The Medicinal Supplements Summit started today! We’ll discuss whether you need supplements to be healthy, can you get all your nutrients from food and important supplements missing from your health regime!
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Commentary and Thoughts:
As time permits. And some speakers may not get a commentary, depending on time allowance.. However, PDF transcripts are available to read
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, CHHC
Important Supplements Missing from Your Health Regime
What You'll Learn -
Why focus on mineral supplementation?
Hair Mineral Analysis (and other tests) to customize supplements
Toxic metals, fatigue and supplements to detox!
Transcript: Wendy Myers, FDN-P, CHHC (PDF)
Reed Davis, CNT
Can You Get All of Your Nutrition from Food?
What You'll Learn -
Does a whole foods, organic diet deliver?
How to know if your diet is right for you
Food sensitivities (and how they sabotage health!)
Transcript: Reed Davis, CNT (PDF)
Jayson Calton, PhD & Mira Calton, CN
Are You Absorbing Your Supplements?
What You'll Learn -
The concept of micronutrient competition
Variables that interfere with nutrient absorption
Forms of supplements to avoid
Transcript: Jayson Calton, PhD & Mira Calton, CN (PDF)
Micronutrient Sufficiency Quiz
I prefer to avoid any supplements that contain cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, hypermellose, maltodextrin, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, nano metals, rice bran (a filler) and any other un-needed ingredients and unnecessary fillers.
See my rants (err... posts) here:
Grains (wheat, oats, barley, rye and corn which is almost always GMO) will interfere with nutrient absorption. Celiac disease.
Recommendations from Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Peter Glidden that everybody must ELIMINATE from their diet...
10 BAD FOODS (according to Drs. Joel Wallach & Peter Glidden):
- Wheat (No Gluten or Gliadian Protein)
- Barley
- Rye
- Oats, Oatmeal – even if it says that it’s gluten free.
- Fried Food – nothing fried! You should boil, broil or bake and never more than medium rare for red meat.
- Oils – Yes, this includes Olive Oil! NO canola, NO coconut, etc… If it has OIL in the name don’t use it. This also includes anything made from oil, like salad dressing. Dr. Wallach recommends using salt and lemon juice as a salad dressing. No margarine or combo spreads. No mayonnaise. Nothing made from oils.
- No burned fats – If you grill your food, try to have something between the food and the fire (like aluminium foil) so the juice doesn’t drip onto the flame and deposit dangerous things on the meat.
- Any nitrates added to meat – (ie: deli meats) tell your butcher NO NITRATES or NITRITES!
- No carbonated drinks of any kind within one hour before, during or one hour after meals.
- Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.
Dr. Wallach even discourages use of olive oil and coconut oil. We do use a little of it ourselves, but sparingly.
More later...
Ian Clark
The Most Amazing All-In-One Supplement
What You'll Learn -
Marine phytoplankton has every nutrient required!
What is the ideal food-based multivitamin?
Why you don’t want marine phytoplankton in capsules/powder
Transcript: Ian Clark (PDF)
Katie The Wellness Mama
Best Supplements for Pregnancy, Nursing and Babies
What You'll Learn -
Supplements before, during, and after pregnancy
Why you shouldn’t outsource your health to your doctors
How moms can best deal with stress
Transcript: Katie The Wellness Mama (PDF)

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