It is also the Day 2 of NCR, as we went nearly everywhere yesterday. Today was Day 3. No pics for Day 3 though. I have other pics of Day 2, by the other blonde in the last post's pic, but she hasn't sent them to me yet. I also got to watch a Pacific Ocean sunset, which was GORGEOUS! Aaron sat on a rock with me, watching the sun go down.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
It's Not Strawberry Fields Forever...
But daffodil fields for a little while and then the tulips will start blooming in a few weeks and be mixed up with the daffodils. Next state over is always lucky, as spring comes one month earlier.
It is also the Day 2 of NCR, as we went nearly everywhere yesterday. Today was Day 3. No pics for Day 3 though. I have other pics of Day 2, by the other blonde in the last post's pic, but she hasn't sent them to me yet. I also got to watch a Pacific Ocean sunset, which was GORGEOUS! Aaron sat on a rock with me, watching the sun go down.

It is also the Day 2 of NCR, as we went nearly everywhere yesterday. Today was Day 3. No pics for Day 3 though. I have other pics of Day 2, by the other blonde in the last post's pic, but she hasn't sent them to me yet. I also got to watch a Pacific Ocean sunset, which was GORGEOUS! Aaron sat on a rock with me, watching the sun go down.
NCR Day 2 and 3
There has been definite movement in my cranial bones. My palate has definitely moved forward.
(Keep in mind, I was kicked in the face by a horse at around age 4 or 5.
Day 2: Hillary Lampers had to use the endonasal balloons on both the right and left side. The right side of my face and head is compressed, which has decompressed some. There's still a tad, because the right eyebrow is still lower than the other, and my ears are still off center. But guess what? NO headache of ANY kind!
The cranial bones will continue to move anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks, while my spine continues to unwind.
Day 3: Both sides treated again, but this time in a different passage in the sinuses. There are three passage ways on each side, so the tests determine which side or both, and also which passage on a particular side. It's a weird feeling still, but not as painful as some people make it out to me. Or maybe I've had pain for so long that I have a high tolerance.
I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time ever on my Day 2. So this is a pic of us below. We both have a mutual friend in the area, so we drove there to spend a whole day with her, and she is the lady on the left.
(Excuse the no makeup on me, but it was rainy, I just got out of NCR prior to the drive.)

Day 4 will be posted as soon as I get back home, as my laptop will be packed back up.
(Keep in mind, I was kicked in the face by a horse at around age 4 or 5.
Day 2: Hillary Lampers had to use the endonasal balloons on both the right and left side. The right side of my face and head is compressed, which has decompressed some. There's still a tad, because the right eyebrow is still lower than the other, and my ears are still off center. But guess what? NO headache of ANY kind!
The cranial bones will continue to move anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks, while my spine continues to unwind.
Day 3: Both sides treated again, but this time in a different passage in the sinuses. There are three passage ways on each side, so the tests determine which side or both, and also which passage on a particular side. It's a weird feeling still, but not as painful as some people make it out to me. Or maybe I've had pain for so long that I have a high tolerance.
I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time ever on my Day 2. So this is a pic of us below. We both have a mutual friend in the area, so we drove there to spend a whole day with her, and she is the lady on the left.
(Excuse the no makeup on me, but it was rainy, I just got out of NCR prior to the drive.)
Day 4 will be posted as soon as I get back home, as my laptop will be packed back up.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Oh --My-- God!! NCR - Day 1
I just had my sphenoid bone leveled via NCR by Hillary Lampers, ND, and it was freaking awesome!
Felt like a chiropractic adjustment, except it was in the middle of my head. Well, behind my nose actually, but pretty far back.
The head pressure is pretty much gone already, as I can already feel the difference.
There was an energetic blockage between T7 and the sacrum. Meaning no energy.
They also had me on the MRS 2000 mat (I want one!), to help clear out any negative electromagnetic energies, (WiFi, dirty electricty, etc...)
3 more days to go.
My friend's son did very well too.
And oh.... I just came out of the Candida cleanse and it went well. So straight from cleanse to NCR. My body is probably like WTF?
Felt like a chiropractic adjustment, except it was in the middle of my head. Well, behind my nose actually, but pretty far back.
The head pressure is pretty much gone already, as I can already feel the difference.
There was an energetic blockage between T7 and the sacrum. Meaning no energy.
They also had me on the MRS 2000 mat (I want one!), to help clear out any negative electromagnetic energies, (WiFi, dirty electricty, etc...)
3 more days to go.
My friend's son did very well too.
And oh.... I just came out of the Candida cleanse and it went well. So straight from cleanse to NCR. My body is probably like WTF?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
AB 2109 - Callifornia Families Alert from Dr Bob Sears
California Bill AB2109 Threatens Vaccine Freedom of Choice
The California Legislature is currently considering a bill that would require parents to obtain their doctor's signature on a government form prior to enrollment in public school if they wish to skip one or more vaccines for their child. Current law allows parents to decline vaccines by signing an exemption form at the school, no doctor's signature needed. The new law would require a written statement signed by a health care practitioner that indicates that the practitioner provided the parent with information regarding the benefits and risks of the immunization and the health risks of specified communicable diseases.”
On the surface, this doesn't seem like a bad idea. It will require parents to prove that they've had an informed discussion with their physician. Most parents already have such discussions anyway. However, what gravely concerns me is that some doctors will refuse to sign this form. I know how doctors think. Many doctors strongly believe that vaccines should be mandatory, and that parents should not have the right to decline vaccines. Some doctors are willing to provide care to unvaccinated kids, despite this difference in philosophy. But now the power over this decision will be put directly into doctors' hands. He or she can simply refuse to sign the form. Doctors who oppose vaccine freedom of choice have been frustrated for years over this issue. Finally, they will have the power to impose their beliefs on their patients. Patients will be forced to find another doctor to sign the form, submit to vaccines, or get kicked out of public school.
Supporters of this bill believe that all doctors will be willing to sign this form, as the signature does not imply agreement with the parent's decision; it simply signifies that the doctor has provided the parents with information regarding the pros and cons. I disagree. I know for an absolute fact that some doctors will not sign this form out of principle or over fears of liability.
Parents will be forced to doctor shop for another doctor to sign their form. This won't be easy. Some doctors are reluctant to take new patients who don't vaccinate. Many doctors will be unwilling to sign an exemption form for a new patient or a patient who is only there for one visit (just to get the form signed). Some doctors get financial incentives from insurance companies for having high vaccination rates into their practice; seeing patients to get their form signed will put such bonuses at risk. How many doctors will parents be expected to call? How many nos will a patient need in order to be allowed into school? Natural and alternative health care providers can NOT sign the form; it must be a regular medical professional. Some families only see naturopathic or holistic health care practitioners instead of pediatricians. These families will have a difficult time getting the form signed.
And what will happen to those kids who can't get their formed signed? They will be denied entry into public school.
The sponsors of this bill may have some good intentions, as their primary public reason for the bill is to make sure that parents who don't vaccinate their children are making an informed medical decision under the guidance of their doctor. But it isn't difficult to see the REAL reason for the bill: to increase vaccination rates in our state by making it more difficult for parents to claim the exemption. But whatever the reason, this bill will likely NOT increase vaccination rates, nor will it create closer partnerships between doctors and patients. It will create anger, financial hardship, animosity, and further mistrust in our medical system.
For those patients who CAN find a doctor to sign their form, these doctor-patient lectures are not going to increase vaccination rates: Parents who are seeking a doctor’s signature have already made up their mind. The doctor isn't going to change it during a ten minute discussion. The time for a doctor to influence parents' opinion and trust of vaccines is during the initial well-baby checkups, years before such exemption forms even come into play. By the time a child will enter school, the parents have made up their mind to decline vaccines. A lecture from a doctor at this point won't matter. It's a waste of everyone's time and money. At a time when we are trying to decrease health care spending, this bill will add millions of dollars of extra health care visits for families every year. If this unfortunate bill passes in California, the rest of the country will be soon to follow.
And it's a government intrusion into our personal freedom to make health care decisions for our children.
There are numerous other objections to this bill:
* It will cost the parents, or their insurance company, more money for the extra appointments. This could cost our state millions of dollars in extra health care costs every year. We are trying to DECREASE health care spending, not increase it.
* This bill may seem like it is designed to create a closer partnership between physician and patients. Instead, it will create more animosity between parents, doctors, and schools, amid a climate of vaccine controversy that is already volatile.
* Be aware that the legislators who are sponsoring this bill have received campaign donations from vaccine manufacturers.
* Enrollment in public schools may decrease, which will in turn decrease public school funding.
Call your California Senator and Assemblyperson now and share your opinion. Here’s an easy way. Go to and you will see a summary of the bill, numerous arguments against it, and see contact information for the members of the Assembly Committee on Health who are involved in this bill. You can also register to become a member. It's free! See step two below the list of the assemblypersons, or click on this link: . After you register, you can click on AB2109 under the Action Needed Now section. You will be given your California Senator and Assemblyperson's contact information based on your zip code. You can then call or EMAIL to express your opinion. Thank you for joining me and many others to guard our freedom.
Dr. Bob Sears
Author of The Vaccine Book
TACA Physician Advisory Group
California Bill AB2109 Threatens Vaccine Freedom of Choice
The California Legislature is currently considering a bill that would require parents to obtain their doctor's signature on a government form prior to enrollment in public school if they wish to skip one or more vaccines for their child. Current law allows parents to decline vaccines by signing an exemption form at the school, no doctor's signature needed. The new law would require a written statement signed by a health care practitioner that indicates that the practitioner provided the parent with information regarding the benefits and risks of the immunization and the health risks of specified communicable diseases.”
On the surface, this doesn't seem like a bad idea. It will require parents to prove that they've had an informed discussion with their physician. Most parents already have such discussions anyway. However, what gravely concerns me is that some doctors will refuse to sign this form. I know how doctors think. Many doctors strongly believe that vaccines should be mandatory, and that parents should not have the right to decline vaccines. Some doctors are willing to provide care to unvaccinated kids, despite this difference in philosophy. But now the power over this decision will be put directly into doctors' hands. He or she can simply refuse to sign the form. Doctors who oppose vaccine freedom of choice have been frustrated for years over this issue. Finally, they will have the power to impose their beliefs on their patients. Patients will be forced to find another doctor to sign the form, submit to vaccines, or get kicked out of public school.
Supporters of this bill believe that all doctors will be willing to sign this form, as the signature does not imply agreement with the parent's decision; it simply signifies that the doctor has provided the parents with information regarding the pros and cons. I disagree. I know for an absolute fact that some doctors will not sign this form out of principle or over fears of liability.
Parents will be forced to doctor shop for another doctor to sign their form. This won't be easy. Some doctors are reluctant to take new patients who don't vaccinate. Many doctors will be unwilling to sign an exemption form for a new patient or a patient who is only there for one visit (just to get the form signed). Some doctors get financial incentives from insurance companies for having high vaccination rates into their practice; seeing patients to get their form signed will put such bonuses at risk. How many doctors will parents be expected to call? How many nos will a patient need in order to be allowed into school? Natural and alternative health care providers can NOT sign the form; it must be a regular medical professional. Some families only see naturopathic or holistic health care practitioners instead of pediatricians. These families will have a difficult time getting the form signed.
And what will happen to those kids who can't get their formed signed? They will be denied entry into public school.
The sponsors of this bill may have some good intentions, as their primary public reason for the bill is to make sure that parents who don't vaccinate their children are making an informed medical decision under the guidance of their doctor. But it isn't difficult to see the REAL reason for the bill: to increase vaccination rates in our state by making it more difficult for parents to claim the exemption. But whatever the reason, this bill will likely NOT increase vaccination rates, nor will it create closer partnerships between doctors and patients. It will create anger, financial hardship, animosity, and further mistrust in our medical system.
For those patients who CAN find a doctor to sign their form, these doctor-patient lectures are not going to increase vaccination rates: Parents who are seeking a doctor’s signature have already made up their mind. The doctor isn't going to change it during a ten minute discussion. The time for a doctor to influence parents' opinion and trust of vaccines is during the initial well-baby checkups, years before such exemption forms even come into play. By the time a child will enter school, the parents have made up their mind to decline vaccines. A lecture from a doctor at this point won't matter. It's a waste of everyone's time and money. At a time when we are trying to decrease health care spending, this bill will add millions of dollars of extra health care visits for families every year. If this unfortunate bill passes in California, the rest of the country will be soon to follow.
And it's a government intrusion into our personal freedom to make health care decisions for our children.
There are numerous other objections to this bill:
* It will cost the parents, or their insurance company, more money for the extra appointments. This could cost our state millions of dollars in extra health care costs every year. We are trying to DECREASE health care spending, not increase it.
* This bill may seem like it is designed to create a closer partnership between physician and patients. Instead, it will create more animosity between parents, doctors, and schools, amid a climate of vaccine controversy that is already volatile.
* Be aware that the legislators who are sponsoring this bill have received campaign donations from vaccine manufacturers.
* Enrollment in public schools may decrease, which will in turn decrease public school funding.
Call your California Senator and Assemblyperson now and share your opinion. Here’s an easy way. Go to and you will see a summary of the bill, numerous arguments against it, and see contact information for the members of the Assembly Committee on Health who are involved in this bill. You can also register to become a member. It's free! See step two below the list of the assemblypersons, or click on this link: . After you register, you can click on AB2109 under the Action Needed Now section. You will be given your California Senator and Assemblyperson's contact information based on your zip code. You can then call or EMAIL to express your opinion. Thank you for joining me and many others to guard our freedom.
Dr. Bob Sears
Author of The Vaccine Book
TACA Physician Advisory Group
Serrapeptase, Fibrosis
Here are all the links to the info about systemic enzymes I had sent this to my daughter because of her having endometriosis. It talks about eating up the endometriosis (Women's Fibrosis Diseases) and dead tissue. I've been using this off and on since 2007, when the money permits. - Great article, but we use a different brand because of excipients and other ingredients are in theirs.
Fibrosis, the Enemy of Life
Fighting Viruses, and Winning; From the Flu to Bio Terrorism
The Effects of Plant Form Proteases on Viruses [PDF]
What is fibrosis? Fibrosis can be found in many forms. In women it can manifest as the estrogen driven diseases of Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts.
Dr. Wong's Newsletters:
What Causes Heart Disease? - February 2004
Women's Fibrosis Related Illnesses - January 2004
Sports Medicine - Minimizing Injury - December 2003
After Surgery - Then What? - November 2003
The Foundations of Anti-Aging Therapy - October 2003
Fibrosis: The Enemy of Life - August 2003
Enzymes in the Fight Against Cancer - July 2003
How Can Something So Good Make You Feel So Bad? - June 2003
Arthritis: What it is, Why it Hurts, and What to Do - April 2003
Dr. Wong's conference call with Energetic Nutrition on April 26, 2005 regarding fibroid tumors and women's fibrosis conditions is now available to listen to online. Click here to listen the audio file. Note: File is kind of large (4.8 MB) and takes a while to get started, so be patient. Also, the first 3 to 4 minutes is startup time we haven't edited out yet, so you might want to fast forward there. Easiest is to right click, save as...
Where to get Serrapeptase...
Vitalzym (180 Gel Caps)
Serralone (120,000 IU strength)
Top Of The Line Systemic Enzymes (Serrapeptase, Protease, Nattokinase, etc...) look for Serra Enzyme
Edit: We now recommend Serratia, Neprinol AFD, and Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical, and suggest to re-encapsulate into gelatin caps due to the increasing of cellulose and "Other Ingredients" in the blends. Even though Arthur Andrew Medical has cellulose on the label, it is only in the capsule itself, which is why we re-encapsulate ourselves into a safer gelatin capsule. There is no cellulose in the actual mix, so the supplement is save-able.
Serratia Label...
Neprinol AFD Label...
Syntol AMD Label...
So you see that the cellulose is limited to the capsule only, and the mix can easily be emptied into a gelatin capsule.
Change out the capsules to gelatin capsules (size 0) sold by PureBulk
See all posts elsewhere on here regarding cellulose and hypromellose. - Great article, but we use a different brand because of excipients and other ingredients are in theirs.
Fibrosis, the Enemy of Life
Fighting Viruses, and Winning; From the Flu to Bio Terrorism

What is fibrosis? Fibrosis can be found in many forms. In women it can manifest as the estrogen driven diseases of Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts.
Serrapeptase is an enzyme derived from silk worms. It’s greatest benefit is it’s ability to dissolve amyloid plaque one of the main Aging symptoms in the body. Amyloid plaque is a byproduct of cross-linking of Protein and sugars in the body. This plaque accumulates everywhere in the body and is the source of much chronic pain in older people. Alzheimer’s disease is also an accumulation of Amyloid plaque in the brain. I am highlighting this product as an anti-aging supplement because of it’s ability means to reduce the accumulation of structured waste in the body. Structure waste does not directly cause death, but it does slow down the metabolic processes that eventually lead to old age and death.Amyloid plaque = Fibrosis
The human body has not adapted to break down structured waste, because we simply do not live long enough to die directly from the accumulation of structured waste. Solutions of course are found in other places such as the silkworm, which primarily feeds off structured waste and there are micro-organisms in the soil that accomplish the same end.
Serrapeptase digests dead tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque. The late German physician Dr Hans Nieper used serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Dr. Nieper discovered that a small amount of Serrapeptase would completely heal clogged artieries and remove any chronic pain symptoms. A doctor who requested anonymity claims serrapeptase protects against stroke and is more effective and quicker than EDTA chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish.
Other reported conditions that Serrapeptase helps to alleviate are: Diabetes, Arthritis, Prostrate problems, Fibromyalgia, Cysts, Lung and Chest problems, Bronchial Asthma, Eye problems, MS, Hayfever, Cystic Fibrosis, Sinusitis, blocked veins and Varicose veins.
The physiologic agent is isolated from the microorganism Serratia E15, an enzyme naturally present in the silkworm intestine which allows the emerging moth to dissolve its cocoon. Clinical use of serrapeptase as an antiinflammatory in Europe and Asia spans over twenty five years. Treatment includes chronic sinusitis, elimination of bronchopulmonary secretions (the enzyme breaks down protein fibers, allowing mucous to thin), sprains and torn ligaments, and other traumatic injuries, edema, as well as postoperative inflammation.
Researchers in Germany have used Serrapeptase to treat atherosclerosis since serrapeptase helps to digest atherosclerotic plaque without harming healthy cells lining the arterial wall. The hardened, narrow arterial wall is considered the cumulative result of microscopic trauma with inflammation occurring in the presence of oxidized lipids—serrapeptase works on both inflammation as well as dissolving the avital plaque. Unlike cholesterol-blocking drugs, serrapeptase clears the avital tissue from the arterial wall without interfering with cholesterol synthesis. In fact, when taking serrapeptase, cholesterol levels may rise as it is dissolved from the arteries to be eliminated from the body (cholesterol in its pure state is an antioxidant and a necessary component of steroidal hormones and the major organ systems in the body).
Dr. Wong's Newsletters:

Dr. Wong's conference call with Energetic Nutrition on April 26, 2005 regarding fibroid tumors and women's fibrosis conditions is now available to listen to online. Click here to listen the audio file. Note: File is kind of large (4.8 MB) and takes a while to get started, so be patient. Also, the first 3 to 4 minutes is startup time we haven't edited out yet, so you might want to fast forward there. Easiest is to right click, save as...

Where to get Serrapeptase...
Vitalzym (180 Gel Caps)
Serralone (120,000 IU strength)
Top Of The Line Systemic Enzymes (Serrapeptase, Protease, Nattokinase, etc...) look for Serra Enzyme
Edit: We now recommend Serratia, Neprinol AFD, and Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical, and suggest to re-encapsulate into gelatin caps due to the increasing of cellulose and "Other Ingredients" in the blends. Even though Arthur Andrew Medical has cellulose on the label, it is only in the capsule itself, which is why we re-encapsulate ourselves into a safer gelatin capsule. There is no cellulose in the actual mix, so the supplement is save-able.
Serratia Label...
![]() |
Change out the capsules to size 0 gelatin capsules sold by PureBulk |
![]() |
Change out the capsules to size 0 gelatin capsules sold by PureBulk |
Neprinol AFD Label...
![]() |
Change out the capsules to size 0 gelatin capsules sold by PureBulk |
Syntol AMD Label...
So you see that the cellulose is limited to the capsule only, and the mix can easily be emptied into a gelatin capsule.
Change out the capsules to gelatin capsules (size 0) sold by PureBulk
See all posts elsewhere on here regarding cellulose and hypromellose.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Juicing and Raw Foods: Fasting: Day 4
Juicing and Raw Foods: Fasting: Day 4: It's helpful to be clear about why you are fasting. Set a goal for yourself and stick to it, come what may. For you will be tested . Every emotional bonding moment in your past that has some relation to food will make its way into your world...
This too, deserves a repost as well. Thank you!
My motive is to clean myself and get rid of any freeloading blood sucking critters in my body with the candida cleanse. I just want to be a better me period.
Even with the aches and pains resurfacing, I tell myself that it's temporary and is part of the cleanse. I'm telling myself it's for my own good all the way round.
I know all is in good hands and things will improve more and more as time goes along. I, too, am in good hands.
This too, deserves a repost as well. Thank you!
My motive is to clean myself and get rid of any freeloading blood sucking critters in my body with the candida cleanse. I just want to be a better me period.
Even with the aches and pains resurfacing, I tell myself that it's temporary and is part of the cleanse. I'm telling myself it's for my own good all the way round.
I know all is in good hands and things will improve more and more as time goes along. I, too, am in good hands.
Juicing and Raw Foods: The Fast: Day 3
Juicing and Raw Foods: The Fast: Day 3: Still no hunger pangs. Drinking lots of water, orange juice, apple/carrot juices, etc. Metabolism is adjusting to the lack of solid food and is noticeable...
This also, is worth reposting. I'm going through some of this right now with the Candida cleanse.
Gabe Valdez is the guy that is coaching me thru this.
About 4 days into the cleanse I started feeling super lethargic, like I just barely existed. It took great effort going up the stairs to the computer room to work. And I DID feel like I was going to die without my fruits and smoothies.
It IS tough, because the pleasure going in is the pain going out as he posts. I'm having all these weird pains with this candida cleanse.
1. Increased back pain and spinal subluxations. Particularly the upper back between the shoulder blades. It's so tender there, you'd think I was going to sprout something from that area.
2. Headaches so bad, that I was suffering nausea one night. It's a detox reaction, because they're worse. But I've been having the occipital headaches since 2005. All this damn slipping on snow, ice and frost isn't helping it any. NCR is going to be helping me with that. 10 more days until NCR and I'm counting.
3. Legs hurt so bad and ached all over, with no additional exercise or anything. They were so bad that one night I could not get any rest. I had to have them massaged just to be able to sleep the following night. That pain is now back down to a dull roar.
4. Flare up of old injuries such as two sprained ankles at separate times in my life. They've been hurting just as bad as the original injuries. I've had to ask my chiropractor to adjust the ankles. I have severely pronated feet to begin with.
I've been reporting these to Gabe, which he finds interesting effects of the cleanse.
My skin broke out initially, which it usually never does, but it wasn't too bad.
Bags under the eyes? Yes. Ugh. Fugs!
It's not a juice fast as he is doing, but there are foods that I CAN NOT have right now. Not even organic fruit juice smoothies. Veggies is fine (except carrots, beets, potatoes). Candida feeds on sugar, so that means any fruit or veggie that can turn into sugar. Lots of leafy greens are what I'm suppose to have and RAW. Now after the cleanse, I can go and have my berry smoothies I love so much.
The smoothies are the main thing I'm struggling with too, because they're my favorite food/drink.
And water? YES! A big 32 oz jar of water sitting right here on the desk.
Sleeping longer? Yes, sleep until noon or later.
All my veggies on this candida cleanse have to be raw. Can be juiced or just eaten raw. Either or is okay.
I have to have saturated fat, Gabe says. I do like the virgin coconut oil, and that's good for hormones too. Fatty fish like salmon (baked only). Gabe also said buffalo meat, cause it's fatty, and I'm like "OH HELL NO!" PUKE! That's the toughest stuff. So the coconut oil will suffice as a substitute, and is allowed. I LOVE the coconut oil.
On salads, olive oil with lemon juice, garlic, but no regular dressing. I usually have the balsamic that we make ourselves, but can't have the vinegar, so it's a little more bland.
Cravings? Yes. I'm having those too and sometime dreaming about eating certain things. But now over halfway thru the cleanse, I've found myself craving plain water.
Keeping the water in me, helps with hunger pangs by keeping me feeling full.
I'm going straight from this cleanse and DIRECTLY into NCR to start fixing the structure. My body is going to be shell shocked for sure. NCR will also allow more detox to take place, because the structure working better, it will be able to handle the job of cleansing. And yes, I've been dreaming about that too.
And I'm not done yet.
I still have to do another colon cleanse, which IS a juice and water fast, while taking the herbs. I did one in 2008. Time for another.
And then the yucky liver flush, which makes me hurl. But the upside is, that my skin will look super good after all of that.
I've had two compliments on my skin just this week.
Even the candida cleanse is not easy either.
This also, is worth reposting. I'm going through some of this right now with the Candida cleanse.
Gabe Valdez is the guy that is coaching me thru this.
About 4 days into the cleanse I started feeling super lethargic, like I just barely existed. It took great effort going up the stairs to the computer room to work. And I DID feel like I was going to die without my fruits and smoothies.
It IS tough, because the pleasure going in is the pain going out as he posts. I'm having all these weird pains with this candida cleanse.
1. Increased back pain and spinal subluxations. Particularly the upper back between the shoulder blades. It's so tender there, you'd think I was going to sprout something from that area.
2. Headaches so bad, that I was suffering nausea one night. It's a detox reaction, because they're worse. But I've been having the occipital headaches since 2005. All this damn slipping on snow, ice and frost isn't helping it any. NCR is going to be helping me with that. 10 more days until NCR and I'm counting.
3. Legs hurt so bad and ached all over, with no additional exercise or anything. They were so bad that one night I could not get any rest. I had to have them massaged just to be able to sleep the following night. That pain is now back down to a dull roar.
4. Flare up of old injuries such as two sprained ankles at separate times in my life. They've been hurting just as bad as the original injuries. I've had to ask my chiropractor to adjust the ankles. I have severely pronated feet to begin with.
I've been reporting these to Gabe, which he finds interesting effects of the cleanse.
My skin broke out initially, which it usually never does, but it wasn't too bad.
Bags under the eyes? Yes. Ugh. Fugs!
It's not a juice fast as he is doing, but there are foods that I CAN NOT have right now. Not even organic fruit juice smoothies. Veggies is fine (except carrots, beets, potatoes). Candida feeds on sugar, so that means any fruit or veggie that can turn into sugar. Lots of leafy greens are what I'm suppose to have and RAW. Now after the cleanse, I can go and have my berry smoothies I love so much.
The smoothies are the main thing I'm struggling with too, because they're my favorite food/drink.
And water? YES! A big 32 oz jar of water sitting right here on the desk.
Sleeping longer? Yes, sleep until noon or later.
All my veggies on this candida cleanse have to be raw. Can be juiced or just eaten raw. Either or is okay.
I have to have saturated fat, Gabe says. I do like the virgin coconut oil, and that's good for hormones too. Fatty fish like salmon (baked only). Gabe also said buffalo meat, cause it's fatty, and I'm like "OH HELL NO!" PUKE! That's the toughest stuff. So the coconut oil will suffice as a substitute, and is allowed. I LOVE the coconut oil.
On salads, olive oil with lemon juice, garlic, but no regular dressing. I usually have the balsamic that we make ourselves, but can't have the vinegar, so it's a little more bland.
Cravings? Yes. I'm having those too and sometime dreaming about eating certain things. But now over halfway thru the cleanse, I've found myself craving plain water.
Keeping the water in me, helps with hunger pangs by keeping me feeling full.
I'm going straight from this cleanse and DIRECTLY into NCR to start fixing the structure. My body is going to be shell shocked for sure. NCR will also allow more detox to take place, because the structure working better, it will be able to handle the job of cleansing. And yes, I've been dreaming about that too.
And I'm not done yet.
I still have to do another colon cleanse, which IS a juice and water fast, while taking the herbs. I did one in 2008. Time for another.
And then the yucky liver flush, which makes me hurl. But the upside is, that my skin will look super good after all of that.
I've had two compliments on my skin just this week.
Even the candida cleanse is not easy either.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Juicing and Raw Foods: Day Two of the latest fast (as they go by)
Juicing and Raw Foods: Day Two of the latest fast (as they go by): Embarked upon yet another fast, liquid diet only--juices, water, whatever aqueous comestibles appeal at the time. No hunger pains or urges to eat...
I'm on Day 18 of a month long candida cleanse. While it's not really a fast, per se, it is getting rid of yeast critters.
I have to follow a Candida Diet (just for the month), and take the herbals that came with the kit.
Then when it ends or ending, I go straight into NCR. So my body is going to be getting a major shock (good one!), and hopefully start behaving with the original design it started out with.
It's literally taken me YEARS to undo all the damage that my parents has inflicted upon me, and also the damage they allowed to have done to me (mercury fillings, vaccinations, deprivation of breast feeding, minerals/vitamins, and particularly love-my dad).
The longest fast I've done is 8 days of liquid via the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse. Oh, that is upcoming again too, probably a month or so after the NCR has had time to settle.
Then will be a liver flush. And it always makes me throw up too, but at least I can get stuff out, if it's there. I try to do 4 a year, but usually manage 2 a year.
One month Candida Cleanse stuff.
I'm on Day 18 of a month long candida cleanse. While it's not really a fast, per se, it is getting rid of yeast critters.
I have to follow a Candida Diet (just for the month), and take the herbals that came with the kit.
Then when it ends or ending, I go straight into NCR. So my body is going to be getting a major shock (good one!), and hopefully start behaving with the original design it started out with.
It's literally taken me YEARS to undo all the damage that my parents has inflicted upon me, and also the damage they allowed to have done to me (mercury fillings, vaccinations, deprivation of breast feeding, minerals/vitamins, and particularly love-my dad).
The longest fast I've done is 8 days of liquid via the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse. Oh, that is upcoming again too, probably a month or so after the NCR has had time to settle.
Then will be a liver flush. And it always makes me throw up too, but at least I can get stuff out, if it's there. I try to do 4 a year, but usually manage 2 a year.
One month Candida Cleanse stuff.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Wild Pigs
There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the Professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime. In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked: "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"
The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. "You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming.
When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.
They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught.
Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity."
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops, welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time. Some began as good causes, yes, but grew into programs which encourage abuse as more & more "feed" from the free corn.
One should always remember two truths:
1) There is no such thing as a free lunch; someone is paying for it!
2) When you begin to think that having your government provide for you and make your decisions is OK, realize that you've also given up the freedom that goes with making your own choices.
If you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America you might want to share this. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life, then you will probably ignore this, but God help you (and everyone trapped along with you) when the gate slams shut!
"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." John Adams 1826
"Gas, Grass or ASS, No One Rides For Free." Bumper Sticker from the 70's
The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. "You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming.
When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.
They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught.
Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity."
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops, welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time. Some began as good causes, yes, but grew into programs which encourage abuse as more & more "feed" from the free corn.
One should always remember two truths:
1) There is no such thing as a free lunch; someone is paying for it!
2) When you begin to think that having your government provide for you and make your decisions is OK, realize that you've also given up the freedom that goes with making your own choices.
If you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America you might want to share this. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life, then you will probably ignore this, but God help you (and everyone trapped along with you) when the gate slams shut!
"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." John Adams 1826
"Gas, Grass or ASS, No One Rides For Free." Bumper Sticker from the 70's
Blessed People
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17 NASB
Click out to view pics in FULL size....
Some guys just walk in the Light, you know?

Click out to view pics in FULL size....
Some guys just walk in the Light, you know?
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to realize that government health agencies are no longer going to protect my family's health and wellbeing - the courage to stand up and say 'no' to forced vaccination and the wisdom to know the difference between coercion and compliance. Amen. - Serenity Prayer - Revised
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Coosa Eagles Football Program 1972
Coosa Eagles Marching Band on the front cover.
Yes, I'm in the pic. : )
View FULL size...
Yes, I'm in the pic. : )
View FULL size...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Daily Messenger: Son Matthew likes drawing things freehand for giggles...
The Daily Messenger: Son Matthew likes drawing things freehand for giggles...: Dog Food
How awesome is this!!
I did a drawing of my own daughter just days old. I'm glad I still have the drawing considering all the moving I've done over the years...
How awesome is this!!
I did a drawing of my own daughter just days old. I'm glad I still have the drawing considering all the moving I've done over the years...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Sodium Ascorbate Medical Grade
From Kevin's site.
When Linus Pauling was talking about miracle cures of Vitamin C, he was really meaning Sodium Ascorbate rather than Ascorbic Acid. Sodium Ascorbate is the salt of the Vitamin C, it is alkaline in nature. Sodium Ascorbate is necessary for the metabolism of a particular Liver enzyme.
The GLO Gene is absent in many people, scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesise a specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate, this means our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate. In the long term, a lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out - in other words sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to development of cancer.
Ascorbic Acid has mistakenly been called Vitamin C - it is actually a liver metabolite rather than a vitamin. It is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in a goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not Ascorbic Acid that our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid. A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.
Ascorbate is also essential for the hydroxylation of the amino acid Proline which forms hydroxyproline - a major component of collagen. Collagen is an essential structural protein in the body accounting for around a quarter of all the protein in our bodies and is critical to the structural integrity of our bodies.
Linus Pauling PhD (Twice Nobel Laureate) stated "It is highly probable that most people in the world would only receive 1- 2% of the amounts of Ascorbate that would keep them in the best of health".
My personal experiences with Sodium Ascorbate have resulted in the curing of all my allergies, hay fever, wheat, milk and cats. I have also used Alkaline water derived from a water ionizer. These two products as well as the Organic Silica have rebuilt my colon. My allergy problems are a function of leaky gut. The ascorbate provided the raw materials for building collagen and elastin to re-build the colon. I am also losing all excess fat, I am down to the levels of fat that I had in my late 20's and probably will be down to those of my teenage years by the end of the summer. This is all without working out or dieting. I eat pasta and red meat as well as indulge in red wine. In fact my tolerance to alcohol has increased which I suspect is the ascorbate deficiency being solved and my liver is now fully functional.
If you have a history of alcoholism in the family, Sodium ascorbate is a must, when deficiencies are corrected in the body all sorts of miracles start to take place. Sodium Ascorbate is one element that your body cannot produce by itself and needs to be supplemented in the diet. There is also brand new study on the use of Sodium Ascorbate and Cancer that reduces tumors by up to 50% with one treatment intravenously.
So, I'm ordering this stuff next, since my structure sucks. Especially with NCR sessions coming up at the end of this month.
When Linus Pauling was talking about miracle cures of Vitamin C, he was really meaning Sodium Ascorbate rather than Ascorbic Acid. Sodium Ascorbate is the salt of the Vitamin C, it is alkaline in nature. Sodium Ascorbate is necessary for the metabolism of a particular Liver enzyme.
The GLO Gene is absent in many people, scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesise a specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate, this means our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate. In the long term, a lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out - in other words sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to development of cancer.
Ascorbic Acid has mistakenly been called Vitamin C - it is actually a liver metabolite rather than a vitamin. It is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in a goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not Ascorbic Acid that our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid. A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.
Ascorbate is also essential for the hydroxylation of the amino acid Proline which forms hydroxyproline - a major component of collagen. Collagen is an essential structural protein in the body accounting for around a quarter of all the protein in our bodies and is critical to the structural integrity of our bodies.
Linus Pauling PhD (Twice Nobel Laureate) stated "It is highly probable that most people in the world would only receive 1- 2% of the amounts of Ascorbate that would keep them in the best of health".
My personal experiences with Sodium Ascorbate have resulted in the curing of all my allergies, hay fever, wheat, milk and cats. I have also used Alkaline water derived from a water ionizer. These two products as well as the Organic Silica have rebuilt my colon. My allergy problems are a function of leaky gut. The ascorbate provided the raw materials for building collagen and elastin to re-build the colon. I am also losing all excess fat, I am down to the levels of fat that I had in my late 20's and probably will be down to those of my teenage years by the end of the summer. This is all without working out or dieting. I eat pasta and red meat as well as indulge in red wine. In fact my tolerance to alcohol has increased which I suspect is the ascorbate deficiency being solved and my liver is now fully functional.
If you have a history of alcoholism in the family, Sodium ascorbate is a must, when deficiencies are corrected in the body all sorts of miracles start to take place. Sodium Ascorbate is one element that your body cannot produce by itself and needs to be supplemented in the diet. There is also brand new study on the use of Sodium Ascorbate and Cancer that reduces tumors by up to 50% with one treatment intravenously.
So, I'm ordering this stuff next, since my structure sucks. Especially with NCR sessions coming up at the end of this month.
More Good News Posts
I'm going to be posting more health info and post stuff a little more on the positive side. There's just too much negativity in whistleblowing (even though these things need to be told and known). I'm already been suffering extreme sadness and depression for 4 years now, and enough is enough.
So.... I have all this alternative health knowledge and I need to post more on the health stuff. The solutions, you know?
I'll still post some of the other whistleblowing stuff, but I'm cutting down on it. It's just making me more sadder by the day. And I'm sure people are getting tired of seeing the same old shit.
Oh, and the blog needs more comedy and funny stuff, so you all might see some more funnies coming up. I've already spiced it up as you can see the Nyan Cat stuff.
And more pictures too.
I NEED this, as do most people nowadays, considering how the world has been for so long.
So there....
So.... I have all this alternative health knowledge and I need to post more on the health stuff. The solutions, you know?
I'll still post some of the other whistleblowing stuff, but I'm cutting down on it. It's just making me more sadder by the day. And I'm sure people are getting tired of seeing the same old shit.
Oh, and the blog needs more comedy and funny stuff, so you all might see some more funnies coming up. I've already spiced it up as you can see the Nyan Cat stuff.
And more pictures too.
I NEED this, as do most people nowadays, considering how the world has been for so long.
So there....
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Amazing Cinnamon Popcorn Recipe
To those who can digest and enjoy popcorn, it is a wonderful treat. It can also be completely guilt-free if you stick to natural ingredients and healthy cooking methods. Try this delicious cinnamon popcorn recipe that will surely be a hit at any gathering.
Many now know how deadly microwave popcorn is and hopefully readers are no longer consuming this toxic food or even using microwaves. If you are, give this recipe a try and you'll never go back to nuking your popcorn.
1/2 cup organic popcorn kernels
3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon Cane Sugar *The raw kind
Total Preparation and Cooking Time = 10 min
* Note: Always remember to use organic popcorn from reputable sources. 100% of conventional popcorn sold at grocery stores is genetically modified, so for your health, please do not substitute organic kernels for non-organic. Also do not substitute other oils for the coconut oil. Due to coconut oil's high smoke point, taste and nutritional value, it makes it the ideal and healthiest oil for this recipe.
1. Use a Large Ceramic or Stainless Steel 12” deep pan, preferably with a glass lid (try to avoid using coated pans).
2. Set heat on stove top to Max.
3. Immediately place the coconut oil in the pan followed by the popcorn (don't wait for the temperature to go very high before placing the coconut oil/popcorn).
4. Place lid on pan and shake pan lightly every 10-15s until the first kernel pops.
5. While shaking, ensure the pan stays on burner (try not to lift the pan from the burner to shake it).
6. Once kernels begin to pop, shake pan consistently and at times vigorously until there is at least 2-3s in between pops.
7. Pan should now be full.
8. Sprinkle half of sea salt, cinnamon and cane sugar, then mix popcorn and sprinkle remainder of these ingredients. Mix again.
The ingredients will stick fairly well to the popcorn. It's low-fat and delicious. You can also add an extra tablespoon of coconut oil for more of a buttery texture. Enjoy!
Eating Microwave Popcorn May Expose You To Carcinogens
To those who can digest and enjoy popcorn, it is a wonderful treat. It can also be completely guilt-free if you stick to natural ingredients and healthy cooking methods. Try this delicious cinnamon popcorn recipe that will surely be a hit at any gathering.
Many now know how deadly microwave popcorn is and hopefully readers are no longer consuming this toxic food or even using microwaves. If you are, give this recipe a try and you'll never go back to nuking your popcorn.
1/2 cup organic popcorn kernels
3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon Cane Sugar *The raw kind
Total Preparation and Cooking Time = 10 min
* Note: Always remember to use organic popcorn from reputable sources. 100% of conventional popcorn sold at grocery stores is genetically modified, so for your health, please do not substitute organic kernels for non-organic. Also do not substitute other oils for the coconut oil. Due to coconut oil's high smoke point, taste and nutritional value, it makes it the ideal and healthiest oil for this recipe.
1. Use a Large Ceramic or Stainless Steel 12” deep pan, preferably with a glass lid (try to avoid using coated pans).
2. Set heat on stove top to Max.
3. Immediately place the coconut oil in the pan followed by the popcorn (don't wait for the temperature to go very high before placing the coconut oil/popcorn).
4. Place lid on pan and shake pan lightly every 10-15s until the first kernel pops.
5. While shaking, ensure the pan stays on burner (try not to lift the pan from the burner to shake it).
6. Once kernels begin to pop, shake pan consistently and at times vigorously until there is at least 2-3s in between pops.
7. Pan should now be full.
8. Sprinkle half of sea salt, cinnamon and cane sugar, then mix popcorn and sprinkle remainder of these ingredients. Mix again.
The ingredients will stick fairly well to the popcorn. It's low-fat and delicious. You can also add an extra tablespoon of coconut oil for more of a buttery texture. Enjoy!
Eating Microwave Popcorn May Expose You To Carcinogens
New Vaccine called FluMist Quadrivalent to Assault Childrens' Brains
Just found this new information about a new FluMIst vaccine called FluMist Quadrivalent.
I'm wondering how many more viruses and pathogens will uploaded to children's brains to make them more intelligent. (sarcasm intended)
Read on
The FluMist Quadrivalent vaccine from AstraZeneca's MedImmune unit protects against two strains of influenza A and two strains of influenza B, and is approved for people ages 2 to 49. Similar to the previously approved FluMist, the new vaccine is a nasal spray that delivers weakened strains of the
virus. NOT!
This is the link to the package Insert:
* Download this before it disappears, and share widely. This is YOUR PROOF of vaccine dangers.
Take a look at page 9 in the Adverse reactions section. Here's what they ADMIT on their documentation that can and probably will happen to your child..
6.2 Postmarketing Experience
The following events have been spontaneously reported during post approval use of FluMist. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to vaccine exposure.
Cardiac disorders: Pericarditis Congenital, familial, and genetic disorders: Exacerbation of symptoms of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy (Leigh syndrome)
Gastrointestinal disorders: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Immune system disorders: Hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylactic reaction, facial edema, and urticaria) Nervous system disorders: Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, meningitis, eosinophilic meningitis, vaccine-associated encephalitis
FluMist Quadrivalent US PI (V1) February 2012
Page 9 of 25
Here we go again. Now is a double whammy stright to your brain cells.
I'm wondering how many more viruses and pathogens will uploaded to children's brains to make them more intelligent. (sarcasm intended)
Read on
The FluMist Quadrivalent vaccine from AstraZeneca's MedImmune unit protects against two strains of influenza A and two strains of influenza B, and is approved for people ages 2 to 49. Similar to the previously approved FluMist, the new vaccine is a nasal spray that delivers weakened strains of the
virus. NOT!
This is the link to the package Insert:
* Download this before it disappears, and share widely. This is YOUR PROOF of vaccine dangers.
Take a look at page 9 in the Adverse reactions section. Here's what they ADMIT on their documentation that can and probably will happen to your child..
6.2 Postmarketing Experience
The following events have been spontaneously reported during post approval use of FluMist. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to vaccine exposure.
Cardiac disorders: Pericarditis Congenital, familial, and genetic disorders: Exacerbation of symptoms of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy (Leigh syndrome)
Gastrointestinal disorders: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Immune system disorders: Hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylactic reaction, facial edema, and urticaria) Nervous system disorders: Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, meningitis, eosinophilic meningitis, vaccine-associated encephalitis
FluMist Quadrivalent US PI (V1) February 2012
Page 9 of 25
Here we go again. Now is a double whammy stright to your brain cells.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Sticky Buddy Dub
I need this for the cat hair from Miracle.
Now the video here is just a remix of the original infomercial. Maybe not for all ears. Ahem!
However, it's a real product for sale.
The original infomercial at at their site.
Now the video here is just a remix of the original infomercial. Maybe not for all ears. Ahem!
However, it's a real product for sale.
The original infomercial at at their site.
Master Amino Acid Pattern
Now for some good news finally.
* Provides 8 essential amino acids for building protein
* Is the most effective protein supplement for building muscle and bone
* Promotes fast recovery after hard training
* Increases energy levels
* Supports a healthy immune system
* Is a great source of protein during weight-loss -- almost 0 calories

Quote from Kevin...
This can be bought from THREE places. YOU choose...
Kevin's site
I have an Affiliate link
or if you prefer Amazon...
* Provides 8 essential amino acids for building protein
* Is the most effective protein supplement for building muscle and bone
* Promotes fast recovery after hard training
* Increases energy levels
* Supports a healthy immune system
* Is a great source of protein during weight-loss -- almost 0 calories
Quote from Kevin...
I ran into this product Master Amino Acid Pattern, in the wee hours of the morning doing random research on Anti-aging and Age Reversal. The facts about this supplement that struck a lightening bolt through me were that fact that it is 99% Nitrogen utilized, and generates only 1% waste. I knew immediately what this meant; that there would be no amino acid toxicity which is the main problem with over-consumption of Protein. Back in the day, when I was lifting heavy, I would overload on protein shakes and I did make muscle gains. but at the expense of my overall health.
I had an acid buildup in my throat at time and I would get sick easier from the toxicity overload. After, a while i would stop because the reactions were too much and were counter-productive in the long run. It did not fit in with my over-all plan to regenerate the body. The problem lay in the waste side effect generated by not only supplements 80% on average, but also food. Typically, 68% of protein from meat, chicken and fish are not utilized by the body for building new tissue. There is not much return on investment from an efficiency point of view with traditional protein intake. With MAP, the protein is absorbed directly into the lymph in 23 minutes and does not go through the normal processing route that ends up being absorbed through the small intestine. This pre-digested protein is fully utilized in the process of building new tissue immediately. After sending an email to Dr. Grandi about the product, I received a phone call from him and we talked for over a hour about the implications of his product for Age regression. The product is traditionally being marketed as an Athletic supplement, which is a venue that I have ignored even though I come from a background where I was involved with competitive Athletics and am trained as a Massage therapist. I worked in a personal training gym for over ten years, but simply ignored the protein supplements as having much value for anti-aging purposes.
What I have realized that I was correct in this thinking with the exception of MAP. MAP is absolutely unique because it is completely absorbed into the bloodstream with zero energy expense from processing. It is like free energy for the body! The number one cause of free-radical consumption is food processing and breathing. We cannot do much with the damage caused from breathing, but MAP helps alleviate the damage from food processing. The most dramatic story he had about the supplement is a 72 year old came in for a bench press fitness test of 80lbs. After only 3 weeks on the supplement, he benched 172lbs! Another woman who is in her late 60′s who has been on the supplement for less than a year, is now back to wearing bikinis and people swear she is in her early 50′s. From my limited personal experience with the product, I have seen muscle mass gains and a loss of virtually all body fat. You lose that middle age pouch on this supplement and start to gain the look you had at your peak. The skin regenerates as well, this has happened to me in only 10 days on the supplement. My skin is taking on the firm waxy look that I had in youth and it is very soft now. I realize this is simply because I now have sufficient quality protein to re-build my body faster than it is being broken down. I realize now that simply one of the problems of aging is the inefficiencies of metabolism. As we get older, our ability to process food degrades. Older people especially have a hard time. MAP solves this problem for all age groups.
I have been getting increases in telomere length from products such as RNA regenerator and the, but was not getting the sufficient raw materials to re-make the body. The problem with calorie restriction is that you need protein to keep up the replacement of cells and MAP solves that problem. It is simply the most astounding supplement I have ever run across since the days of Shaklee.
The nutrition is sucked up immediately into the blood stream and goes to work at first detoxifying and then later re-building all forms of tissue from internal organs to the skin. With MAP, you now have the quality raw materials to re-invent yourself!
Fast forward to 2012, I was in Vegas for the Super bowl to meet one of my clients Erik from the Ascensionenergyprogram, while we were driving around, I noticed that he had a bottle of MAP in the car. We got into a discussion of the supplements and its benefits and I got re-energized about the product. Like any typical person, I can get distracted and move on the next greatest thing. Newer is always better right? In my brain, I had placed MAP into the supplement category rather than the food category. Typically amino acid supplements are only 18% absorbable, but not with MAP which is 99%. I went back to the original conversation I had with Dr. Grandi about maximum dosage. I omitted the information in the original blog post, because I did not want to create the pressure and expectations that you had to take this much of the supplement to gain results. I was concerned mainly from an expense point of view. Dr. Grandi said that one can take up to 50 pills a day and still see escalating results for someone that weighs about 200lbs.
My MAP intake was 5-10 pills a day maybe 4x a week. Like most supplements I would forget to take MAP because I was treating MAP like most supplements although it is more like creation out of Star Trek. Your highest quality food gets about 68% nutrition and 32% nitrogen waste. MAP again gets 99%, I didn't really get it the first time, I often do not. Apparently, I needed to sit on MAP for a couple of years to begin to understand the implications of this supplement. MAP is free energy in a bottle, it is like the wireless electricity that Nikola Tesla created 90 years ago and JP Morgan stopped from being implemented. I decided to embark on a Mega Dosing campaign to actually understand the limits of the product.
I have been resistant to mega-dosing for the main reason of the expense; penny wise and pound foolish is a part of my genetic makeup that I have been trying to exorcise for years. The good enough syndrome. What is good enough? I don't know, but it seems like it is good enough. Get some results them back off can be the motto. Our medical model is partly to blame in that does it not believe in cures... Modern medicine believes that good enough health is a function of the lack of acute symptoms. Degrading eyesight, a few extra pounds, low energy, a few grey hairs and wrinkles are viewed as aging signs rather than degradation of optimum health.
My view of optimum health is an 18 year old bouncing around like a lunatic with boundless energy, inhales food that would kill the most virile rodent without any weight gain and the sex drive of rabbits in mating season. After coming home from Vegas, I decided to break the poverty consciousness and take Map to near the limit of the dosing of 50 per day. I started at about 30 on the first day, and 30-40 for the next two days. I took Eric advice and started to carry MAP with me everywhere, I re-wired the brain and started to treat MAP like M&M rather than a supplement.
As a kid I ate junk food all day long, I could easily over-dose on junk. Two liter bottle of Coke no problem, Pizza for lunch every day sure, why not dinner a few times a week. In Jr. High School, I was the Bubble Gum Blowing champ, I could blow these big ass bubbles that were larger than the my head, I could blow about 5 bubbles in one big ass bubble. To do that I had to jam whole packs of gum into my mouth. To become the best of the best was not easy, you had to chew a lot of gum to become the best of the best of the best. Vegetables for movie props to be seen and not eaten. Were there consequences? Massive, but I never gained an ounce of fat. After three days, I found out that most aging problems are amino acid deficiencies. Dehydration is a function also of amino acid deficiency and what we call dehydration is really amino acid deficiency. Youth is a function of hydration, but youth is also a function of massive cell replication. What do you need for massive cell replication, but the raw materials to make cells, amino acids being fundamental.
As the body processes food the damage increases, it is constantly falling behind in it's to do list. Build, bone, skin, hormones, testosterone, estrogen ect. As the function of the various organs decreases, the ability to extract nutrients declines, hence the breakdowns begin, in small ways at first than later in larger ones. You could say aging is compound deficiency syndrome, overtime the body begins to exhibit the signs of the deficiencies that we call aging. Can it be reversed? You bet ya, solve the deficiencies and solve a large part of the aging problem which is a form of dis-ease.
The results for me after 3 days, massive increase in muscle mass, increase hydration, increase brain functioning, increased Sex drive, increased Sex drive or did I say that. Desire to rip heads off live chickens, that may be too much Spartacus, but some is attributable to MAP. Combine this with radionics, physical restructuring, purified charged water, healthy dosing of fruits and vegetables and regular vigorous exercise program. You will most likely soon again being carded in bars, even have a desire to go to bars and look in the mirror again and say shit wow, I look good. Remember the narcissistic days of your twenties, those were the good old days......
Master Amino acid Pattern as sole and total substitute for dietary proteins during a weight-loss diet to achieve the body's nitrogen balance equilibrium. .....Study results have shown that the use of MAP, in conjunction with the ANC/OMP regimen, has proven to be safe and effective by preventing those adverse effects associated with a negative nitrogen balance, such as oversized or flabby tissue, stretch marks, the sagging of breast tissue, increased hair loss, faded hair color, and fragile or brittle nails. Also prevented were those anomalies commonly associated with weight-loss diets, such as hunger, weakness, headache caused by ketosis, constipation, and decreased libido. The use of MAP in conjunction with the ANC/OMP also allowed for mean weight loss of 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) per week, achieved through reduction of excessive fat tissue and elimination of excessive water retention from the interstitial compartment.
This can be bought from THREE places. YOU choose...
Kevin's site
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Friday, March 2, 2012
AB2109 Threatens Exemptions in CA
This has already happened and PASSED in WA State.
2011 School and Child Care Immunization Exemption Law Frequently Asked Questions
Just to get a PHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTION, you have to go to an MD, SPEND MONEY, so they can give you their bullshit mainstream spill. For a PHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTION! Might as well call it a medical exemption, because that's exactly how to get a medical exemption.
Meh. I want these assholes off the face of the earth YESTERDAY!
From: Dawn Winkler
AB2109 was introduced in CA on 2/23/12 by Assembly Member Pan, a Democrat physician. The bill will require the signature of an MD, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant for a personal beliefs/religious exemption from vaccination. Naturopaths and chiropractors CANNOT sign off. The signature must be obtained on a separate form to be provided by the CA State Dept of Health which will state that the "health care practitioner" has provided benefits and risks information to the parent or guardian or emancipated minor.
We need people to immediately contact their CA state legislators and ask for them to oppose this bill. We don't have a concrete hearing date or committee assignment yet, but hope to early this week.
Not everyone utilizes Western medicine based healthcare providers. This bill FORCES parents to do so in order to obtain an exemption. Doctors, nurse practitioner's and PA's should have NOTHING to do with a parents personal beliefs/religious exemption from vaccination. This is simply a way to make getting an exemption more difficult and force parents to pay money to be harassed by providers that don't share their medical views. Please contact me at if you live in CA and are willing to help fight this bill. I, for one, am not willing to sit here and let another complete violation of parental rights pass into law. It's bad enough AB499 was signed into law while our Governor banned tanning beds for minors.
In Health and Liberty,
Dawn Winkler
Executive Director
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI)
2011 School and Child Care Immunization Exemption Law Frequently Asked Questions
The new law says that if a parent or guardian wants to exempt their child from school or child care immunization requirements, they must first get information about the benefits and risks of vaccinations from a licensed health care provider. The provider will sign the Certificate of Exemption form that parents have to turn in to the school or child care to exempt their child. Instead of signing the form, providers may choose to write and sign a letter verifying the same information.Here's a copy of the WA exemption form...
Just to get a PHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTION, you have to go to an MD, SPEND MONEY, so they can give you their bullshit mainstream spill. For a PHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTION! Might as well call it a medical exemption, because that's exactly how to get a medical exemption.
Meh. I want these assholes off the face of the earth YESTERDAY!
From: Dawn Winkler
AB2109 was introduced in CA on 2/23/12 by Assembly Member Pan, a Democrat physician. The bill will require the signature of an MD, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant for a personal beliefs/religious exemption from vaccination. Naturopaths and chiropractors CANNOT sign off. The signature must be obtained on a separate form to be provided by the CA State Dept of Health which will state that the "health care practitioner" has provided benefits and risks information to the parent or guardian or emancipated minor.
We need people to immediately contact their CA state legislators and ask for them to oppose this bill. We don't have a concrete hearing date or committee assignment yet, but hope to early this week.
Not everyone utilizes Western medicine based healthcare providers. This bill FORCES parents to do so in order to obtain an exemption. Doctors, nurse practitioner's and PA's should have NOTHING to do with a parents personal beliefs/religious exemption from vaccination. This is simply a way to make getting an exemption more difficult and force parents to pay money to be harassed by providers that don't share their medical views. Please contact me at if you live in CA and are willing to help fight this bill. I, for one, am not willing to sit here and let another complete violation of parental rights pass into law. It's bad enough AB499 was signed into law while our Governor banned tanning beds for minors.
In Health and Liberty,
Dawn Winkler
Executive Director
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Child Administered 4 Vaccines Without Parental Consent
Please visit the link below to see what could happen to any of us. This situation is happening more and more, so we need to make sure our children are aware. We thank Sarah Pope, The Healthy Home Economist for helping us be the voice for the innocent victims.
VIC (Vaccine Information Coalition)
Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!
Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!
For more information visit or call 800-939-8227
And THIS is one of the many reasons why I don't want to be here anymore. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously? I want off this fucking planet.
VIC (Vaccine Information Coalition)
Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!
Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!
For more information visit or call 800-939-8227
And THIS is one of the many reasons why I don't want to be here anymore. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously? I want off this fucking planet.
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