Friday, May 31, 2013

Picture Effects and Photos

It's that time again, when I am totally bored, and I start playing with the pictures and adding weird effects such as rainbows, stars, suntan effects, cartoonish effects, etc...

The look on my face!   Bahahaha!

The original pic cropped.  That damn look on my face is hilarious!

That's Alena and I

Aria and Alena.

Aaron and Alena

Kristen being a wild child!   No pic effect needed on this one!

A comic book effect.

Suntan anyone?   It's only a picture effect. 
My skin  has no pigment, so I would never get this color in real life.
I wish though!

It would be really cool, if my eyes really were this color!

Robert doing Zumba at the Zumbathon.  No effect, as it's colorful enough!

OMG!   Yellow hair!   Eeeeekkkk!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

[Vaccination-Liberation] Oregon Update -- really bad from what I see here

Oregon is going in the way of Washington State and California, requiring a doctor's signature for a RELIGIOUS exemption!   A doctor's signature used to mean MEDICAL exemption.  Now they are requiring a damn note from a mainstream MD, and the parents HAVE TO PAY THE DOCTOR to get an exemption.   We were in WA State recently, and talked to a young mother that complained that she has to pay $170 to go to a damn Medical Diety just to get an exemption one of her sons.  And that's money that she said she didn't have. 

Folks, take your kids of of the public indoctrination centers now, or else your children will be forced injected and medicated out the wazoo!   WAKE the hell up already!

From Ingri....

Ever since Cindy posted a note about Oregon, I have been frantically following Senate Bill 132. Well the Senate moved S 132 to the Rules Committee and that committee passed it today with a 3 to 2 vote. It seemed fairly unusual to me to see only 5 members on this committee. Anyway, I wanted to see some history and looked at how the bill was successfully amended on April 18. You can read the amended version here - and here

Anyhow, this is effective immediately, like this is an emergency - and yet there are no epidemics that they have created to justify this emergency!

Sure hope they have a strong home schooling advocacy association in Oregon. With Common Core Standards and the other crap they are teaching our children. it is PAST time to pull your children OUT of public schools. I just talked to my 8 y.o. granddaughter last night and she was describing how they are teaching multiplication - really screwy and 'dumbed down'. She is so bored and wants to be homeschooled :-(

This is so, so serious - BOTH the content of the curriculum in public schools and the tyranny of forced injections, or get a doctor's note. Only CDC approved vaccine educational module. And, like in Australia, there is no guarantee that the physician giving the vaccine indoctrination module will sign your document, especially if they are under pressure to make sure the indoctrination "sticks". So sick.

In the Spirit of Truth,

Ingri Cassel, director

Vaccination Liberation

P.O. Box 457

Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869

(208) 255-2307

“Free Your Mind....

From the Vaccine Paradigm”


Monday, May 27, 2013

Lara Starr Rant on Bill Gates and Others

I just had a little rant on the Mind Unleashed. Figured I'd share it here too :)

Amazing how many people are getting angry about this post. For the record, we're not attacking Bill Gates. All we're doing is passing on FACTUAL information. I hope you research what we tell you rather than just brushing it off as mere nonsense, but as always, what you do with this information is up to you.

If some of you got upset just because we're telling people about his Monsanto connection, I wonder how upset you're going to be when you read what else I have to say LOL.

I have been researching the Illuminati for over a decade. I haven't just researched the organization itself, I have researched almost all the major people in their organization. Bill Gates is one of the people I have heavily researched. Yes, he does donate lots of money to organizations that claim to be aiding people in 3rd world countries. What they don't tell you, is that money is mostly being spent on buying up all our old, unused (sometimes even outdated) vaccines from pharmaceutical companies. All of which are loaded with things like mercury and formaldehyde. People in poor countries don't need more vaccines. A large majority of them get even more shots than most Americans do annually. What they need is REAL, NUTRITIONAL FOOD and FRESH, CLEAN WATER. Dirty water and malnutrition kill far more people in poor countries than anything else. (Here's another random fact- 3rd most common way to die in 3rd world countries is due to War. Two guesses what kind of laptop computers our military use at our 800+ bases worldwide. Microsoft! Taxpayer funded of course) Bill Gates never buys food, and he never helps people by proving things like LifeStraw for clean water. Much smaller non-profit organizations try to provide food and water free of charge to thousands of people annually. They could be providing it to MILLIONS of people if they had help from billionaires like Bill Gates. Hell, Bill Gates is so rich, he could ERADICATE HUNGER WORLDWIDE if he wanted to. Instead, he and his corporate minions are pumping people full of vaccines. WHY? Because the CEOs of these elitist run corporations don't mind buying these people cheap vaccines, but they do mind providing them with the things they REALLY need to flourish. If the people in poorer countries were able to thrive, they wouldn't have cheap slave labor, they wouldn't have cheaper access to the Earths natural resources, and they wouldn't be able to control their population in any way.

Oh, and if you think Microsoft is a big gift for humanity developed by Bill Gates, you need to research more about him. He's basically a modern day Thomas Edison. He steals peoples ideas and puts his name on the patents. A whole TEAM of people developed the programming Microsoft sells. It was not Bill Gates. He's merely the one that got credit for it. He may be a genius, but the only thing his genius was used for was for slipping crap like spying software into all Microsoft's products. Thanks to him, they can monitor over a BILLION computers, and all they need to get data from each one, is for them to be turned on, with a semi-decent wifi signal nearby. Even Xbox is part of their civilian spying program. They tricked MILLIONS of people into buying Govt/Corporate controlled cameras for their own living rooms. They even mentioned in the 12 page Xbox Live terms and conditions contact that they can turn on the cameras any time they want, and they can even report what they see to '3rd parties'. They don't even have to hide what they're doing because they know most people don't bother to read the fine print.

Bill Gates is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the people who don't bother to pay attention haven't a clue what type of person he is. I'm sorry if we offended people with this post, but if you don't like us being open and honest about things that are EASY TO PROVE WITH A LITTLE RESEARCH, then you're on the wrong page.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Declaration to Supermarkets and Food Outlets

Here is a copy of a rough draft composed by The CON Trail in New Zealand for those who wish to give such a form to local food markets and suppliers. Please revise and personalize with your own views.


Declaration to supermarkets and food outlets

... and mandate to self to abide by these convictions:

I will not buy

Any products containing GMO ingredients – soy, maize, cotton seed, vegetable (Canola) oils, raising ingredients, etc.

Any animal products produced by cruel farming practises – caged eggs, crated pork, etc.

Any animal products produced by using growth hormones, antibiotics, toxic pesticides or dips, etc.

Any animal products prepared using toxic preservatives or dipped in bleach

Any animal that has been genetically engineered or "farmed", such as salmon, etc.

Any product that has toxic preservatives added – nitrates, 220, 223 etc., or any chemical enhancement: MSG, etc.

Any product that has artificial colors added

Any food product from China

Any food product that has been irradiated

Any supermarket bakery item, as they are baked with a premix flour containing soy and other possible GMO ingredients

Any food or drink containing Aspartame or corn syrup as a sweetener

I will not support - any company owned or associated with Monsanto:

Aunt Jemima (Quaker), Betty Crocker (General Mills), Hungry Jack, Campbells, Kraft/Phillip Morris (post cereals), Hershey’s,

Nestle (Carnation), Kellogs, Nature Valley, Nabisco (Phillip Morris), Pillsbur, Heinz, Hellmans, Hunts, Frito-lay/Pepsi, delicious brand cookies, Famous Amos, Healthy Choice (ConAgra), Kid Cuisine (stouffers), Lean Cuisine (stouffers)

Lipton (Unilever), Uncle Ben’s, Pringles (Procter and Gamble, Coca Cola, Minute Made, Pepsi, Cadbury/Sweppes, Capri-sun, Cool-aid, Ocean Spray, V-8, Prego Pasta Sauce, Ragu sauce. Plus any weed control brands e.g. Roundup, Zero etc., seed companies or traits and technology companies such as Acceleron, to name only a few.

I will buy

organic products

non GMO products

animal products that have been farmed using humane farming practices

animal products prepared without harmful preservatives, bleaches and chemicals

animal products reared without harmful pesticides and chemicals

cleaning products that do not contain chemicals that harm the environment or my family

personal care products that do not contain chemicals that are harmful to me or my family

I will Support local farmers and food producers that use safe and humane farming practices.

I will also support any overseas company that does the same.

Note: I represent a growing number of people who struggle with shopping, trying to find real food and safe products amongst isles of concoctions posing as food and products dangerous to use. We read all labels and avoid as much processed and chemically laden food as possible.   

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fibrenza -- A Superior Systemic Proteolytic Enzyme

I'm adding this to the arsenal of enzymes.   This looks to be the best, by far.

Have pain and inflammation?    This will totally knock them out, among other things...

When choosing a systemic enzyme, many healthcare providers will recommend avoiding unnecessary excipients, fillers, and binders. Fibrenza also avoids many ingredients that cause food intolerance or sensitivity.   THIS IS IMPORTANT!

* No Phthalates

* No Maltodextrin

* No Magnesium Stearate

* No Talc

* No Artificial Colors

* No Artificial Flavors

* No Titanium Dioxide

* No Fish

* No Dairy

* No Wheat

* No Yeast

* No Gluten

* Non-GMO

Seaprose-S® is a proteolytic (protein eating) enzyme that has been shown in studies to be one of the strongest anti-inflammatory oral enzymes available today.

Nattokinase NSK-SD® is an enzyme that is recommended for cardiovascular health due to its blood-cleansing and fibrin dissolving effects.

Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase), Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Protease, Acid Stable Protease, Bromelain, Papain and Peptidase are proteolytic enzymes that break down proteins, toxins, and other cellular debris. Numerous clinical and laboratory studies have demonstrated these enzymes to have significant anti-inflammatory properties. They are also widely used to limit the debilitating effects of excess fibrin formation.

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme that helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells, which may prevent damage to tissues. A potent antioxidant, it is the foundation of anti-aging and detoxification protocols worldwide. Its profound benefits also include inflammation control.

Pancreatin, amylase, and lipase are enzymes that digest protein, carbohydrates, and fat. When administered for systemic effect, these enzymes work to cleanse the body of toxic debris.