Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Another Florida Holistic MD found dead

Published on 24 Nov 2016
UPDATE: criminal investigation underway reports state. Case # in article and info about her allegedly being a witness on big case. So sad. Here is what we know so far. story will be updated as more details emerge: http://www.healthnutnews.com/breaking-another-holistic-florida-md-dead/

Dear Father in Heaven, when are You going to come down and start smiting ALL of these murderers who are doing all these horrible things?

And I do mean ALL of them.  When?! It's past time for ALL the children and innocents to stop being murdered?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Beware of Going To Lamestream Doctors or Their Health Centers

Because they are hard to score a vaccine hit on everyone.  A dTAp vaccine is often indicated in causing ear, nose and thorat problems, among other things.

From Samantha Martenson

Went to an ENT (ear nose throat) doctor today for my ringing ears,and while I was waiting in the office,they gave me an iPad with 'important information'.

Wow. This is sick! ~Samantha Martenson‎ in Stop Mandatory Vaccination

Another group of vaccine pushing soulless sellouts

Autism - Made in the U S A - Gary Null's Remarkable Documentary

Healthy Matters: The Radio Show-The Medical Rollercoaster

From our good friend Dennis Jefferson.  He is one of our fellow affiliates and biz partners.


Doggone it Donna... tonight's show has a pretty bad vax damage story on it... Guest speaker's story broke my heart. :(

He lost vision, speech and is severely Autistic. 32 yrs old. :(

IKR She had no idea about vax court till the movie
Tune in. Headed to the studio now

Call in to speak with the host (917) 889-2830
The show is actually supposed to be on Vaxxes and skin disorders but when she told me... I invited her
Just went live.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Love and Squee

Okay, so Breezy was lying on the bed, and I decided to lie down for a few, just to chill.

I had gently petted him on the face, and then stopped.  He was half asleep, and he put his paw upon my hand. So hubby went and got the camera and snapped a pic before he moved.

Miracle has done this before too, but at night when everyone was sound asleep.

Is this totally squee or what?!

More like Love & Squee!

Affiliate opportunities this week! (Health Talks Online & Their Affiliate Sponsors)

Though our 2016 summits have ended, we have some important affiliate opportunities to tell you about that can be promoted in the coming weeks...

We've launched our partnership with Thrive Market--you can now register as an affiliate, too! Thrive is focused on making healthy living affordable to everyone by offering the highest-quality organic groceries at 25-50% (shipped U.S. only). Not only is the company providing a great core service, they bring so much heart to help others by doing good in the world!
If you're interested in becoming a Thrive affiliate, please click here to register!


Exclusive invite to promote The Health Experts Academy! Dr. Axe and Dr. Jones have created this live, in-person event (Atlanta, Jan 20-21) with the goal of sharing business insights to help health professionals understand what an ideal practice or health business looks like! Click here to promote!


Did you know? We're moving away from InfusionSoft for 2017, and switching to a new platform called iDev Affiliate. This means we need you to login to your new account BEFORE our next promotions start (that's mid-December, btw)!

You may have to go through a password reset process. (for the HTO affiliates earlier this year)
2016 data will not be transferred, so please pull anything you'd like to retain from InfusionSoft.

NOTE: We're still working on the affiliate center, so pardon any "dust" you encounter!
To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

LAST DAY: Watch 2 great health events for FREE

Click here to access Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You or own the entire event and watch it anytime you like.

Today is the FINAL DAY you can watch each and every episode including the LIVE Q&A for our free screening. It all ends at MIDNIGHT tonight, Sunday night, EST USA time.

Make sure you don't miss a vital piece of information in this life-changing action-packed documentary series, Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You.

Click here to watch the entire 7-part series and the LIVE Q&A.

Thank you all again for the support. We would love for you to share this information.. Remember we are offering a 2nd tier for you as well. This means you will get 10% commission off of who you bring in to promote the offer:

Here is your affiliate sign-up link


Click here to watch The Truth About Cancer Ultimate LIVE Symposium.
(Everything you ever wanted to know about how to beat cancer)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Replay Weekend!! Betrayal Series

ALL talks (videos) are open this weekend.

Opt-on Register to Watch

Owning the Betrayal Series

Or you can just pick and choose among the individual video pages.

  1. Betrayal Video 1
  2. Betrayal Video 2
  3. Betrayal Video 3
  4. Betrayal Video 4
  5. Betrayal Video 5
  6. Betrayal Video 6
  7. Betrayal Video 7

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

Join us as an affiliate for the Betrayal Series!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
  • No cost to register!
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration:  http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html

Thank you!


Thoughts & Commentary:

There has been an overwhelming response of this series, over the the rest of summits, I have posted here. SO many folks are wrestling with various kinds of autoimmune diseases.

So this weekend, we have the replay of all the Betrayal Series talks, and also TTAC Live Symposium 2016 Replay going on right now.


“Vaxxed” Documentary Producer Dr. Andrew Wakefield Speaking Tonight. Watch Online.

It started TODAY! Replay of the The Truth About Cancer Ultimate LIVE Symposium

9:00 am EST TODAY and goes through Sunday, November 27th at 6:30pm EST.

Hosted by The Truth About Cancer

Join 15,000 of Your Peers Watching this One-of-a-Kind “Cancer Answers” Weekend Online
[watch] The Crisis in Public Health: Profit vs. Humanity, from Dr. Andrew Wakefield

The Truth About Cancer’s big “Ultimate Live Symposium” is streaming live right now, with some really interesting presentations coming up.

If you’re not on the list to watch this yet, take 2 minutes and register to watch online, so you can see what some of these experts have to say about the state of health in America.

Specifically, I want to tell you about the keynote speech coming up tonight that you definitely do NOT want to miss…

It’s called “The Crisis in Public Health: Profit vs. Humanity,” from Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

You may recognize his name -- he’s the doctor who just produced the hugely-popular (and some say controversial) documentary “Vaxxed.”

It was even pulled From Tribeca Film Festival, but that didn’t stop Robert DeNiro from going on national TV to say that “everyone needs to see this film.”

Dr. Wakefield is a fascinating guy who never intended to become an “alternative health guru,” but the evidence left him no choice but to speak out and pull back the curtain on what’s really going on.

And he goes on at 6:45pm Eastern tonight.  Don’t miss this.

Click here to get the link to watch the presentations.

To your health!

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive a percentage of any sales they generate? 

Join us as an affiliate for TTAC!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
  • No cost to register!
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...

Your link to affiliate registration:

Will you help us?

Since May 2014, we’ve empowered millions of people with real answers and solutions for preventing, treating and beating Cancer naturally.

We’ve created 3 online docu-series (documentary mini-series), 1 live event and have had 6 launches since inception & have collected nearly 2,000,000 event registrants (subscribers), with more than 12 million episode views and received thousands of personal letters/emails from people saying “I (or a loved one) am alive today because of your event.”

Our affiliate partners have been paid more than $9.5 million dollars for sharing our events with their audiences through email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

And by the way, our affiliates get to share pure high quality content with their list and NEVER send a sales email to their list while sharing our events.

Our most recent live event web-stream in Oct 2016 for The Ultimate Live Symposium had an EPIC impact with a 59% average opt in rate with over 319,311 people who registered.  Our affiliates averaged a $2.32 EPC.

Our docuseries in April 2016 — for The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, affiliates have averaged $2.02 EPC earnings per click across all platforms (meaning this is an overall average EPC including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube leads, etc. – not just warm email traffic).


In the last two years, we’ve donated $300,000+ to the following charities: Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF), Healing Strong, Cancer Crackdown, American Anti-Cancer Institute (AACI) & The Nicolas Gonzalez Foundation.

And my favorite was donating $10,000 to Cassandra Callender, the Connecticut teenage who made national headlines after being forced chemotherapy against her wishes.

Thank you!


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Herd Immunity (Captioned by Lynn Lane)

Cat caption by Lynn Lane...

First and foremost, my responsibility is to my child. I will not set my child on fire to keep someone else warm. What parent would knowingly risk their child's life for the sake of the herd? Would you? My child is not a human shield. Secondly, herd immunity is a myth. We do not have vaccine induced herd immunity and never have.

But here is your 5-prong vaccine of 5,000 parts mercury poison cuz LAW SEZ everyone HAS TO have it.

No science here.. just putting things into PURRspective.. :o ~ Lynn Lane

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Soulless Sellout Companies

So someone was kind enough to send us a package of samples from the essential oil company.  The oils are fine and great, but the other products are compromised with toxic ingredients. We're keeping the oils, containers, and pamphlets, but we are sending the other stuff back. Already told them about what was found to be toxic. We refuse to use the toxic stuff, and definitely will refuse to promote those particular products.  We WILL promote the oils only. The oils are clean. But I am disapoint.

Like Titanium Dioxide PEG (polyethylene glycol), cellulose shit, propyl stuff, and so much more.

Sheesh everywhere, and I mean EVERY FREAKING WHERE, we look, every direction we turn, corruption...deep to the core compromise and corruption. Bought and paid for companies, using cheap ingredients, bad products, and even the SO CALLED natural supplement companies are compromised too. The internet is fucked too. For the love of money is the root of all evil. Is everyone a soulless sack of shit sellout?

The hospitals ARE filled… it’s called, cancer, thyroid disease, arthritis. autoimmune & other diseases. Pretty much what is ailing the population in North American is related to vaccines, artificial water fluoridation, all forms of radiation, chemtrails, Monsatan GMO'd shit, & toxic ingredients in every freaking thing. Because the CORPORATIONS wants us all sick and dead. A corporation large enough is obligated by contract to be a psychopath: to put profit first.

"Corporation - see sociopath ..."  ~ Somewhat Reticent

Right click info-graphic, and open LINK into a new tab to view full sized pic....






More links are available by searching the subject of carcinogens.

Iodine for Health - Life Enthusiast - Alternative Health

Thyrodine: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/transderma-thyrodine/?ref=55

A full functioning thyroid system is very important in heart health too. We prefer and use this iodine brand.  Sometimes Lugol's is used, if in a pinch.

However, it is important to use iodine with selenium and L-Tyrosine. Using it along with a full vitamin and colloidal mineral supplement is the best.

And keep in mind the Adrenals can also be fatigued. Diabetes can also be present along with hypothyroidism. The Adrenal Reset Summit talked about this.

Thyrodine: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/transderma-thyrodine/?ref=55

Selenium in bulk:  BIOSEL 5000 L-SELENOMETHIONINE - 1-800-282-3982 or email info@parchem.com!


L-Tyrosine (in bulk and gelatin capsules):  gel caps: http://amzn.to/2gzY95K or bulk powder: http://amzn.to/2gk1Ido

Best to buy in bulk, due to the ongoing contamination and compromised fancy supplements companies, because in one way or another, all have compromised on some products, and some products may be okay.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Betrayal Series Episode 7: “I Reversed Autoimmune Disease! The Emotional Stories of Those That Overcame Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Lupus, Asthma, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Chronic Fatigue, and More”

Episode 7 Overview

- How did it all begin?
- Conventional medicine was not effective.
- Emotional journey during the illness.
- On the way to find healing.
- Life now after healing.
- Encouragement words from the survivors for those still suffering.



The most inspiring episode of all.  We get to see real stories of people who were indeed able to not only fight auto immune disease but WIN!

Even better, people were able to overcome Psoriasis, Asthma, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue and a ton of all health problems.  I really enjoyed this episode and it makes me want to share this series with all of my friends and family.

For the first time in history, we have the ability to get behind the scenes footage of success case studies and stories!  That’s why I highly recommend you click here to pick up a copy of the Betrayal Series today!

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

Join us as an affiliate for the Betrayal Series!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
  • No cost to register!
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration:  http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html

Thank you!


Thoughts & Commentary:

Episode 1 is still unlocked and open.

Click HERE to Learn More About Owning Betrayal

Look out for LIVE: Bonus #1 & 2 – Live Q&A With Dr Tom O’Bryan


Betrayal Series Episode 6: Autoimmunity and Brain Disorders: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, and Autism

Episode 6 Overview
  • Autoimmunity and the effects on the Brain
  • Brain fog, memory loss, anxiety, and depression…are they signs of autoimmunity? Can you test for that?
  • Chemicals found in everyday life are altering your brain function.
  • Cases that explain that the brain is directly connected with the gut.
  • Why rates of lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, MS, autism, and ADD skyrocketed in the last few decades.
  • The role diet plays in brain function and brain diseases.

What could be more important than the health of your brain and protecting yourself, and your loved ones, from NEVER being in a position to lose who you truly are? 
Don't miss it! Episode 6 is live for only the next 24 hours, so dive in and watch it ASAP. Head over and learn the truth about degenerative brain disease! 
Click here to watch Episode 6: Autoimmunity and Brain Disorders: The Truth About Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, Autism (and more...) 
In this action-packed episode we also spotlight why the rates of conditions like Lupus, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's, MS, Autism, and ADHD have skyrocketed in the last few decades. 
What you are about to discover about the true causes of these tragic diseases will shock you. 
Episode 6 equips you with vital tools for you to protect yourself, and your family, from the dreaded diagnosis and suffering caused by a degenerative brain disease, like Dementia or Alzheimer's. 
Watch it right now while you still have access. 
Here is the link to this remarkable video. 
With love, Dr. Tom O'Bryan and the Entire Betrayal Team
PS: We are offering the Betrayal "Silver" and "Gold" package at our early bird, inner-circle, friends and family 50% off of the regular price. By owning the series, you also help us keep the mission going (and give yourself access to watch the series again and again). You also get the extra interviews covering new insights and specific protocols for various autoimmune diseases. You're fully covered our 60-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee so you can try it now with no risk to you.


This episode, this episode is about diseases related to the brain. The astonishing thing is most popular medical journals tell you there isn’t anything that can be done but this simply isn’t true.  You will learn from doctors and patients who are having amazing success right now combating brain disease.

Things like A.D.D. in our children and adults are increasing by the minute but it doesn’t have to be this way. In episode 5, we learned about chemicals affecting our brains.  By avoiding these chemicals and replacing them with some simple foods, we can really transform our brains and dementia.

Finding a solution to brain problems is the key and that is what this episode does.

It gives us some basic ideas and principles to follow in order to do this.  I found a great amount of happiness by watching this episode because I knew a lot of the so-called myths about brain health would be destroyed.

That’s why I highly suggest you pick up  a copy of the Betrayal Series Today.

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

Join us as an affiliate for the Betrayal Series!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
  • No cost to register!
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration:  http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html

Thank you!


Thoughts & Commentary:

So why I offer the opportunity to sign up as an affiliate?  Well, just last night, our friend Dennis, messaged me privately, and asked if this series had an affiliate program, as he mentioned that the first he heard of it, no one, nor even the doc  told him there was an affiliate program and he was upset about it. (I'm assuming he meant the host of the series, Dr.Tom O'Byran). So I always offer or mention it because some folks want it.
Hi Donna... Got Betrayal from Doc... I''m catchin the dickens trying to watch these dang things... Is it an affiliate? 
Doc shoulda told me it was an affiliate. :( Oh well. You got me now. LOL

Episode 1 is still unlocked and open.

Click HERE to Learn More About Owning Betrayal

Look out for tomorrow's post for Episode 7: “I Reversed Autoimmune Disease! The Emotional Stories of Those That Overcame Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Lupus, Asthma, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Chronic Fatigue, and More”


VaxXed Meets Paul Offit

For those who have no idea who Paul Offit is....

In Vaccines We Trust? Paul Offit threatens religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. A response by Suzanne Humphries, MD

Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. Please read it before moving along. It is only one page long. This statement that outlines Offit’s personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal removal of all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States of America. This is something that Offit has been working toward for years, and the likely end-purpose of his series of books...


"What a classy pediatrician. Would you want this man near you or your baby? We sure wouldn't. Handing your baby over to  Satan. . XO Erin and Dr Mercola"Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News

Published on 21 Nov 2016
Joshua Coleman sees Paul Offit eating breakfast in New York on November 21, 2016 and approaches him for a polite conversation. Paul wasn't up for it. Camera and editing by Joshua Coleman.

Anyone can google Merck, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Abbott, Bayer, Eli Lilly and all other players in the Womb to Tomb Drug Treatment/Vaccination Plan for America. Anyone can read about the lawsuits and Federal criminal charges against these giant Pharmaceuticals and their callous disregard for human life. Of course, that would be getting your medical information from the Internet. Paul Offit says that parents who do that are just plain stupid!

What a disgusting excuse for a human being!

On Amazon:  Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

eBay:  Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (DVD, 2016)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Betrayal Series Episode 5- Environmental Toxins: The Hidden Drivers of Disease

Betrayal Series Episode 5- Environmental Toxins: The Hidden Drivers of Disease

Episode 5 Overview
  • Today, toxins exists everywhere in the world. 
  • The toxins in our food. 
  • The fire retardant issue. 
  • Heavy metal's affect on the body. 
  • The unexpected mold problem. 
  • Plastic, BPA
  • EMF exposure
  • Shampoo, make up, deodorant
  • Air pollution

There are 7 products destroying YOUR health and family.

Did you know that there are products that have literally ruined people's health and their lives? Are you aware that there are certain toxic ingredients in products that could be in your kitchen pantry, in the food you eat, in your bathroom or in the beverages you drink that are actually responsible for causing specific autoimmune diseases.

That is exactly what they are going to be talking about in this episode, and you're going to learn from all the world class scientist, doctors, researchers and patients in remission, exactly what the true causes are for specific debilitating autoimmune conditions. The reality is the ONLY way to be 'healthy' today is by being informed, and feeding your mind with information that will help you overcome lies, deception and BETRAYAL of corrupt industries.


In this episode, you learn about the relationship between toxicity and autoimmune disease.  Pesticide exposure to our fruits and veggies can really mess us up.  I mean just about any fruit and veggie you get has pesticides that can disrupt our bodies and health.

Every newborn has on average 280 toxic chemicals in them a birth (source). There is a silent pandemic.

Even worse, each American is exposed to 250 pounds of chemicals a day.  This was NOT a typo. Each day we come in contact with 250 pounds of chemicals.  All of these toxins change the shape of our cells.

The global population is increasing at a rate of 1% a year while the rate of chemicals is increasing by 3% a year.  Every single day we are saturating our air, soil, food, water with toxic chemicals that is destroying our health at an alarming rate.

Our bodies aren’t strong enough to fight these chemicals and are the reason our immune system is getting weaker.  Our autoimmune disease issue is a silent pandemic.  The good news is I found the Betrayal Series to be the solution to many of the problems we experience so I highly suggest you own a copy today.

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

Join us as an affiliate for the Betrayal Series!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
  • No cost to register!
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration:  http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html

Thank you!


Thoughts & Commentary:

Episode 1 is still unlocked and open.

Click HERE to Learn More About Owning Betrayal

Look out for tomorrow's post for Episode 6: Autoimmunity and Brain Disorders: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, and Autism


Craigslist Ad


Here's what it says...

Fight the Trump Agenda! We're hiring Full-Time Organizers 15/hr! (Seattle) hide this posting

compensation: $15-22/hr.
employment type: part-time
non-profit organization

Washington CAN! is our state's oldest and largest Grassroots Non-Profit. We've been organizing and winning on the local and national level for over 35 years on issues such as Racial, Social, and Economic Justice, Health Care, Immigration Reform, Tax Fairness, and a Living Wage for all workers.

We are looking for motivated individuals who are seeking Full-Time, Part-Time, and Permanent positions.

Our Paid-Training Program is the best around. We will teach you the skills you need to succeed. The combined experience of our management team is over 50 years.

At Washington CAN! you will work at our Home Office here in Seattle. You will regularly meet with our Organizers, Lobbyists, and Executive Director, and have a real sense of being directly involved in our work.

We provide benefits in Medical, Dental, Vision, 401(k), Paid Vacation, Paid Sick Days, Holidays, and Leave of Absence. Advancement and Travel Opportunities are available as well. Staff average pay is $15-20 an hour.

For Full Time and Part Time Positions, please call 206-805-6686 and ask for Sol. If you do not reach Sol, please leave a message with your name, number, and a good time to reach you.

For the Part Time Phone Organizer position, please call 206-805-6678 and ask for Nathan. If you do not reach Nathan, please leave a message with your name, number, and a good time to reach you.

Students, women, and minorities are urged to apply.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers

Screenshot of the ad...  Be sure to right click, and open LINK into new tab to view FULL size pic.


Someone else's screenshot.  Right click, open LINK into new tab to view full sized pic....

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Daily Messenger: Triggering The Anti-Trumpers

The Daily Messenger: Triggering The Anti-Trumpers


How are these for triggering?

Trumpy Cat Tee Shirt Amazon: http://amzn.to/2g8MDvh

Or.... perhaps this?...

Trumpy Cat T-Shirt-Funny Humorous Novelty Shirt-Donald Trump-Election 2016

I like and prefer the red shirt. It's freaking hilarious!   :)

[Vaccination-Liberation] Health care workers in Spokane suffering from Guillain-Barre

Three Health Care Workers in Spokane Diagnosed With Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Below is a link to yesterday’s above-titled article reporting on “several" healthcare workers who came down with Guillain-Barre. Of special significance is this description of one of them:

“She started feeling weak following a flu vaccine and was diagnosed on Oct. 24.

Anyone wanting to leave a comment or write a letter to the editor, please do so soon.

Posted by: Joan Mootry


Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is an adverse reaction from flu vaccines, fyi.

GBS is listed as an adverse reaction on page 12 of this particular package insert (AFLURIA).

294   Nervous system disorders 
295   Neuralgia, paresthesia, convulsions (including febrile seizures), encephalomyelitis, 
296   encephalopathy, neuritis or neuropathy, transverse myelitis, and GBS

The adverse reactions and charts start on Page 5 of the document.

The package insert for Fluzone states: “If Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) has occurred within 6 weeks of previous influenza vaccination, the decision to give Fluzone High-Dose should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks.”

Infographic courtesy of Health Impact News.

Betrayal Series Episode 4: Digestive Diseases, Inflammable Bowel Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease

Betrayal Series Episode 4: Digestive Diseases, Inflammable Bowel Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease

Episode 4 Overview
  • Connection of auto immune disease with gluten intolerance. 
  • Ways to test and see if your digestive system is healthy or not. 
  • The steps for treating the digestive diseases. 
  • Success studies of patients getting healed from digestive diseases. 
  • Acid is essential for good digestion. 
  • What to eat for healthy gut.


In this episode, you learn about how important it is to protect your digestive health.  Every single day we eat food that gets digested into our bodies.  If we have digestive problems, it will trigger all kinds of health problems that we don’t want.

The episode does a great job of explaining how to fight any type of digestive problem and you will hear from patients who thought they had a good digestive system who simply didn’t.  Even better we learn how to fix these problems with some simple strategies.

One thing you can do right now is take Hydrochloric Acid which is essential for good digestion.  This topic was very interesting.  This episode also goes over what foods to eat for a healthy gut and digestive track.  It really is quite amazing how a few simple foods can make such a big difference.

Another topic discussed is Gluten.  We have heard it is best to go gluten free but WHY?  There is so much confusion as to what we should eat but I couldn’t believe the long-term problems that gluten can cause.

Gluten is indigestible.  That means we can’t digest it.  For some, it can affect them worse than others. I mean it is really scary but the good news is in the Betrayal Series we learn how to fight any of these diseases.

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

Join us as an affiliate for the Betrayal Series!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
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Thoughts & Commentary:

Episode 1 is still unlocked and open.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

In Memory of Susan Kreider, RN, CPC, CNOP (May 23, 1957 - Novemeber 10, 2016)


We lost another of our own (fellow activist).

R.I.P. Susan.

Left to Right:
Walene James, Susan Kreider, Don Harkins, Ingri Cassel, Lisa Mullenax
Image source: http://whale.to/vaccine/james_1.jpg

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Betrayal Series Episode 3: Microbiome, How To Restore The Good Bacteria

Betrayal Series Episode 3: Microbiome, How To Restore The Good Bacteria

Episode 3 Overview
  • What is microbiome relation to healthy gut?
  • Autoimmune disease in Western countries vs third world countries. 
  • Microbiome regulates the immune system. 
  • How is microbiome affected at birth? 
  • Solution for healthy microbiome. 
  • Case studies of patients healed by healthy microbiome. 
  • Steps to check the status of your gut's microbiome. 
  • Food affect on microbiome.


In this episode, we learn about microbes in the need to find a cure for many of the deadly diseases we experience in modern society.  You will really learn a cool story of one woman who ate good foods, exercised and her life STIL fell apart.

She had bad bacteria in her gut, so it didn’t matter what she did.  She was weak, tired and quite literally couldn’t function.

In this same situation, most of us would simply go to the doctor and ask for the solution.  All the doctor would do is give you pills.  If those pills don’t work, you get a new set of pills.

I was once told our entire health and well-being lives inside of our gut.  So this episode is absolutely fascinating.  You’re going to love the interview with one female patient who speaks about her recent health issues.  I consider myself a health expert but even I was actually quite shocked by this!

Our bodies are like one big community.  When the community is out of balance, we can literally open up the flood gates to all kinds of diseases like cancer, diabetes, Crohn's and much more.

Discover How to Naturally Fight Disease and Protect The Lives of You & Your Loved Ones By Owning a Copy of The Betrayal Series Today at The Discounted Price

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Thoughts & Commentary:

I prefer using the Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical. It will need to be re-encapsulated into gelatin caps, as these capsules are cellulose capsules.

Also useful is Fungus-Ease by by Earth Friend Herb Co. from Life Enthusiast.

Oregano Essential Oil (Can put drops into empty capsules and take. Be sure to wipe off capsules, or it may burn.).  doTERRA also has a good pure oregano oil.

Episode 1 is still unlocked and open.

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DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Google As A Weapon, Vows To Pull Ads

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Google As A Weapon, Vows To Pull Ads: GOOGLE AS A WEAPON, VOWS TO PULL ADS VIDEO: GOOGLE AS A WEAPON, VOWS TO PULL ADS - YouTube That is correct. Several year ago we discussed how the US Department of Defense has weaponized commercial airliners...


And after all my posting and raving about the benefits of NAC N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, I have another one I like and am currently studying...


PCOS Remedy
An estimated 10 percent of women of childbearing age have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The condition is often diagnosed while trying to identify a cause of infertility. PCOS is characterized by enlarged cystic ovaries, high levels of male hormones, obesity, elevated insulin levels, and prediabetes.

This is my next one.  Inositol!


1. Important in fat and cholesterol metabolism
2. Mild lipotropic agent that removes fats from the liver and lowers blood cholesterol
3. Has been found in studies to improve symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) including infertility, with significant weight loss and increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels
4. Used to help prevent plaque build-up and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
5. Needed for hair growth, nail growth and strong healthy hair
6. Helps maintain healthy skin
7. Has been used to prevent and treat eczema
8. Considered a brain food as it works with choline in brain cell nutrition
9. Needed, together with choline, for formation of lecithin, a key building block of cell membranes that protects cells from oxidation and forms the protective sheath around the brain
10. Essential component of myelin that coats nerves and regulates nerve transmission, and may help treat nerve disorders
11. Has helped improve nerve function in diabetics who experience pain and numbness arising from nerve degeneration
12. Preliminary research indicates that inositol has a calming effect and may help treat depression, panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder

And why else do I love this? Have dropped at LEAST 5 lbs in the last month. My magnetic rings are loose on my fingers, and one of them fell off. Between this and upping the proteolytic enzyme blends, plus taking the d-limolene essential oils of lemon and orange oil, which also helps in dissolving the fat in the liver and dissolving gallstones, I'm seeing light at the end of the weight loss tunnel.

There are TWO different forms of Inositol, which is Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro Inositol.

The D-Chiro inositol is the one for PCOS and infertility. The combo would mix would be 10 to 1. As in 1000 mg of myo inositol and 100 of d-chiro inositol. In addition, inositol is a lipotropic agent which helps your body remove fats from your organs and blood (Goodbye fatty liver!). While inositol is most commonly thought of for restoring menstrual cycles and fertility, replacing clomiphene or metformin, current research promises a role well beyond these symptoms.

From PCOS Diva | Read More on PCOS Diva

What is inositol? 

Inositol has been a hot topic of discussion for some time. For some background, you can refer to my previous articles, interviews and research here. In a nutshell, inositol is not a drug; it is a class of B-vitamins that naturally occur in many of the foods we consume such as fruits, legumes, vegetables, nuts, buckwheat and beans. 

Two of the 9 forms of inositol (MYO and DCI) have special insulin sensitizing capabilities and are important “second messengers” for insulin receptors. You will notice that supplement dosages of MYO are always higher than for DCI; that is because your body converts MYO into DCI. These inositols are critical players in insulin signaling, and the disruption in this signaling, due to a lack of one or the other, leads researchers to believe that inositol is a key component in insulin resistance. 

Unfortunately, women with PCOS have a breakdown in this process. Our bodies have difficulty converting inositol from our food into MYO and DCI, or we excrete too much DCI and cannot produce enough to replace it. This causes the breakdown in insulin processing. 

As you may know, insulin resistance (IR) triggers increased testosterone. IR and high testosterone are common symptoms in women with PCOS, which cascade into a host of hormone related health issues ranging from difficulty with fertility to acne and hair loss. 

In addition, inositol is a lipotropic agent which helps your body remove fats from your organs and blood. While inositol is most commonly thought of for restoring menstrual cycles and fertility, replacing clomiphene or metformin, current research promises a role well beyond these symptoms.

Both NAC and Inositol are sold in bulk, which is mostly how we buy now.

The D-Chiro form is harder to find in bulk, but the Myo-inositol is easy to find in bulk formula.

Myo-Inositol in bulk:  http://amzn.to/2dgDBdx or eBay: http://ebay.to/2cI8Dus

Order D-Chiro Inositol from here:
There are no added ingredients whatsoever. Any questions can be directed to Anne Seccombe at anne@mypcos.info

Found a D-Chiro here in capsules, and only the capsule has a bad ingredient (hypromellose), and in this case, we would simply empty out the capsule and mix with the myo-inositol in the 10 to 1 ratio.

Remember to BEWARE of Cellulose, Microcrystalline Cellulose and Hypromellose.
Since these are in just the capsules, they can also be RE-encapsulated into safter gelatin capsule.
This product can be emptied out and put in water anyway.

The Inositols are palatable, so encapsulation is unnecessary to begin with. The myo-inositol sweetens the water, and goes down super easy. So you can put both in water and drink right up.

NAC from BulkSupplements: http://amzn.to/2fiEdA9
This should be encapsulated, as it has the sulfur pungent odor. Swanson's has a decent one and is in a gelatin cap. PureBulk.com now has NAC in safer gelatin capsules.

Both NAC and Inositol helps with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

One website summarizes inositol this way:

“Inositol” is a term used to refer to a group of naturally occurring carbohydrate compounds that exist in nine possible chemical orientations called stereoisomers... 

Inositol, particularly myo-inositol and another less common stereoisomer called D-chiro-inositol, plays a critical, but underappreciated, role in insulin signaling. Conditions such as hyperglycemia and diabetes are associated with disrupted inositol signaling, leading many researchers to suggest that this may be a key pathologic feature of insulin resistance. 

Research has shown that...inositol family members help to ameliorate conditions in which insulin resistance plays an important role, especially PCOS.

Both have been mentioned on the various online health summits. We take both inositol and NAC.

I usually take a particular supplement and/or compound and study it for months, and then after the benefits of one is memorized, etc... then I go to another one and am totally amazed all over again.

Leftists Already Putting Out Ads For 'Full-Time Activists' To Fight Trump


Via The Sean Hannity Show

The ad reads in part:

Washington CAN! is our state's oldest and largest Grassroots Non-Profit. We've been organizing and winning on the local and national level for over 35 years on issues such as Racial, Social, and Economic Justice, Health Care, Immigration Reform, Tax Fairness, and a Living Wage for all workers.

We are looking for motivated individuals who are seeking Full-Time, Part-Time, and Permanent positions.

Here's the Craigslist ad:

Right click, open LINK in new tab to view full sized screenshot.

When are y'all going to give up this bullshit?  Trump won! The people have rejected the fascist cunts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Betrayal Series Episode 2: The Leaky Gut Problem, Detection, and Diagnosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Case Studies Of Gut Problems

Episode 2: The Leaky Gut Problem, Detection And Diagnosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Case Studies Of Gut Problems

Episode 2 Overview
  • The importance of healthy gut. 
  • Intestinal permeability explained. 
  • What are the signs of leaky gut?
  • The leaky gut and rheumatoid arthritis connection. 
  • Case studies of patients who experienced gut problems. 
  • The issue with vitamin deficiency and mal absorption. 
  • The vitamin d deficiency connection. 


In this episode, Dr. Tom O’Bryan takes us down the journey of fixing leaky gut problem.  This is a topic that isn’t discussed often but can really a significant impact on your health and well-being.

Some signs you might have leaky gut include:
  • Food Sensitivity
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Thyroid problems
  • Inflammatory skin conditions
  • Arthritis (yes, really!)
  • The most important deficiency for autoimmune diseases is Vitamin D.  You learn why this sunshine vitamin is so important to fight disease.

We recently learned something when it comes to leaky gut because we had no idea that it can cause arthritis. This of course deals with your hands and joints and NOT your stomach.  This is how important it is to control your leaky gut.  In this episode, you will be able to learn how to control this out of control health issue.

So....basically, if your gut is unhealthy, it can and will lead to a number of health disorders.

To learn more about how to fix any leaky gut problems that can cause autoimmune disease and protect your family and loved ones, click here now to grab a copy of the betrayal series.

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Betrayal Series Episode 1: Autoimmune Disease Revealed, The Shocking Truth About Conventional Medicine, Medication Misuse And Abuse And Is Functional Medicine The Answer?

Episode 1: Autoimmune Disease Revealed, The Shocking Truth About Conventional Medicine, Medication Misuse And Abuse And Is Functional Medicine The Answer?

Episode 1 Overview
  • What really is auto-immune disease? 
  • The true impact of auto-immune disease in US and other countries. What is functional medicine and how is it different from conventional medicine? 
  • The facts behind why medication is not the core solution. Inspirational personal case studies of patients being healed by the functional medicine protocols. 
  • Who is Dr. Tom O'Bryan and what's his purpose with the 'Betrayal' documentary series?


In this episode, you learn why our bodies have betrayed us.  It seems like autoimmune disease has caused us to get diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, IBS, brain disease, dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

In episode 1 we learn about ways to reverse these diseases and symptoms.  I used to think this was bull, to be honest with you.  However, it is clear that these diseases can be reversed.  Things like genetic disposition are only part of the reasons we are prone to diseases.

You also learn about patients who have reversed the health problems that most doctors want us to take a pill to fix.  Unfortunately, this is another way to get our money.  They create the problem and they want their pills to be the solution.  Now, assuming the pill does help you with your health problem, you are FORCED to stay on the pill for the rest of your life.

This episode also explains why losing weight has become practical impossible due to an imbalance of gut bacteria and why we get skin disorders.  We also learn why our memory is getting so bad.

The truth is we can’t go to our local doctor’s to get the solution.  Modern medicine doesn’t have the answers.  It LITERALLY can’t help us.

The truth is autoimmune disease is out of control.  What is amazing about this episode is you hear from real patients you may have the same health problems as you or your loved ones and found the solution in an all-natural way.

To listen to these behind the scenes interviews that are too controversial for TV, then click here to own your copy of the Betrayal Series Today.

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Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

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Thoughts & Commentary:

What wasn't mentioned specifically were.. What exactly ARE the "foreign invaders". They were a bit vague on the list of stuff, so.. as always, it's up to me to give examples.

Here's a list...

Vaccines (FOREIGN RNA and DNA of unclean animals and insects, etc...)
Heavy Metals (from vaccines, dental amalgams, chemtrails, etc...)
Chemtrails (and nano tech aka nannites)
GMOs and glysophates
Fluoride and chlorine
Aspartame, Sweet N Low, Splenda and other artifical sweetners
FD & C artificial colors
Cellulose, maltodextrins, hypromellose, "natural flavors" and "flavors" or "flavorings" in foods, etc...
Polyethelene and Propylene glycol and other shit ingredients in personal products, makeup, and food.
And so much more...

Here is a good example list of things to avoid which are ALL FOREIGN to the body...

All of the above which is FOREIGN to the body, which the speakers never touched on specifically.

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