Friday, October 26, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Zumba's Party in Pink Movement 2012
SATURDAY!! OH YES!! I am GOING! Party In Pink!
2 hour Zumbathon
2 hour Zumbathon
Monday, October 22, 2012
Pro-vaccine propaganda. photo taken in Joshua Tree, CA.
Pro-vaccine propaganda. photo taken in Joshua Tree, CA.
"Not Vaccinated?
No Kisses!"
Oh, come here little one, we'll give you all the kisses and hugs you'll ever want.
To view/download full size pic to zoom in or view cropped out sign below)...
"Not Vaccinated?
No Kisses!"
Oh, come here little one, we'll give you all the kisses and hugs you'll ever want.
To view/download full size pic to zoom in or view cropped out sign below)...
Sunday, October 21, 2012
BMA / Bone Marrow Aspirate for Orthopedic's and Regeneration for Knee, s...
They use BMA and Adipose Stem cell's for an alternative to regenerate and repair cartilage and other joint structures. these injections are done on the same day with the patients same cells and they are minimally manipulated.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Did You Know? Your Postman Could Soon Deliver Your Nanopatch Vaccine in the Mail
From Oasis Advanced Wellness...
Did You Know? Your Postman Could Soon Deliver Your Nanopatch Vaccine in the Mail
It was recently reported that Merck had agreed to work hand in hand with pharmaceutical company Vaxxas, Brisbane Australia, to help them develop their latest Nanopatch flu vaccine. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Vaxxas had made an announcement stating that Merck, the manufacturer of the HPV vaccine Gardasil, had not only agreed to pay an undisclosed fee up front, to help fund research evaluating the Nanopatch, but had also agreed to make additional payments tied in to the development of the vaccine’s technology.
Read more:
Did You Know? Your Postman Could Soon Deliver Your Nanopatch Vaccine in the Mail
It was recently reported that Merck had agreed to work hand in hand with pharmaceutical company Vaxxas, Brisbane Australia, to help them develop their latest Nanopatch flu vaccine. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Vaxxas had made an announcement stating that Merck, the manufacturer of the HPV vaccine Gardasil, had not only agreed to pay an undisclosed fee up front, to help fund research evaluating the Nanopatch, but had also agreed to make additional payments tied in to the development of the vaccine’s technology.
Read more:
50 Reasons NOT to Vaccinate your Children
50 Reasons NOT to Vaccinate your Children
Jagannath Chatterjee
1. There is no scientific study to determine whether vaccines have really prevented diseases. Rather disease graphs show vaccines have been introduced at the end of epidemics when the disease was already in its last stages. In case of Small Pox the vaccine actually caused a great spurt in the incidence of disease before public outcry led to its withdrawal.
2. There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Very short-term tests are carried out where the vaccinated subjects are checked against another group who are given another vaccine. Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group. No one really knows what protocols are followed at such industry based or industry sponsored trials.
3. There has never been any official attempt to compare a vaccinated population against a non vaccinated population to know what vaccines are doing to the children and the society. Independent private studies (Dutch & German and the most recent KIGGS (Aug 2011) study involving 7724 children worlwide) have revealed that vaccinated children suffer much more than their un-vaccinated counterparts.
4. The child receives not one but many vaccines. There are practically no tests to determine the effects of multiple vaccines.
5. There is no scientific basis for vaccinating infants. As per senior doctors quoted by the Times of India, “Children suffer from less that 2% of vaccine preventable illnesses but 98% of the vaccines are targeted towards them.” The vaccine pioneers who have recommended abundant caution before vaccinating the population have never advocated regular mass vaccinations without any threat in sight.
6. Children are vaccinated simply because parents can be frightened to forcefully vaccinate their children. Vaccinating infants is the most profitable business both for the manufacturers as well as the doctors.This makes vaccine makers lobby for all vaccines to be included in the childhood vaccination schedule. Schools are also instigated to require their wards to be “fully vaccinated”. Very recently in the National Vaccine Policy draft the Govt of India has fallen into the trap and decided to legitimize all vaccines available in the market brushing aside recommendations by very senior doctors and medical scientists who have said that the policy is “irrational”.
7. Infants, who are advised ONLY mothers milk till the age of six months and beyond because their fragile system will not tolerate anything else are given 36 extremely toxic vaccine shots, including booster doses, an act that defies both logic and science.
8. The Government of India has come out with a quarter page advertisement in The Hindu warning parents not to vaccinate beyond the Government approved vaccines. Parents have been advised against vaccinating in private clinics and hospitals.
9. The Orissa Chapter of the Indian Association of Pediatricians has admitted in a letter to the CM, Orissa, that private clinic and hospitals are ill equipped to store vaccines and warned parents not to vaccinate upon the advice of private practitioners and hospitals. In a recent private survey in India 94% of the doctors surveyed expressed concerns about the maintainence of the cold chain in India, 54% of the doctors have said they are afraid of vaccinating their own children and 88% fear that vaccines are unsafe.
11. Vaccines contain highly toxic metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, bacteria and toxoids, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm.
12. The mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may be behind the huge epidemic of autism (1 in 110 in the USA, 1 in 10 worldwide as per doctors in the USA, 1 in 38 in South Korea, 1 in 37 as per a private study by doctors in New Delhi), a fact that (vaccines cause autism) has been admitted by the US Vaccine Court. About 83 suspected cases of vaccines causing autism have been awarded compensation.
13. The CDC of USA, the vaccine watchdog, has publicly admitted that its much-publicized 2003 study denying any link between vaccines and autism is flawed. The Chief of CDC Dr Julie Gerberding (now head of the Vaccine Division of Merck) has confessed to the media (CNN) that vaccines can cause “autism like symptoms”. The Autism epidemic is found in all countries that have allowed mass vaccinations.
14. In the year 1999, the US Government instructed vaccine manufacturers in the USA to remove mercury from vaccines “with immediate effect”. But mercury still remains a part of many vaccines. The vaccines with mercury were never recalled and were given to children up to the year 2006. “Mercury free” vaccines contain 0.05mcg to 0.1mcg of mercury, still posing a danger to the infant considering that mercury tends to accumulate in the body and that there are today many sources of mercury exposure. As per an American Academy of Pediatricians study: “Mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population.”
16. In a reply to then President Sri Abdul Kalam, the Health Ministry informed, “mercury is required to make the vaccines safe”. To the author’s query that “what are these vaccines that it requires the second most dangerous neurotoxin, mercury, to make them safe?” there was no reply.
17. Mercury used in vaccines is second in toxicity only to the radioactive substance, Uranium. Mercury is 1000 times more toxic than lead. It is a neurotoxin that can damage the entire nervous system of the infant. According to a study by Dr Teresa Binstock et al, more than 200 symptoms of autism match completely with symptoms of mercury poisoning. This study created a furor in the US political establishment and angry Congressmen demanded a ban on mercury in vaccines. The US Government responded by recommending that mercury not be used in vaccines. The industry did reduce the quantum of mercury in some single use vaccine vials but certain vaccines in the USA continue to have mercury in large quantities as an ingredient. In spite of pressure mounted by advocacy groups the vaccine manufacturers have refused to make available vaccines available to the developing world. Eli Lily, the manufacturer of the controversial mercury containing compound Thimerosal has considerable influence in the political circles and many prominent international politicians have shares in this company.
18. Mercury accumulates in fat. The brain being made mostly of fat cells, most of the mercury accumulates there and may be contributing to the peculiar symptoms of the autistic children. Interestingly the ethyl mercury that is used in vaccines can cross the blood brain barrier and has a greater tendency to accumulate in the brain. It has also the tendency to remain there for a long time, in many cases permanently. This presence is devastating to both the neurons and the brain cells.
19. The mercury used in vaccines is ethyl mercury. According to Indian doctors this is an industrial toxin and is 1000 times more toxic than the usual methyl mercury. Ethyl mercury is absorbed into the body faster than methyl mercury and converts into inorganic mercury which tends to become a permanent fixture in the brain.
20. The aluminum present in vaccines makes the mercury, in any form, 100 times more toxic through a process called synergistic toxicity. Aluminum is used in very large doses in vaccines ostensibly to cause an immune reaction. According to a very recent study, “it causes cells to give up their DNA”.
21. As per an independent study aluminum and formaldehyde present in vaccines can increase the toxicity of mercury, in any form, by 1000 times.
22. As per a Tehelka article on Autism, if one considers the WHO limit for mercury in water, they are receiving 50,000 times the limit. The limits set, incidentally, are for adults and not infants.
23. Autism in India has emerged as the most rapidly growing epidemic amongst children, more than the growth of infantile diabetes, AIDS and cancer combined. As per a private study done by doctors in New Delhi, from 1 in 500 it has steadily climbed to 1 in 37 today. As per Indian doctors, “You can go to any class of any school today and find an autistic child.” Sonia Gandhi, the Chairperson of the Autism Society of India, has on 25th July 2011 declared in an International Autism Conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh that 8 million children in India suffer from this debilitating spectrum disorder, the growth of which has baffled medical scientists.
24. Autism is a permanent disability that affects the child physically, mentally and emotionally. It makes the child loose social contact. It impedes both the physical and mental growth of the child. It destroys the brain causing severe memory and attention problems. It also destroys the immune system and causes very severe damage to the guts. The majority of symptoms displayed by autistic children match symptoms of vaccine strain virus insult and heavy metal poisoning.
25. According to vaccine researcher Dr Harris Coulter, vaccines cause children to become pervert and criminal, traced to the encephalopathy (a brain disorder) caused by the toxins in vaccines. Majority of the school shootings by the children in the USA have been committed by autistic children. Vaccines can cause more harm that even the medical community privately acknowledges.
26. Autistic children also suffer from severe bowel disorders. As per Dr Andrew Wakefield, a reputed gastroenterologist of the UK, this is due to the vaccine strain live measles virus in the MMR vaccine. Many children become fully autistic after the MMR shot, as reported by the parents and the doctors treating the children. Dr Wakefield found the vaccine strain measles virus in the blood, guts, tissue and the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) of autistic children. This finding has been confirmed by many other studies published since then (Dr Timothy Buie, Dr V K Singh, Kawashima et al, Dr James Walker Smith et al). However in a politically motivated move Dr Wakefield was pulled up for his finding and disgraced by the UK Government which had introduced the MMR vaccine, his licence to practice in the UK was cancelled and his case study pulled out of the Lancet. He now practices in The Thoughtful House in the USA where he treats autistic children. As per a recent study the MMR vaccine has an adverse effect on the vital mucosal immune system. The very basis of trying to prevent childhood Mumps and Measles has been questioned in this study.
27. The DPT also causes children to regress giving rise to fears that multiple bacteria/toxoids/ live virus vaccines are an important cause behind autism. If three live viruses can cause so much harm we can well imagine what today’s Pentavalent, septavalent and 10 valent vaccines will do to children.
28. Before the autism epidemic, it was already well known that vaccines have caused the cancer epidemic in today’s society. Both the Small Pox and the Oral Polio Vaccine are made from monkey serum. This serum has helped many monkey viruses to enter the human blood stream. Out of these the only researched virus, SV 40, has been found to be cancerous. As per recent revelations these viruses continue to be in the vaccines. The presence of SV 40 in various human cancers has been demonstrated. Today it is known that the virus is being passed on to future generations as its presence in the mother’s milk and human sperms has been established.
29. It is also known that it is the use of green monkey serum in vaccines that has led to the transfer of the Simian Immune deficiency Virus (SIV) from monkeys into humans. As per Dr Robert Gallo, the discoverer of the Human Immune deficiency Virus, the SIV and the HIV that causes AIDS are indistinguishable.
30. Not only AIDS, a blood cancer in infants (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) that is affecting children in thousands may also be primarily due to the extremely toxic nature of vaccine ingredients injected directly into the blood stream. This concern has been voiced to the author by a reputed oncologist of a hospital in Mumbai that treats children with the disorder.
31. Infantile jaundice and also infantile diabetes is also scientifically connected to the toxic vaccines.
32. The live polio viruses used in the Oral Polio Vaccine has caused Vaccine Attributed Paralytic Polio (500 to 600 cases a year in India as per investigating doctors) and Acute Flaccid Paralysis (symptoms indistinguishable from polio) in more than 1,25,000 children (up to the year 2006) as per doctors of the Indian Medical Association and the Jana Swasthya Abhiyan. The OPV has also let loose a new strain of polio in both India and Africa. The OPV has been discontinued in the USA & European countries. A monovalent OPV has been experimentally administered to Indian children in gross violation of clinical trial protocols. This caused cases of AFP to double in areas where this vaccine was administered.
33. Vaccines contain serum from not only chimpanzees and monkeys but also from cows, pigs, chickens, eggs, horses, and even human tissues (cell lines) extracted from aborted fetuses.
34. Deaths and permanent disability from vaccines is common and known by the medical community. They are instructed by the Government to keep quiet and not to associate such cases with vaccines as disclosed by the doctors of the IMA while unfolding the OPV scandal. The public comes to know only when the cases are highlighted by the media.
35. Many doctors argue that diseases during childhood are due to the body exercising its immune system. Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders in adults like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today.
36. Vaccines suppress the natural immunity and the body does not have natural antibodies anymore. The mother’s milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses.
37. By stimulating humoral (blood related) immunity alone vaccines have caused an imbalance in the whole immune set up (referred to as the TH1-TH2 imbalance and a resultant shift to TH2) leading to an alarming increase in auto immune disorders. This is acknowledged by the immunologists themselves.
38. In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received upto $200 million in damages). The courts in the USA have paid nearly $ 2 billion in damages so far. The Indian Government simply refuses to acknowledge that vaccines can cause deaths and permanent disability, let alone compensate, treat and rehabilitate the unfortunate victims.
39. It has been scientifically proven that vaccines cannot prevent disease. Vaccines try to create humoral (blood related immunity) whereas it has been found that immunity is developed at various levels, humoral, cellular, and organ specific. We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it. According to concerned immunologists the “sailnt like immune system can convert into a massive negative force that can put the devil into shame” if interfered with unnecessarily.
40. In the USA parents are informed about vaccine after effects and their consent has to be taken before vaccinating their children. Parents in the USA can also opt out of the vaccination process by submitting various exemption forms.In India the Government assures the population through massive advertising campaigns that vaccines are extremely safe. Parents refusing to vaccinate are threatened by the administration.
41. THERE IS NO SYSTEM OF TREATMENT TO TREAT A VACCINE DAMAGED CHILD. The parents have to run from one hospital to another. The Government turns a blind eye and refuses to even acknowledge the vaccine connection. Attempts by highly qualified doctors worldwide to treat autistic children through biomedical interventions like supplying essential nutrients, diet correction, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and flushing out heavy metals and toxins from the body etc have been frowned upon and discouraged. Doctors have even been persecuted for treating autistic children mainly because these doctors tend to find out that the vaccines have caused the damage and raise their voices against them.
42. Senior medical doctors of India and senior medical scientists have challenged even the vaccines recommended by the Government of India. According to Dr P M Bhargava, the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis has been extensively tested in India as long back as 1961 and found to be totally ineffective (in fact tuberculosis in the vaccinated group was found to be more than in the control group!). The OPV is causing polio in tens of thousands of Indian children. The Hep-B vaccine introduced into the UPI recently is not meant for children at all, it is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease that should be targeted only at promiscuous adults. The tetanus vaccine contains both aluminum and mercury besides the tetanus toxoid. The doctors themselves avoid giving the DPT to their children and relatives as per a survey amongst US health care professionals. The measles vaccine is one that regularly causes severe adverse effects and the health workers I have interviewed want it out. Recently Dr T Jacob John has called for screening children for inherent illnesses and the presence of a doctor while administering the measles vaccine. RTI activists have sourced data showing that deaths from vaccines are highest in case of the measles vaccine. Dr Ajay Gambhir, a very senior member of the IAP, too supports extensive screening of children before administering any vaccine. According to him children suffering from any illness, with any family history of autoimmune illnesses, any past reactions from vaccines, should not be administered vaccines. According to him the parents of children need to be told that they have the choice not to vaccinate.
43. The pediatricians are introducing dubious vaccines in India, which are being opposed by the doctors, politicians, and public in American and European countries. The Rotavirus vaccine, Hib vaccine, HPV vaccine (involved in a scam in India), the Pentavalent vaccine and the various multi virus vaccines being introduced without any kind of testing and without any need is only because the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering them want to ensure a good income from them. They care two hoots about medical ethics and the fate of the children who will receive these vaccines. Vaccines containing nano particles and viruses and also plant based or otherwise genetically modified vaccines are being opposed by independent doctors worldwide.
44. Various independent studies, notably the Dutch and the more recent German study, (also the recent KIGGS study involving 7724 children) comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children has found that vaccinated children are more prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, development delayes, attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity etc. According to the German study, the death rate amongst vaccinated children is much more than the unvaccinated ones.
45. Vaccination, being a mass medical program which is accepted without question, becomes the perfect launching pad for bioterrorism. The powerful countries can spread lethal epidemics by just polluting the vaccines with bio warfare agents. The USA has handed over vaccine research to a bioterrorism research unit called the BARDA which functions under the Pentagon. A warning to this effect has been sounded by the Vice President IAP in a letter to the Director General Health Services in India.
46. Besides “investigating” doing the same with the small pox virus, it is reported that a “weapons grade” bird flu vaccine has already been devised by the Pentagon to be used as a biowarfare agent.
47. Vaccines have also been used to ensure population control. A batch of the tetanus vaccine has been used in many Asian countries to make the female population sterile. This was done by introducing a hormone that by inducing antibodies would abort the foetus when it is formed. In India, Saheli, a NGO fighting for the rights of women filed a PIL against this when the fact surfaced.
48. Mercury, a part of vaccines, is known to interfere with the endocrine system and induce sterility in both males and females. Polysorbate 80, another ingredient of vaccines, and also Squalene is known to cause sterility.
49. Through a new Public Health Bill that is being drafted the Government of India is planning to introduce forced vaccinations and threaten anti-vaccination activists with steep fines and jail terms. This is obviously at the instance of foreign (read US) vaccine giants who are shifting base to India reeling at the tremendous opposition to vaccines in US and European countries. The Govt of India is planning a “vaccine park” at Chennai where these vaccine MNCs will set up base. This itself is an act of bioterrorism which ironically the proposed bill seeks to oppose.
50. As per the Institute Of Medicine, USA, vaccine research for a probable link between vaccines and autism should not be conducted. The Institute of Medicine in its last report on vaccines and autism in 2004 said that more research on the vaccine question is counterproductive: Finding a susceptibility to this risk in some infants would call into question the universal vaccination strategy that is a bedrock of immunization programs and could lead to widespread rejection of vaccines. The IOM concluded that efforts to find a link between vaccines and autism “must be balanced against the broader benefit of the current vaccine program for all children”. However inherently biased studies that try to disprove a link between vaccines and autism have been allowed and funded by the CDC. The Principal Coordinator of many of these studies (referred to as The Danish Studies) Dr Paul Thorsen, has recently been in the news for money laundering and fraudulently misappropriating a huge chunk of research funds channeled towards these studies calling into question the veracity of the conclusion reached in these studies. The CDC study done by Dr Thomas Verstraeten manipulated data as revealed by RTI activists. Dr Verstraeten later joined a vaccine MNC. (Early in his study, the lead author, CDC’s Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, found statistically significant associations between the amount of mercury (thimerosal) exposure children got from their childhood vaccines, and a wide range of brain disorders. However, the published version of the study (the one the authors say is accurate) found no evidence of a link to autism. Not disclosed was that Dr. Verstraeten had left CDC midstream during the study and had gone to work for Glaxo, a vaccine manufacturer).
What does this all add up to? Infants should be sacrificed in order to perpetuate an unscientific procedure?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Rainbow Family -- We Is Colorful!
Nyan Cat would be so proud!
Stay tuned for Silliness and Beauty from the family.
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My niece Bequi |
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Bequi again. |
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Niece Candice aka Candy Cane |
Of course my girl, Miss Kristen aka Kissy Kiss! |
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Miss Bryleigh (great niece)-her hair isn't colored, but she's a pageant girl, so she has colorful eye makeup! |
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Katelyn with two-toned hair color. |
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Madison with two-toned streaked hair. |
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McKenzie with her colorful face painting. |
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Katelyn with Blue-Green Streaks |
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Madison & Katelyn with the blue-green streaked hair. |
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Bequi again. |
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My sister Lisa & friend with colorful Zumbawear! |
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Even the newest member of the family is already showing signs of being colorful! This is Oaklee Grace! |
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Even the walls are colorful! |
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Even I LOVE color too! |
Stay tuned for Silliness and Beauty from the family.
Great Niece,
Hair Color,
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I Love Me Some Redheads!
Not Here! Not Today! Not EVER!
LOL! I LOVE this sign! The fact that it will get more attention than the pro-vaccine ones.
More natural doctors, chiropractors, etc... need to proudly display this in their windows.
Please visit:
More natural doctors, chiropractors, etc... need to proudly display this in their windows.
Please visit:
Smartphone Apps Now Record Your Conversations and Snap Pictures Without Telling You
One of my sisters was telling me just LAST night that her phone recorded videos that she didn't know about and uploaded to her Facebook.
I told her one THAT is why we don't have a Smart Phone.
Besides causing brain tumors, it's a spy phone as well. Even the old cellphones can be tracked via that tracking chip.
Smartphone Apps Now Record Your Conversations and Snap Pictures Without Telling You
Paul Joseph Watson
Did you know that many of the apps you download to your smartphone now use your microphone to listen to you and your camera to take pictures of you without your confirmation?
New terms of agreement contracts now being attached to app downloads require users to accept that their cellphones become literal monitoring devices that record conversations and surreptitiously take pictures without the user ever giving permission.
It’s been common knowledge for years that app companies and service providers use GPS technology to pinpoint the location of smartphone users.
However, after purchasing a new Samsung Galaxy Note II and proceeding to download a couple of Android apps, one a social networking app and the other a simple calendar, I was shocked to discover that users are mandated to relinquish every aspect of privacy imaginable in order to download the app.
As you can see from the image above, app companies now demand the right to;
- “Record Audio” – “Allows the app to record audio with the microphone. This permission allows the app to record audio at any time without your confirmation.”
- “Take pictures and videos” – “Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.”
App companies are also requiring you to allow them to approximate your location, send SMS messages from your phone that cost you money, read your contacts, read your phone status and identity, get “full network access” to your communications (in other words listen to your phone calls), modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, and disable your screen lock (the 4 digit code that password-protects your phone).
Since the vast majority of people simply consent to terms of agreement without bothering to read them, this means that potentially millions of smartphone users all over the world have given app companies and by extension service providers permission to record their conversations and take pictures of their private life.
This has been allowed to pass virtually unnoticed with barely any press attention or privacy debate whatsoever.
Since smartphones are dependent on apps, users are being given the option to either not use them and render their expensive device largely redundant, or submit to have their private conversations and personal life catalogued as if they were trapped inside The Truman Show.
I told her one THAT is why we don't have a Smart Phone.
Besides causing brain tumors, it's a spy phone as well. Even the old cellphones can be tracked via that tracking chip.
Smartphone Apps Now Record Your Conversations and Snap Pictures Without Telling You
Paul Joseph Watson
Did you know that many of the apps you download to your smartphone now use your microphone to listen to you and your camera to take pictures of you without your confirmation?
New terms of agreement contracts now being attached to app downloads require users to accept that their cellphones become literal monitoring devices that record conversations and surreptitiously take pictures without the user ever giving permission.
It’s been common knowledge for years that app companies and service providers use GPS technology to pinpoint the location of smartphone users.
However, after purchasing a new Samsung Galaxy Note II and proceeding to download a couple of Android apps, one a social networking app and the other a simple calendar, I was shocked to discover that users are mandated to relinquish every aspect of privacy imaginable in order to download the app.
As you can see from the image above, app companies now demand the right to;
- “Record Audio” – “Allows the app to record audio with the microphone. This permission allows the app to record audio at any time without your confirmation.”
- “Take pictures and videos” – “Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.”
App companies are also requiring you to allow them to approximate your location, send SMS messages from your phone that cost you money, read your contacts, read your phone status and identity, get “full network access” to your communications (in other words listen to your phone calls), modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, and disable your screen lock (the 4 digit code that password-protects your phone).
Since the vast majority of people simply consent to terms of agreement without bothering to read them, this means that potentially millions of smartphone users all over the world have given app companies and by extension service providers permission to record their conversations and take pictures of their private life.
This has been allowed to pass virtually unnoticed with barely any press attention or privacy debate whatsoever.
Since smartphones are dependent on apps, users are being given the option to either not use them and render their expensive device largely redundant, or submit to have their private conversations and personal life catalogued as if they were trapped inside The Truman Show.
Ground under Fukushima Unit 4 sinking, structure on verge of complete collapse
Ground under Fukushima Unit 4 sinking, structure on verge of complete collapse
Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a prominent Japanese official. During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to both Switzerland and Senegal, explained that the ground beneath the plant’s Unit 4 is gradually sinking, and that the entire structure is very likely on the verge of complete collapse.
This is highly concerning, as Unit 4 currently holds more than 1,500 spent nuclear fuel rods, and a collective 37 million curies of deadly radiation that, if released, could make much of the world completely uninhabitable. As some Natural News readers will recall, Unit 4 contains the infamous elevated cooling pool that was severely damaged following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011.
According to the Secretary of former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the ground beneath Unit 4 has already sunk by about 31.5 inches since the disaster, and this sinking has taken place unevenly. If the ground continues to sink, which it is expected to, or if another earthquake of even as low as a magnitude six occurs in the region, the entire structure could collapse, which would fully drain the cooling pool and cause a catastrophic meltdown.
“If Unit 4 collapses, the worse case scenario will be a meltdown, and a resultant fire in the atmosphere. That will be the most unprecedented crisis that man has ever experienced. Nobody will be able to approach the plants … as all will have melted down and caused a big fire,” said Murata during the interview. “Many scientists say if Unit 4 collapses, not only will Japan lie in ruin, but the entire world will also face serious damages.”
Because there are 31 nuclear units of a similar type to Unit 4 in the U.S., the American government has been downplaying the disaster to protect its own reputation, alleges Murata. This is, in fact, the primary reason why so little has been reported on the severity of Fukushima following the disaster. The American empire, in other words, does not want the world, nor the American people, to know that there is the possibility of literally dozens of Fukushima situations occurring on American soil, should the right disaster situations arise
You can watch the full 3:51 minute translated interview with Murata at the following link:
Sources for this article include:
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
MONSANTO: Homeland Security is Working for Monsanto.
MONSANTO: Homeland Security is Working for Monsanto.
When we see photographs of rats grossly deformed by massive tumors after eating genetically engineered corn laced with Roundup, it's not good news for Monsanto.
People understand instantly in looking at those pathetic rats that organic food is not a niche market or a expensive luxury, but a life or death issue, because the rats were fed corn that is part of the American diet.
All the studies that were required but bypassed before GMOs were unleashed into the food chain seem compressed into this one devastating study by CRIIGEN.
The Monsanto lies are exposed. People must avoid GMOs at all costs and eat organic food if they are to survive.
But Monsanto has been assiduously preparing for this day of public realization, corrupting the FDA (Monsanto VP Michael Taylor is charge of "food safety" and ensuring it through armed raids against organic farmers, organic coops, and mothers' organic buying clubs!), the USDA (which has funded development of a corn to sterilize humans), the EPA (which is going after hay on an inland ranch as a pollutant under the Clean Water Act, while ignoring serious oil spills into major rivers), and any other agencies standing in the way of getting its death-causing products released as quickly as possible into the environment.
One can see their not very subtle desperation to shut down all questions about their GMOs in the bill proposed in India, that would set up a biotech regulatory authority and laws to imprison anyone who even dared to bring up the issue of the safety of GMOs (including in vaccines, which now contain GMOs with news equally dire). The Indian bill has been called "unconstitutional, unethical, unscientific," which is practically a nickname for Monsanto at this point.
But however outrageous the efforts to force GMOs onto India, they are small potatoes compared to what Monsanto and the biotech industry have done behind the scenes in the US where they have arranged for Homeland Security to define organic food - the only safe food - as a bio-security threat. They are clearly not happy about the unpatented, free for the taking, biodiversity people are working to save - open pollinated seeds and crops, as well as heritage animals raised on small farms.
As is Monsanto's modus operandi, reality has been turned on its head, such that GMO seeds and only crops raised on giant mono-culture GMO farms and sprayed with deadly pesticides, and only animals trapped in animal prisons (CAFOs - controlled animal feeding operations) where they are fed on GMOs with pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones, have now been defined as "normal" and what actually is normal (and safe) has been defined as a threat.
Stanford has HUGE stakes in bioterrorism preparedness that includes homeland security funding, as well as having a seat on the National Institutes of Health's Office of Biotechnology Activities. Stanford also has an entire department that concentrates on agricultural biosecurity. An important goal of the network – which is funded by the Homeland Security Act – is to coordinate diagnostic and scientific expertise in agricultural production and security in regard to agricultural pests and pathogens that could be used in bio-terrorism.
To that end, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has taken the position that organic farming, such as free-ranging chickens and cows and non-GM seeds that you can't 'control' are potential biosecurity threats. USDA has even begun putting, in writing, directives on how they want organic farming "contained" – which resembles turning organic farms into nothing more than factory farms.17 (Source)
Basically, what is owned by the biotech/industrial food system and killing people is "good" and what is from nature, healing, and free to humanity, has been redefined as a biologic threat, and potentially as bioterrorism. This should come as no surprise, really, given the takeover of the US government by Monsanto and the parallel redefinition of patriotic Americans as terrorists, too. The more positive something is, the more Orwellian its redefinition as dangerous. An identical thing has occurred with vaccines in which those asking for vaccine safety are treated by corporate media and the government as threats to the health of the country, at just the same time that studies and government documents are showing without a doubt that the vaccines are causing diseases.
Thus we have a huge government and corporate push for flu vaccines, while it is confirmed that the flu vaccine increases the risk of serious pandemic flu illness. And that leaves off that the the H1N1 is inside the flu vaccine, and kills fetuses.
Medicine, not just food, is an organic issue as well. Vaccines are filled now with GMOs, and also contain heavy metals, viruses, other toxins. We look at the poor tumor-swollen rats being held aloft and see in an instant that GMOs and poisons are deadly, and that organic food is the only way to go.
And we are now starting to understand that vaccines come from those same GMO and pesticide companies, contain GMOs and toxins, and are also killing people. The vaccine experiment parallels the GMO experiment - it's massive, involuntary, and damaging children. And there, too, there is an effort to ban natural supplements as dangerous, and Homeland Security is set to force vaccines on the country if a "pandemic emergency" is declared (not proven). This vaccine attack on normal human DNA parallels the potential DHS bioterrorism attack on organic food.
In both cases, Homeland Security would be acting for Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry, force-contaminating crops and animals and getting rid of those with normal DNA, and force-contaminating people with GMO-vaccines, destroying normal DNA and threatening everyone's lives. In both cases, any bio-threat can be manufactured and then military and DHS can roll out to give Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry absolute power over seeds, crops, animals, and human bodies. This biotech military take over would leave us with deadly non-food and at the mercy of any vaccine they come up with, but would be publicized as saving the country from bioterrorism and disease.
Monsanto needs military power to carry on with GMOs because its lies are being countered almost instantly now. Three photos of sick, deformed rats tell the truth. And while DHS and military may have been woven into a biotech plan to spray organic crops with Agent Orange and mass destroy organic animals as they are already doing in Michigan, or to force toxic GMO-vaccines onto the country, organic has won the truth when it comes to food, and the evidence for organic approach to health - not taking vaccines is a health move similar to not using pesticides) - is in as well.
In the UK, Freedom of Information Act has revealed that the government has known for 30 years that the vaccines don't work and cause diseases and has done all they can to hide that fact from the public. In the US, the government has been illegally withholding FOIA documents on vaccines for over 7 years. And now the Obama administration, the same one seeking permanent detention of Americans and that has refused act against those officials committing acts of torture, is seeking to change FOIA to create a new category beyond declaring documents secret but would allow it to declare some FOIA documents "non-existent."
The FOIA documents the CDC is withholding, and Obama is warping reality to keep hidden, are sought by a doctor with an autistic child. The documents concern what the CDC has known about the true impact of mercury in vaccines. That is about autism. Can we hold up three photos of broken children so people recognize the danger of GMOs in vaccines, too? Or should we hold up the dead bodies of infants killed by the DPT vaccine schedule (at two, four and six months) which is tightly correlated with SIDS' deaths? Even in the 1970s, the DPT vaccine, which was said by the scientist regulating it to be"the dirtiest substance ever put in the human body." [Start at 2:40 seconds into the video.) The "miracle of vaccines" is that their lethality has been hidden for so long.
Thanks to the CRIIGEN study, it's patently obvious now that GMOs and Roundup threaten human life. Full stop. Yet Homeland Security, acting on behalf of Monsanto, has bioterrorism laws in place to rub out organic food and animals as a biosecurity threat.
Thanks to FOIAs in the UK, we know without question that the UK and US government have known for 30 years that vaccines don't work, and are a biologic threat to children's lives. Full stop. Yet DHS and military ready to force unknown and untested vaccines on the entire country that could potentially be lethal.
In a way, one might even feel badly for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry because defining organic food and farm animals as bio-threats is insane, and their last ditch effort to win control over everything.
They lied about the 1918 "flu" to hide how many they killed with aspirin, and Monsanto was involved there as well. They lied about WMDs to get oil. They lied about fluoride being safe. They lied about bailouts.
They have concocted massive scare stories of to hide the truth - they themselves are terrorists and bio-terrorists seeking control of all living organisms. It's just all too crazy to be sustained.
Most Americans now see 9/11 as an inside job, with its terror used to put in place totalitarian laws. The scapegoat, Muslims, didn't do it.
Vaccines don't work, are causing diseases, destroying children's minds, and paralyzing and even killing them. Scapegoated parents, aware enough not to vaccinate their own children, didn't do it.
The world now sees GMOs as a biologic threat to existence. The new (laughable) scapegoat, organic, didn't do it.
When Homeland Security is working for Monsanto, with elaborate plans to "subdue" organic food and animals, the whole terrorism/bioterrorism apparatus is out on the table as a scam.
When we see photographs of rats grossly deformed by massive tumors after eating genetically engineered corn laced with Roundup, it's not good news for Monsanto.
People understand instantly in looking at those pathetic rats that organic food is not a niche market or a expensive luxury, but a life or death issue, because the rats were fed corn that is part of the American diet.
All the studies that were required but bypassed before GMOs were unleashed into the food chain seem compressed into this one devastating study by CRIIGEN.
The Monsanto lies are exposed. People must avoid GMOs at all costs and eat organic food if they are to survive.
But Monsanto has been assiduously preparing for this day of public realization, corrupting the FDA (Monsanto VP Michael Taylor is charge of "food safety" and ensuring it through armed raids against organic farmers, organic coops, and mothers' organic buying clubs!), the USDA (which has funded development of a corn to sterilize humans), the EPA (which is going after hay on an inland ranch as a pollutant under the Clean Water Act, while ignoring serious oil spills into major rivers), and any other agencies standing in the way of getting its death-causing products released as quickly as possible into the environment.
One can see their not very subtle desperation to shut down all questions about their GMOs in the bill proposed in India, that would set up a biotech regulatory authority and laws to imprison anyone who even dared to bring up the issue of the safety of GMOs (including in vaccines, which now contain GMOs with news equally dire). The Indian bill has been called "unconstitutional, unethical, unscientific," which is practically a nickname for Monsanto at this point.
But however outrageous the efforts to force GMOs onto India, they are small potatoes compared to what Monsanto and the biotech industry have done behind the scenes in the US where they have arranged for Homeland Security to define organic food - the only safe food - as a bio-security threat. They are clearly not happy about the unpatented, free for the taking, biodiversity people are working to save - open pollinated seeds and crops, as well as heritage animals raised on small farms.
As is Monsanto's modus operandi, reality has been turned on its head, such that GMO seeds and only crops raised on giant mono-culture GMO farms and sprayed with deadly pesticides, and only animals trapped in animal prisons (CAFOs - controlled animal feeding operations) where they are fed on GMOs with pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones, have now been defined as "normal" and what actually is normal (and safe) has been defined as a threat.
Stanford has HUGE stakes in bioterrorism preparedness that includes homeland security funding, as well as having a seat on the National Institutes of Health's Office of Biotechnology Activities. Stanford also has an entire department that concentrates on agricultural biosecurity. An important goal of the network – which is funded by the Homeland Security Act – is to coordinate diagnostic and scientific expertise in agricultural production and security in regard to agricultural pests and pathogens that could be used in bio-terrorism.
To that end, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has taken the position that organic farming, such as free-ranging chickens and cows and non-GM seeds that you can't 'control' are potential biosecurity threats. USDA has even begun putting, in writing, directives on how they want organic farming "contained" – which resembles turning organic farms into nothing more than factory farms.17 (Source)
Basically, what is owned by the biotech/industrial food system and killing people is "good" and what is from nature, healing, and free to humanity, has been redefined as a biologic threat, and potentially as bioterrorism. This should come as no surprise, really, given the takeover of the US government by Monsanto and the parallel redefinition of patriotic Americans as terrorists, too. The more positive something is, the more Orwellian its redefinition as dangerous. An identical thing has occurred with vaccines in which those asking for vaccine safety are treated by corporate media and the government as threats to the health of the country, at just the same time that studies and government documents are showing without a doubt that the vaccines are causing diseases.
Thus we have a huge government and corporate push for flu vaccines, while it is confirmed that the flu vaccine increases the risk of serious pandemic flu illness. And that leaves off that the the H1N1 is inside the flu vaccine, and kills fetuses.
Medicine, not just food, is an organic issue as well. Vaccines are filled now with GMOs, and also contain heavy metals, viruses, other toxins. We look at the poor tumor-swollen rats being held aloft and see in an instant that GMOs and poisons are deadly, and that organic food is the only way to go.
And we are now starting to understand that vaccines come from those same GMO and pesticide companies, contain GMOs and toxins, and are also killing people. The vaccine experiment parallels the GMO experiment - it's massive, involuntary, and damaging children. And there, too, there is an effort to ban natural supplements as dangerous, and Homeland Security is set to force vaccines on the country if a "pandemic emergency" is declared (not proven). This vaccine attack on normal human DNA parallels the potential DHS bioterrorism attack on organic food.
In both cases, Homeland Security would be acting for Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry, force-contaminating crops and animals and getting rid of those with normal DNA, and force-contaminating people with GMO-vaccines, destroying normal DNA and threatening everyone's lives. In both cases, any bio-threat can be manufactured and then military and DHS can roll out to give Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry absolute power over seeds, crops, animals, and human bodies. This biotech military take over would leave us with deadly non-food and at the mercy of any vaccine they come up with, but would be publicized as saving the country from bioterrorism and disease.
Monsanto needs military power to carry on with GMOs because its lies are being countered almost instantly now. Three photos of sick, deformed rats tell the truth. And while DHS and military may have been woven into a biotech plan to spray organic crops with Agent Orange and mass destroy organic animals as they are already doing in Michigan, or to force toxic GMO-vaccines onto the country, organic has won the truth when it comes to food, and the evidence for organic approach to health - not taking vaccines is a health move similar to not using pesticides) - is in as well.
In the UK, Freedom of Information Act has revealed that the government has known for 30 years that the vaccines don't work and cause diseases and has done all they can to hide that fact from the public. In the US, the government has been illegally withholding FOIA documents on vaccines for over 7 years. And now the Obama administration, the same one seeking permanent detention of Americans and that has refused act against those officials committing acts of torture, is seeking to change FOIA to create a new category beyond declaring documents secret but would allow it to declare some FOIA documents "non-existent."
The FOIA documents the CDC is withholding, and Obama is warping reality to keep hidden, are sought by a doctor with an autistic child. The documents concern what the CDC has known about the true impact of mercury in vaccines. That is about autism. Can we hold up three photos of broken children so people recognize the danger of GMOs in vaccines, too? Or should we hold up the dead bodies of infants killed by the DPT vaccine schedule (at two, four and six months) which is tightly correlated with SIDS' deaths? Even in the 1970s, the DPT vaccine, which was said by the scientist regulating it to be"the dirtiest substance ever put in the human body." [Start at 2:40 seconds into the video.) The "miracle of vaccines" is that their lethality has been hidden for so long.
Thanks to the CRIIGEN study, it's patently obvious now that GMOs and Roundup threaten human life. Full stop. Yet Homeland Security, acting on behalf of Monsanto, has bioterrorism laws in place to rub out organic food and animals as a biosecurity threat.
Thanks to FOIAs in the UK, we know without question that the UK and US government have known for 30 years that vaccines don't work, and are a biologic threat to children's lives. Full stop. Yet DHS and military ready to force unknown and untested vaccines on the entire country that could potentially be lethal.
In a way, one might even feel badly for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry because defining organic food and farm animals as bio-threats is insane, and their last ditch effort to win control over everything.
They lied about the 1918 "flu" to hide how many they killed with aspirin, and Monsanto was involved there as well. They lied about WMDs to get oil. They lied about fluoride being safe. They lied about bailouts.
They have concocted massive scare stories of to hide the truth - they themselves are terrorists and bio-terrorists seeking control of all living organisms. It's just all too crazy to be sustained.
Most Americans now see 9/11 as an inside job, with its terror used to put in place totalitarian laws. The scapegoat, Muslims, didn't do it.
Vaccines don't work, are causing diseases, destroying children's minds, and paralyzing and even killing them. Scapegoated parents, aware enough not to vaccinate their own children, didn't do it.
The world now sees GMOs as a biologic threat to existence. The new (laughable) scapegoat, organic, didn't do it.
When Homeland Security is working for Monsanto, with elaborate plans to "subdue" organic food and animals, the whole terrorism/bioterrorism apparatus is out on the table as a scam.
IF you have ever wondered if your smart meter is being used to spy on you, well now there is proof that governments and private organisations are using data collected from smart meters to spy on you.
Information about power usage, which can be used to identify when a home is being occupied, is being shared with third parties of which includes government agencies, private organisations and off-shore data processing centres.
This unethical breach of privacy was discovered on the website of one of Australia’s largest electricity retailer, Origin Energy.
Electricity customers, who sign up for an online service that provides the account holder with detailed information about their electricity usage, are unwillingly agreeing to share their private information with third parties.
A 496 word Privacy/Consent policy form explicitly states that customers who wish to sign up for the service that provides them with information about their electricity usage, must agree that the following organisations have access to their private data:
Government authoritiesElectricity installersMail housesData processing analystsIT service providersSmart energy technology providersDebt collection agenciesCredit reporting agencies
A spokesperson for the electricity company (Origin Energy) responsible for this revelation was recently quoted as saying “the additional information requested about each household adds to the richness of the Origin Smart experience” (Source: The Age).
One private organisation that is being given personal information of Origin Energy customers isTendril, a self-described consumer engagement application and services provider and an organisation that believes smart grids can help fight climate change.
Alarmingly, Tendril’s own website doesn’t explicitly state how it uses data gathered by its clients and for what purposes the data can and cannot be used for.
What implication this has for Australian residents is unknown.
There has been an overwhelming opposition to the roll-out and installation of smart meters around the world.
Smart Meter opt-out coalitions are present in almost all major municipalities that have smart meters present. Unfortunately, in many municipalities an opt-put option is not available.
The author (Andrew Puhanic) was forced to have a smart meter installed on his property, with the only notice given about the installation being a letter informing the ‘month’ that the smart meter would be installed.
The greatest concern with smart meter data being shared with third parties is the fact that the third-party organisation could easily identify (over time) a pattern of when you do and do not use electricity.
This information could fall into the wrong hands and could be used to determine when your home is un-occupied.
In Australia, the erosion of privacy was escalated further by a new proposal to force internet and telephone companies to retain customer records for more than two years. For more information about this proposal, click here.
Households that are forced to have smart meters installed must be assured that the information their electricity company collects is not shared with third parties.
Ultimately, smart meters are designed to collect information about household electricity usage and now there is proof that electricity companies are openly sharing information collected by smart meters.
So what happens when a tyrannical government or criminal has access to your electricity usage records?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
13,000 People Exposed to Big Pharma Shots Contaminated with Rare Fungal Meningitis
13,000 People Exposed to Big Pharma Shots Contaminated with Rare Fungal Meningitis
Lisa Garber - NaturalSociety - October 9, 2012
13,000 People Exposed to Big Pharma Shots Contaminated with Rare Fungal MeningitisAs of Monday, contaminated steroids have sickened 105 people with a noncontagious but deadly form of fungal meningitis, while 13,000 people may have been exposed to the contamination. Eight have died. Health officials attribute the outbreak to spinal steroid injections for back pain. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found fungus in sealed vials of the steroid in question, produced by the Massachusetts-based pharmacy, New England Compounding Center (NECC). The NECC voluntarily recalled all of its products on Saturday and surrendered its license to operate until completion of the FDA’s investigation.
You can find a list of the 76 medical facilities that obtained the steroid at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
What is Fungal Meningitis?
Meningitis inflames the membranes protecting the brain and spinal cord. Usually brought on by a viral or bacterial infection, fungal infection is rare and not contagious but no less deadly. Symptoms include headache; fever; nausea; stiffness of the neck; and (in the case of fungal infection) confusion, dizziness, and aversion to bright light. Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University Medical Center says that because blood vessels clot or bleed in response to fungal infections, symptoms are rarely mild and can be as severe as small strokes.
Because patients treated earlier have greater chances of survival, health officials encourage people with symptoms to seek aid.
Other Dangers of Pharmaceuticals
About 1 in 10 drugs administered in the U.S. are manufactured in compound facilities, which do not answer to FDA mandates and instead go through state health pharmacy boards before sale.
To be fair, the FDA is complicit in a number of other conditions resultant of vaccines and harmful pharmaceuticals. In example, after being administered steroids for an asthma attack, Shanyna Isom developed a skin condition wherein she grows fingernails instead of hair. Her condition is the only one recorded in the world and has cost her family over a quarter of a million dollars in medical bills.
Additionally, a report from the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology found states that aluminum hydroxide in vaccines may cause a deadly aluminum overdose for children and adults. Vaccines have also been linked to autism, Guillain-Barre syndrome, paralysis, and death in addition to less severe chronic conditions like allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Read more:
Lisa Garber - NaturalSociety - October 9, 2012
13,000 People Exposed to Big Pharma Shots Contaminated with Rare Fungal MeningitisAs of Monday, contaminated steroids have sickened 105 people with a noncontagious but deadly form of fungal meningitis, while 13,000 people may have been exposed to the contamination. Eight have died. Health officials attribute the outbreak to spinal steroid injections for back pain. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found fungus in sealed vials of the steroid in question, produced by the Massachusetts-based pharmacy, New England Compounding Center (NECC). The NECC voluntarily recalled all of its products on Saturday and surrendered its license to operate until completion of the FDA’s investigation.
You can find a list of the 76 medical facilities that obtained the steroid at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
What is Fungal Meningitis?
Meningitis inflames the membranes protecting the brain and spinal cord. Usually brought on by a viral or bacterial infection, fungal infection is rare and not contagious but no less deadly. Symptoms include headache; fever; nausea; stiffness of the neck; and (in the case of fungal infection) confusion, dizziness, and aversion to bright light. Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University Medical Center says that because blood vessels clot or bleed in response to fungal infections, symptoms are rarely mild and can be as severe as small strokes.
Because patients treated earlier have greater chances of survival, health officials encourage people with symptoms to seek aid.
Other Dangers of Pharmaceuticals
About 1 in 10 drugs administered in the U.S. are manufactured in compound facilities, which do not answer to FDA mandates and instead go through state health pharmacy boards before sale.
To be fair, the FDA is complicit in a number of other conditions resultant of vaccines and harmful pharmaceuticals. In example, after being administered steroids for an asthma attack, Shanyna Isom developed a skin condition wherein she grows fingernails instead of hair. Her condition is the only one recorded in the world and has cost her family over a quarter of a million dollars in medical bills.
Additionally, a report from the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology found states that aluminum hydroxide in vaccines may cause a deadly aluminum overdose for children and adults. Vaccines have also been linked to autism, Guillain-Barre syndrome, paralysis, and death in addition to less severe chronic conditions like allergies and autoimmune diseases.
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But thinks everyone else should vaccinate theirs. Another souless sellout....
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This Is What Your Charitable Donations To Third World Countries REALLY Pay For
Andthe Children are STILL Starving! And people think I'm not charitable. It's because I KNOW what the money really pays for.
FOOD & WATER, NOPE. Vaccines, Yep.
Intro by Zen
Talk about a total contrast. This beautiful pictorial rebuke is a first hand encounter with the insane reality of the crippling Gates-backed vaccine push in Africa, against the backdrop of loving individuals taking real action to help alleviate the real problems and needs of their fellow man.
I can’t imagine a greater exposé.
Before I went to Uganda, I knew all about Bill Gates and his billion dollar vaccine campaign. I had read the stories of him going into remote African villages and vaccinating children with the measles vaccine at gunpoint. I knew about the thousands of cases of children in India becoming paralyzed after receiving his polio vaccines. I’ve researched the African children coming down with the mysterious “nodding” disease immediately after vaccination. I’ve listened to the interviews where Bill Gates calls his vaccine campaign “population control”.
But like most things, we don’t really believe it until we actually see it.
During my time in Uganda, I saw it.
It wasn’t 10 minutes down the road from the airport, that I saw all the big banners hanging. Bill Gates vaccine campaign had been in town the week earlier. Big posters reading “Any child under 5 can come get free polio & measles vaccines”. Woo-hoo. Nice, I thought.
Well at least that happened the week before. I did not want to witness it.
And then I witnessed it.
We spent one of our days in a village in a remote area, at the home of a young lady who raises 26 orphaned kids. She also runs a school with about 96 kids.
This is the land, the home, and the school:
The students did a skit for us. They held up signs that represented their current childhood epidemics. Yellow Fever, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Diarrhea, etc.. then the skit showed how the body fights sickness through white blood cells. One of the kids was the “white blood cell body guard” that protected the body. It was a very cute skit and informative.
None of the children held up signs that said “Autism” or “Asthma” or “Allergies” or “ADHD”. Or any other autoimmune disorder that is currently affecting 1 in 6 American children.
The children in Uganda also don’t receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines.
They also didn’t hold up signs that said “Whooping Cough” or “Measles” or “Polio” or “Chicken Pox” or “Hep B”. Nope. None of those.
The children in these remote villages are sick and dying from malnutrition and unsanitary living conditions. They are not dying from undervaccination and they are certainly not injured from over-vaccination.
They simply need Food, Water, & Sanitation.
Water …
They drink the same water they bathe in.
Sanitation …
That water comes from dirty stagnant water sources. They bathe on a dirt floor.
They eat outside on the same dirt floor.
Food …
The photo below shows the outdoor kitchen where the children eat ONE meal a day.
And the naked little girl was suffering from measles. I asked why.
I was told that someone came into the village 2 weeks prior and gave the kids measles vaccines. Now the little girl has measles.
They kept putting her in a tub of water to help with the itching. It was truly heartbreaking to witness.
With no medical means to care for her illness, they are left to deal with the aftermath of what we call “preventative healthcare”. Ha!
I don’t care who you are or what side of the vaccine philosophy you fall under, there is no logic in the world that can explain going into a remote village with children who only eat one meal a day and have never had clean drinking water … and giving them a vaccine.
Think about it. Can you imagine walking up to this precious little girl and saying: ”I know you are starving, but here is a measles vaccine instead. I promise this will make you much healthier than food or water”.
It’s a scary day when simple logic no longer exists.
Food & Water, nope. Vaccines, yep.
And innocent children suffer the consequences.
It’s absurd.
Here’s what we did. We showed them what preventative healthcare really looks like.
We gave them a water system.
And we gave them a cow and a year’s worth of rice & beans.
And we painted their finger nails. Because little girls want to feel loved and pretty.
And we loved on the little girl with measles and tried to help her stop itching.
They want to know people really do care about them.
They don’t want to walk around their remote villages hungry, and the only people who show up are people who are there to stick a needle in their arm and make them sick.
Every now and then, when I write a post, I’m just plain mad. I like to refer to it as Righteous Anger.
This is a Righteous Anger post.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy”
—Proverbs 31: 8-9
Website to the original article with ALL the pictures...
Mexico Govt Gearing Up to Sterilize and Kill Young Girls With Forced HPV Vaccines
Mexico orders HPV vaccinations for all 5th-grade girls, saying it will end threat of cervical cancer
October 3, 2012, Miami Herald
Mexico on [October 3] launched a massive program to vaccinate fifth-grade girls against human papillomavirus, making it one of the few nations in the world with a universal campaign against the sexually transmitted virus. One million schoolgirls ages 11 or 12 will receive the HPV vaccination this week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said. Another 200,000 girls who aren’t in school also will be given the vaccine. Mexico becomes one of the few countries in the world to follow in the footsteps of Greece, which in 2007 made the HPV vaccination mandatory for girls entering seventh grade. All fifth-grade girls will be given an initial shot, then a second shot six months later. A third and final dose will be given to girls in ninth grade. Mexico began an obligatory vaccination program of schoolchildren and pregnant women in 1991, and currently [administers] 14 types of vaccines, Health Secretary Salomon Chertorivski said. During weeklong periods three times a year, thousands of doctors and nurses spread across the country to schools and rural clinics to administer the free vaccinations.
Note: Once again the pharmaceutical companies are persuading governments to force the public to take their questionable vaccines. For an excellent report endorsed by dozens of respected doctors and nurses on the serious risks and dangers of vaccines, click here. Read about a key scientific study which showed that monkeys given standard human vaccines developed autism symptoms, at this link. For powerful evidence presented in major media articles that some vaccines are much more dangerous than the health industry will acknowledge, click here.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Holy Crusade of Enlightened Orthodontics By Dr. Mew and Dr. Hang, Ridding the World of Evil Extraction Orthodontists
More about how orthodontists ruin faces, palates and teeth....
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