With all the holistic doctor deaths, the general populace will need to know how to take care of themselves naturally. Am registering for each and every one of them. Along with the people we presently watch on YouTube and their corresponding blogs, etc..., these folks will be our teachers.
UPCOMING EVENTS (and affiliate registration links):
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate, use these links to send them directly to the affiliate registration form:
2017 Summit Schedule (Upcoming Talks):
January 30 – February 6: AutoImmune Revolution Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-6.html
March 23 – 30: The Diabetes Summit
Affiliate: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds17aff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/ds17reg/MessiahMews/
* It's no longer with HTO, but it's an updated 2017 Summit from the original host.
+ Upcoming partner events:
---> Mar 30, Truth About Vaccines:
Affiliate: https://affiliates.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/affiliates/signup.php?a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1
Register: Link coming soon...
* From the folks at The Truth About Cancer (TTAC)
April 10 – April 17 Truth Sweet Freedom
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-9.html
* Banners and specific links are now available.
* Be sure to register to watch for free and grab your free gifts.
April 24 - May 1 Global Stress
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-7.html
* Banners and specific links are now available.
* Be sure to register to watch for free and grab your free gifts.
May 8 – 15 Microbiome Medicine II
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-10.html
June 5-12 LGBT Health
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-8.html
* Banners and specific links are now available.
* Be sure to register to watch for free and grab your free gifts.
September 11 – 18 Healthy Mouth
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link Unavailable yet
* It's still way early for this one, so links will be added as soon as the online aff center is available
September 25 – October 2 Medicinal Supplements II
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link Unavailable yet
* It's still way early for this one, so links will be added as soon as the online aff center is available
October 23 – 30 Environmental Toxins
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link Unavailable yet
* It's still way early for this one, so links will be added as soon as the online aff center is available
Why sign up as an affiliate?:
So you can share to help others.
Affiliates are influential people who promote the summit, like bloggers and health coaches, who have access to fans, followers and networks or communities.
* Educate your community — the most important bonus!
* Images, sample copy and videos provided
* 50% commission on each sale generated
* No cost to register!
You can sign up as an affiliate, to promote the summits, and then register under your OWN affiliate link, in order to view the free online daily talks, plus you can get paid on your own order (order rebate), or even just to promote. After you register, there will be a thank you and free gifts page, where you can watch several speakers at any time and download corresponding PDF video transcripts. Even after any series is over, the free gift pages are always up and videos view-able at any time for your convenience.
Some of the upcoming summit affiliate centers are incomplete, regarding images, and materials.
When they're ready, images and sample copy can be found in the corresponding affiliate-center
And why else?. Because who wants to work a shit job that they hate, and most jobs are toxic, and offer nothing to the benefit of humanity. If you worked at a McDeath flipping burgers, who benefits? Certainly not humanity. The only ones who benefits are those shit-selling CORPORATIONS, and the workers just earn a measly paycheck to barely get by on. I had fights with my father about this, as he wondered why I would never take certain jobs, like work in a convenience store, for example. So I had to put it like this... Sell beer, wine and liquor to someone, they get drunk, go out and kill themselves and other people. So no on that, because that would have made me ultimately responsible. Same with bartending and cocktail waitress. Those days are LONG since over. Jobs I like adhere to are the "First Do No Harm". That means no harming ourselves or others. See?
At least with affiliate programs, you can offer something of benefit to help humanity, no frontloading of products, and no monthly quotas. And way better than MLM companies, which can get costly because of investment for kits and monthly quotas. Some affiliate programs work sort of like MLM, if they are two-tier, but without the costly hassles. Plus, you are truly helping humanity. And I like that. I like it ALOT.
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate, use the Affiliate sign up links to send them directly to the affiliate registration form:
2016 Summit Schedule (All):
Some of these are past, and we had missed out on some of them, but we still registered and got some free gifts of PDF transcripts and online video viewing privileges on the free gifts pages. We can always get the rest of them later. Still a win win, as far as I'm concerned.
January 18 – 25: Heal Your Gut Summit
Affiliate: https://ju127.isrefer.com/go/healyourgutaff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://ju127.isrefer.com/go/healyourgutreg/MessiahMews/
February 1 – 8: The Metabolism Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
February 15 – 22: Natural Medicine Now Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
February 29 – March 7: Microbiome Medicine Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
March 28 – April 4: Forget Weight Loss Forever Project
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
April 4 – 11: Chronic Lyme Disease Summit
Affiliate: N/A
Register: https://chroniclymediseasesummit.com/
* Note: The Lyme Disease Summit is no longer available and these links are now invalid.
Good afternoon HTO Affiliates. Wanting to make you aware of a recent change (hat tip Niki Gratrix!). The site for the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit is not an HTO site and is no longer setup to support Affiliates. Any links you might have on your site, for example, are no longer are valid and should be removed (if for no other reason than to prevent you from getting help tickets from your tribe saying they are getting error messages!). Thanks again for all you do and have a great day. You are appreciated! ~ Steve Wolters of Health Talks Online
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: https://qt247.isrefer.com/go/WWH16reg/MessiahMews/
April 18 – 25: Diabetes Summit 2016
Affiliate: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/summitaff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/MessiahMews/
April 25 – May 2: The Truth About Fat Loss Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
May 16 – 23: Natural Cancer Prevention Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Jun 6 – 13: The Longevity and Anti-Aging Project
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
June 13-20: Healing Hashimoto’s Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Jun 20 – 27 Fibro Fix Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
July 11 – 18: The Soul of Healing Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Affiliate: https://un233.isrefer.com/go/affref/MessiahMews/
Register: https://un233.isrefer.com/go/eor2/MessiahMews/
* Note: The EOR2 Summit is no longer supported by Health Talks Online (HTO), and no longer on their InfusionSoft qt247 centralized platform. However EOR2 is now handled directly by Dr. Eric Z. The affiliate registration is now under Eric's InfusionSoft Referral Partner Center of un233. Sometimes the hosts take the summits to their sites, while others will leave them on HTO's site.
September 12 – 19 Medicinal Supplements SummitAffiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
November 14 Betrayal Series: Betrayal: "The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You"...
Affiliate: https://dd340.isrefer.com/go/Sub-Affilate/MessiahMews/
Register: https://dd340.isrefer.com/go/SeriesOptInPage/MessiahMews/
All 2016 Summit Events were in the same Referral Partner Center & shared the same account number. ( qt247.infusionsoft.com ). Starting in 2016, HTO moved to a centralized InfusionSoft summit platform ( qt247.infusionsoft.com ). They did this for a number of reasons, including allowing theirr affiliates to manage and track all of their HTO promotions from one centralized location instead of a different database for each event. The qt247 infusionsoft acct is now closed and HTO moved to yet another affiliate platform of iDev Affiliate.
Betrayal Series is not a part of Health Talks Online, therefore it is in a separate Referral Partner Center in InfusionSoft ( dd340.infusionsoft.com ), and is hosted by Dr. Tom O'Bryan. Dr. O'Byran is often a speaker in the HTO summit events, however. Alot of them branch out on their own and do summits outside of HTO.
PAST EVENTS (and affiliate registration links):
The affiliate, register, and ordering links are still good. You can still sign up as an affiliate, to promote, and then register under your OWN affiliate link, to order, to get paid on your own order, or even just to promote. After you register, there will be a thank you and free gifts page, where you can watch several speakers at any time and download corresponding PDF video transscripts. Even after any series is over, the free gift pages are always up and videos viewable.
- Fibromyalgia Summit, June 20-27: hto.care/FIBRO16aff
- Chronic Lyme Disease Summit, April 4-11, 2016: https://chroniclymediseasesummit.com/
- Heal Your Gut Summit, January 18-25, 2016: hto.care/healyourgutaff
* These are the ones we had signed up for. The rest of 2016 above and 2015 Summits below...
2015 Summit Schedule (All):
On the older 2015 Summit Events, the InfusionSoft Referral Partner Center have different numbers, which means there are different folks in charge of the various summits. All of them are through Health Talks Online, but the older ones are separate, some of them share the same Referral Partner Center, and some of them are with the 2016 InfusionSoft Referral Partner Center. All 2016 Summit Events are in the same Referral Partner Center ( qt247.infusionsoft.com ) in one centralized location. The different numbers before infusionsoft means the account number.
A few of these already have active links. The rest will be updated directly.
January 19 – 26: The Pain Relief Project
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: https://as219.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/MessiahMews/
* This Referral Partner Center has a different account numbered dashboard on infusionsoft.( as219.infusionsoft.com), so a brand new registration profile must be done. To make it easier, the same exact information can be given, as the others.
February 9 – 16: Healthy Gut Summit
Affiliate: https://im177.isrefer.com/go/healthygutaffiliate/MessiahMews/
Register: https://im177.isrefer.com/go/healthygutreg/MessiahMews/
* This Referral Partner Center has a different account numbered dashboard on infusionsoft.
( im177.infusionsoft.com), so a brand new registration profile must be done. To make it easier, the same exact information can be given, as the others.
February 23 – March 2: Childrens and Teen Health Summit
March 23 – 30: The Diabetes Summit
Affiliate: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/summitaff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://vj173.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/MessiahMews/
April 27 – May 4: Glowing Skin Summit Summit
Affiliate: https://xd160.isrefer.com/go/summitaff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://xd160.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/MessiahMews/
May 11 – 18: Essential Oils Revolution Summit
Affiliate: https://un233.isrefer.com/go/affref/MessiahMews/
Register: https://un233.isrefer.com/go/eor15/MessiahMews/
July 13 – 20: Heart Health Summit
August 10 – 17 Mental Wellness Summit
Affiliate: https://vt239.isrefer.com/go/summitaff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://vt239.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/MessiahMews/
Order: https://vt239.isrefer.com/go/summitorder/MessiahMews/
* This Referral Partner Center has a different account numbered dashboard on infusionsoft.( vt239.infusionsoft.com), so a brand new registration profile must be done. To make it easier, the same exact information can be given, as the others.
* The site is currently down. It may or may not come back since this is an older summit.
August 24 – 31: Abundant Energy Summit
Affiliate: https://fn235.isrefer.com/go/summitaff/MessiahMews/
Register: https://fn235.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/MessiahMews/
* This Referral Partner Center has a different account numbered dashboard on infusionsoft.( fn235.infusionsoft.com), so a brand new registration profile must be done. To make it easier, the same exact information can be given, as the others.
September 21 – 28: Evolution of Medicine Summit II
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
September 28 – October 5: Holistic Oral Health Summit
October 26 – November 2: Happy Healthy Dog Summit
Affiliate: http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html
Register: Link no longer available due to moving to new affiliate partner center
November 9 – 16: Ayurveda Summit
Affiliate: http://www.ayurveda-summit.com/affiliates.htm
Register: http://ww8.aitsafe.com/go.htm?go=www.ayurveda-summit.com%2Fupgrade.htm&afid=19723&tm=80&im=10
* This Referral Partner Center has moved to a total different platform and is no longer with HTO
( infusionsoft.qq114.infusionsoft.com ), so a brand new registration profile must be done. To make it easier, the same exact information can be given.
November 16 – 23: Unleash Your Greatness Summit
Affiliate: N/A
Register: N/A
* This Referral Partner Center is a different numbered dashboard on infusionsoft.( xh265.infusionsoft.com), and has been deleted. This summit is no longer available.
For affiliates:
I purchased from my own link, where’s the commission on my account?
If you found the event through another affiliate’s link, the commission will go to that affiliate. If not, then you will see a commission on your account.
We WILL NOT remove commissions from one account and credit it to your account if your account already has a parent affiliate.
So be sure to sign up as an affiliate first, register for the summit under YOUR AFFILIATE LINK, and then order, or just go straight to your affiliate link order page.
The graphics, banners, etc... are still there in the affiliate-center.
After signing up for a summit event, as an affiliate, there will be a thank you page, with a link to go to the affiliate-center for that corresponding event. The affiliate-center page for each event contains ALL banners, daily talks presenters' graphics, graphics for each day's events, etc... We are very fond of the affiliate centers for the Health Talks Online Summits.
Each event has its own affiliate-center on their webpages with the banners for that particular event, but all the event affiliate-centers are tied into the main third party affiliate dashboards application called Referral Partner Center ( qt247.infusionsoft.com ), which keeps up with the stats, clicks, commissions, etc..
Registering for a summit event:
Note: After clicking on your own affiliate link to register to view free online event, it will ask if you want to purchase.
You will see...
Choose Your Package
Get instant digital access to all 33 audio presentations with our experts, including PDF transcripts of all presentations and exclusive bonus gifts.
Just click the No thanks, I'll attend for free! button. Even if after an event is over. Because you will get to the same thank you page with the free gifts goodies are.
This "thank-you" page is where you can watch the Free Gifts complimentary videos, view-able at ANY time. These are always up, no matter if the main 7-Day event summit is over. Also included, under the video players, are the PDF video transcripts. These are given along with the videos to make it easier to keep up with the talks.
Most of all, no sweating it. It also took us a while to figure the navigation out, and the going back and forth between the various affiliate-center pages, the main dashboard, and the registration to watch videos pages, etc...

1 comment:
I am really sad to see the Lyme Disease Summit site taken down. We watched the talks, and were also affiliates. We know so many people suffering from Lyme and had continued to promote the links, and were upset that new people could no longer register for the summit. We had the most signups from the Lyme than any other of the HTO summits, which told us that many people are suffering. Niki Gratrix., please consider putting the summit back up.
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