It's been an unbelievable success and changed so many lives of those dealing with the many faces of Autoimmune Disease. Each episode will air for 24 hours, and then the episode will be taken down to make room for the next, so be sure mark your calendar each night so you don't miss a single episode!
This exclusive event starts tomorrow: November 14th at 6:00pm PST and 9:00 pm EST, US Time.
Do you have someone you love suffering with an autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, celiac disease, diabetes, thyroid disease such as graves or Hashimoto’s, dementia or Alzheimer’s? Or are you yourself facing a life-debilitating disease?
These diseases destroy lives, shatter dreams, devastate families and leave you feeling deep shame. It’s heartbreaking. The tragedy we face is that these diseases are so prevalent that you should no longer be asking if, but when will autoimmune disease affect your life or the life or your loved one? The truth is that 1 in 3 people are affected by autoimmune disease. Will it be you or someone you love?
That’s exactly why I am sharing with you this powerful resource that could likely be one of the most valuable gifts you’ve ever been given. For a limited time, in just a few days, my good friend, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, invites you to begin a deeply personal journey with his powerful FREE 7-Part documentary series “Betrayal: the autoimmune disease solution they’re not telling you.”
Click here to watch the trailer now
This documentary is crucial for you whether you want to be proactive and prevent disease or are wanting to reverse a specific autoimmune disease. With over 75 interviews you’re going to hear from experts such as Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mike Adams, Dr Mark Hyman and JJ Virgin as well as doctors and scientists from around the world that Dr. Tom interviewed – from England, Portugal, Italy or Germany.
There are scores of stories of breakthroughs. These are people that have stopped or even reversed their disease! You or your loved ones can have the exact same experience. Get empowered with the true solution to autoimmune disease.
“Doing these interviews has been a privilege and one of the most inspirational experiences of my life. I literally traveled the globe (twice) gathering interviews from the leading minds on autoimmunity.” ~ Dr. Tom O’Bryan
The world’s leading minds say that autoimmunity is the core cause for almost ALL disease, for cardiovascular disease, for CANCER. Even for depression and suicide.
Here are each of the breath-taking episodes you'll have the opportunity to watch each evening:
Nov 14th: Episode 1- The Autoimmune Epidemic: Root Causes and Solutions
Nov 15th: Episode 2- Intestinal Permeability: The Gateway to Autoimmunity
Nov 16th: Episode 3- The Microbiome: Where Health and Disease Begin and End
Nov 17th: Episode 4- Autoimmune Diseases of the Gut: The Role of Food and Digestion
Nov 18th: Episode 5- Environmental Toxins: The Hidden Drivers of Disease
Nov 19th: Episode 6- Autoimmune Diseases of the Brain: A New Approach to Neurology
Nov 20th: Episode 7- Case Studies: Bringing it All Together
Take the opportunity right now to register and share this free resource with your friends and family, so they can experience this transformation with you.
Episode one will lay the foundation for what Autoimmune Disease really is.
Be sure to register to watch and get all of the powerful, life-saving info.
Affiliate Registration:
Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.
Join us as an affiliate for the Betrayal Series!
- Educate your community — the most important bonus!
- Images, sample copy and videos provided
- 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
- No cost to register!
Commentary & Thoughts:
This is OUTSIDE of the Health Talks Online summits, but is hosted by one of HTO's regular speakers (Dr. Tom O'Byran). We have NO idea whether there will be any PDF transcripts. Also, have no idea if there will be daily posts and/or commentary as of yet, like the HTO summits.
Also tomorrow will be Encore Day of The Fat Summit 2, for those who may have missed earlier episodes. See all the other posts, for other links and affiliate opportunity.
Click HERE to Learn More About Owning Betrayal

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