It’s the first of two days during which we’ll uncover the best detox methods available. You’ll learn supplements, nutrition plans and oral health strategies that work best for detox.
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Commentary and Thoughts:
As time permits. If so, be after each speaker. However, PDF transcripts are usually available to read
Shayne Morris, PhD, CNS, MBA
3 Phases of Detoxification
What You'll Learn -
Important parts of phase II detox
New kid on the block: smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Putting together the clinical phases of detox
Transcript: Shayne Morris, PhD, CNS, MBA (PDF)
Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, IFMCP
Full-Spectrum Approach to Inner and Outer Toxins
What You'll Learn -
7 body systems you must detoxify regularly
Best cooking methods to maximize food purity
Keep your adrenals, thyroid, pineal & pituitary glands healthy
Transcript: Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, IFMCP (PDF)
The one detox that most seem to forget about is a lymphatic detox.
The lymphatic system is very important in the human body. The lymphatic system is composed of tissue and fluids and runs mostly throughout your entire body just like your circulation does. One key difference between lymphatic tissue and your circulation is that the lymphatic system does not have a heart (pump) to move it throughout the body. This is why consistent daily exercise and hydration are crucial to keep the lymphatic system and lymph nodes healthy.
If your lymphatic system is congested, or lymph nodes are swollen this will result in different aches and pains. Your joints could have pain or feel weak, your immune system is compromised dramatically because your immune system works directly with your lymphatic system. Your liver and kidneys become toxic because they aren’t draining toxins and chemicals from the lymphatic system to excrete them from the body as it should be. This can lead to weight gain, digestive disorders, being sick more often, hormonal imbalances, poor circulation, and much more.
Thankfully there are more than a few ways to stimulate your lymphatic system though and it’s important to stay on top of it each and every single day.
10 Ways To Empty Your Lymphatic System From Toxins:
1. Exercise: Exercise moves the lymphatic system and lymph fluids and circulates them to your liver and kidneys to be filtered and excreted from the body. You should walk briskly or engage in high intensity workouts every single day. Do one or both, but move faster than a slow walk every single day to get the lymphatic system moving.
2. Water: The lymphatic system is rich in water and if you’re dehydrated the entire system will be holding onto water for dear life. You need new water to filter the lymphatic system, and to help excrete and remove chemicals and toxins through your liver and kidneys. A good rule of thumb is to drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water each day. Example: If you weigh 100 pounds, drink 50 ounces daily.
3. Breath work: Breathing does so much for your body, from calm your heart and nervous system to change brainwaves and even to help the lymphatic system drain and stay healthy. By taking deep breathes in through your nose and out through your mouth you’re giving your body more oxygen to work with. Oxygen and Hydration are two essential parts to keeping the lymphatic system clear of impurities. Exercise also helps you breathe deeply by exerting energy so exercise gives you multiple lymphatic draining benefits.
4. Rebounding: Rebounding is simply jumping on a small trampoline up and down. It doesn’t take much energy but is a slight workout that get’s your heart rate and breath up. It uses the force of gravity to move your lymphatic system and to detoxify cells by going in an up and down motion. This is a great exercise for lymphatic drainage as well as overall health and well-being. You can look for rebounders by clicking here.
5. Massage: Massage works by hands physically moving your lymphatic tissue. Deep tissue massage will work to move the lymphatic tissue to drain it most but any form of massage is beneficial. Massage is a way to squeeze the lymphatic system to remove impurities so that new hydration and nutrients can keep the lymphatic system healthy and able to do it’s job.
6: Laughter: Believe it or not laughter is an effective method for helping the lymphatic system. Laughing causes you to take deeper breaths which is once again beneficial but it also stimulates your lungs, circulation and other organs that create more harmony working with the lymphatic system. You need to make it an effort to laugh at least a few times daily for not only your lymphatic system but your heart, immunity, brain and overall sense of well-being.
7. Skin Brushing: Dry skin brushing is taking a brush and rubbing it around your entire body. It is similar to massage except for it’s not quite as deep into the tissue and it’s a great way to exfoliate dead skin cells. It works best right before a bath or shower so you don’t have a layer of dead skin cells on your skin. You can get a dry skin brush by clicking here.
8. Take A Hot+Cold Shower: I personally love taking a hot+cold shower because it’s so invigorating. What is a hot+cold shower you ask? it’s a shower where you turn the water hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. You continue switching the temperature of the water. It’s extremely invigorating and the change in temperature stimulates your lymphatic system to move as well as circulation by expanding and contracting blood vessels. It’s a great practice that will leave you feeling extremely rejuvenated.
9. Eat Raw Fruits: Fruits are great for stimulating the lymphatic system to drain. The key here is to eat fruits raw (uncooked) and to eat them on an empty stomach so that the acids and enzymes in the fruit have the best lymphatic draining and stimulating effects. Lemon, lime and grapefruit work well. You can also get these in essential oil form to add to your water and drink throughout the day to stimulate lymphatic drainage and overall digestive detoxification.
10. Use Essential Oils Topically: You can apply ginger, peppermint and rosemary essential oils topically on lymph nodes throughout your body to stimulate drainage. Specifically on the back of your neck is a great spot to apply these oils to get into the skin, circulation and lymph nodes and allow them to go to work.
There you have it, 10 different ways to stimulate the lymphatic system to drain and detoxify. The more of these you engage in the more you’ll feel the benefits of a healthy lymphatic system. I hope you try these out and keep them as consistent practices.
Regarding rebounders, we have a Cellerciser Rebounder that we bought in 2003 from a local guy who is a distributor for them. Life Enthusiast has them, so one can be ordered online, if a local distributor can't be located. We like the folding kind as they are made portable.
Here are the list of them from Life-Enthusiast and Amazon.
Here are the list of them from Life-Enthusiast and Amazon.
- Cellerciser Rebounder
- Bellicon Rebounder, Folding
- Bellicon Rebounder, Fixed
- Bellicon Premium, Folding
We also have a portable WBV (Whole Body Vibration Machine) which is an oscillating kind. There's also vertical vibration ones as well. It looks alot like this one, although not the same brand. Got ours from a guy in Canada, who at the time was selling them. His site has long been gone, so I guess he no longer sells them.
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Portable Butterfly Shape Whole Body Vibration Machine |
The next way we have is a Sun Ancon Chi Machine. It also helps with oxygen and blood circulation as well as lymphatic.
Use of a Chi Machine (It rocks your feet back and forth). The original site is still up, so they are still being sold.
They're kind of pricey, but we were fortunate to have found one on Craigslist for only $75, and it works wonderfully. Can easily find them on eBay used.
Sun Ancon Sun Harmony Chi Machine | eBay
Amazon has some, but none of the Sun Ancon models.
Skin and facial brushing: We have those too, including the rough mitt that came with the Carole Maggio No Lipo Lipo kit.
Lymphatic massage and ROLFing will do it too. ROLFing will also break down the fatty tissue, like the Carole Maggio No Lipo Lipo.
Rolf Cellulite by Owen Marcus.
Owen Marcus, M.A.
Marcus first stumbled on the effect that Rolfing has on cellulite while operating his clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. In the course of his 17 years there he developed a sub-practice treating women who wanted to change their appearance. It first started when women came to Marcus for Rolfing for the reasons most people seek out a Rolfer, which is to correct a chronic soft tissue problem that other therapies were not resolving. As these women´s problems disappeared often so would their hips.
These clients´ friends would come up to the women and ask, "Who is your trainer, who is your plastic surgeon?" I want his look great!" With a big smile on their face, these clients would tell their friends about Rolfing. Over the course of several years, Marcus´ practice grew with women wanting to transform their bodies in a safe and healthy way.
Learn more about Owen at his site –
ROLFing and massage both gets the blood and lymph moving, which moves out the toxins and allows the extraneous fatty tissue to be taken away and eliminated by the body.
Dan Pompa, DC, DPSc
True Cellular Detoxification
What You'll Learn -
Healing hormone problems through detox
Most exciting detox tools available today!
Ancient, at-home healing strategies
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Transcript: Dan Pompa, DC, DPSc (PDF)
David Jockers, DC, MS, CSCS
Best Herbs and Supplements for Detoxification
What You'll Learn -
Options for glutathione supplementation
Bitter herbs to cleanse the liver
3 minerals necessary for effective detox
Transcript: David Jockers, DC, MS, CSCS (PDF)
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By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS
Jonathan Landsman
Combating Oral Toxicity
What You'll Learn -
Toxic dangers of mercury fillings and root canals
Safe methods to remove oral sources of toxicity
Daily oral health habits you should have!
Transcript: Jonathan Landsman (PDF)
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