Because we're not dying quick enough for them.
This goes beyond stupidity but, when you understand the depopulation agenda 21 protocol it now makes sense. These doctors are psychopaths!
See this document as well...
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Right to Grow
Omar has just created the Right to Grow website, whose effort is to try to get retraction orthodontics outlawed so that this never happens to another child (sleep apnea, facial disfigurement, among a litany of other health problems)
From their website....
Omar's story here:
How facial growth SHOULD be....
From their website....
Who We Are
We are a community of people seeking change within the orthodontic industry. Presently and in the face of alarming research calling for the contrary, the industry continues to engage in harmful practices that are designed to stunt the normal growth of the jaws, thereby compromising the growth of the airway and even damaging the face. We operate with the following philosophy:
In the ensuring that a child develops to his or her full potential without a compromised airway or face,
We are a community of people seeking change within the orthodontic industry. Presently and in the face of alarming research calling for the contrary, the industry continues to engage in harmful practices that are designed to stunt the normal growth of the jaws, thereby compromising the growth of the airway and even damaging the face. We operate with the following philosophy:
In the ensuring that a child develops to his or her full potential without a compromised airway or face,
- Natural forward growth of the face should never be held back;
- Development of Dental Arches should never be restricted;
- Informed Consent explaining the known and published risks of retraction and extraction based orthodontic treatment must be provided to all patients, including the risks of facial elongation, flattening of the cranial base, dishing-in of the face, narrowing of the jaws, reduction of airway volume and development of sleep apnea.
Omar's story here:
How facial growth SHOULD be....
Friday, December 26, 2014
Something To Think About...
Most people don't know that 4 years ago they added the flu shot to the vaccination schedule to be given to babies at 6 month of age. Did you get this?! Babies are given the flu vaccine at 6 months old.
Now take a look at the picture below and let it sink in. So next time you take your baby to the doctor you can decide to go along with what they want to inject into your babies body. Here is proof. - Some of the flu vaccines contain Dog kidney cells too. Can you imagine how animal DNA injected directly into the human blood will effect a newborn's DNA?
Remember going to a Pediatrician is voluntary. Parents can still take their child to a chiropractor/naturopathic physician instead of a pediatrician. There is no law that states a parent has to use a lamestream doctor.
Now take a look at the picture below and let it sink in. So next time you take your baby to the doctor you can decide to go along with what they want to inject into your babies body. Here is proof. - Some of the flu vaccines contain Dog kidney cells too. Can you imagine how animal DNA injected directly into the human blood will effect a newborn's DNA?
Remember going to a Pediatrician is voluntary. Parents can still take their child to a chiropractor/naturopathic physician instead of a pediatrician. There is no law that states a parent has to use a lamestream doctor.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Why in the hell do I HAVE to verify that I'm not a robot to make a comment on MY OWN BLOG?
And then type in a damn CAPTCHA? And on MY OWN stuff here?
Are you a robot? Introducing “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA”
And don't give the lame excuse that it stops spammer comments, because it doesn't. I still have to delete spam comments here.
Google fascist cunts, is why.
And then type in a damn CAPTCHA? And on MY OWN stuff here?
Are you a robot? Introducing “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA”
And don't give the lame excuse that it stops spammer comments, because it doesn't. I still have to delete spam comments here.
Google fascist cunts, is why.
![]() |
All fascist cunts in power need it. |
The Daily Messenger: How to opt out of Obamacare through medical sharing...
The Daily Messenger: How to opt out of Obamacare through medical sharing...:
YES! Great post and options available! Thank you! Definitely worth sharing and re-posting. We have family members who need to know the options too. They will LOVE having the other options.
The thing with me is, I don't use mainstream doctors to begin with. That's why I may come across as anal to some folks. I'm REAL particular anymore and considered a pain in the ass by the same people. And would you believe that it actually pisses some people off? Like my family, for instance. Some people will hate a person for that. I must be adopted, because I'm so different from the rest of them (my family). People apparently can't stand someone else being free. I LOVE using practitioners such as chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists, etc... And most of them don't accept insurance anyway, because all their treatments are holistic and alternative which insurance doesn't cover to begin with. Well, some chiros do, but since we can do most stuff ourselves now (ABC), the costs are very low and insurance is an extra expense, which we can't afford to add. We loathe having things forced upon us such as mandatory insurance. And forcing O'bummerCare on people is pure evil. Yeah let's track folks and force them into the EHR system for life! However, on the other hand, I DO agree that some kind of insurance is needed for unexpected things such as accidents, and the like. We just can't afford it. Even with the optional medical sharing group expense, we still can't handle it.
And to be more anal, I also avoid pap smears, mammograms (squished tits with radiation anyone?) and we have our own blood pressure checking device. Hello? Mammograms can CAUSE cancer. No need for physical exams here. We know folks with bio-feedback equipment, such as SCIO/QXCI, BestBioMeridian, F-Scan, Quantum Life, etc... Those can detect things down to the cellular level and some can read the electromagnet field of an individual. So, if something is awry, and if I'm not sure what's wrong, then I can use some of those. My spouse has to have yearly checkups because it's a requirement to keep his VA-Disability. He hates the mainstream as much as I do and grumbles about having to do that. The VA does pay for it, so no costs to him for that, but he still resents having to go. They always ask him if he wants a flu shot and he is like HELL NO! He has the basic coverage of medicare, and I'm not listed on it.
We take supplements, etc.. as opposed to pHARMaceutical drugs, and absolutely NO VACCINES of any kind for any reason. So they all can shove their sorcery. See how much a pain in the ass I can be? LOL! Wasn't kidding about that.
Well, I might would like a laser facial at some point, but that isn't covered by any type of insurance. Cash only. And only then when I have extra.
The member share groups really are a great idea and alternative, but I really don't like sharing any medical records of the past and I like being out of any system or network period. And everyone asks for a SSN#, and I have to tell folks, I quit using one. We will definitely look into it, although there are NO spare monies available at the moment. Having to put groceries on a credit card, for instance, sucks massive. I HATE debt. I would consider this would be another monthly debt and it would just drive me nuts. However, we have several family members who are mainstream and would still love the alternatives available. I'd like to see a alternative/holistic sharing group. That would be like a Utopian dream come true for me. And don't you just know, I'd be all over that one!
Okay, since I'm this way and inquiring minds may (or may not) want to know what to do who might also be pain the asses like me, here are some of my alternative options. I do the basics as I can afford, but will list most that I know & are aware of...
For any type of pain, depending what's causing it, I usually opt to use systemic enzymes such as serrapeptase. For soft tissue pain, I add the Fibro-Ease (when I can afford it) to keep new hardened fibrin from forming. Serrapeptase helps eat that up, along with decreasing inflammation, eating up scar tissue, thinning blood naturally, etc... So absolutely NO stomach destroying aspirin nor liver destroying Tylenol for us.
For spinal misalignments, etc... I get adjusted at home as much as possible. Thank you ABC! We took the ABC training, so it does save me money, and I only go to someone more advanced when a problem persists. I can even ROLF myself. NCR is on hold until spring, until something gives moneywise and weatherwise. When a couple of debts are paid off, then I can breathe here and continue treatment. It has been very helpful. I'd like another AtlasPro too. Sometimes things happen here beyond our control, which likes to eat off of our munny tree. ;-)
Heart Disease & Prevention:
Take supplements such as an l-arginine / l-citruline product (EPX Body). L-arginine, the precursor of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, induces vasodilation in vivo. Arginine helps as a vaso-dilator of blood vessels, etc... It is one great amino acid of many. The serrapeptase thins blood naturally, along with nattokinase aka natto. We eat the garlic, onion, cayenne, cinnamon, and other spices known for their properties of cleaning the blood and circulation. Colloidal copper strengthens blood vessels, arteries, veins, and capillaries. Selenium is great for prevention of strokes. Colloidal minerals FTW!
Oxygenation therapies such as Chi Machine, WBV (whole body vibration), food grade hydrogen peroxide, Oxysilver, Cellfood by Lumina Products, etc...
We have a cool gadget that measures blood pressure which we got from Amazon.
And diet is MOST important. But you knew that already. Okay, moving on...
Cancer Prevention:
Nutrition, lots of raw veggies, and I LOVE salads and greens. I put as much raw variety of veggies possible. Such as grating up carrots, raw broccoli, grated beets, mixes salad greens, kale, spinach leaves, asparagus, onions (always) and garlic powder with sea salt, added spices to olive oil, oregano leaves, basil, green food powder, etc...
Black Seed Oil aka nigella sativa aka black cumin, which is cold pressed. We use the Rain Soul product. It also contains all the Omega fatty acids in proper proportions. That's great because we gave up salmon due to the radiation poisoning of the Pacific ocean. Thank you Fuk-u-shima. NOT!
Herbals for the liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc...
Juices and juicing. I still love our organic fruit smoothies.
Oxygenation therapies as mentioned above. Cancer can't survive in an oxygenated environment.
Alkaline pH. Cancer can't survive in an alkaline pH. Green foods, chlorophyll, (blood re builder and great for leukemia) etc..
South-spun water. Can do it the David Kaas way, or thru the Kangan water unit, which we already have. We don't have, nor can we afford a water distiller, so we use what we already have. Also, thank God for well water. No fluorides or chlorine added.
Regular detoxification. Clay baths, zeolites, liver/gallbladder flushes, colon cleanses, kidney flushes, parasite cleanses, candida cleanses, fasting with water, fasting with juices, etc...
Gerson therapy, cannabis oil made from a non-toxic food grade solvent, Sour Sop, Latrielle aka B-17 aka Amygadalin, etc..
Diabetes Prevention:
No processed sugar. And AVOID high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Use only stevia and/or xylitol, and only local raw honey. NO WHEAT! No grains that contain gluten, phytic acid, or gliadin protein. See: The Wheat Belly Blog.
No mixing of sugars with animal protein. Causes protein glycation (AGEs). Even a gluten-free/grain-free pancake with real butter and raw local honey along with organic free-range eggs isn't a good idea. Protein and sweets together of any kind? Just NO! Eat at separate times.
Whole Foods only.
Fix circulation via the supplements mentioned above. We use EPX-Body, which is the l-arginine / l-citruline product. When we make organic apple crisp, we use cinnamon liberally, along with organic cloves. Cinnamon goes on gluten-free pancakes, and very liberally. Use onions and garlic liberally on everything. I can eat a raw purple/red onion like it was an apple. Same with a garlic clove. Chase it with water, and I'm good.
Keeping the body aligned with the ABC, as mentioned. Every diabetic has one thing in common structurally. And that is a T-7 misalignment (connects to the pancreas gland). C-7 (nerve connection to thyroid gland) is also out usually in diabetics too, which is why low thyroid accompanies diabetes in so many people. And most have that forward head posture. Fix that forward head posture with ABC, NCR, NRCT, Starecta, etc... See a chart here:
Chromium and Vanadium minerals can take the place of low or non-existent insulin for diabetics. Thank you Dr. Joel Wallach! A good anti-diabetic formula would have the chromium, vanadium, cinnamon, and bitter melon for a good basic formula. The Sweet-EZE from Youngevity is a good formula, and the Chromium / Vanadium from World Health Mall (WHM) has the nano minerals version.
Diabetes is also a result of systemic inflammation. The serrapeptase mentioned above is good for diabetics to decrease the inflammation. The black seed oil (nigella sativa) is also great for decreasing inflammation and many studies online about it helping with cancer, diabetes, etc... Ketsumeisei is also great. Can be found on eBay and Amazon.
Colds and flus:
AVOID vaccines and pHARMaceuticals PERIOD.
We like colloidal silver and/or Oxysilver, Bionaid, etc...
Young Living Essential Oils, such as Oregano, Thieves, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, and many more.
Everyone at work is sick and you're not. What would you do?
Good hygiene. We bathe in Miracle II Soap and have been for many years. Also brush my teeth with it and add spearmint or peppermint oil. Quit using toothpaste since I learned about the glycerin coating the teeth from the Gerard Judd book, documents and posts.
Vitamin C, D3, Vitamin E, and other anti-oxidants
Cellfood and oxygenation therapies.
Exercise (we don't always have to beat ourselves up in the gym and stress our adrenals) I like the gym, but can do stuff at home. WBV, Chi-Machine, a rebounder, go up and down the stairs several times a day, biking (spring/summer for us) etc... Chi-Machine is good for oxygenation and lymph circulation. So is a WBV (whole body vibration) machine.
Zappers, Rife frequency generators, etc...
Is easy. All organic and raw whenever possible. Whole foods only. Duh!
Avoid grains (wheat, oats, rye, barley and corn), sugar, and dairy. Most, if not all of those are GMO and genetically modifed bovine growth hormone is used in dairy. Wheat is a chronic poison and a eugenics project. Why do you think they push the wheat and whole grains BS? Ulterior motive much?
Vitamins and colloidal minerals. I like the Youngevity Tangy Tangerine.. And it uses the proper pre-methylated form of B-12 as in methylcobalamin. Avoid cyanocobalamin, it's garbage.
Super foods, whenever possible. Examples are: Noni, Gogi, Maca, green foods, raw butter oil (Ghee), fermented cod liver oil, kale, kelp, etc... So many of them.
Extra stuff such as beauty stuff, etc...:
While this may not seem related to insurance and doctors, do you know that mainstream topical products, makeup, soaps, etc.. are toxic and contribute to cancer and other diseases? It then forces people to HAVE to go to doctors, buy insurance to help pay for treating the diseases caused by these toxins. Everything mainstream is by design to destroy us and the rest of God's Creation.
The thing to do there is READ YOUR LABELS.
For instance, I bathe in the Miracle II Soap as mentioned above. I quit using mainstream colognes and perfumes a long time ago. I use various Young Living Essential Oils for my smell extra good needs. I LOVE Lavender, White Angelica and especially the Peace and Calming. Smell good and have aromatherapy at the same time. Oh yes!
I like the Mineral Makeup. Youngevity and Younique both have it. Younique has that 3D mascara that is popular now. Stay home most of the time, so no need to wear it everyday.
Facial lasering falls under mainstream, since mostly plastic surgeons do it, but I consider it borderline, because it's not surgery. And besides, neither insurance nor O'bummer-do-nawt-care covers it anyhow. I bought my own professional microdermabrasion machine a few years ago on eBay for a good price, so that is helpful for my skin to stay smooth. We like the do-it-yourself stuff very much.
NCR/EndoNasal for beauty and symmetry is also considered elective, and it's alternative. No insurance will cover that either. However, it beats a mainstream facelift anyway. O'bummer-do-nawt-care nor insurance covers any of this, even though it also helps the bony structure.
Facial exercise ala Carole Maggio, Flex Effect, etc... to exercise the facial muscles for toning, circulation, lymph flow etc... There are gadgets for that too. DermalTone is a good one, but the company no longer sells it. Why exercise only your body and neglect the face? The face and head have muscles too. Neither O'bummer-Do Nawt-Care nor insurance covers this.
Acupuncture ala Anna Baker (Faces by Dr. Anna) from Sarasota,FL has the best facial acupuncture protocol for non-surgical face-lifting. O'bummer-Do Nawt-Care nor insurance covers that either.
Supplements, nutrition, detoxification go a long way in health AND beauty. A few for skin would be the colloidal minerals (copper, selenium and tin) mentioned to me a few years ago by the original poster of the blog linked from. Also, organic silica (G5 by Silicum Labs), organic sulfur, amino acids (Platinum Plus/MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern), Vitamin C as in sodium ascorbate form, topical silica gel, etc.... A proper liver flush will do a world of good. The day after a liver/gallbladder flush, I totally glow. That Kangan water being structured, oxygenated, and microclustered has made some people glow too. I saw it in a few people who started drinking it and could tell a difference. O'bummer-Do Nawt-Care nor insurance covers these either.
So you see, health and beauty can be achieved with alternative methods, cleanses and non toxic products. So no diseases to have to worry about because of using alternative methods and products, just to look good.
These are just a few things I know about. Doing some or most of the above, and you can avoid lame-stream doctors and be truly healthy. As far as I'm concerned, health is freedom. You can self-treat. Most is just basic stuff and common sense. I know some guys who figured out how to do their own NCR even.
You see, they are counting on having many sick people. Health insurance is really SICKNESS insurance. It's ZERO about health and ALL about the money, as always. Greedy bastards.
Now, some things can't be avoided. Accidents do happen and can't always be avoided, so prayers for protection is a good idea, me thinks. And that always. Pray for your pets and furbabies too.
While we can avoid vaccines and pHARMaceuticals, we can't avoid chemtrails, FUk-U-shima, EMFs, ELFs, etc.. That's why the constant detoxification methods are mentioned. That's why we have orgone, salt lamps, zappers, machines, equipments and other goodies to help. It sucks that we have to do all of this, but as most know, the world is a backwards planet. We're thankful and grateful to have what do have to help and protect ourselves.
We will be checking out the membership things and sharing with friends, family and other loved ones, so thanks so much for that post and those suggestions. While we can't afford any extra debts now, thankfully, we know there are medical options available now.
And I know some folks will be like.. "Well, how can you afford supplements then?"
A. Free Affiliate programs signed up for, sell the very products we use. What is sold is extra $$, and goes back into the same products we use, that's how. Or either gets invested into something that will make us even more money. For example: My microderm machine? Can give someone else a session in return for a bio-feedback machine session. Like that. We like trading and bartering too.
Oh! And did I mention LOVE? It can go a long way too. There's nothing like a good warm buggle and good vibes from a dear loved one. It can get you through the day.
YES! Great post and options available! Thank you! Definitely worth sharing and re-posting. We have family members who need to know the options too. They will LOVE having the other options.
The thing with me is, I don't use mainstream doctors to begin with. That's why I may come across as anal to some folks. I'm REAL particular anymore and considered a pain in the ass by the same people. And would you believe that it actually pisses some people off? Like my family, for instance. Some people will hate a person for that. I must be adopted, because I'm so different from the rest of them (my family). People apparently can't stand someone else being free. I LOVE using practitioners such as chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists, etc... And most of them don't accept insurance anyway, because all their treatments are holistic and alternative which insurance doesn't cover to begin with. Well, some chiros do, but since we can do most stuff ourselves now (ABC), the costs are very low and insurance is an extra expense, which we can't afford to add. We loathe having things forced upon us such as mandatory insurance. And forcing O'bummerCare on people is pure evil. Yeah let's track folks and force them into the EHR system for life! However, on the other hand, I DO agree that some kind of insurance is needed for unexpected things such as accidents, and the like. We just can't afford it. Even with the optional medical sharing group expense, we still can't handle it.
And to be more anal, I also avoid pap smears, mammograms (squished tits with radiation anyone?) and we have our own blood pressure checking device. Hello? Mammograms can CAUSE cancer. No need for physical exams here. We know folks with bio-feedback equipment, such as SCIO/QXCI, BestBioMeridian, F-Scan, Quantum Life, etc... Those can detect things down to the cellular level and some can read the electromagnet field of an individual. So, if something is awry, and if I'm not sure what's wrong, then I can use some of those. My spouse has to have yearly checkups because it's a requirement to keep his VA-Disability. He hates the mainstream as much as I do and grumbles about having to do that. The VA does pay for it, so no costs to him for that, but he still resents having to go. They always ask him if he wants a flu shot and he is like HELL NO! He has the basic coverage of medicare, and I'm not listed on it.
We take supplements, etc.. as opposed to pHARMaceutical drugs, and absolutely NO VACCINES of any kind for any reason. So they all can shove their sorcery. See how much a pain in the ass I can be? LOL! Wasn't kidding about that.
Well, I might would like a laser facial at some point, but that isn't covered by any type of insurance. Cash only. And only then when I have extra.
The member share groups really are a great idea and alternative, but I really don't like sharing any medical records of the past and I like being out of any system or network period. And everyone asks for a SSN#, and I have to tell folks, I quit using one. We will definitely look into it, although there are NO spare monies available at the moment. Having to put groceries on a credit card, for instance, sucks massive. I HATE debt. I would consider this would be another monthly debt and it would just drive me nuts. However, we have several family members who are mainstream and would still love the alternatives available. I'd like to see a alternative/holistic sharing group. That would be like a Utopian dream come true for me. And don't you just know, I'd be all over that one!
Okay, since I'm this way and inquiring minds may (or may not) want to know what to do who might also be pain the asses like me, here are some of my alternative options. I do the basics as I can afford, but will list most that I know & are aware of...
For any type of pain, depending what's causing it, I usually opt to use systemic enzymes such as serrapeptase. For soft tissue pain, I add the Fibro-Ease (when I can afford it) to keep new hardened fibrin from forming. Serrapeptase helps eat that up, along with decreasing inflammation, eating up scar tissue, thinning blood naturally, etc... So absolutely NO stomach destroying aspirin nor liver destroying Tylenol for us.
For spinal misalignments, etc... I get adjusted at home as much as possible. Thank you ABC! We took the ABC training, so it does save me money, and I only go to someone more advanced when a problem persists. I can even ROLF myself. NCR is on hold until spring, until something gives moneywise and weatherwise. When a couple of debts are paid off, then I can breathe here and continue treatment. It has been very helpful. I'd like another AtlasPro too. Sometimes things happen here beyond our control, which likes to eat off of our munny tree. ;-)
Heart Disease & Prevention:
Take supplements such as an l-arginine / l-citruline product (EPX Body). L-arginine, the precursor of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, induces vasodilation in vivo. Arginine helps as a vaso-dilator of blood vessels, etc... It is one great amino acid of many. The serrapeptase thins blood naturally, along with nattokinase aka natto. We eat the garlic, onion, cayenne, cinnamon, and other spices known for their properties of cleaning the blood and circulation. Colloidal copper strengthens blood vessels, arteries, veins, and capillaries. Selenium is great for prevention of strokes. Colloidal minerals FTW!
Oxygenation therapies such as Chi Machine, WBV (whole body vibration), food grade hydrogen peroxide, Oxysilver, Cellfood by Lumina Products, etc...
We have a cool gadget that measures blood pressure which we got from Amazon.
And diet is MOST important. But you knew that already. Okay, moving on...
Cancer Prevention:
Nutrition, lots of raw veggies, and I LOVE salads and greens. I put as much raw variety of veggies possible. Such as grating up carrots, raw broccoli, grated beets, mixes salad greens, kale, spinach leaves, asparagus, onions (always) and garlic powder with sea salt, added spices to olive oil, oregano leaves, basil, green food powder, etc...
Black Seed Oil aka nigella sativa aka black cumin, which is cold pressed. We use the Rain Soul product. It also contains all the Omega fatty acids in proper proportions. That's great because we gave up salmon due to the radiation poisoning of the Pacific ocean. Thank you Fuk-u-shima. NOT!
Herbals for the liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc...
Juices and juicing. I still love our organic fruit smoothies.
Oxygenation therapies as mentioned above. Cancer can't survive in an oxygenated environment.
Alkaline pH. Cancer can't survive in an alkaline pH. Green foods, chlorophyll, (blood re builder and great for leukemia) etc..
South-spun water. Can do it the David Kaas way, or thru the Kangan water unit, which we already have. We don't have, nor can we afford a water distiller, so we use what we already have. Also, thank God for well water. No fluorides or chlorine added.
Regular detoxification. Clay baths, zeolites, liver/gallbladder flushes, colon cleanses, kidney flushes, parasite cleanses, candida cleanses, fasting with water, fasting with juices, etc...
Gerson therapy, cannabis oil made from a non-toxic food grade solvent, Sour Sop, Latrielle aka B-17 aka Amygadalin, etc..
Diabetes Prevention:
No processed sugar. And AVOID high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Use only stevia and/or xylitol, and only local raw honey. NO WHEAT! No grains that contain gluten, phytic acid, or gliadin protein. See: The Wheat Belly Blog.
No mixing of sugars with animal protein. Causes protein glycation (AGEs). Even a gluten-free/grain-free pancake with real butter and raw local honey along with organic free-range eggs isn't a good idea. Protein and sweets together of any kind? Just NO! Eat at separate times.
Whole Foods only.
Fix circulation via the supplements mentioned above. We use EPX-Body, which is the l-arginine / l-citruline product. When we make organic apple crisp, we use cinnamon liberally, along with organic cloves. Cinnamon goes on gluten-free pancakes, and very liberally. Use onions and garlic liberally on everything. I can eat a raw purple/red onion like it was an apple. Same with a garlic clove. Chase it with water, and I'm good.
Keeping the body aligned with the ABC, as mentioned. Every diabetic has one thing in common structurally. And that is a T-7 misalignment (connects to the pancreas gland). C-7 (nerve connection to thyroid gland) is also out usually in diabetics too, which is why low thyroid accompanies diabetes in so many people. And most have that forward head posture. Fix that forward head posture with ABC, NCR, NRCT, Starecta, etc... See a chart here:
Chromium and Vanadium minerals can take the place of low or non-existent insulin for diabetics. Thank you Dr. Joel Wallach! A good anti-diabetic formula would have the chromium, vanadium, cinnamon, and bitter melon for a good basic formula. The Sweet-EZE from Youngevity is a good formula, and the Chromium / Vanadium from World Health Mall (WHM) has the nano minerals version.
Diabetes is also a result of systemic inflammation. The serrapeptase mentioned above is good for diabetics to decrease the inflammation. The black seed oil (nigella sativa) is also great for decreasing inflammation and many studies online about it helping with cancer, diabetes, etc... Ketsumeisei is also great. Can be found on eBay and Amazon.
Colds and flus:
AVOID vaccines and pHARMaceuticals PERIOD.
We like colloidal silver and/or Oxysilver, Bionaid, etc...
Young Living Essential Oils, such as Oregano, Thieves, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, and many more.
Everyone at work is sick and you're not. What would you do?
![]() |
Sounds like a reasonable plan to me. lol |
Vitamin C, D3, Vitamin E, and other anti-oxidants
Cellfood and oxygenation therapies.
Exercise (we don't always have to beat ourselves up in the gym and stress our adrenals) I like the gym, but can do stuff at home. WBV, Chi-Machine, a rebounder, go up and down the stairs several times a day, biking (spring/summer for us) etc... Chi-Machine is good for oxygenation and lymph circulation. So is a WBV (whole body vibration) machine.
Zappers, Rife frequency generators, etc...
![]() |
YES! It's actually turned on! U silly kitteh! |
Is easy. All organic and raw whenever possible. Whole foods only. Duh!
Avoid grains (wheat, oats, rye, barley and corn), sugar, and dairy. Most, if not all of those are GMO and genetically modifed bovine growth hormone is used in dairy. Wheat is a chronic poison and a eugenics project. Why do you think they push the wheat and whole grains BS? Ulterior motive much?
Vitamins and colloidal minerals. I like the Youngevity Tangy Tangerine.. And it uses the proper pre-methylated form of B-12 as in methylcobalamin. Avoid cyanocobalamin, it's garbage.
Super foods, whenever possible. Examples are: Noni, Gogi, Maca, green foods, raw butter oil (Ghee), fermented cod liver oil, kale, kelp, etc... So many of them.
Extra stuff such as beauty stuff, etc...:
While this may not seem related to insurance and doctors, do you know that mainstream topical products, makeup, soaps, etc.. are toxic and contribute to cancer and other diseases? It then forces people to HAVE to go to doctors, buy insurance to help pay for treating the diseases caused by these toxins. Everything mainstream is by design to destroy us and the rest of God's Creation.
The thing to do there is READ YOUR LABELS.
For instance, I bathe in the Miracle II Soap as mentioned above. I quit using mainstream colognes and perfumes a long time ago. I use various Young Living Essential Oils for my smell extra good needs. I LOVE Lavender, White Angelica and especially the Peace and Calming. Smell good and have aromatherapy at the same time. Oh yes!
I like the Mineral Makeup. Youngevity and Younique both have it. Younique has that 3D mascara that is popular now. Stay home most of the time, so no need to wear it everyday.
Facial lasering falls under mainstream, since mostly plastic surgeons do it, but I consider it borderline, because it's not surgery. And besides, neither insurance nor O'bummer-do-nawt-care covers it anyhow. I bought my own professional microdermabrasion machine a few years ago on eBay for a good price, so that is helpful for my skin to stay smooth. We like the do-it-yourself stuff very much.
NCR/EndoNasal for beauty and symmetry is also considered elective, and it's alternative. No insurance will cover that either. However, it beats a mainstream facelift anyway. O'bummer-do-nawt-care nor insurance covers any of this, even though it also helps the bony structure.
Facial exercise ala Carole Maggio, Flex Effect, etc... to exercise the facial muscles for toning, circulation, lymph flow etc... There are gadgets for that too. DermalTone is a good one, but the company no longer sells it. Why exercise only your body and neglect the face? The face and head have muscles too. Neither O'bummer-Do Nawt-Care nor insurance covers this.
Acupuncture ala Anna Baker (Faces by Dr. Anna) from Sarasota,FL has the best facial acupuncture protocol for non-surgical face-lifting. O'bummer-Do Nawt-Care nor insurance covers that either.
Supplements, nutrition, detoxification go a long way in health AND beauty. A few for skin would be the colloidal minerals (copper, selenium and tin) mentioned to me a few years ago by the original poster of the blog linked from. Also, organic silica (G5 by Silicum Labs), organic sulfur, amino acids (Platinum Plus/MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern), Vitamin C as in sodium ascorbate form, topical silica gel, etc.... A proper liver flush will do a world of good. The day after a liver/gallbladder flush, I totally glow. That Kangan water being structured, oxygenated, and microclustered has made some people glow too. I saw it in a few people who started drinking it and could tell a difference. O'bummer-Do Nawt-Care nor insurance covers these either.
So you see, health and beauty can be achieved with alternative methods, cleanses and non toxic products. So no diseases to have to worry about because of using alternative methods and products, just to look good.
These are just a few things I know about. Doing some or most of the above, and you can avoid lame-stream doctors and be truly healthy. As far as I'm concerned, health is freedom. You can self-treat. Most is just basic stuff and common sense. I know some guys who figured out how to do their own NCR even.
You see, they are counting on having many sick people. Health insurance is really SICKNESS insurance. It's ZERO about health and ALL about the money, as always. Greedy bastards.
Now, some things can't be avoided. Accidents do happen and can't always be avoided, so prayers for protection is a good idea, me thinks. And that always. Pray for your pets and furbabies too.
While we can avoid vaccines and pHARMaceuticals, we can't avoid chemtrails, FUk-U-shima, EMFs, ELFs, etc.. That's why the constant detoxification methods are mentioned. That's why we have orgone, salt lamps, zappers, machines, equipments and other goodies to help. It sucks that we have to do all of this, but as most know, the world is a backwards planet. We're thankful and grateful to have what do have to help and protect ourselves.
We will be checking out the membership things and sharing with friends, family and other loved ones, so thanks so much for that post and those suggestions. While we can't afford any extra debts now, thankfully, we know there are medical options available now.
And I know some folks will be like.. "Well, how can you afford supplements then?"
A. Free Affiliate programs signed up for, sell the very products we use. What is sold is extra $$, and goes back into the same products we use, that's how. Or either gets invested into something that will make us even more money. For example: My microderm machine? Can give someone else a session in return for a bio-feedback machine session. Like that. We like trading and bartering too.
Oh! And did I mention LOVE? It can go a long way too. There's nothing like a good warm buggle and good vibes from a dear loved one. It can get you through the day.
Black Seed Oil Nigella Sativa, a complex synergy of over 100 natural chemicals. Enhances and strengthens the immune system in a way no other singular, naturally occurring, substance has ever been known to do. Thousands of years recorded use. |
The Daily Messenger: How Every American Can Fight Terrorism With Just One Finger...
The Daily Messenger: How Every American Can Fight Terrorism With Just One Finger...
And let's not just stop here in re-posting. How about posting it elsewhere too, so even more peeps can see?
Like here for instance...
And linking back to the original blog. Bahahaha!
And let's not just stop here in re-posting. How about posting it elsewhere too, so even more peeps can see?
Like here for instance...
And linking back to the original blog. Bahahaha!
![]() |
Because Why Not? |
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Intercuspal Position
This lecture discusses in detail the Intercuspal Position.
Why does Messi always vomit before big matches? (and how to solve this problem).
Why does Messi always vomit before big matches? (and how to solve this problem).
A crooked body and skull, and uneven teeth. With these various modalities like Starecta rectifier, Advanced BioStructural Correction, NCR/EndoNasal Cranial Correction, facial pulling, etc... these folks can be straightened out and begin to function normally, and probably for the first time in their life.
This is the Starecta's main page:
You can also see the asymmetries in children too.
Vaccinations as a Cause of Spine, Face & Eye Asymmetry ? You also have to remember how we get this way to begin with. And then you also have the various childhood accidents from playing, etc...
This is Plato. For the past several years, he has done NCR (also trained in NCR & located in NYC), Facial Pulling, Palate Expansion, Starecta and other various things. He also stresses the importance of nutrition for physical restructuring and bone growth. Such as Vitamin K2 (Activator X), Vitamin D3, Cod Liver Oil/Raw Butter Oil (Ghee), Amino Acids such as MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern), and more. He has done a stand up job despite all the structural problems he had most of his earlier life. I have to hand it to him for being persistent in getting himself straightened out.
All these modalities are great, but like everything else, it costs money. So it's going to take some time for some folks, more than others. So far, I've done NCR, ABC (we took basic training) and some facial pulling. It is taking me longer, because of the money situation. Would have LOVED knowing about this when I was younger, as I could have been spared a LIFETIME of suffering.
However, for those with missing teeth, we still need the technology to be able to regenerate teeth.
Because right now, the evolution of the human body just sucks period. This aging curse, etc.. is getting old already. How's about an upgrade?
A crooked body and skull, and uneven teeth. With these various modalities like Starecta rectifier, Advanced BioStructural Correction, NCR/EndoNasal Cranial Correction, facial pulling, etc... these folks can be straightened out and begin to function normally, and probably for the first time in their life.
This is the Starecta's main page:
You can also see the asymmetries in children too.
Vaccinations as a Cause of Spine, Face & Eye Asymmetry ? You also have to remember how we get this way to begin with. And then you also have the various childhood accidents from playing, etc...
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Before Starecta |
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6 months of Starecta so far... notice development of maxilla and mandible... He not wearing appliance in recent photo to show you it is natural. |
This is Plato. For the past several years, he has done NCR (also trained in NCR & located in NYC), Facial Pulling, Palate Expansion, Starecta and other various things. He also stresses the importance of nutrition for physical restructuring and bone growth. Such as Vitamin K2 (Activator X), Vitamin D3, Cod Liver Oil/Raw Butter Oil (Ghee), Amino Acids such as MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern), and more. He has done a stand up job despite all the structural problems he had most of his earlier life. I have to hand it to him for being persistent in getting himself straightened out.
Plato PowersI can relate to the missing wisdom teeth, as I only grew just one and never grew anymore. Same with my own daughter, as she only grew one too.
December 14 at 7:57pm
The missing wisdom tooth phenomenon is an example of Weston Price's theories in action. He theorized that it took very few generations (2 maybe?) of poor nutrition before DNA expressed itself poorly. In the case of wisdom teeth, humans fail to get proper length in jawbones during key developmental phases. Hence no room for wisdom teeth. As the generations went by, the body just stopped making them! I have found that to speed bone reformation with Starecta, one should take 20,000 IU of D3 along with 2 softgels of "Super K." As long as you keep this ratio of Ks to D3, no toxicity can be suffered even up to dosages of 500,000 IU of D3 PER DAY!!! With enough of the usual bone builders like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and strontium, bones can be remineralized, fixed and remodeled at amazing speed. This is the essence of the following book:
All these modalities are great, but like everything else, it costs money. So it's going to take some time for some folks, more than others. So far, I've done NCR, ABC (we took basic training) and some facial pulling. It is taking me longer, because of the money situation. Would have LOVED knowing about this when I was younger, as I could have been spared a LIFETIME of suffering.
However, for those with missing teeth, we still need the technology to be able to regenerate teeth.
Because right now, the evolution of the human body just sucks period. This aging curse, etc.. is getting old already. How's about an upgrade?
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Trans D Tropin: Drops Of Life -- HGH Natural Stimulators
Trans D Tropin: Drops Of Life -- HGH Natural Stimulators: The Site Has Changed and Is Now a Private Membership Now you can enjoy the same benefits as before. ...
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Simple NeuroCranial Restructuring Orientation with Dr Hillary Lampers
Another beautiful symmetrical face courtesy of NCR...
Simple NeuroCranial Restructuring Orientation with Dr Hillary Lampers from Dr Hillary Lampers on Vimeo.
Simple NeuroCranial Restructuring Orientation with Dr Hillary Lampers from Dr Hillary Lampers on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
[Vaccination-Liberation] [off topic] Care about Children? - Watch this video and pass it on!
was forwarded to me by Paul G King, PhD as he is aware I am be harassed
by PECO (Philadelphia Electric Company) because after a fair trial (15
I have proven to be unable to thrive with one of their
Microwave-Emitting Surveillance Devices (aka ‘smart meter’) installed on
my house.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster
Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Care about Children? - Watch this video and pass it on!
From: Webmaster
Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Care about Children? - Watch this video and pass it on!
“Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014” by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe (
is a must-watch presentation about the hazard that RF radiation emitted by wireless technology poses to children. Anyone who cares about children should watch this video.
Dr. Mallery-Blythe does an excellent job of presenting the information
in an
interesting, coherent, and accessible way, but with enough detail to
make the presentation important for doctors, lawmakers, school boards,
insurance executives, and other decision makers to watch.
wanting to minimize their family's exposure to RF from wireless
technology and other sources should visit the Solutions page at
Please send this on widely to family and friends.
Best, Catherine
Additional print information that compliments the presentation above:
Doctors’ Advice to Patients & Their Families - Cell Phones
& Health: Simple Precautions Make Sense" from The Environmental Health Trust
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Children and Wireless Radiation from The Environmental Health Trust
More resources:
The Baby Safe Project (
Warns pregnant women to minimize exposure to radiation from wireless technology.
The MD Symposium (,
jointly hosted by Women’s College Hospital in Toronto and C4ST, was
designed to educate physicians about the seriousness of the public
health threat posed by wireless technology.
Protecting my health and that of others by using a hardwired computer in a low RF environment. For more information, see
Gardasil 9 - new and improved genocide
FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity?
Yes, there are NINE various HPV 'proteins' with higher mcg. protein amounts and this newer version has 500 mcg. of aluminum adjuvant (older Gardasil had 225 mcg.)
And check out the comparison of KNOWN adverse events in trials. Please read the entire article and spread widely. This is so insane!
Package Inserts (be sure to download these onto your own computers for later reference):
Gardasil package insert (read carefully the adverse reactions and this is the older Gardasil):
Gardasil 9 package insert:
Another interesting tidbit that bears repeating...
Donna Voetee: Hang on, you won't read this anywhere else. I have always been fascinated by words and their origins. Ever wonder how drugs get their very odd names? Sometimes it is due to their chemical nature, but sometimes I believe there is more to the story. For instance, Gardasil. "Guard" a "Sil" ? What is a Sil? Sci Fi was never my favorite genre of literature until I came to understand that much truth is hidden and esoteric. The following is from Wikipedia about Sil, a fictional alien from the TV series Dr. Who (1985):
Sil was the representative of the Galatron Mining Corporation present on the planet Varos to extract concessions from the current Governor. Unbeknownst to the Varosians, the mineral Zeiton-7 which was abundant on their planet was not as they thought nearly valueless, but in fact rare, particularly to time travellers. The Varosians lived barely above the poverty line due to the exploitation of companies like the Galatron Mining Corporation and others Sil was a particularly vile creature by any standard...Devoid of morality and dedicated to getting the cheapest price he could for Zeiton ore by any means, he also enjoyed the various tortures which passed for entertainment on Varos... The Doctor interfered with Sil's plan and informed the Varosians of the true value of their natural resources, forcing Sil to concede...
Any similarity of Sil, a hideous reptilian alien, to Gov. Perry ("Particularly vile creature, devoid of morality, enjoyed tortures"); of the Galatron Mining Corp to Big Pharma ("mined" the abundance [health] of the planet [people]); of the Varosians to the American people ("lived barely above poverty due to the exploitation" [of their drugs]); and of Zeiton-7 to the most precious natural resource of all, our daughters' fertility (our ability as a society to "time travel" via our posterity), is purely intentional.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Life Abundantly: Dr Russell Blaylock Destroys Myth of Mass Vaccinat...
Life Abundantly: Dr Russell Blaylock Destroys Myth of Mass Vaccinat...: Dr Russell Blaylock is an emminent scientist and physician who here presents perhaps the most cogent and well reasoned argument against the...
SEO Simplified By Gabs Gaurs & Geets: Help Needed for Google Penalty. Response Requested...
SEO Simplified By Gabs Gaurs & Geets: Help Needed for Google Penalty. Response Requested...: Hello, We wish to thank you for linking from to our site http://www.ecigwizard....
Since when do people answer to Google anyway? I mean who died and left Google in charge?
Google isn't the boss of me nor my own website. Google is not the boss of my website, blogs or any links I put up to link to friends' websites, affiliate links, etc... I don't answer to Google, nor do I care if my own website ranks high with them or not.
Also, some people are making a business out of removing links apparently...
Is this what the internet has come to?
Just sayin'
Since when do people answer to Google anyway? I mean who died and left Google in charge?
Google isn't the boss of me nor my own website. Google is not the boss of my website, blogs or any links I put up to link to friends' websites, affiliate links, etc... I don't answer to Google, nor do I care if my own website ranks high with them or not.
Also, some people are making a business out of removing links apparently...
Is this what the internet has come to?
Just sayin'
Sunday, December 14, 2014
More vaccine insanity in the works
Injectable 3D Vaccines With Programmable Particle…coming up
"In recent years, vaccines have meshed with the world of nanobot medicine. Particles the size of nanometers - approximately 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. They are programmable, spontaneously assembling and can permeate every area of the body, including a placenta. Previously, Brandon Turbeville reported on Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation work with developing "on demand" nano vaccines using genetically engineered proteins.”
"In recent years, vaccines have meshed with the world of nanobot medicine. Particles the size of nanometers - approximately 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. They are programmable, spontaneously assembling and can permeate every area of the body, including a placenta. Previously, Brandon Turbeville reported on Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation work with developing "on demand" nano vaccines using genetically engineered proteins.”
Teachers Are Being Mandated To Get the Flu Vaccine or Wear a Mask and Gloves
Dear Readers,
Know this.
First it was the nurses and now it is starting with teachers.
A daycare sent out a letter recently, stating that their board had a meeting and decided that all staff members will be mandated to get the flu vaccine.
Any staff that didn’t comply would have to wear a face mask and gloves throughout the flu season, through February.
Read the story now!
Click Here!
Jeffry John Aufderheide
Editor of
Know this.
First it was the nurses and now it is starting with teachers.
A daycare sent out a letter recently, stating that their board had a meeting and decided that all staff members will be mandated to get the flu vaccine.
Any staff that didn’t comply would have to wear a face mask and gloves throughout the flu season, through February.
Read the story now!
Click Here!
Jeffry John Aufderheide
Editor of
How much mercury is in a flu shot?
How much mercury is in a flu shot?
This infographic spells it out: 25,000 times higher concentration than EPA limit for drinking water.
When asked by the pharmacist why I didn't want a flu shot (I'm 60, never had one. Had flu like symptoms maybe twice in my life. Hasn't happened in 20 years) I replied "I dont get the flu". Then she said "but if you take the shot, you can prevent getting it"To which I replied "There is no reason to take a preventative for that which does not occur" ~ Don Phelps
Sign Up For Our Affiliate Program: Click Here to BECOME AN AFFILIATE

This infographic spells it out: 25,000 times higher concentration than EPA limit for drinking water.
When asked by the pharmacist why I didn't want a flu shot (I'm 60, never had one. Had flu like symptoms maybe twice in my life. Hasn't happened in 20 years) I replied "I dont get the flu". Then she said "but if you take the shot, you can prevent getting it"To which I replied "There is no reason to take a preventative for that which does not occur" ~ Don Phelps
Sign Up For Our Affiliate Program: Click Here to BECOME AN AFFILIATE
Thursday, December 11, 2014
003 Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ
TMJ Restoration
Discover Everything They Don’t Want You To Know!
Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ
214-407-7352 office or 720-297-3104 cell
The average case of TMJ dysfunction can be healed in 24 to 48 hours of therapy. I am NOT saying that this is an overnight cure.
I can do 8 hours of therapy in 4 days for most people. Then I have to
give the patient’s body a chance to catch up to the changes that I have
set in motion. It takes several weeks before the patient is ready for
the next series of 8 treatments. Each therapy session lasts about an
hour. Most people get 90% relief or more by the time that we “unlock”
the 6 skull plates and then require a small “tune-up” once per year.
is not new and there is a treatment that works to give long term relief
to even the worst cases. The problem is that 99% of the dentists are
only using what they have been taught in school and are not up to date
on the new research of what is working.
typical dental TMJ treatment of splints, braces, and surgery lasts 4 to
6 years and only helps 20% of the patients to become pain free. Most
TMJ patients with jaw pain, inability to open mouth wide, and anterior
dislocation of the disc are caused by poor dental work and past
injuries. They don’t become pain free 80% of the time because these
treatments do not address the real problem which is collapse of the roof
of the mouth caused by tension and twisting of the Dural Tube. This
collapse is accompanied by misalignment of the temporal bone forcing the disc anteriorly.
research over the last 17 years has revealed that 98% or more of all
TMJ are caused by braces, sloppy crowns, past injuries, inflammation,
and hormone imbalances. Most case are fixable within 6 months. These TMJ
symptoms are caused by tension and twisting of the “Dural tube” and
result in a Collapse of the Palatine suture and Facial bones.
The Collapse of the Palatine/Sphenoid/ facial bones has 2 major root cause events.
1. Braces and sloppy dental crowns which are either too high, too low, or lean in toward the tongue too much.
2. Physical trauma to the head. These past injuries create inflammation and result in scar tissue.
1. Braces
create tension and twisting in the bones of the skull. Sloppy dental
crowns which lean in and touch the tongue cause a neurological reflex of
certain cranial nerves that control the tongue and throat. This
diminishes your ability to breathe well and your head will shift
anteriorly so that it is in front of your shoulders instead of being
directly above your shoulders.
2. Physical
trauma and Inflammation causes scar tissue and skull compression which
results in loss of the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the mouth.
This ends up causing compression and twisting of the “Sphenoid Bone”
which connects the left and right temporal bones. Subluxation Complexes
of the Skull are addressed using cranial adjustments called “Central
Nervous System Restoration”. {Also known as TMJ Restoration}.
The TMJ joint is made up of two bones, the temporal bone and the lower jaw bone and the disc which is between those bones.
The disc is attached to the skull. Specifically, it is attached to the temporal bone.
The disc is not attached to the lower jaw (mandible).
think that the TMJ condition is caused by muscle spasms and poor
occlusion. They think that the TMJ condition is caused by tight jaw
muscles which are causing a bad bite (poor occlusion). They focus on
the muscle spasms connected to the lower jaw (mandible); while they
ignore the temporal bone because they were not taught that the temporal
bones can and do move.
Splints, braces, physical therapy, medications, and surgery do not get to the root of the problem.
Dentists and oral surgeons have a 20%-25% success rate for TMJ treatment over 4 years.
Specialists do an exam and then make a model of your jaw and have the
lab make a splint which you wear for about 2 years. This has about a 20%
success rate.
TMJ Specialists do the same thing except that they use electrical
stimulation to fatigue the chewing muscles before making the splint.
Then, they make a splint with the muscles completely relaxed. This technique gets about a 25% success rate over 2 years.
the jaw muscles are just “accommodating” to a shortened position
resulting from loss of the vertical and horizontal changes of the head.
Correcting the compression of the sphenoid bones which connects the left
and right temporal bone gets rid of the tight jaw muscles almost every
compression is caused by birth trauma, braces, past injuries, sloppy
crowns, infection, inflammation, scarring, and chronic stress. This ends
up causing compression and twisting of the “Sphenoid Bone” which then
causes rotation of the “Temporal Bones”. It also changes blood flow to
the pituitary gland which controls hormone imbalance, allergies, adrenal
fatigue, and brain inflammation.
My “TMJ Restoration®” corrects
the TMJ pain in 6 months for most people and the treatment tends to be
permanent. Patients who wore braces for more than a year may take
slightly longer to “unwind”. It is important to get a “check up” once
per year after the original unlocking of your skull so that stress does
not pull and twist things up again.
What I normally find is that all 6 skull plates are compressed and the sutures are twisted {“Dural Meningeal Torque”}.
The mechanical issues dealing with the skull need to be addressed first.
This allows the
“sphenoid bone” to be leveled up as much as possible and allows the
temporal bone to be rotated back into its original correct anatomical
The “TMJ Restoration®” will
unlock the skull plates and restore the slight flexion and motion that
is supposed to occur in your sutures. As I examine your skull, I will be
able to see where your skull is locked up and which head positions
cause your brain to feel unstable.
I do NOT do surgery. I am not a surgeon. I
am a chiropractor with special training in finding and correcting
Subluxation Complexes in the head. ("Advanced Cranial Manipulation"). I
have taken an old Osteopathic technique that has been in use since 1928
called BNS (Bilateral Nasal Specific). That technique was changed and
improved about 1985 and became known as NCR (NeuroCranial Restructuring®).
In 2004, through prayer, research, and post graduate courses in
Neurology; I modified the therapy into what is now called Central
Nervous System Restoration® . {CNSR}
personally had TMJ so bad for several years that I could only chew on
my right side and I had to mash up my food like baby food; and NOW my
TMJ IS Gone and has been gone for 10 years!
Dentists and oral surgeons have a 10%-25% success rate over 4-6 years. I have an 90% success rate in 6 months.
braces, physical therapy, medications, and surgery do not get to the
root of the problem. One of my patients even had 14 unsuccessful jaw
surgeries before coming to me. Dentists are ignoring the “Temporal”
portion of the “TMJ”.
My clinical experience indicates that the bad bite is just another symptom.
believe that the root cause is that the "temporal bone and sphenoid
bones" are compressed and rotated out of their normal position.
Compression of the skull plates causes dehydration of the midline of your brain which is the "core" of your brain.
controls the "core" muscles of your body. Posture distortions result
from this imbalance in flexor muscles versus extensor muscles.
the core of your brain is dehydrated; then this is affecting the core
of your body as well as weakening the extensor muscles of your neck and
back. The flexor muscles on the front half of your body are overpowering
the extensors on the back half of your body. This causes the head to
shift forward and the center of balance shifts; then the stress moves to
the upper back and neck.
Your neck muscles and upper back muscles are just trying very hard to support your head which is off balance.
am taking a very mechanical approach to correct this whole problem and
it works to cure the problem, usually within 6 months. Occasionally, it
takes 12 or more months for severe cases. This occurs in patients who
wore orthodontic braces for over 2 years and in people who have had lots
of inflammation that has turned into scar tissue.
course, when your muscles are out of balance; then the muscles of your
neck have to work very hard to support a skull that is out of balance
and can cause CHRONIC MUSCLE SPASMS in your neck and shoulders.
see patients ALL OF THE TIME who have had braces which created other
problems such as seizures and headaches. Braces are OK if the
orthodontist understands that the braces also move the skull plates.
CNSR needs to be done at the same time as the braces.
When the skull plates are loosened up so that they move freely using “TMJ Restoration®”;
then the orthodontist can get the movement that he wants in about half
the time or he can get more movement than he originally thought
The compressed sphenoid and temporal bones also affect the middle and inner ear. This can cause ear pain to develop.
the pressure off of the sphenoid and temporal bones will allow the
temporal bones, jaw bone (mandible) and the disk in the TMJ joint to
rotate back to their original position.
Using this approach, I have better than 90% success rate over 6-12 months.
compressed Temporal and Sphenoid bones cause the Temporal Lobe of the
Brain to become Dehydrated and cause Areas of High and Low Pressure
within the Cerebro Spinal Fluid which in turn causes poor blood flow
throughout the brain. This poor blood flow causes the brain to dehydrate
and your brain works slower. This makes it harder to think and process
information at a fast rate.
The spinal fluid compresses the blood vessels causing loss of blood flow to the muscles of the jaw and face.
About 1/2 of my patients are from out of state and out of the country. They come to see me for 4 days at a time.
The fastest way to get long term relief from your TMJ and restore normal brain chemistry is a therapy called “TMJ Restoration®”. { Also called Central Nervous System Restoration®.}
first day, I would examine your skull not with x-rays, CAT Scans, and
MRIs, but with my hands and also with specific Neurologic Reflex tests
(Proprioceptive Reflexes) that are designed to show me how fast your
brain is reacting to gravity and how quickly the left side of your brain
is talking to the right side of your brain.
first portion of the examination will reveal how many and which of your
six sutures and skull plates are locked up in the wrong position and
will give me an estimate of how many series that you need. These tests
tell me which areas of YOUR brain are dryer than they should be and are
causing pressure to build up inside the spinal fluid and are causing
The six points are:
1. Bridge of your nose where someone's glasses would sit.
2. Under your nose where your two front teeth come together.
3. Top of your head where the soft spot would be on a baby.
4. Back of the head where the second soft spot would be.
5. Behind the left ear where the temporal bone meets the occipital bone.
6. Behind the right ear where the temporal bone meets the occipital bone.
second portion of the examination will test for 13 different treatment
patterns on each of the 6 skull plates that could be unstable.
Each unstable treatment pattern requires 1 treatment to correct the unstable pattern.
There are 78 individual patterns that must be checked and corrected.
portion of the exam gives us a better indication of how many individual
treatments that will be required in order to correct your problem.
Your TMJ situation is unique and the initial exam will reveal how many series of treatments that you will personally need.
examination shows me which head positions are causing the brain to feel
unstable and are causing pressure to build up inside the spinal fluid
and causing Your TMJ.
The treatments are typically done in groups of four treatments which are referred to as one series.
The examination will show how many treatments are required to correct each of the six skull plates.
The skull unlocks from front to back and from left to right.
We correct the skull plates one at a time.
This gives us BETTER RESULTS with less symptoms in between series.
examination allows me to zero in on YOUR PROBLEM AREAS and AVOID OVER
TREATMENT therefore Getting Quicker Results and Saving You Money.
This is all done by physical examination of the head. (No costly MRI or Cat Scan or X-rays)
total cost of treatment will vary according to the number of skull
plates that are locked up and how many of the 78 treatment patterns that
show to be “unstable”.
average length of time needed for 8 out of 10 patients is about 24 -36
individual treatments or 6-9 series of four day treatments. 2 out of 10
patients need up to 48 individual treatments.
After I examine your skull to find out how many of the skull plates are compressed, then we begin treatment.
I do the deep muscle work around the spine and work the belly of the
muscles to break up lactic acid, then the light muscle work from
Australia to balance the muscles on both sides of the spine, then the
massage of the skull plates along the sutures, then I remove pressure on
the brain stem, and finally I place a little instrument with a balloon
in your nose and put air into it for about 2 seconds. The air in the
balloon will move the bones (incrementally) into their correct position.
Sometimes, I will do the balloon portion of the treatment first.
This is done every day, for each treatment, to unlock each of the 78 patterns that were unstable on the examination.
of the people that I work with say that the balloon portion of the
treatment feels like they jumped into the pool and got water up their
nose (uncomfortable but not a big deal). The other half say that it
feels like very intense pressure for 2 seconds. They even hear the
cartilage and small bones in the nose move and say that is sounds like
Velcro being pulled apart (very uncomfortable but tolerable because it
is only for 2 seconds).
I tell patients that They Will Not "LIKE" The Treatment But That They Will "LOVE" The Results.
exam is $250.00 A series of 4 treatments is $1,000.00. Two series is 8
treatments and is $2,000.00 That includes the all of the “Soft Tissue
Correcting your Muscle Spasms and TMJ is a PROCESS...not an overnight cure as I'm sure that you are aware.
There is NO NEED for you to be in such pain.
Most of my patients begin to see results and begin to feel better by the time that we get 2 skull plates unlocked.
That usually takes 8 treatments (two series) on the average. This can be accomplished in the first four days for most people.
On the AVERAGE, each series of treatments is four days and the treatments are “normally” scheduled about a month apart.
patient is unique and in certain circumstances the treatments should be
done closer together such as in the beginning to “jumpstart” you to get
relief quicker.
In the beginning, the visits lasts about 60 minutes. After the first series or two, the treatments last about 30-45 minutes.
usually wait four weeks before doing more therapy in order to allow the
spinal fluid to catch up with what I am doing to unlock the skull
in with about a two week notice is USUALLY no problem but some weeks
are booked more solid than others. We usually have about 6 TMJ patients
per week that we work with.
the last sixteen years, I have combined Five Major and 2 minor
"non-surgical" therapies that are reducing the TMJ by 90% for 90% of the
patients within six months.
10% of the patients require 12 months of therapy because of extenuating
circumstances such as “scarring and dehydration” within the Brain and
Spinal Cord from extensive dental work or braces, severe viral
infections in the past, or severe tailbone injuries.
"1 out of 50" people have a slight nosebleed. They blow their nose 2-3
times and it stops. About "1 out of 300" will have more of a nose bleed
and we then have to use smaller balloons and "baby" them a bit. [This
may extend the average length of treatment to longer than six months as
we allow the blood vessels time to rehydrate.]
some people (1 out of 50), Emotional trauma from past experiences may
occasionally surface during the treatment. This is usually short lived
and you MAY feel more emotional during the week of treatment. About "1
out of 50" people have old memories that contain old emotional issues
that were suppressed.
you are one of these people who has been a “victim of abuse” then your
subconscious will process this old emotional trauma usually in one week
or less. You may have a good cry during a day or two while your brain
processes the old emotional baggage; then you will feel much lighter.
I unlock the skull bones and remove the pressure on the brain, the
circulation to the brain is increased and your memory will improve.
For the majority of people we are able to restore the proper flow of the spinal fluid and get rid of the TMJ in six months.
After this, you will need a “tune up” at the changing of the seasons the first year and then yearly thereafter.
I personally need a 2 day tune up about once per year.
There are no other doctors in the world who are using the combination of techniques that I use.
I have found that if I combine 5 major and 2 minor TMJ techniques that I get faster and longer lasting results.
far I am the only doctor who has focused on TMJ who is using these
Seven techniques. They work together very well and the results last.
Nimmo Technique-deep muscle work along the spine developed by Dr. Ray
Nimmo, a chiropractor, which breaks up lactic acid in the muscles and
increases blood flow and oxygen thereby helping the muscles to relax.
Bowen (Neuro Structural Integration Technique)-Very light muscle work
designed to relax the muscles of the spine, neck, and face even further
so that they do not pull the bones back out of place. The Bowen work has
its own protocol for helping the TMJ. Developed by Tom Bowen of
Australia who was an osteopathic type of therapist.
Cranial Sutural Spread- regular cranial work that feels like I am
massaging the scalp where the bones of the skull come together. This
promotes the flow of the cerebro spinal fluid in and around the brain.
Condyle Lift and Spread- It is designed to remove pressure off of the
brain stem using very gentle lifting of the head with patient laying
face up with light pressure laterally on the underside of the skull to
increase blood flow to the brain by relaxing spasms in the
"Vertebro/Basilar Artery" which supplies blood to the brain.
5. “TMJ Restoration®”-uses
a small instrument that looks like what is used for "angioplasty". It
is a blood pressure cuff with a finger cot (small balloon) attached that
is placed into the nose (turbinate bones) and inflated with air for
about 2 seconds. The balloon then opens the cartilage at the back of the
nose and allows you to breathe better. It also "begins the process" of
restoring the subtle motion of the skull bones that is supposed to
happen when you breathe air in. Recent research, done at my clinic in
August 2004, has allowed for FINE TUNING of this “Advanced Skull Work”
by checking for 78 treatment patterns. Each of the 78 different patterns
that are unstable must be corrected. The examination reveals how much
treatment that you will most likely need. Average is about 24 to 36
individual treatments.
6. Reset jaw muscle (Masseter) spindle fibers-very gentle massage of the major jaw muscles that allow you to chew.
Atlanto/Occipital Restoration-(Ligament Resetting)-light pressure
applied behind the ear (bottom of the skull) and to the upper bone in
the neck while rotating your head throughout its range of motion during
inspiration and expiration to remove stress off of a VERY IMPORTANT
ligament that acts like a guy wire to support the skull.
By finding and removing the subluxation complexes of the head; the TMJ gets corrected.
The Soft tissue work is just as important as the “TMJ Restoration®” in correcting the underlying cause of the TMJ.
average scenario for 80% of the TMJ patients would be that all six
major plates are locked and therefore 6-12 series of treatments would be
For most TMJ patients that is a total cost of $6,250.00 spread out over 6-12 months.
About 20% of the TMJ patients have a lot of inflammation that requires more than 12 months.
of our patients pay for treatment at the beginning of the week when
treatment begins. Because of the changing environment associated with
healthcare; insurance does NOT cover this work.
Cerebro-Spinal Fluid acts like hydraulic fluid and once the compressed
skull joints are unlocked then the spinal fluid begins to push the bones
and cartilage into their proper position.
They tend to stay in the right place unless you receive a new injury or if you have lots of stress.
You NEED To Get Your Skull Checked for compression once per Year (just like having your teeth cleaned).
Get a tune up to Catch Any Problems Early Before They Have A Chance To Develop Into Major Health Problems.
you have completed our program, then all re-exams are FREE to You AND
Your Family. Be sure and ask about our FAMILY DISCOUNTS]
sinuses and the skull plates shift with barometric pressure changes.
Many TMJ conditions flare up the day before it snows or rains.
is the combination of these 5 major and 2 minor techniques that gives
our clinic its high success rate. This means quicker pain relief and
less money out of your pocket in the long run. The “Soft Tissue Work”
allows the “TMJ Restoration® ”to correct the TMJ quicker with less visits.
clinic is in Southlake, Texas and is the only TMJ Clinic in the United
States that uses these 7 techniques. I am the ONLY doctor in the United
States trained in all these therapies. We have a 90% success rate in
reducing TMJ by 90% in six months. It Is Correctable!!!
half of my patients are from "out of state". They drive or fly into
Dallas/Fort Worth. The patients stay for 4 days and they do two series.
Each treatment lasts about 30-60 minutes.
“TMJ Restoration®” helps
to restore normal brain chemistry by removing the abnormal pressure of
the skull that is compressing various lobes of the brain. “TMJ Restoration®” is
not a panacea treatment that gets rid of every ache or pain from head
to toe however it does address and normalize brain chemistry which
controls all hormonal and body functions.
to day stresses can "burn up" these chemicals faster than you can make
them especially when the skull plates are "compressed".
We are finding that the work that I do using “TMJ Restoration®” to unlock the skull plates makes a direct improvement on brain chemistry.
Please contact me and we'll talk about what is going on with you.
I look forward to speaking with you!
214-407-7352 office 1- 720-297-3104 cell
Dr. Jim McCarty
1- 720-297-3104 cell 214-407-7352 office
TMJ Patient Testimonials
I've been suffering from TMJ and joint discomfort since 1986, due to
getting kicked in the left side of my jaw, while wrestling
I tried everything from medicine, dentists, doctors, and had negative feedback and results.
finally went on-line and found Dr. Jim. I was nervous about going to
Colorado from California, but I had to do something about this horrible
problem. Let it be known that I have also been having 2-3 headaches a
On the first visit to Dr. Jim, my headaches went away.
My second visit, everything is almost completely gone.
Thanks, Dr. Jim
C. Goss California
After having suffered from sleep apnea and TMJ, I can say that after one TMJ Restoration series, I can breathe through my nose at night which has stopped my snoring problem.
for my TMJ, my right side has stopped popping and clicking completely,
and I'm optimistic that in the coming weeks the left side will loosen up
as well. I'm so glad I came to Dr. McCarty, first, rather than spend
time and money on other "less effective" treatments.
P. Kuhnen Provo, Utah
had been having clicking and popping in my jaw for many years. Over
the last year and 1/2, it had worsened with my jaw often painfully
locking up. This changed a few months ago to having constant pain in my
right jaw, extending from the temple area down my jaw, almost to my
saw Dr. McCarty's web site and decided to call for more information.
After weighing my other options (I had been wearing a splint at night
for over a year with no improvement), such as braces or surgery, I
decided to try Dr. McCarty.
After three days of TMJ Restoration, two
treatments each day, I can now open my mouth wider, there is no longer
the constant pain, and the pain I have when opening my mouth widely has
been reduced by 80%. I am looking forward to further improvement."
B. Martin Paola, Kansas
have had headaches since I was a little girl. My jaw has always given
me trouble, and I found out that I had TMJ when I was about 12 years
old. My mom and I have tried everything to find someone to cure my
headaches, shooting pains, TMJ, and back pain. I have had many doctors
for separate problems. Although these doctors would cure one problem,
another one would occur. I would be in constant circles. I have had
everything you can think of, from splints, to orthodontics, to heal
lifts. Nothing seemed to work.
mom and I went online one night, and found Dr. McCarty. We called the
next day, and I found myself in Denver the next month.
The first day of TMJ Restoration therapy
opened so many doors for me. I have always believed in God and Jesus
Christ our Savior. However, I never felt the emotion behind it all.
Now, I have a deeper relationship with God. Just from the first day, my
headaches stopped on the first few days of treatment.
called my Momma every day, after treatment, and she noticed a change in
attitude in life, emotion, everything. She even described me as
'bubbly". This treatment is helping me physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually. I thank God that He brought me to Dr.
McCarty. Anyone who has headaches and pain should see him. Even for one
appointment. It is worth a try. He saved my life. I finally feel
N. Cassell San Diego, California
My intention is to help heal as many TMJ patients as I can. Although I have had remarkable success using “TMJ Restoration®” to
treat very difficult cases, I am not allowed to make guarantees. Each
patient is unique and each situation is different. If you continue to
treat TMJ with the traditional approach; then you will get traditional
high failure rates. My approach is quite different and effective.
look forward to meeting you, giving you some HOPE and getting you back
to NORMAL. If you have any more questions, you can e-mail me or call me.
Call to talk to me directly about your situation or to schedule an
You can E-Mail me at: Please include your phone # and we will set up a time to discuss your situation.-------Dr. Jim McCarty, D.C.
Dr. Jim McCarty, D.C. 214-407-7352 office or 720-297-3104 cell
Southlake, Texas
I am 15 minutes from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
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