaces the micro-crystal flow with a diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more accurately with diamond abrasion (no risk of stray crystals causing damage or being ingested). It provides a Non-Surgical skin resurfacing procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction removing particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation of the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompanied with skin products that penetrate through the top skin layer and reach the dermis level help to replenish natural nutrients and restore cell activity promoting healthy skin. The Benefits of treatments with our Diamond Microdermabrasion machines: * Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin - face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs * Reduction of age spots * Minimization of blotchy skin coloring * Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury * Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads * Reduction of oily skin * Improvement of overall skin health --you will have a healthy, shiny, and beautiful skin. Machine information:

Microdermabrasion in the Comfort of Your Home!, January 3, 2012
G. Bumatay "Prime Shopper" (Fullerton, CA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF02 (Health and Beauty)
This diamond microdermabrasion machine does the job! I was skeptical at first because it is not the same microdermabrasion machine used in any clinic, but after just a few treatments, my wife and I both saw the results. We both have minor acne scars and dark spots on our faces and we can see that they are beginning to fade and our facial skin is generally smoother. This is after about 4 treatments - at two week intervals. At this rate we already got our money's worth because we would have paid more at any clinic. We can do it ourselves in the comfort of our home, at our own comfort level (you can't really tell an aesthetician how to do her job), at our own convenience, and we own the machine. I recommend using skin moisturizer with sun block after treatment because the exfoliation leaves the skin dry and "scratched" up. The suction helps lift the dead skin. I'm looking forward to continued improvement in my skin!
Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 by Kendal
Product Description:
The HB-SF01 Diamond Microdermabrasion machine refines, rejuvenates and smoothens skin. It is a quality product with affordable price and definitely a must-have equipment for aestheticians, dermatologists, or other clinical professionals. The diamond microdermabrasion The diamond microdermabrasion(crystal-free) system replaces the micro-crystal flow with a diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more accurately with diamond abrasion (no risk of stray crystals causing damage or being ingested). It provides a Non-Surgical skin resurfacing procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction removing particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation of the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompanied with skin products that penetrate through the top skin layer and reach the dermis level help to replenish natural nutrients and restore cell activity promoting healthy skin. The Benefits of treatments with our Diamond Microdermabrasion machines: * Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin - face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs * Reduction of age spots * Minimization of blotchy skin coloring * Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury * Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads * Reduction of oily skin * Improvement of overall skin health --you will have a healthy, shiny, and beautiful skin. Machine information:

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful:
The best microdermabrasion machine on the market!, November 23, 2011
Katie "Katie" (Tulsa, Ok) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
After I went for a round of 6 professional microdermabrasion treatments *I had the crystal microdermabrasion used in the spa* I noticed how great my skin was after that so
I did LOTS of research to find a salon quality diamond tipped microdermabrasion machine.
The reason I chose diamond tipped is for many reasons;
1. Cheaper because you do not have to replace crystals like other machines. Also, when I was using the salon my results were inconsistant. About 3 out of 6 provided obvious results. When her chrystal machine was working properly I had great results but when It was not I would leave there with chrystals all cloging my pores. Also I would have the Aluminum oxide crystals in my nose. If I would have been smarter I woulnt have gotton a treatment with chrystals because having them enter your lungs can be dangerous:( Since I loved the good resluts I decided to research how to get a diamond tipped one they give NO debri (all skin sucked up is put threw two filters that should be replaced after each session.
2. The diamond tips can be cleaned with a soft *must be a soft* tooth brush, toothpaste or dawn and hot water *Be sure before putting any of your tips near the sink that you have a plug in the sink. You would not want to loose any of these precious tips. Diamond tips are also far better for your health than the *crystal system* because there is not any debri put into the air and since it is diamond tipped there is nothing to clog pores. From my experience with the chrystals I had inconsistant results becuse the machine has to both blast out chrystals and suck the debri up at the same time. The Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 by Kendal is the absolute highest product on the market. This product is the type that is used in day spas and dermatologist offices. It comes with 9 different diamond tips.
3. It is very easy to use and easy to clean. To find a good deal on filters contact me and I will help you find the cheapest filters.
Also, I would highly recommend any one who wants greater detail about what I wrote above go to:
4. I also recommend purchasing a facial steamer like this one
- If you look at the comments you will see mine :) Katie Katiek
I do hope anyone who wants amazing skin try these products.
Coweta, Ok
13 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
Works just like it's description, October 31, 2011
Dakota Rhayne "Dakota Rhayne" (USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
I am pleased with my purchase. First I have to say that the company I purchased it through "The Shining Image" replied to my email questions promptly, and the shipment arrived on time, I also liked the fact that I could go to the ups site and see exactly where my shipment was at any time.
I had a microdermabrasion treatment at a salon for 80.00, they suggested that I should come back weekly for the first 4-6 weeks. I knew that it wasn't going to be possible to afford to come back weekly so I started searching for my own machine. I am happy with this purchase, I received it today and used it for the first time tonight, the instructions were easy to follow and the the amount of suction felt the same as the one at the salon. My face feels smooth and fresh! I am also using the obagi skin care regimen so this will all work nicely together. I am very pleased with this purchase!
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Love it!, November 21, 2011
AndyB - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
I am very happy with my machine. I purchased it through "The Shining Image" in USA, is a professional grade microdermabracion machine,I have acne scars and this machine help me a lot! And the shipment arrived on time, I had a microdermabrasion treatment and this machine perform as good as a professional. The instructions were easy to follow and the the amount of suction felt the same as the one at the salon. My face feels smooth I am very pleased!!! Will do it again!
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
Very happy with this machine, November 29, 2011
Barb - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
Received machine with attachments as described. This came in the mail very quickly. Easy to assemble and use. I was very happy with the results. I'm glad that I decided and purchased this particular machine.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
I Love This Machine!!, January 25, 2012
brandita - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
I was looking at getting microdermabrasion procedures done on me for some superficial scars, fine lines, pore reductioon and over all texture of my skin. I found that the procedure runs from $80-$$200 a visit. I looked all over and I researched each model that amazon has listed and I read the reviews of this machine and while there are only a few reviews I really felt good about this machine. I am so happy I purchased this one.
1. It is a 9 pound machine, this is a professional machine.
2. It comes with 9 different heads that can be used and the box tells you which head for which area.
3. It comes with a booklet that tells you how much suction to use on each area, as well as how to use it properly.
4. It comes with a whole bunch of filters and if you get it from the Shining company when you run out they said contact them for replacement filters. They are awesome too! great customer service! I asked about filters and they responded on a weekend within 5 minutes.
I have only used it once so far I have had it less then one week, and it has serious suction, I was not sure how it was working, I took before pictures that I will update every 5 weeks until I am at the results I am seeking. In one use there was a difference in my skin texture that I could see when comparing to the pictures and days later my skin is still super soft.
I will update this review with before and after photos when I have them. My first use was on January 23rd 2012.
I've had microdermabrasion before, which was several years ago. My skin tends to get rough feeling in the wintertime. In checking for microdermabrasion prices locally, I found they are $150 per session, or $500.00 for 6 sessions. The first 5 or are required weekly for best results. That's way over my budget and very costly. So I was considering a home version such as Personal MicroDerm by SkinRx . But when I was looking on eBay and Amazon, I noticed the professional version was not much more than a home unit.
Well guess which one I opted for? Considering the prices of the PRO versions, and the cost to have it done locally, would mean in TWO sessions, my own machine would have already paid for itself. So I opted for the Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF02 model by Kendal.
I'm one that likes to do things ON MY OWN as opposed to depending on anyone else. Chalk that up to ONE MORE THING that I won't have to pay anyone else for.
I've done ONE session on my face, neck, chest, and lower arms already. They are smooth as silk now, which I was beginning to think was never possible. It's probably going to take 4 or more sessions to see a visible difference. Once a week is all that is needed for maintenance. I can buy replacement parts, filters, etc... when needed.
However, keep in mind the nutrition such as colloidal minerals by Youngevity (specifically copper), G5 Organic Silica by Silicium Labs, Amino Acids and/or MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern). Not to mention regular cleanses and drinking plenty of good water. Remember, you have to build from the inside out for best results. After finishing up with the session, I then applied generously on my face the G5 Organic Silica Gel. Most aestheticians will advise usage of topical skin care products to increase cellular turnover, to stimulate the collagen production and improving the elasticity for firmer, smoother skin. Silicium Labs also have specific products just for that, which have the organic Silica in them. Silicium Labs Silica Skin Serum Duo. I can't always afford all of these things at one time, but I usually have the minerals and silica, regardless.
A very important thing to keep in mind is STAY AWAY from ALL pHARMaceuticals. That includes ALL vaccines (flu shots, DT (tetanus) shots), and ALL prescription drugs. They are designed to KILL YOU and AGE YOU as well. ALL of them. WARNING! I have to keep screaming this and preaching to the choir as well, because even the choir folks aren't listening and heeding the warnings either. I'm very sorry to keep ranting about this, but it breaks my heart to find out that people are still doing these things KNOWING damn well, the consequences.
Back to the microdermabrasion machine.... Eventually, I would like to get the training and certification, since I got a professional model. Perhaps with these people: National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers / Distributors and Associations (NCEA).
With the training, certification and local license, etc... I'll be able to offer this to other people, if I like, and make a little extra money. Sounds like a WIN WIN to me.
Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF02 by Kendal
Product Description:
The HB-SF02 Diamond Microdermabrasion machine refines, rejuvenates and smoothens skin. It is a quality product with affordable price and definitely a must-have equipment for aestheticians, dermatologists, or other clinical professionals. The diamond microdermabrasion The diamond microdermabrasion(crystal-free) system replaces the micro-crystal flow with a diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more accurately with diamond abrasion (no risk of stray crystals causing damage or being ingested). It provides a Non-Surgical skin resurfacing procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction removing particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation of the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompanied with skin products that penetrate through the top skin layer and reach the dermis level help to replenish natural nutrients and restore cell activity promoting healthy skin. The Benefits of treatments with our Diamond Microdermabrasion machines: * Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin - face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs * Reduction of age spots * Minimization of blotchy skin coloring * Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury * Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads * Reduction of oily skin * Improvement of overall skin health --you will have a healthy, shiny, and beautiful skin. Machine information:

G. Bumatay "Prime Shopper" (Fullerton, CA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF02 (Health and Beauty)
This diamond microdermabrasion machine does the job! I was skeptical at first because it is not the same microdermabrasion machine used in any clinic, but after just a few treatments, my wife and I both saw the results. We both have minor acne scars and dark spots on our faces and we can see that they are beginning to fade and our facial skin is generally smoother. This is after about 4 treatments - at two week intervals. At this rate we already got our money's worth because we would have paid more at any clinic. We can do it ourselves in the comfort of our home, at our own comfort level (you can't really tell an aesthetician how to do her job), at our own convenience, and we own the machine. I recommend using skin moisturizer with sun block after treatment because the exfoliation leaves the skin dry and "scratched" up. The suction helps lift the dead skin. I'm looking forward to continued improvement in my skin!
Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 by Kendal
Product Description:
The HB-SF01 Diamond Microdermabrasion machine refines, rejuvenates and smoothens skin. It is a quality product with affordable price and definitely a must-have equipment for aestheticians, dermatologists, or other clinical professionals. The diamond microdermabrasion The diamond microdermabrasion(crystal-free) system replaces the micro-crystal flow with a diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more accurately with diamond abrasion (no risk of stray crystals causing damage or being ingested). It provides a Non-Surgical skin resurfacing procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction removing particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation of the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompanied with skin products that penetrate through the top skin layer and reach the dermis level help to replenish natural nutrients and restore cell activity promoting healthy skin. The Benefits of treatments with our Diamond Microdermabrasion machines: * Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin - face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs * Reduction of age spots * Minimization of blotchy skin coloring * Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury * Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads * Reduction of oily skin * Improvement of overall skin health --you will have a healthy, shiny, and beautiful skin. Machine information:
16 of 16 people found the following review helpful:

Katie "Katie" (Tulsa, Ok) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
After I went for a round of 6 professional microdermabrasion treatments *I had the crystal microdermabrasion used in the spa* I noticed how great my skin was after that so
I did LOTS of research to find a salon quality diamond tipped microdermabrasion machine.
The reason I chose diamond tipped is for many reasons;
1. Cheaper because you do not have to replace crystals like other machines. Also, when I was using the salon my results were inconsistant. About 3 out of 6 provided obvious results. When her chrystal machine was working properly I had great results but when It was not I would leave there with chrystals all cloging my pores. Also I would have the Aluminum oxide crystals in my nose. If I would have been smarter I woulnt have gotton a treatment with chrystals because having them enter your lungs can be dangerous:( Since I loved the good resluts I decided to research how to get a diamond tipped one they give NO debri (all skin sucked up is put threw two filters that should be replaced after each session.
2. The diamond tips can be cleaned with a soft *must be a soft* tooth brush, toothpaste or dawn and hot water *Be sure before putting any of your tips near the sink that you have a plug in the sink. You would not want to loose any of these precious tips. Diamond tips are also far better for your health than the *crystal system* because there is not any debri put into the air and since it is diamond tipped there is nothing to clog pores. From my experience with the chrystals I had inconsistant results becuse the machine has to both blast out chrystals and suck the debri up at the same time. The Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 by Kendal is the absolute highest product on the market. This product is the type that is used in day spas and dermatologist offices. It comes with 9 different diamond tips.
3. It is very easy to use and easy to clean. To find a good deal on filters contact me and I will help you find the cheapest filters.
Also, I would highly recommend any one who wants greater detail about what I wrote above go to:
4. I also recommend purchasing a facial steamer like this one
- If you look at the comments you will see mine :) Katie Katiek
I do hope anyone who wants amazing skin try these products.
Coweta, Ok
13 of 13 people found the following review helpful:

Dakota Rhayne "Dakota Rhayne" (USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
I am pleased with my purchase. First I have to say that the company I purchased it through "The Shining Image" replied to my email questions promptly, and the shipment arrived on time, I also liked the fact that I could go to the ups site and see exactly where my shipment was at any time.
I had a microdermabrasion treatment at a salon for 80.00, they suggested that I should come back weekly for the first 4-6 weeks. I knew that it wasn't going to be possible to afford to come back weekly so I started searching for my own machine. I am happy with this purchase, I received it today and used it for the first time tonight, the instructions were easy to follow and the the amount of suction felt the same as the one at the salon. My face feels smooth and fresh! I am also using the obagi skin care regimen so this will all work nicely together. I am very pleased with this purchase!
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:

AndyB - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
I am very happy with my machine. I purchased it through "The Shining Image" in USA, is a professional grade microdermabracion machine,I have acne scars and this machine help me a lot! And the shipment arrived on time, I had a microdermabrasion treatment and this machine perform as good as a professional. The instructions were easy to follow and the the amount of suction felt the same as the one at the salon. My face feels smooth I am very pleased!!! Will do it again!
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

Barb - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
Received machine with attachments as described. This came in the mail very quickly. Easy to assemble and use. I was very happy with the results. I'm glad that I decided and purchased this particular machine.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

brandita - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine HB-SF01 (Electronics)
I was looking at getting microdermabrasion procedures done on me for some superficial scars, fine lines, pore reductioon and over all texture of my skin. I found that the procedure runs from $80-$$200 a visit. I looked all over and I researched each model that amazon has listed and I read the reviews of this machine and while there are only a few reviews I really felt good about this machine. I am so happy I purchased this one.
1. It is a 9 pound machine, this is a professional machine.
2. It comes with 9 different heads that can be used and the box tells you which head for which area.
3. It comes with a booklet that tells you how much suction to use on each area, as well as how to use it properly.
4. It comes with a whole bunch of filters and if you get it from the Shining company when you run out they said contact them for replacement filters. They are awesome too! great customer service! I asked about filters and they responded on a weekend within 5 minutes.
I have only used it once so far I have had it less then one week, and it has serious suction, I was not sure how it was working, I took before pictures that I will update every 5 weeks until I am at the results I am seeking. In one use there was a difference in my skin texture that I could see when comparing to the pictures and days later my skin is still super soft.
I will update this review with before and after photos when I have them. My first use was on January 23rd 2012.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Daily Messenger: Tell Congress you OPPOSE Senate 968 "Protect IP Ac...
The Daily Messenger: Tell Congress you OPPOSE Senate 968 "Protect IP Ac...: The following support and endorse censorship - these companies need to be boycotted: RIAA, MPAA, News Corp, TimeWarner, Walmart, Nike, Tiffany, Chanel, Rolex, Sony, Juicy Couture, Ralph Lauren, VISA, Mastercard, Comcast, ABC, Dow Chemical, Monster Cable, Teamsters, Rupert Murdoch, Lamar Smith (R-TX), John Conyers (D-MI)
And there's apparently one called ACTA too...
And there's apparently one called ACTA too...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR)
What IS NCR?
Cranio-sacral therapy. It is not bilateral nasal specific technique. It is unlike the current cranial therapies available.
NCR is the only physical medicine technique that ROUTINELY expects to
produce permanent, cumulative changes to the skull, spine, pelvis and nervous
Other physical medicine techniques require their patients to return for
maintenance visits so that the effects of treatment can last. NCR therapeutic
benefits are essentially permanent.
NCR is the most powerful physical medicine technique in existence today, and it
represents a new paradigm shift in healing.
It is a cumulative manipulation process involving controlled release of the body's
connective tissue tension to unwind the body's structure and return it to it's
original design.
NCR utilizes careful analysis of the body's patterns of balance to determine the
EXACT areas of the skull that need to be unlocked. The skull is actually moved
by the action of small, inflatable endonasal balloons that are inserted gently into
the nostril and inflated briefly into the throat.
With the addition of careful body positioning to increase the tension in the
meninges (the outer covering of the spine and brain), the entire skeletal structure
can be permanently changed. The technique is lightning-fast, intensely effective
and can produce INSTANT change in the body --- postural change, functional
change, mental and emotional change.
This technique was developed because of the shortcomings in physical medicine
treatments as they are practiced today. Chronic conditions are rampant, and
patients simply believe that they CANNOT GET BETTER --- so they rely instead
on ongoing drug therapy, palliative physical therapy and intermittent surgical
NCR moves the head and entire body more and more towards its original design.
The face can become more symmetrical, the head rounder, the posture and
movement more graceful and easy.
NCR can also have profound mental and emotional effects, including relief from
anxiety, depression, phobias, hyperactivity, nervousness and even lessening of
the symptoms of Down's Syndrome and Alzheimer's. Patients report feeling more
relaxed, contented and self-confident. Creativity is enhanced. Relationships
improve. Learning becomes easier. Concentration, focus, mental and emotional
clarity can all increase.
This therapy has proven safe and effective for thousands of patients, and it can produce
significant and permanent health benefits for you.......with progress often noticeable in the very first treatment. Please browse through this website to familiarize yourself with the many conditions that NCR can handle. If you want to be the best you can be, receiving NCR is the place to start.
For more information call our office at (408) 782-0867. We look forward to hearing from you!
What IS NCR?
Cranio-sacral therapy. It is not bilateral nasal specific technique. It is unlike the current cranial therapies available.
NCR is the only physical medicine technique that ROUTINELY expects to
produce permanent, cumulative changes to the skull, spine, pelvis and nervous
Other physical medicine techniques require their patients to return for
maintenance visits so that the effects of treatment can last. NCR therapeutic
benefits are essentially permanent.
NCR is the most powerful physical medicine technique in existence today, and it
represents a new paradigm shift in healing.
It is a cumulative manipulation process involving controlled release of the body's
connective tissue tension to unwind the body's structure and return it to it's
original design.
NCR utilizes careful analysis of the body's patterns of balance to determine the
EXACT areas of the skull that need to be unlocked. The skull is actually moved
by the action of small, inflatable endonasal balloons that are inserted gently into
the nostril and inflated briefly into the throat.
With the addition of careful body positioning to increase the tension in the
meninges (the outer covering of the spine and brain), the entire skeletal structure
can be permanently changed. The technique is lightning-fast, intensely effective
and can produce INSTANT change in the body --- postural change, functional
change, mental and emotional change.
This technique was developed because of the shortcomings in physical medicine
treatments as they are practiced today. Chronic conditions are rampant, and
patients simply believe that they CANNOT GET BETTER --- so they rely instead
on ongoing drug therapy, palliative physical therapy and intermittent surgical
NCR moves the head and entire body more and more towards its original design.
The face can become more symmetrical, the head rounder, the posture and
movement more graceful and easy.
NCR can also have profound mental and emotional effects, including relief from
anxiety, depression, phobias, hyperactivity, nervousness and even lessening of
the symptoms of Down's Syndrome and Alzheimer's. Patients report feeling more
relaxed, contented and self-confident. Creativity is enhanced. Relationships
improve. Learning becomes easier. Concentration, focus, mental and emotional
clarity can all increase.
This therapy has proven safe and effective for thousands of patients, and it can produce
significant and permanent health benefits for you.......with progress often noticeable in the very first treatment. Please browse through this website to familiarize yourself with the many conditions that NCR can handle. If you want to be the best you can be, receiving NCR is the place to start.
For more information call our office at (408) 782-0867. We look forward to hearing from you!
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Great Internet Wars Have Begun
The Great Internet Wars Have Begun
In the video below, we note that the massive protest this week against SOPA and PIPA should not merely be about government and corporate curtailment of freedom of expression on the internet.
It also crucial that it be about resistance against an all-out effort by the elite and their technocrats to turn the internet into an all-encompassing panopticon surveillance and control grid. Contrary to common belief, the internet was not built to be a networked computer system designed to withstand a nuclear war, but as a surveillance and control grid. It was not happenstance that the platform found its way into public use.
In addition to a master networked surveillance tool, the internet is now a weaponized system that will be used to take out enemies of the state, as the Pentagon made abundantly clear following a concerted propaganda campaign hyping the dubious threat of cyber attacks on the power grid and national infrastructure. The system is not designed to attack remote cave dwelling terrorists, as the government would have us believe, but those of us designated as domestic terrorists.
Following the introduction of the internet and more specifically the world wide web in the early 1990s, the technocrats began engineering aspects of the surveillance and control grid that are now increasingly embedded in much of our everyday technology – from “smart phones” that use GPS to track and trace our every move to home appliances networked across the internet and televisions with onboard cameras and microphones in TiVo DVRs and other devices that surreptitiously record our conversations and movement.
GPS is also now a standard “feature” in our cars. So-called black boxes” recording our driving habits will soon be mandatory under the pretense of gathering information for car accident investigations.
Other surveillance tools include so-called smart meters on our homes that monitor electrical usage and provide this data not only to the government but that will be given or sold to a vast array of third parties for commercial purposes.
As previously noted, Google has repeatedly deleted videos unacceptable to the government from its YouTube service and has methodically de-listed alternative news sites from Google News. As a further example of how new technologies facilitate an Orwellian memory hole process where information may disappear without warning, consider Amazon’s arbitrary deletion of purchased books on the Kindle devices of customers. (Significantly, the book in question was Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty Four.)
From license plate reading technology to RFID tags embedded in clothes to proposals to have fusion centers track and trace our email (the NSA has done the latter now for years), the surveillance state is already here and growing at an alarming rate. We are quickly entering the world portrayed in Minority Report where an array of devices monitor and surveil our every move.
In March of 2011, Mike Adams described a plan by the Department of Homeland Security “to roll out a new wave of mobile surveillance technologies at train stations, stadiums and streets. These new technologies will track your eye movements, capture and record your facial dimensions for face-recognition processing, bathe you in X-rays to look under your clothes, and even image your naked body using whole-body infrared images.”
All of the efforts of government and corporations to turn the world into a high-tech panopticon – literary, a prison where the inmates are continuously surveilled without their knowledge or consent – is now rolling along at a brisk clip. The internet is at the forefront of that insidious effort.
We are not attempting to dismiss commendable efforts to prevent SOPA and PIPA from becoming law. However, we must realize that the battle to maintain and restore our liberty is like playing a game of Spock’s three-dimensional chess.
It is active and in motion on multiple levels. We must ensure that the technology we consent to use is not weaponized or employed to track and trace our every move. At the same time, it is critical that we work to restore liberties the government has robbed from us under the pretense of saving us from not only phantom terrorists but also from the banker imported scourge of drugs and other invented dangers like man-made global warming.
The great internet wars have begun. It is our responsibility to confront each one decisively and not allow the controllers to divert us down a single path. We must realize that the battle to defeat SOPA and PIPA is part of a larger, more comprehensive fight to resist tyranny in all forms, not simply in Congress where the most obvious efforts appear with theatrical media fanfare.
In the video below, we note that the massive protest this week against SOPA and PIPA should not merely be about government and corporate curtailment of freedom of expression on the internet.
It also crucial that it be about resistance against an all-out effort by the elite and their technocrats to turn the internet into an all-encompassing panopticon surveillance and control grid. Contrary to common belief, the internet was not built to be a networked computer system designed to withstand a nuclear war, but as a surveillance and control grid. It was not happenstance that the platform found its way into public use.
In addition to a master networked surveillance tool, the internet is now a weaponized system that will be used to take out enemies of the state, as the Pentagon made abundantly clear following a concerted propaganda campaign hyping the dubious threat of cyber attacks on the power grid and national infrastructure. The system is not designed to attack remote cave dwelling terrorists, as the government would have us believe, but those of us designated as domestic terrorists.
Following the introduction of the internet and more specifically the world wide web in the early 1990s, the technocrats began engineering aspects of the surveillance and control grid that are now increasingly embedded in much of our everyday technology – from “smart phones” that use GPS to track and trace our every move to home appliances networked across the internet and televisions with onboard cameras and microphones in TiVo DVRs and other devices that surreptitiously record our conversations and movement.
GPS is also now a standard “feature” in our cars. So-called black boxes” recording our driving habits will soon be mandatory under the pretense of gathering information for car accident investigations.
Other surveillance tools include so-called smart meters on our homes that monitor electrical usage and provide this data not only to the government but that will be given or sold to a vast array of third parties for commercial purposes.
As previously noted, Google has repeatedly deleted videos unacceptable to the government from its YouTube service and has methodically de-listed alternative news sites from Google News. As a further example of how new technologies facilitate an Orwellian memory hole process where information may disappear without warning, consider Amazon’s arbitrary deletion of purchased books on the Kindle devices of customers. (Significantly, the book in question was Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty Four.)
From license plate reading technology to RFID tags embedded in clothes to proposals to have fusion centers track and trace our email (the NSA has done the latter now for years), the surveillance state is already here and growing at an alarming rate. We are quickly entering the world portrayed in Minority Report where an array of devices monitor and surveil our every move.
In March of 2011, Mike Adams described a plan by the Department of Homeland Security “to roll out a new wave of mobile surveillance technologies at train stations, stadiums and streets. These new technologies will track your eye movements, capture and record your facial dimensions for face-recognition processing, bathe you in X-rays to look under your clothes, and even image your naked body using whole-body infrared images.”
All of the efforts of government and corporations to turn the world into a high-tech panopticon – literary, a prison where the inmates are continuously surveilled without their knowledge or consent – is now rolling along at a brisk clip. The internet is at the forefront of that insidious effort.
We are not attempting to dismiss commendable efforts to prevent SOPA and PIPA from becoming law. However, we must realize that the battle to maintain and restore our liberty is like playing a game of Spock’s three-dimensional chess.
It is active and in motion on multiple levels. We must ensure that the technology we consent to use is not weaponized or employed to track and trace our every move. At the same time, it is critical that we work to restore liberties the government has robbed from us under the pretense of saving us from not only phantom terrorists but also from the banker imported scourge of drugs and other invented dangers like man-made global warming.
The great internet wars have begun. It is our responsibility to confront each one decisively and not allow the controllers to divert us down a single path. We must realize that the battle to defeat SOPA and PIPA is part of a larger, more comprehensive fight to resist tyranny in all forms, not simply in Congress where the most obvious efforts appear with theatrical media fanfare.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Daily Messenger: IF the internet censorship bill passes, this blog ...
The Daily Messenger: IF the internet censorship bill passes, this blog will cease to exist ...: Because by definition of the terms of the bill, my exposing of government corruption and the Beast system would have this blog censored and blocked.
The same goes for my blogs and site too.
No more info on vaccines. No more alternative health info. No more mixes from me. No more anything.
This is Your Internet...after Congress passes new censorship laws.

I was very tempted to black out my blogs today to support the protests against SOPA and PIPA, but decided not to, since I could never figure out how, but if you aren't aware of the protest, please check out these links:
The same goes for my blogs and site too.
No more info on vaccines. No more alternative health info. No more mixes from me. No more anything.
This is Your Internet...after Congress passes new censorship laws.

I was very tempted to black out my blogs today to support the protests against SOPA and PIPA, but decided not to, since I could never figure out how, but if you aren't aware of the protest, please check out these links:
Monday, January 16, 2012
More Differences...
To vaccinate or not vaccinate? | | St. George News | STGnews.comSt. George News | STGnews.com
Link to the article above.
Does anyone have to be a genius to see the differences in demeanor before and AFTER vaccines? Take a look at the child, and you tell me...
Michelle Turner's son Graham before and after receiving his vaccinations. | Photo courtesy of Michelle Turner
Are any of you brain dead zombies out there, waking up to the fact that this state sanctioned murder, called vaccination, is killing and damaging?
No? Then go to http://www.vaclib.org/ and start reading. Don't take my word for it. Download the already provided package inserts that we link to, directly from the pHARMaceutical companies and manufacturers that manufacture the vaccines themselves.
Link to the article above.
Does anyone have to be a genius to see the differences in demeanor before and AFTER vaccines? Take a look at the child, and you tell me...
Michelle Turner's son Graham before and after receiving his vaccinations. | Photo courtesy of Michelle Turner
Are any of you brain dead zombies out there, waking up to the fact that this state sanctioned murder, called vaccination, is killing and damaging?
No? Then go to http://www.vaclib.org/ and start reading. Don't take my word for it. Download the already provided package inserts that we link to, directly from the pHARMaceutical companies and manufacturers that manufacture the vaccines themselves.
Okay, so I was looking at some recent pics of my own mom and my aunt (her sister). Both are widowed, however my mother lives with one of my sisters. I'm not sure the status of my aunt's living situation, but I firmly believe if one is into advanced age, they fare better if living with a loving family.
Both ladies are old (aunt 3 years older), but I could not believe the differences in their demeanor. My aunt is on the left and my mom is on the right. Does my mom look happy and more joyful than my aunt does? Looks like she's got more life to her, eh?

The differences are very obvious. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out which one got a yearly flu shot and which didn't. My aunt's two daughters are both RN's, so I figured they gave their mainstream advice, and she followed. What goes around, comes around.
Although I have a sister that is an RN, I warned my mother years ago about flu vaccines (all of them, in fact), and showed her a printed package insert of one. My mom got only one flu shot in her lifetime, and believe me, when I found out, I totally hit the roof & bitched at her like a mad woman. Lucklily, she did tell me that she will never ever do that again. Good. And she has the information in hand and knows better now.
My mom has some health challenges, but she is definitely faring better than my Aunt is.
Can you imagine, for a moment, how much better my mom would do if I got her on the Youngevity Minerals? Well, my aunt too, for that matter, but she's kind of out of my reach.
My mom has been sent the Wallach CDs, and information.
More pics of Mom with family...

Both ladies are old (aunt 3 years older), but I could not believe the differences in their demeanor. My aunt is on the left and my mom is on the right. Does my mom look happy and more joyful than my aunt does? Looks like she's got more life to her, eh?
The differences are very obvious. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out which one got a yearly flu shot and which didn't. My aunt's two daughters are both RN's, so I figured they gave their mainstream advice, and she followed. What goes around, comes around.
Although I have a sister that is an RN, I warned my mother years ago about flu vaccines (all of them, in fact), and showed her a printed package insert of one. My mom got only one flu shot in her lifetime, and believe me, when I found out, I totally hit the roof & bitched at her like a mad woman. Lucklily, she did tell me that she will never ever do that again. Good. And she has the information in hand and knows better now.
My mom has some health challenges, but she is definitely faring better than my Aunt is.
Can you imagine, for a moment, how much better my mom would do if I got her on the Youngevity Minerals? Well, my aunt too, for that matter, but she's kind of out of my reach.
My mom has been sent the Wallach CDs, and information.
More pics of Mom with family...
Juicing and Raw Foods: Here is the Gerson Formula
Linking to some great information here...
Juicing and Raw Foods: Here is the Gerson Formula: We should settle one thing here at the beginning: The purpose of the Gerson therapy is to save life. People who go on this program are frequently close to death....
Juicing and Raw Foods: Here is the Gerson Formula: We should settle one thing here at the beginning: The purpose of the Gerson therapy is to save life. People who go on this program are frequently close to death....
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Simple NeuroCranial Restructuring Orientation with Dr Hillary Lampers
Getting this done soon...
by Dr Hillary Lampers
Simple NeuroCranial Restructuring Orientation with Dr Hillary Lampers from Dr Hillary Lampers on Vimeo.
by Dr Hillary Lampers
Simple NeuroCranial Restructuring Orientation with Dr Hillary Lampers from Dr Hillary Lampers on Vimeo.
Stem Cell Nutrition Vitamin: What are Stem Cells?
Stem Cell Nutrition Vitamin: What are Stem Cells?: First you need to know that many Stem Cells in your body are being bombarded daily with invironmental TOXINS and consumeble foods and supple...
My MAIN Blog...
My MAIN Blog. This is the one that most know about, read, & link to...
Blogs, Rants & Whatever
Thanks all!
Blogs, Rants & Whatever
Thanks all!
90 Days To Better Health: 90 Days To Better Health
Robert's Youngevity Blog...
90 Days To Better Health: 90 Days To Better Health: Who do you know that suffers from: Cardiovascular Arthritis Diabetes Eye problems Joint pain Low Back Pain Degenerative Disk Disease ...
Dr. Wallach Audios...
Deadly Recipe:

From Here to Immortality:

Best Of Dead Doctors Don't Lie:

Medical Mousetrap:
[Right Click Save As] 01 Medical Mousetrap.mp3
90 Days To Better Health: 90 Days To Better Health: Who do you know that suffers from: Cardiovascular Arthritis Diabetes Eye problems Joint pain Low Back Pain Degenerative Disk Disease ...
Dr. Wallach Audios...
Deadly Recipe:
From Here to Immortality:
Best Of Dead Doctors Don't Lie:
Medical Mousetrap:
[Right Click Save As] 01 Medical Mousetrap.mp3
RecoverHealthNow: Empower You For Better Health
Robert's blog...
RecoverHealthNow: Empower You For Better Health: Hi and Welcome to RecoverHealth I am glad that you found me. I hope that you are not in a state where you need to recover your health from...
RecoverHealthNow: Empower You For Better Health: Hi and Welcome to RecoverHealth I am glad that you found me. I hope that you are not in a state where you need to recover your health from...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps
I have a couple of the small ones, but I want one of the BIG ones.

Also, having PLENTY of orgone around us helps too. But you knew that already, right?

"there is not much money in them, but they do put out good energy, are natural ion generators, and help with negative psychic energy, which will help a lot of folks."
Salt crystal lamps are made from salt crystal rocks formed by nature hundreds of millions of years ago and mined over 500 yards underground from the foothills of Himalayas. Which is still the most serene and undisturbed part of our world. When mining the salt crystals, explosives are strictly prohibited to preserve the structures of the crystals. Lamps are carefully crafted by hand to retain the unique, beautiful and natural shape of the rock. The result is a rare crystal with such beautiful colors ranging from off-white to apricot and warm pink. As the lit bulb or a tea light warms up the lamp, healthful negative ions lift off from the surface and help to cleanse and improve the quality and freshness of the air you breathe.
Do you ever feel drained after working on the computer for a few hours? Or just kinda beat when youre in the office? Or a little scattered after a long cell phone call?
Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) may be the culprit.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to neutralize EMF radiation in your office and home.
About EMFs
EMFs are invisible electric fields that are generated by charged particles in motion. EMFs can be found in power lines, cell phones, computers, microwaves, TVs, answering machines, blow dryers, cordless telephones, etc.
EMFs are known to disrupt our bodys composition. Recent studies link EMFs to increased risks of leukemia, lymphoma, brain and breast cancer, melanoma, miscarriages, birth defects, immune dysfunctions and most recently, Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have also found that EMFs can decrease our pineal glands secretion of melatonin, an important hormone that regulates our wake and sleep cycle, moods and basic task functioning. Depressed melatonin levels are associated with mood changes, depression, cancers and other psychiatric disorders.
In offices, EMF exposures can be up to 10,000 times greater than levels elsewhere.
Yikes! So what can we do?
In todays ever-connected world, avoiding EMFs is all but impossible. The key is to reduce exposure when and where we can.
Behold the beauty and power of salt lamps
Theyre beautiful natural healthy glowing and great additions to your healing arsenal.
Salt mineral lamps contain negative ions that are activated with heat (hence the lamp). These negative ions are the chemical opposites of the EMF and pollution ions that bombard our environment. Think of these lamps as little vacuum cleaners that suck up or neutralize the bad guys.
The salt in these lamps is typically mined in the Himalaya, Poland, or Persia. Be sure you buy from a reputable source, as there are imitations out there. The key is to look for a deep, rich color, as this indicates more minerals.
Ive always loved rock formations and geodes, so I was delighted to find these beautiful rock lamps that come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Ive got one at work and one at home.
I love how the earth has healing elements that contribute to our well being. How generous and abundant our world is! As one famous gemology book states, love is all around us.
Also, having PLENTY of orgone around us helps too. But you knew that already, right?
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